• 2 days ago
This lecture is about Amad e Rasool SAW.
Kashif Mag.


00:00May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you.
00:05May the best of the people who are listening and attending be with me.
00:13May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you.
00:19First of all, I would like to congratulate you on your arrival in this month.
00:31Your arrival is a blessing and a blessing for this world.
00:43And then, to go back in this month is a blessing and a blessing for that world.
00:57I would like to talk about a few qualities of the Prophet.
01:09May Allah enable me to speak the truth.
01:16First of all, the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
01:26A famous magician from Yemen came to Mecca.
01:41The Quraish of Mecca said,
01:44There are some effects on our Prophet Muhammad.
01:52So, do something about them.
01:56Because when the Prophet used to say bad things about his idols,
02:00He thought that maybe it was some effect.
02:05So, when he wanted to meet the Prophet,
02:09He was a learned man, a magician.
02:14So, when he came to the Prophet,
02:19He said, I want to recite a mantra to you.
02:26The Prophet said, listen to me first.
02:32We will see after that.
02:35The Prophet said, all praise is for Allah,
02:40From whom we seek help.
02:44And I bear witness that Allah is One,
02:51There is no partner to Him.
02:53And I bear witness that Muhammad is the servant and messenger of Allah.
03:01This is a Hadith of a Muslim.
03:06When he recited the Hadith,
03:08And the way the Prophet is reciting the Hadith,
03:14He said,
03:17This is the magic of the Prophet.
03:20The Prophet said, read it one more time.
03:23The Prophet read it a second time.
03:26The Prophet said, read it one more time.
03:31The Prophet said, read it a third time.
03:34The Prophet said, take my oath of allegiance and I will become a Muslim.
03:38This is the Prophet.
03:41In the Quran, in Surah Baqarah, verse number 121,
03:46When the magician came,
03:49And he faced the Prophet,
03:53He was given a stick as a weapon.
03:59And the magician's rope was eaten.
04:06So that weapon was from Allah.
04:10So he made a difference between magic and miracle.
04:18And he brought the magician Iman.
04:22So this was repeated here.
04:25That the magician came to the Prophet,
04:29But his words, his style,
04:34And his speech was such,
04:37That he was impressed and became a Muslim.
04:42After that, the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
04:49In Surah Duhaa, verse number 3, 4, 5,
04:54Some things were said,
04:57In which,
05:00Some time before, the revelation was stopped on the Prophet.
05:07I will explain the reasons for this later.
05:12So, there was a disbelieving woman,
05:15She even said,
05:18I can't use that word,
05:21Which she said for Allah,
05:24That he has left you.
05:27So, the word Qala,
05:30That was said by that woman,
05:33The disbelieving woman.
05:36Which means to be disillusioned.
05:39So Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
05:42When he said these verses in Surah Duhaa,
05:47Allah used the same word.
05:50And said to the Prophet,
05:53Neither did I leave you,
05:58Nor was I disillusioned with you.
06:02And every moment of yours,
06:06Every moment of yours,
06:09Was better than the first moment.
06:12And I will give you so much,
06:17That you will be happy.
06:20Because the Prophet was disillusioned.
06:23Why was he disillusioned?
06:26Because he was not talking to his friend.
06:29He was talking to his beloved's beloved.
06:34He was not talking to him.
06:37Some time passed.
06:40That is why Allah spoke to him.
06:43And then,
06:46Countless blessings were given to him.
06:49That when you,
06:52When you,
06:55When you,
06:58When you,
07:01When you were looking for a direction,
07:04When you were looking for a direction,
07:07When you were looking for a direction,
07:10I told you.
07:13And when you,
07:16When you were an orphan,
07:19Who made you a poor orphan?
07:22And when you,
07:25And when you,
07:28When you were a poor orphan,
07:31Who made you a poor orphan?
07:34And then,
07:37The Prophet, peace be upon him,
07:40Because he was an orphan,
07:43Because he was an orphan,
07:46Because he was an orphan,
07:49Because he was an orphan,
07:53Because he was an orphan,
07:56We have to set an example so that we do not speak ill of any orphan,
08:08and we do not scold any beggar.
08:11And after that, you can discuss our blessings in general.
08:19This is the verse.
08:23Now, why did this happen? Why did it stop?
08:31The commentators have written a lot of things on this.
08:36So, I think that you, I have given examples before,
08:43When we fast in the summer, the water which is not so important in the normal days,
08:53how much importance does it increase at the time of Iftar?
08:57It increases, doesn't it?
09:01The thirst for that water arises.
09:04To drink that water, a person becomes anxious.
09:10That is why, by stopping the revelation for a while,
09:15they were increasing the thirst of their beloved.
09:20The thirst arises, the anguish arises.
09:25It was already there, but it increased.
09:30That is why.
09:32This was the reason, there was no other reason.
09:35When Allah saw it at that level, then the conversation started.
09:40It is not good for friends to stop talking to each other.
09:47So, the conversation between friends started.
09:53So, all these things were said in that.
09:56See, we did this, we did this to you, we did this.
10:02So, there is no such thing as anger.
10:06And it will never happen.
10:09This is the quality which was available to the Prophet.
10:16In which Allah is addressing the Prophet in this way.
10:24And he is talking.
10:27After that, the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
10:37used to talk to Allah.
10:43In this, there were some matters in which the Prophet was surrounded by two loves.
10:53One love was with Allah.
10:57And the other love was with his creation.
11:02Now, to be in the service and love of the creature all day,
11:08and to stand all night to please him.
11:14Tiredness, exhaustion.
11:19So, when the Prophet used to get tired, he used to lie down.
11:27So, it was said, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
11:31Ya ayyuhal muzzammil.
11:39And it was said, there is no need to stand all night.
11:47Or work with this.
11:51Because we know that when you are in the day,
11:58then even at that time, you are surrounded by our love.
12:04And even at night, this love with a friend is a matter of love.
12:10So, no one loved Allah like the Prophet did.
12:16Muhammad was the only Prophet in the universe.
12:21That is why Allah gave the Prophet a reward in these rewards.
12:29That he was caught by hand and taken away.
12:35Subhanallah zi asra bi abdi.
12:38And where did he go?
12:44No one knows.
12:47And where he was taken, that is where he had to go.
12:52So, pray to Allah.
12:54May Allah give me and you the ability to follow what I have said.
12:59Sallallahu ta'ala ala khair khalqi muhammadin wa alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in.
13:04Mir rahmatika ya rabbi.
