Shortland Street 8029 15th October 2024

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00:00Previously on Shortland Street.
00:02Oh no, no!
00:04A missing bird and a guilty-looking ornithophobic pharmacist.
00:07Be honest with Madonna before this gets out of hand.
00:11How is everything, you know?
00:12Cancer-wise, it's still there.
00:15But it won't just go away if you ignore it anymore.
00:17It's just a little bit of tumor humor.
00:19No need to be so prescient.
00:21You need to show some respect and apologize to the patient.
00:23What is wrong with you?
00:24Do it! Say sorry!
00:25Get out of my theater!
00:31Shortland Street
00:38Oh, what's this?
00:40How'd the PET scan go?
00:42Your PET scan.
00:43I've been busy.
00:45Are you okay?
00:46Yeah, I got kicked out of surgery.
00:49It was a misunderstanding. It's nothing.
00:53But the PET scan?
00:55Yeah, it's booked for later this week.
00:57It got bumped or something.
00:59What happens?
01:00But this is urgent.
01:01I'm no more important than anyone else.
01:03You aren't to me, so when's it happening?
01:05Later this week, I told you.
01:06Okay, how much later?
01:07Billy, mālo lo!
01:09No, the scan will tell you if it's spread.
01:12What your options are.
01:14Every day counts.
01:17Alright, it's under control.
01:19Is it?
01:20Billy, I'm getting enough grief.
01:23Okay, I don't need it from you, too.
01:25Grief from who?
01:26Forget it.
01:28My big, bald mate.
01:30That's who.
01:31He sent you out of theatre?
01:34I'm busy.
01:38What's wrong?
01:39Seena keeps brushing me off whenever I talk about treatment and stuff.
01:43Maybe she just wants to focus on work while she's on duty.
01:46Yeah, well, she just needs to get moving on it, that's all.
01:50Sorry, how are things with you?
01:52One more op and then home time.
01:54What stink surgery has Drew given you now?
01:57Routine appendicectomy.
01:59You can do that in your sleep.
02:00He's still punishing you.
02:02He's still hurting.
02:03Doesn't mean he can take it out on you at work.
02:05I think he's calming down.
02:06He better, before everyone wants to know what's going on.
02:08Billy, it's okay.
02:10I can handle Drew.
02:19Doesn't he have such beautiful feathers.
02:22We have to name him.
02:24Yes, right, of course.
02:26Any suggestions?
02:29Ooh, what about Jonesy?
02:31Keep the pirate theme going.
02:33Davy Jones.
02:35Very clever.
02:36What do you think, Jonesy?
02:39He likes it.
02:41Then Jonesy it is.
02:43More milk.
02:44Yeah, it's good for you.
02:45Did you know that milk contains nutrients essential for brain health?
02:49Parrots have good brains.
02:50Do you know how intelligent they are?
02:52It is quite unnerving, yes.
02:55I still feel so guilty about that.
02:58I've read up about them.
03:00Parrots need constant stimulation.
03:02The lady at the pet store recommended toys.
03:04What do you think?
03:05Um, I...
03:07Are you okay?
03:08Yeah, fine, fine.
03:10Just overwhelmed, I think.
03:12You've really gone the extra mile.
03:14Oh, no.
03:15Did I get a replacement too quickly?
03:19You didn't get long to properly grieve.
03:22I don't want you to think I'm being disrespectful.
03:24I could never think that.
03:26Are you sure?
03:28That's a relief.
03:34Evening, Jonesy.
03:36I'm just going to leave your toys here.
03:42Can you reach them?
03:43Yeah, all right.
03:44All right.
03:51Oh, thank God.
03:53You okay?
03:56I am now.
03:57God, I couldn't bear it.
03:59You're all alone with a cop.
04:01It's best if you stayed here with Billy.
04:04Is he all right?
04:06Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
04:07He's fast asleep.
04:08Does it know you were arrested?
04:10I wasn't.
04:12Sure as I felt like it.
04:13I was happy to cooperate.
04:15Baby, come on.
04:16Okay, well, not happy.
04:18Yeah, but they've got a job to do.
