Mi amor sin tiempo Cap 66 Completo - Mi amor sin tiempo Ep 66 Completo

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Mi amor sin tiempo Cap 66 Completo - Mi amor sin tiempo Ep 66 Completo

Mi amor sin tiempo Cap 66 Completo:


00:00No, it can't be.
00:03Oh, it can't be, Mom. You couldn't cause my dad's heart attack.
00:10How is it possible that you prefer to keep an escort?
00:13Verania, please, stop. Don't continue with that.
00:17What I need now is peace and tranquility, and I know I won't have it with you.
00:21Yes, Verania, enough. You heard Sebastian.
00:24Look, honey, don't trust yourself, because now you can give him a lot of peace and tranquility, but he doesn't love you.
00:30And I assure you that of the three, you are the one he cares about the least.
00:34See you later.
00:42Hi. Hi. Renato, Don Federico.
00:46I came to see Sebastian, but I'm glad to see you.
00:51You told me one day that the day my dad had the heart attack, he had spoken to you, but...
00:56I need to know if it's true that he threatened to kill you.
01:01Well, yes, but Gonzalo was very upset.
01:05Yes, that's what they told us, but I need you to tell us what they talked about.
01:09Why did he threaten to kill you?
01:14I'll be there.
01:16I warn you that you must give me an explanation for what you did in the past.
01:20Give me the explanation. What did you do?
01:23You've been seeing my wife, no matter the consequences.
01:26Remember that you prevented me from being happy with Greta.
01:30I... I could...
01:32Look, let's see each other better in 40 minutes.
01:34Just do one thing.
01:36If Fátima or any of my children shed a single tear for what you are doing, I swear I'll kill you.
01:46So it's true.
01:51But he threatened her because he was in crisis, not because he really wanted to.
01:57No, I know.
01:58My dad would have been unable to kill someone.
02:02Thank you for the information.
02:04Are you okay, my girl?
02:08But I prefer the truth to more lies.
02:11See you later.
02:13Excuse me and thank you.
02:15I'm sorry.
02:18Poor Fátima.
02:20It was very uncomfortable to find Fátima and Ane here with you.
02:23They are part of my life, of my story.
02:26Yes, yes, yes. As long as they stay in the past, everything is fine.
02:32Look, I just want you to love me like you once loved them.
02:37I would love for us to have a real opportunity.
02:41Look, let's not lose anything.
02:43Do you think we could?
02:45Carolina, I'm going to be very honest with you.
02:47Very honest with you.
02:49I'm very grateful to Fátima, in addition to loving her, for proving my innocence.
02:54And if we are now apart, it is because we have not yet finished clarifying things.
02:57Yes, but maybe those things will never be clarified.
03:00And maybe they will not be able to be together again, okay?
03:04That's why I ask you to give us a chance.
03:06Let's see, that's all.
03:07Look, I promise you that I will not feel if things do not work out between us.
03:12I can only offer you my friendship.
03:15I accept it.
03:17I just ask you to stay open, do not resist what can happen between us.
03:22Look, I promise you that if it does not happen, there is no resentment.
03:29Can I?
03:30Go ahead.
03:32Good morning.
03:33Good morning.
03:34Are you okay?
03:35No, everything is fine.
03:36Are you sure?
03:46No, no, no.
03:48No, it can not be.
03:51Oh, it can not be, mom.
03:52You could not cause my dad's heart attack.
04:04It can not be.
04:10How did you go?
04:11Mario's baby.
04:13I would have preferred a thousand times that it had been Daniel.
04:16He was so excited to be a father.
04:19We were going to have our baby together, start something new.
04:24Oh, sister, I'm sorry.
04:27And me too.
04:28Because the problems with Mario will not end.
04:31You see, he threatened to take the baby from me.
04:35This quarrel will never end.
04:38And obviously the best thing is that Maca raises the baby.
04:42Because I'm not going to give up this baby like I did with her, huh?
04:45I'm not going to do it.
04:46Come here, come here.
04:47I'm not going to do it.
04:49Oh, what a complicated situation.
