Live Dars on 3rd October 2024 by Respectable Syed Amjad Ali Shah Sahib - Tu Hi Tu(360P)

  • 2 days ago
this lecture is about education and training.


00:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:02Allahumma zidhu wa nusalli ila rasoolihi kareem.
00:05Intihai qabili itran sami nivazeen.
00:09Mujt se achi logo. As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
00:14Durood Paak. Allahumma zidhu wa nusalli ila rasoolihi kareem.
00:22Allah the Almighty has mentioned the honor of man in the Qur'an.
00:31In Surah Bani Israel, it is said,
00:37Wa laqad karamna Bani Adam.
00:42We have honored the children of Adam.
00:47In Surah Baqarah, it is said,
00:51Laqad khalaqna al-insana fee ahsan-e-taqweem.
00:58We have created man in a perfect way.
01:03In Surah Baqarah, Ayat 30, it is said,
01:12Inni ja'ilun fil ard-e-khalifah.
01:16We want to make man our deputy on earth.
01:21We have created man in a perfect way.
01:27We have honored him above all creatures.
01:33And then we have declared him our deputy.
01:39In Surah Zariyat, it is said,
01:43Wa ma khalaqtul jinna wal-insa illa liyabudoon.
01:48Allah has not created man for His own worship or any other purpose.
01:57Now, what is the status of man's superiority?
02:05This is mentioned in the Quran.
02:07He is superior to all creatures.
02:09He is the leader.
02:11He is respected.
02:13So, the most important thing for him,
02:22which he was chosen for,
02:25by giving him so much honor,
02:27by giving him so much status,
02:30was to worship Allah.
02:34He was chosen for this.
02:38By giving him so much status,
02:40that whoever prostrates in front of me,
02:44how noble he is.
02:46How great he is.
02:48That is, how great he is who is prostrating.
02:52He is superior to all creatures.
02:54Because as long as he obeys the command of Allah and His Messenger,
02:59he will continue to worship.
03:01If he does not obey,
03:03he will be in the lowest of the low.
03:05He will become an Imam only if he is not a tyrant.
03:10Therefore, all these things indicate that Allah has created man
03:16to be the most noble and to worship Him.
03:21But when worship was entrusted to man,
03:29then the meaning of that worship was also very broad.
03:34It was not that he prayed, fasted, did Hajj, gave Zakat,
03:40and then became free.
03:43In fact, he was also given the responsibility
03:46that he has to obey every command of Allah.
03:49He has to obey every command of the Messenger of Allah.
03:52That is, if he has to pray,
03:54then like the Messenger of Allah.
03:57And if he has to do business,
03:59then like the Messenger of Allah.
04:01That is, worship has been made so extensive
04:05that it is fulfilled.
04:11That apart from worship,
04:13he has no other work.
04:15That is, every worldly work of the world
04:18also becomes worship.
04:20It will happen only then.
04:23That is why so many qualities have been placed in it
04:27that the person who will stand in trouble,
04:30in distress, in trials,
04:33on that command,
04:35and on the command of the Messenger of Allah,
04:38in those things,
04:39in sickness,
04:40in distress,
04:41in poverty,
04:42he will stand.
04:43He will be a Muttaqi.
04:45And according to Allah,
04:47he will be a person of honor.
04:49That is why Allah has said that
04:52we have given you all the qualities
04:55that you can endure so much pain,
04:57you can go through so many trials.
04:59But now that the status has been increased,
05:03so the responsibility has also increased.
05:06And your worship is extensive.
05:08It is not just up to the mosque.
05:11It is in the market,
05:12it is at home,
05:14wherever you will obey the command of Allah and the Messenger of Allah,
05:18then your worship will become every moment.
05:23Now the real thing was that
05:25why was man called so dishonorable
05:28that even the angels used to worship and do.
05:32But the angels do not have any trouble.
05:35There is no test on the angels.
05:38There is no need to look for food for the angels.