04:20Of course they've got questions.
04:22So what were your answers?
04:24Same as I've already told them,
04:26which was enough for them to let me come home anyway.
04:30What was it like?
04:31Pretty tiring.
04:33Have you heard from Detective Te Fuki?
04:35What, does he want to question you again too?
04:37Yeah, tomorrow.
04:39Okay, I'll go with you.
04:41I've already told him there's nothing to tell.
04:44You'll be fine.
05:02Atamari e.
05:04Atamari e.
05:05I seem to have slept through my alarm.
05:07I'm surprised you got any sleep at all
05:09the way you were tossing and turning last night.
05:11I'm just stressed.
05:13About work.
05:15That's no good.
05:18Well, do you know the best way to beat stress?
05:21The other best way.
05:24A good long bike ride?
05:25I'm a tad tired, to be honest.
05:27Well, I was thinking more spending quality time
05:30with a beloved family pet.
05:32Oh, yes, of course.
05:35Good old Jonesy.
05:37Well, I'm in a hurry, so you can feed him his breakfast.
05:39It's all there, freshly prepared.
05:41The dried fruit and nuts to liven up the birdseed.
05:44That's hardly fair.
05:46You did all the work.
05:47Why should I get to feed him?
05:49Because you deserve it for being so understanding
05:52after I let you down.
05:53You really didn't.
05:54Yes, I did.
05:56But it's all fixed now.
05:59Now that we have our new little bestie.
06:14Yeah, I can do this.
06:21Oh, I can do this.
06:23I can do this.
06:25I can do this.
06:28Hello, Jonesy.
06:42Yeah, yeah, yep, yep.
06:46Uh, seems we've got some issues here.
06:49Uh, shortness of breath and lightheadedness.
06:52Uh, sorry, who's that?
06:54Mrs. Walkinshaw, your appendectomy from last night.
06:57Blood pressure's a bit low, too.
07:00Okay, something's definitely not right.
07:03Have you got a minute?
07:04Is it urgent?
07:05Not exactly, just to post up problems with Mrs. Walkinshaw.
07:08Then you don't need me.
07:09I'm prepping for a triple bypass.
07:10I didn't say that on the list.
07:12Keep up to date.
07:14Do you need me to assist?
07:15I've got Jackson.
07:16He's been here for like a week.
07:18Are you questioning me?
07:22Nice attitude.
07:24Drew's just busy.
07:25Mm, busy being a jerk.
07:28You feeling okay?
07:29Should you really be working?
07:30Can we just focus on the patient, please?
07:38Hey, do you know if Nicole's rostered on today?
07:41No idea, sorry.
07:42Apparently the police questioned her for hours and hours.
07:45It must have been awful.
07:46I should try and call her.
07:48Hold on.
07:49I want to talk to her anyway.
08:03Where are you?
08:06That's good.
08:07Did you need something?
08:09Just checking if you're all rostered on today.
08:12I need a top team for a triple bypass.
08:15No, not today.
08:17I'm pretty exhausted.
08:19I bet.
08:20What do they even hope to gain going over this stuff over and over again?
08:23I don't know.
08:24I'm just trying to think.
08:26What do they even hope to gain going over this stuff over and over again?
08:29I don't know.
08:31I'm just waiting on forensic this, forensic that.
08:35I didn't see Cassie and the cat this morning.
08:38No, it's her turn at this station.
08:40She's helping them with their inquiries.
08:44Maeve's with her.
08:45She'll be okay.
08:47Are you okay?
08:49Yeah, I'm good.
08:51It's just...
08:53It's a lot.
08:55You're not okay.
08:56No, I am.
08:59I better go.
09:00That's Knox.
09:10Look, I hate you.
09:11It's irrational, I know, but that's just the situation.
09:15However, I can change it.
09:17I know I can because it's not your fault that you're a bird.
09:20You can't help it.
09:22You'll never be anything more than an evil little...
09:26You are just a small lovebird, and I can do this.
09:33I can do this.
09:37You're just a little guy, and I can do this.
09:40I can do this.
09:46Here we go, nice and calm.
09:53Oh my God, what have I done?