04:52Well, I have to go now.
04:54Have a good day.
04:56I'll go with you.
04:57I got a notice that I have to go pick up something down here.
05:01It won't take long.
05:02Excuse me.
05:03Go ahead.
05:06Did you have three women?
05:08No, you don't know how uncomfortable that was.
05:10I can imagine.
05:12I just found out that Barbara wants to do the paternity test with me.
05:16Yes, yes, Trina just told me.
05:19If you agree, I would love to do it now to get to the bottom of all this, please.
05:26Oh, my life is very complicated.
05:28Every day is more and more complicated.
05:34But hey, tell me how you are.
05:37Did you see Sebastian?
05:41Verania and Carolina arrived at the same time.
05:44It was horrible.
05:47But you know what?
05:49At the hospital I met Don Federico and I asked him about the call he made to my dad.
05:53And what did he tell you?
05:55What Carles told us is true.
05:57My dad didn't know you weren't his daughter.
06:01My love, have you already proven that I am the father of your baby?
06:10The baby is not yours.
06:13It's Mario's.
06:24How is it possible that you stole your own baby?
06:27How is it possible that you stole your own mother?
06:31What are you talking about?
06:32Shut up!
06:33You are a thief!
06:34A criminal!
06:35What's going on, mom?
06:37I already found out that you falsified my jewelry and the works of art of this house.
06:41So I don't want to see you here.
06:43Get out.
06:44Get out of my house!
06:45Hey, hey, hey, what's going on?
06:46Why are you screaming?
06:47It's heard all over the house.
06:48Because your brother believed that he was never going to realize that he was stealing from me.
06:52He sold the original paintings and jewelry and replaced them with fake ones.
06:57With fake ones!
06:58They are worthless!
06:59Did you do that, Pablo?
07:01Of course not.
07:02Don't lie, don't lie.
07:04They already checked the paintings and the jewelry and they are all fake.
07:08Pablo, this is inconceivable.
07:09What's wrong with you?
07:10I said no.
07:11You are a thief.
07:12You allied yourself with Mauro, right?
07:14With Mauro, the one who came in to steal from Maggie's house.
07:17The one who was killed.
07:19Let's see, was Mauro the friend you told me you had killed that had saved you by miracle?
07:23No, no, no.
07:24That's another one, that's another one.
07:25I don't believe you.
07:26I don't believe you at all.
07:27And I'm very sure that you participated in the theft of Maggie's house.
07:31You are a shame for this family, really.
07:36I'll call you in a little while.
07:37Federico is coming.
07:38But I also love you very much, friend.
07:42Woman, where are you?
07:44What did you have to come to pick up?
07:47My laboratory studies.
07:49I got the notification on the phone.
07:52Look at them.
07:58What a joy, my love.
08:05You're wrong, Mom.
08:06You can't think that I was part of the thefts that Mauro and his friends did.
08:09How can I think?
08:10Because with you I go from disappointment to disappointment.
08:13Because you defrauded my confidence.
08:15And because I also believe you capable of everything.
08:17Mom, I swear...
08:18Don't swear at me.
08:19Don't swear at me at all.
08:21But one thing if I tell you.
08:22If the jewels that I have in the safe of the bank you also falsified.
08:26I'm going to disinherit you, Pablo.
08:28And you will never see a piece of the family again.
08:31Mom, please don't tell me this.
08:33You can't disinherit me.
08:34You can't disempower me.
08:35Without your support, without living in this house, what am I going to do?
08:37I don't know.
08:38I don't know.
08:39That's not my problem, son.
08:40It's yours.
08:42Also, now I'm sure that the bracelet that Carra brought the first time you brought it to the house was mine.
08:50Can you tell her something?
08:51Can you tell her not to be so cruel?
08:53Don't talk about cruelty.
08:54You and my mom are the same.
08:55They are experts in that.
08:57Many of the quarrels you had were because of the excesses you gave her all the time, mom.
09:00For never putting limits on her.
09:02Look, there are the results.
09:03Look at it.
09:04Alcoholic and good for nothing.
09:26Let me tell you one thing.