05:42By attaching all things to man,
05:46Allah Almighty has proven that
05:49my people will worship in front of me like Hussain.
05:56Like Hussain.
05:59Allah has proven that
06:04my people will not come under the influence of Satan,
06:07nor will they be afraid of troubles,
06:09nor will they be afraid of trials.
06:12Rather, they will continue to fulfill the rights of my worship
06:16in happiness,
06:18in poverty,
06:19in trouble,
06:21in happiness,
06:24The Imam does not become like this.
06:30the task given to man,
06:33the task given to man,
06:35i.e. of his worship,
06:37he kept all these things with him,
06:40and said,
06:41now this thing will become a hurdle,
06:43that thing will become a hurdle,
06:45Satan will become a hurdle,
06:47the need of the world will become a hurdle,
06:51poverty will become a hurdle,
06:53other things will become a hurdle,
06:55but you have to remain firm.
06:58And then the companions did it.
07:01They remained firm.
07:03For thirteen years,
07:07the companions did not face any difficulty.
07:11And how the Prophet was trained.
07:15And he said,
07:16if someone hits you,
07:17if someone slaps you,
07:18you will not even answer.
07:20So for thirteen years,
07:22they faced difficulties,
07:25and the Prophet created so much patience in them,
07:29that they became firm.
07:32And when they became firm,
07:34when they came to Madinah,
07:36when they came to Madinah Sharif,
07:39then the process of worship began,
07:42first the mosque was established in Madinah,
07:45then worship,
07:46first the training was done,
07:48then the knowledge of Shariah was given.
07:51i.e. without training,
07:53there is no value of knowledge,
07:55and without knowledge,
07:57there is no value of training.
08:00Therefore, training is necessary.
08:02The Prophet first trained them for thirteen years.
08:06After that,
08:07he made the rules of Shariah,
08:09that you have to do this.
08:14Therefore, when training starts,
08:16it starts from the house of the mother.
08:19It starts from the mother,
08:20from the house,
08:21from the society.
08:24Training is necessary.
08:26Therefore, the responsibilities given to the Prophet,
08:31in Surah Jumu'ah,
08:34that he should recite the verses of the Qur'an to them,
08:39he should purify their souls,
08:43and he should tell them the hidden things.
08:48So, what were the hidden things?
08:51The verses of the Qur'an are words,
08:56so knowledge is words.
09:00Training is action.
09:06Therefore, the Prophet put the words in his action,
09:11that this is knowledge,
09:12and this is training.
09:16You should pray in the way you taught me.
09:23Therefore, training is necessary,
09:26education is also necessary,
09:28and a person needs to understand his place.
09:31If a person understands his place,
09:35that the place to which Allah has given rewards to man,
09:40here, as time goes by,
09:42there are other matters.
09:45So, those who stand on it,
09:48then Allah Almighty said to them,
09:50that these people are not worried about any sorrow,
10:00there will be no fear on them,
10:02they are my friends.
10:04And then it is said in the Qur'an,
10:07that only Allah knows who is Muttaqi,
10:10and Muttaqi are Allah's friends.
10:14So, only a friend knows a friend.
10:17Therefore, the request is that only Salah,
10:21Salah is a good thing,
10:23fasting is a good thing,
10:25doing Hajj is a good thing,
10:26all of these are great worships,
10:28reciting the Qur'an,
10:29reciting the Qur'an is very important.
10:31However, the order of the Prophet,
10:34the Sunnah,
10:36which you have shown,
10:38how to walk, how to sit,
10:40how to get up,
10:41manners, etiquettes,
10:43that is also a religion.
10:44And when you stand on it,
10:46then a Muslim will become a good person,
10:50and when he becomes a good person,
10:52then his hands and tongue will not harm others.
10:56So, pray to Allah Almighty,
10:59that may Allah enable me and you,
11:01that whatever I have said,
11:02may we be able to act upon it.
11:04Sallallahu ta'ala ala khaliq tulqi Muhammadin
11:07wa alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in
11:09bi rahmatika ya Rabbi.