10:03You're welcome.
10:05You shouldn't be here.
10:07Why not?
10:08You know why not.
10:09Nick, we're over all that.
10:11We are.
10:12Maeve and Harper, I'm not so sure.
10:15We're always going to be mates, Nick.
10:17My mate was upset.
10:18It's just a moment, okay?
10:20Just having to relive every second in graphic detail.
10:28When's the funeral?
10:29Her body isn't being released.
10:31Ah, right.
10:32So you can ask what happened.
10:34Don't need to.
10:35That's why you're here, isn't it?
10:38You sure about that?
10:39A woman's dead.
10:41I know.
10:42A horrible accident.
10:43People are treating it as more than that.
10:45Because, and I'm sorry, trigger warning,
10:48she had it coming.
10:51After what she did to you,
10:53she would have done any crazy thing to get her hands on Knox.
10:57I think so, yeah.
10:59So she did it to herself.
11:01You don't need to feel sorry for her.
11:02Maybe not.
11:03I still wish I could have saved her life.
11:08Oh, hi.
11:11Well, you got the shorter version than me.
11:15Yeah, so we bumped into her on the way back.
11:19I thought you were at work.
11:21Took a moment to check on a friend.
11:23Me too.
11:25Is Knox okay?
11:26Yeah, he's just having a snap.
11:29Yeah, thanks.
11:30So that weren't too harsh on Cassie?
11:33Oh, just repetitive.
11:35You know, questions about the same details over and over
11:37as if they wanted her to make a mistake changes story.
11:40Did she?
11:42Rock solid.
11:43What happened is what happened.
11:45How's the pain now, June?
11:48Is it my appendix?
11:49No, that was taken out last night.
11:52What's wrong?
11:53I just have to chat to my colleagues, but we'll get you sorted out.
11:57Don't go.
11:58It's okay.
11:59I'll be right back, I promise.
12:04Hey, any better?
12:06Worse, actually.
12:07Is Drew free?
12:08Yeah, so free he left the building.
12:11He said he was busy.
12:12I'll call him.
12:13No, he must have something important on.
12:16He's still on duty so he can drag his lazy butt back here
12:18where he's needed.
12:19Well, don't pick a fight in my account.
12:21He's been getting away with murder.
12:27There's that lead.
12:28We need to get back into theatre.
12:36Come on, mate.
12:38Come on, Jonesy.
12:41Wake up now.
12:48Oh, God, come on, come on.
13:04Hey, what's happening?
13:07Selena said you might need a hand.
13:09Yes, there's a bleed but I can't locate it.
13:12Well, a fresh pair of eyes might help.
13:14For sure.
13:15Do you want to talk me through while I have a little look?
13:19Routine laparoscopic appendectomy performed by me last night.
13:23No problems in the operation, but this morning developed abdominal pain
13:27and became hypertensive.
13:28So you realised it was a bleed?
13:30Not straight away.
13:31I was about to book the CT.
13:33Can I get some suction just here, please?
13:35I thought a bleed could be possible or an infection,
13:38but then Mrs. Walkinshaw deteriorated and I had to reopen.
13:41And then you saw this bleed?
13:44See there?
13:45There's a small laceration to the bowel.
13:49My guess is the surgeon nicked it while removing the appendix.
13:52What do you think?
13:53I think you could be right.
13:55That's a pretty basic error, Phil.
13:57I'm so sorry.
13:58Okay, well, let's debrief later.
14:00Let's get this sorted.
14:10You have to help me.
14:11I'm guessing this is more bird trouble.
14:13I set Davey free, but Madonna got a replacement, Jonesy.
14:18So you owned up.
14:19If only you knew.
14:24I killed him.
14:26Not on purpose.
14:27What happened?
14:28I tried to make friends.
14:29I got a hold of him and then I freaked out.
14:31I lost it and I threw him.
14:35You threw...
14:36Oh, what a way to go.
14:38Don't judge me, please.
14:40What does Madonna know?
14:42You have to tell her.
14:44She'll think I meant to do it.
14:45Why would she think that?
14:46You just did.
14:48Nazo, please, you have to help me dispose of the body.