09:28Pack your things and leave my house now.
09:30And get out of my house.
09:40Son, what's wrong? What's wrong with you?
09:46The baby that Barbara is waiting for is not my son.
09:49Oh, son, I'm very sorry.
09:52I know how excited you were to be a father.
09:56But you also knew that this possibility existed.
10:00Sit down, son.
10:02Yes, grandfather, but ...
10:05One thing is to suppose, and another thing is to check.
10:13I was sure that this duty was mine.
10:16I thought we were going to form a family together.
10:20And you don't know how I thought I would forget Mario.
10:24No, no, no, no, no.
10:26I am not responsible for the parasite that has become this.
10:28Oh, love.
10:30He didn't know how to value what I gave him.
10:32And I, naively, of course, thought that one day he was going to become a good man.
10:36But of course not. I was wrong.
10:38No, mom, mom. You are not only responsible for that, huh?
10:41You are responsible for many worse things.
10:43No, no, I don't allow you, Camila.
10:45What don't you allow, mom?
10:47That we don't tell you the truth? You don't allow that?
10:49No, let's see.
10:51Let's see, everyone has their truth.
10:53Are you blaming me for Pablo's actions?
10:56Is he a little boy? Do you see him little?
10:58Of course not.
11:00He is responsible for what he does.
11:02Also, you know, get out of here.
11:04I'm not talking to you.
11:06That's one thing with your brother.
11:08Get out of here.
11:10And one thing if I tell you, huh?
11:12Pack up and get out of my house.
11:14Oh, son.
11:16Do you think you can handle it?
11:19That's it, mom.
11:22Do you want to accept it as I accept Marco?
11:26Yes, I do.
11:28I just expected him to become more barbaric.
11:31And at the same time that she got away from Mario.
11:37Daniel, son.
11:39Let me tell you something.
11:41Mario will always be a ghost between Barbara and you,
11:45regardless of that baby.
11:48And you have to learn to live with that.
11:53That's not true, grandfather.
11:54No, no, it is.
11:56And you know it.
11:58And look, even if you don't want to admit it,
12:00this is the price you have to pay
12:03for loving your cousin's wife.
12:06For putting your eyes on her
12:09when you were still her wife.
12:11Grandpa, again with that?
12:13Yes, yes, I'll always tell you.
12:16This is your story.
12:18My dad will die again
12:20if he finds out what Pablo did.
12:22Sister, my dad didn't die.
12:24He died telling him I wasn't his daughter.
12:26I'm so angry, I want to tell him in his face.
12:28I know, but remember
12:30that we agreed not to mention any of this
12:32until after talking to Carmen
12:34and doing the DNA test.
12:36Well, if the Mendes accept it.
12:38Yes, I know, but my mom and Pablo have been so low.
12:41I'm so angry.
12:43I know, I know, I swear to you too.
12:45But look, I think Pablo still has remedies
12:47and decides to change.
12:49Oh, brother.
12:51Now the family is breaking up.
12:52I'm leaving the village.
12:54Pablo, who knows what he'll do.
12:56And you, you still don't decide.
12:58Well, at least we have each other
13:00and we are united.
13:02Because I don't want to be next to my mom and Pablo.
13:04No, no, me neither.
13:06Oh, I'm so sad.
13:08All the sacrifice my dad made
13:10to keep us together all the time was useless.
13:13And that baby
13:15won't be the only obstacle
13:17that tests their relationship.
13:19The war between Mario and Barbara
13:22will always be, son.
13:25He will never forgive his betrayal.
13:30Dad is right.
13:32So you have to be honest with yourself
13:35and ask yourself,
13:37my love for her is so great,
13:39it is so strong
13:41to overcome all these adversities that come.
13:48Renata, did something happen to Sebastian?
13:50No, no, no, he's fine.
13:52I call you because Federico
13:54agreed to do the DNA test with Barbara.
13:57Oh, Renata,
13:59thank you very much for convincing Federico.
14:01Today more than ever
14:03I need to know that my dad was Gonzalo.
14:05Well, you'll know soon.
