A puppy who fell into a drain was left in a coma in the cold water, and his life was about to end.
①00:00 排水溝に落ちた子犬は冷たい水の中、昏睡状態のままその命は既に燃え尽きようとしていました
②04:14 激しく燃え盛る炎の中、鉄の鎖につながれたままの犬は逃げることも出来ず、、
We will send you a collection of animal rescue videos that received a great response.
①00:00 The puppy that fell into the drain was in a coma in the cold water, and its life was already about to end.
②04:14 Amidst the intense flames, the dog was still chained to iron chains and could not escape.
An inspiring animal rescue document.世界の動物保護団体が実際に行った感動の動物救助ドキュメンタリーをお届けします
#animalcruelty #animal rescue
①00:00 排水溝に落ちた子犬は冷たい水の中、昏睡状態のままその命は既に燃え尽きようとしていました
②04:14 激しく燃え盛る炎の中、鉄の鎖につながれたままの犬は逃げることも出来ず、、
We will send you a collection of animal rescue videos that received a great response.
①00:00 The puppy that fell into the drain was in a coma in the cold water, and its life was already about to end.
②04:14 Amidst the intense flames, the dog was still chained to iron chains and could not escape.
An inspiring animal rescue document.世界の動物保護団体が実際に行った感動の動物救助ドキュメンタリーをお届けします
#animalcruelty #animal rescue