14:51I thought we could put it in the medical waste.
14:56It seemed the cleanest way to dispose of a body.
14:59I have surgery in five minutes.
15:01No, no.
15:03Just do it quickly.
15:04And tell Madonna everything.
15:08Can I show you the latest photos of Jonesy?
15:11Can I stop you?
15:13He looks exactly the same as the first one.
15:15Well, yes, basically, but I'm sure once you get to know him,
15:19you'll spot the subtle differences.
15:21Something to look forward to?
15:23I'm trying really hard here, Selena,
15:25to find a fun, common interest for Thad and I.
15:28You don't even like birds, though, do you?
15:30Well, I am trying to.
15:33Wait, I haven't even asked about you.
15:35Get it over with.
15:36Has Dr. Perry talked to you about your scan?
15:39It's been delayed.
15:41The PET scan?
15:42Till when?
15:45That's no good, to leave you hanging like that.
15:46I'll cope.
15:47Anyway, have we got the blood results for Ms. Casares yet?
15:50Yes, sadly.
15:51That bad?
15:52She's showing a marked deterioration.
15:56The palliative care team is with her now.
15:58It's a tragedy.
15:59She's only 30.
16:00She did everything right, got tested straight away.
16:06It's just so unfair.
16:08No one ever said that life was fair.
16:13I get it, we make mistakes,
16:15but it's our job as surgeons to minimize the risks.
16:17Of course.
16:18And your patient endured unnecessary suffering and anguish.
16:21And any unexpected return to surgery,
16:23it disrupts the surgical list and strains hospital resources.
16:28I understand.
16:30Mrs. Walkinshaw?
16:32She should be back on track for recovery now.
16:35No thanks to me.
16:37What's that?
16:38I lacerated her bowel when I removed her appendix.
16:42Well, there's some land, I hope.
16:44I'm mortified.
16:45Don't be so hard on yourself.
16:47It's good to be.
16:48We should all be.
16:49We are working as hard as we can.
16:51It's just, like, cut some slack.
16:53Slack? We don't do slack, not in this hospital.
16:55Oh, but we sure do bullying.
16:57Excuse me?
16:59Maybe Phil wouldn't be making all those mistakes
17:01if Drew wasn't so hard on her.
17:03What's this?
17:05Get real, Phil.
17:06Hey, you.
17:07I've had zero support from him lately.
17:09And nothing but attitude.
17:10You're exaggerating.
17:12Be a victim.
17:13I'm nobody's victim, okay?
17:15Don't listen to her.
17:19Are you serious about this?
17:20Hell yeah.
17:21And you need to sort it out.
17:29What's this about you giving Esther a hard time?
17:32Balls have ears around here.
17:33And Esther's have big mouths.
17:36Forgotten already?
17:38Or is there other stuff on your mind?
17:40I'm just trying to enjoy my coffee in peace.
17:42Look here.
17:43Backing off.
17:45Your head will be more together once you've had your scan.
17:47And you've got a funny way of backing off.
17:49Disappearing now.
17:55Hey, Selena speaking.
17:57No, that doesn't work for me.
18:05He's gone, Thaddeus.
18:08Breathe deep.
18:10Everything is fine.
18:13It's just me.
18:15It's just me.
18:24No, no, no, no, no, no!
18:27Thad, what is it?
18:29He's come back from the dead.
18:31To haunt me.
18:32Excuse me?
18:33Or else it's the other one, returned to avenge his brother.
18:36I will never be free.
18:44Phil, I just wanted to check.
18:46You have been assigned an inguinal hernia repair.
18:49Ah, yes, I'm heading there now.
18:51Followed by a skin lesion removal.
18:54And yesterday, it was pretty much one routine procedure after another,
18:58including that appendectomy.
18:59Am I right?
19:00I guess.
19:01OK, what's going on?
19:02What do you mean?
19:03Well, something is up.
19:04First, Selena says that Drew's giving you a hard time.
19:06Not true.
19:07And then he saddles you with all this basic work.
19:09Well, clearly, I need the practice.
19:11I messed up with Mrs. Walkinshaw.