14:07Oh, and one more thing,
14:09I need to talk to you about my relationship with Federico.
14:13No, Renata, there's no need, don't worry.
14:15Look, Jesus already told us and...
14:17Well, although I didn't like you lying to me,
14:20I understand why you did it.
14:22We all want to get to the truth about my mom
14:24and everyone did what they could to achieve it.
14:27Thank you for your understanding.
14:29I send you a kiss.
14:31Oh, kiss.
14:34Oh, now I'm going to know.
14:37And I guess right now I can't do anything
14:39until the baby is born.
14:41That's right,
14:43but as soon as it is born we can fight the custody.
14:45We will do that.
14:47I just want you to be very clear
14:49that to win this battle
14:50we have to prove
14:52that Barbara is an incompetent mother
14:54and that means
14:56that we are going to enter a dirty war with her.
14:59Yes, Juan, it may be,
15:01but there is also the possibility
15:03that with a little pressure and blackmail
15:05Barbara will give birth to that baby
15:07as she did with Maca, right?
15:09With Maca things were very different
15:11because despite her short age
15:13she wanted to live with you
15:15but being a baby that can't express itself
15:17things are more difficult.
15:18That's why we have to make use
15:20of anything that pollutes your ex-wife.
15:23The only thing that matters to me
15:25are my children
15:27and I want them to grow up together and with me.
15:29I don't want them to carry the same blood
15:31and end up looking like strangers
15:33for not growing up in the same house.
15:37There is still time for it to be born
15:39but I will prepare the case.
15:41It is better to be prepared.
15:43You have to put together a good and forceful strategy, Damián,
15:45but the two have to live with me, yes,
15:46or yes.
15:48Perfect, Carmen.
15:50Fatima and I are going over there.
15:54Well, I'm in a hurry.
15:56I'm going to get my bag and we'll go.
15:58Let's go.
16:02Please help me.
16:04I need money to go to a hotel,
16:06rent an apartment or something.
16:10No, Pablo, I don't have money
16:12and even if I did, I wouldn't give it to you.
16:14I'm sure you don't have a hotel
16:16or an apartment.
16:18Barbara, I swear I don't.
16:20You told me you were going to sell the jewels.
16:22Give it to me.
16:24Give it to me.
16:26I give you my word that I will use it for something worthy,
16:28to eat, to rent something.
16:30Pablo, no, I can't.
16:32Because I'm not going to give you all I have.
16:34Why? Because I don't trust you.
16:36Fatima, please help me.
16:38Lend me money.
16:40I swear I'll pay you.
16:42Are you sure you can do it?
16:43Of course I can.
16:45The one who doesn't take risks doesn't win, Victoria.
16:47I know, but I know you.
16:49Jealous, jealous, what are you?
16:51Fatima's presence in Sebastian's life
16:53will always be a shadow between you two.
16:56Well, I'm not going to let it be.
16:58I have to take advantage of the fact that they are still apart
17:01to help you, Reino.
17:03I hope you can do it.
17:05Because I really want to see you happy.
17:07I'm going to do everything I can
17:09so that Fatima stops being a rival to me.
17:10Yes, when are you going to pay me?
17:12When you get a job worthy of you
17:14with your great resume?
17:16Something's going to come out, I don't know.
17:18Pablo, listen to me.
17:20If you want my financial support, I'll give it to you.
17:22But only so you can go to a detoxification clinic
17:24of all your addictions.
17:26Back to the same thing.
17:28I like to drink, I like to play, but I'm not an alcoholic.
17:30I'm not a nudist.
17:32Yes, you are, you are.
17:34For God's sake!
17:36Even if you don't recognize it, you're not, Pablo.
17:38You're sick.
17:40So you tell me what you decide.
17:44Let's go.
17:46And don't even look for my jewelry.
17:48They're well hidden.
17:50I know they were my brothers, that I counted on you.
17:52I see that you don't care what happens to me.
17:54Thank you, thank you.
17:57Let's see, I know this situation hurts us.
17:59But Pablo needs a hard hand,
18:01otherwise he won't learn.
18:03Come on.
18:05Let's go.
18:07I'm going to get my bag and let's go.
18:08They're like this.
18:10What can we do?
18:12We're going to hurt him.
18:14I'm sorry, I swear I'm sorry.
18:16Mom, where are you going with those cookies?
18:18To the hospital.
18:20To see Federico and Sebastian.
18:22I asked Cata to make them for me.
18:24I'm sure they'll love them.
18:26Mom, don't waste your time, please.
18:28Renata is with Mr. Federico.
18:30And how do you know?
18:32Because I just saw them together.
18:34It's obvious they reconciled, Mom.
18:36That can't be.
18:38Federico can't get back with that woman.
18:41The one I can't get back with is you.
18:43You don't deserve anyone who loves you.
18:45Can you tell me what's wrong with them?
18:48Why are they so aggressive with me?
18:50You'll know soon, Barbara.
18:52Soon, soon, very soon.
18:57And now what the hell did these girls get?
19:02And now I'm going to get out of doubt about Renata.
19:08I'm sorry.
19:26You were always right, Sebastian.
19:29You were the first to doubt her and not believe her version of the facts.
19:33I'm sorry, I know what this means to you.
19:36Your mother accused me of being Gonzalo's lover.
19:40But I give you my word
19:42that between Gonzalo and I there was only a beautiful friendship
19:46until the day he died.
19:48And the picture my mom's friend took of you and my dad in arms?
19:53I don't deny that a few days before
19:56your dad left this world
19:59he told me he was going to divorce Greta
20:02and that he wanted our friendship to become something more.
20:06So my dad had decided to leave my mom?
20:10Yes, he tried several times.
20:13He never could.
20:15For him, the union of the family was his priority.
20:20When he found out that Greta didn't care about his health
20:24and that he accompanied him to Houston just to get ready
20:29and buy his new clothes,
20:31that's when he made the decision.
20:33Because of my dad.
20:35This piece is called Censo, it's beautiful.
20:38Is it available?
20:40Yes. I didn't know if you were here or at the hospital.
20:43But I'm glad to see you.
20:45Good afternoon, Greta. I'm working. Can you wait for me, please?
20:49No, I can't.
20:51Excuse me.
20:52Don't worry.
20:53Excuse me.
20:54Go ahead.
20:55I know you came to see Fatima, but it's obvious you didn't.
20:58I came to see you
20:59and tell you that you're not staying with Federico because he's mine.
21:03Only mine.
21:05Greta, I don't think this is the time or the place to talk about that.
21:09I'm working.
21:14Gonzalo suffered a lot because of Greta's heartbreak.
21:17I think the most difficult moment for him
21:20was when he found out that his mom loved someone else.
21:24That's why they broke up.
21:26If he came back with her, it was because you were on your way, Fatima.
21:33My mom always said they broke up because he was involved with another woman.
21:40No, no, no, no, no. It wasn't like that.
21:43I was that other woman.
21:46I assure you that nothing happened between us at that time either.
21:50Gonzalo was devastated when he found out the truth.
21:54He felt used by Greta.
21:57It was a great pain for him.
22:00I don't care what you're doing.
22:03I'm here to warn you that if you interfere between Federico and me,
22:08you're going to have to face the consequences.
22:11I'm not interfering between you two.
22:14Federico is free and he chose me.
22:17No, no.
22:19He's looking at your face, honey.
22:22What do you think?
22:24He asked me to be his wife.
22:27Oh, please, Greta.
22:29If Federico doesn't believe in marriage...
22:31I mean, he'll be with you because he does want to marry me.
22:35Well, if that's the case, what are you worried about?
22:38You're warned, Renata.
22:40If you get in our way, you'll regret it.
22:48I'm sorry to say this, but they asked me for the truth.
22:53No, don't worry.
22:55Your version only confirms the version that my aunt Ana,
22:59Jesusa, and Carla, Pablo's wives, have told us.
23:04There's no doubt that my mom lied to us.
23:07My dad didn't know about his affair with Mr. Federico
23:10and that she was pregnant.
23:12I don't know.