19:13Which Drew declined to help you with.
19:15He was busy.
19:16Not that busy, I checked.
19:17Well, you can't expect the HOD to drop everything
19:19just because the junior surgeon can't get her act together.
19:21Well, actually, yes, I do expect that, and so should you.
19:24I get that you are being loyal, but if there is a problem, I need to know.
19:28You can tell me.
19:30There's nothing to tell.
19:31Can I go now, please?
19:32I've got a hernia to repair.
19:37Or an ethophobia.
19:39Yes, sorry.
19:41Why didn't you just tell me you were scared of birds?
19:44I get anxious talking about it.
19:46Do you know where the phobia came from?
19:49Oh, well, it's a traumatic memory.
19:54Did something happen when you were little?
19:57I was only six.
19:59You can tell me.
20:01The swans, they, uh...
20:05Oh, God, the honking, the flapping of wings.
20:08I can't, I can't, I'm sorry, I can't.
20:10Ben, it's OK.
20:12I should be over this, Madonna.
20:16I never meant to actually hurt him.
20:18I feel terrible.
20:20It sounds like you have PTSD.
20:23From birds.
20:24Silly, isn't it?
20:27Can I let you in on a little secret?
20:31Of course.
20:32I don't like birds either.
20:34You don't?
20:36I thought you loved Davy and Jonesy.
20:38I thought you loved them.
20:41And you were making an effort with them for my sake.
20:44And you were making an effort for me.
20:46That's love.
20:48So it is.
20:51Ah, let your lovebirds kill me now.
20:54Do, uh, do you like birds, Selena?
20:57Yeah, look, it's Davy.
20:59It's Davy.
21:00Davy, I thought he'd flown the coop.
21:02Yeah, he came back.
21:04He likes you.
21:06No, he doesn't, he's giving me the evils.
21:08Yeah, that's, that's birds for you.
21:11So what's so good about having birds in cages?
21:14Well, companionship, and they're pretty.
21:19Nice try, but you're not palming off your bird on to me.
21:23Well, then you'd better find him another home.
21:28Don't look at me like that.
21:39What have you been saying to Esther?
21:41What do you mean?
21:42She wants a meeting with both of us tomorrow morning about how you're being treated.
21:45It's nothing to do with me.
21:46You ran to the boss and complained, admit it.
21:49It wouldn't be the first time you've stabbed me in the back.
21:51There it is.
21:52Well, you mess up my marriage first, now you screw him with me at work.
21:54No, I'm not.
21:55You know what?
21:56I have got enough crap going on right now.
21:58I don't need to deal with this.
21:59It's just it, Drew.
22:00You're not dealing with anything at home or at work.
22:03Is that what you told Esther?
22:05No, I defended you.
22:06Yeah, right.
22:07I am sick of this.
22:08I've been treated like dirt all week.
22:09I'm not taking all the heat for your messed up marriage.
22:11It was messed up by you.
22:12And by your wife.
22:13Shut up.
22:14No, you shut up.
22:15I'm not taking it anymore.
22:16Ghost hopping to Esther again.
22:17I promise you, you will regret it.
22:19Keep making threats like that and you'll regret it.
22:21Harper's the one that betrayed you.
22:23So don't get angry at me.
22:27You've got every damn right to be angry with you.
22:30You want to tell the world?
22:31Is that it?
22:32You betrayed me just as much as Harper did.
22:33I'm not your damn wife, so don't talk to me about loyalty.
22:35No, but I thought you were my friend.
22:37But I know.
22:38You saw exactly what you want and you went for it.
22:40I was a mess, okay?
22:41I was just out of a toxic relationship.
22:42Yeah, Paul bloody E. Hire, you mean.
22:44Now we know who the toxic one was.
22:46I just had a miscarriage, Jesus Christ.
22:49Harper was there for me, okay?
22:51It's not an excuse, but I was lonely and unhappy.
22:54If I wanted to, I could blow this whole thing up and ruin your career.
22:59You don't want to do that.
23:00You know what? I don't care anymore, Phil.
23:02Tell Esther whatever you want.
23:03You're finished.
23:21You're finished.