23:13My dad didn't know about his affair with Mr. Federico
23:15and that she was pregnant.
23:18No, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for being so blunt,
23:21but you asked me not to make up things.
23:25It's okay.
23:27The only thing I can tell you is that you were very lucky
23:32to have Gonzalo.
23:35A wonderful man.
23:40And above all, he loved his three children.
23:51The doctor said you had to walk.
23:54It's good for your recovery.
23:56It's amazing that something that used to be so easy
23:59now costs me so much work.
24:02Little by little you'll feel better.
24:06Hello, good afternoon.
24:08Bárbara, Fátima.
24:10Hello again.
24:12I'm glad you're starting to walk, Sebastián.
24:15I'm taking her.
24:17I didn't imagine I'd see you twice on the same day.
24:21Renata told us she had agreed to take the test.
24:26That's right.
24:28Sebastián and I also have to get out of doubt.
24:31Yes, that's good.
24:32That way we can get to the truth and leave the past behind.
24:35Since we found out you were in the hospital,
24:38we decided to come straight here to take the test.
24:41I don't want to wait another minute to see if you're my father.
24:45I think it's a good idea, Bárbara.
24:48Let's not waste any more time.
24:50And let's go take that test right away.
24:53Then let's go to the lab.
24:54I'll stay with Sebastián until you return.
24:57Thank you, Fátima.
24:59Let's go.
25:01But it's this way, not that way.
25:03Now what's the rush to take the test?
25:06We just need that test to prove that everything my mom has told us is a lie.
25:12You were always right, Sebastián.
25:15You were the first to doubt her and not believe her version of the facts.
25:19I'm sorry. I know what this means to you.
25:24It will be another very strong loss.
25:27But in the end, it's better to know the truth than to live with doubts and lies.
25:34You're a very strong woman.
25:37You'll see that you'll get over it.
25:40Do you want me to help you?
25:43Wait, wait.
25:47I don't want to hurt you.
25:50In three days, they'll send you a notice to your email.
25:53Right now, they're calling you to take the test.
26:01On the one hand, I'll be very happy to be the daughter of Gonzalo, my father.
26:05I hope.
26:06But on the other hand, it would be very difficult with my mom.
26:09Things would get very complicated.
26:12And if I happen to be her daughter, it will be very hard for me not to honor you.
26:16I'm sorry that any of the two results will be difficult for you.
26:21Well, yes.
26:22But, well, you have to accept reality, no matter how difficult it is.
26:27I already told Ana and Jesus that I took the test.
26:30Fortunately, I'm going to live with Daniela San Jacinto.
26:33And that's going to keep me away from my mom.
26:35But I'm worried about you.
26:38I'm going to go to Madrid for two or three weeks with Diego.
26:41I'm going to expose myself there.
26:43I'm going to go to Madrid for two or three weeks with Diego.
26:45I'm going to expose myself there.
26:46And when I get back, I'm going to look for an apartment.
26:48You'll be able to get there when you come to see Maca.
26:51I'm so proud of you. Congratulations, sister.
26:53And thank you for the apartment.
26:55It's going to help me a lot.
26:56And if you want, I'll help you find it.
26:58And also a space for your workshop.
27:01If you help me with that, I'm going to thank you very much.
27:03Well, don't say more.
27:04I'll start looking for that.
27:06And, well, the update courses from my cell phone.
27:09So I can look for a computer.
27:11Why? And your laptop?
27:13It stays at Mario's house.
27:22Federico, is it true that you came back with Renata?
27:26Yes, it's true.
27:28You can't do this to me.
27:30Years ago you left me for Sebastian's mother and now for that woman?
27:35No, no, I'm not going to let you play with me when a few days ago you talked to me about marriage.
27:41And don't make that face.
27:43Do you know how excited I was after so many years of looking for him and waiting for him?
27:49Greta, I'm sorry I misinterpreted things.
27:53I never talked to you about marriage.
27:55The last time we practiced, I was very clear when I told you that there is no possibility between you and me.
28:01No, no, no, no, no, no, don't tell me that.
28:03I love you and I know you love me too.
28:06I love you and I know you love me too.
28:09I only love Renata, Greta.
28:13I've waited for you all my life, Federico.
28:16You can't leave me again, really.
28:19Greta, please.
28:21I'm not going to let Renata take your love away from me, I warn you.
28:26My love always belonged to Renata and not to you.
28:29You're going to regret it, Federico.
28:31I assure you that you will be the one to look for me again.
28:34And I'm going to treat you with the same contempt that you're doing to me right now.
28:38You're crazy.
28:39You're crazy.
29:02No, no, no, no, no, no!
29:05Bring Sebastian, please, before the trial begins.
29:08Tell him I want to see him, that he has to come see me, please.
29:11I beg you, bring him.
29:12Maybe he'll forgive me.
29:16Hi, Grandpa.
29:17Good evening.
29:19I know my mom went to town to have dinner with her friends and I came to see if I could offer you something.
29:24I mean, to keep you company.
29:27Although I know I'm not very well received in this house.
29:30Sit down, boy.
29:34The truth is that I miss you living here.
29:38Well, me too.
29:40Although one day I had to leave, right?
29:42Well, yes, but in the conditions you did, we all had a bad taste in our mouths.
29:50I know, Grandpa, I know, I know, I know.
29:53By the way, Barbara told me that the paternity test was done with Mr. Federico Mendoza.
29:58And both she and Fatima believe that everything has been a lie by Greta.
30:04Oh, my poor girls, with that mom they had.
30:10You can stay at my house if you want.
30:12But you know, it can't be like the other time and you only stay a few days.
30:16There are rules.
30:17The first one is to work.
30:19And when you earn your first paycheck, you leave.
30:28Mom and my sisters turned their backs on me, Anibal.
30:30You deserve it.
30:31Let's see, the second one.
30:33You can't drink or get drunk.
30:36Yes, and if you get drunk, you give me the keys and you don't come in anymore.
30:41Anibal, with all the problems I have, alcohol is the only thing that relieves me.
30:46You only do that to anesthetize yourself.
30:49No, it's not a solution.
30:51You have to start the problem from the root.
30:55You have to join a double-A or therapy group.
30:58No way, no.
31:01That crap is not for me, I already did it.
31:03No, no, no, no.
31:04I don't fit in there.
31:05First symptom of alcoholism.
31:09Those are my rules. Do you take them or do you leave them?
31:11No, I take them.
31:12I have no choice.
31:14No, but nothing, Pablo.
31:15And if you want to get a job, you talk to Claudio Altamirano.
31:19In the new factory of your family, they will need people.
31:22I already told you.
31:24The first rule you break, you leave.
31:31The truth is that I am very lucky to have a great mother.
31:36And to have you.
31:38Although you no longer stay so close to me.
31:41I will always love you, boy.
31:43From far or near, wherever.
31:46My affection for you, my feelings do not change.
31:50I will not deny that what happened between Barbara and you,
31:53well, it changed our lives and it bothered me a lot.
31:59But you know, I see that your love was stronger than mine.
32:05So I want you to be close to me and come visit me.
32:10Do you mean it?
32:13And if Mario and Aunt Rosamaria take it in hand?
32:17Well, take that risk.
32:20Look, neither of them has come back to me.
32:24And neither of them is aware of me as you and your mother are.
32:50And at this point in my life, well, I need your affection, son, and your presence.
33:08You will always count on me, grandfather, always.
33:11I know, son, I know.
33:14Come on, give me a hug, son.
33:17I need you, son.
33:20No, grandfather, I'm sorry.
33:22Forgive me, son.
33:25Don't go, son.
33:28I'm not going.
34:06Good morning.
34:08How are you?
34:11Good morning.
34:13How are you?
34:14I'm fine.
34:16Thank you very much.
34:18Thank you very much.
34:21What a pleasure.
34:23How are you?
34:25It's a pleasure to see you.
34:27Sister, Victor, it's a pleasure to have you back.
34:29Thank you very much.
34:30It's good that justice was done.
34:34Thank you very much for this welcome, really.
34:37You know we love you very much.
34:40I love you.
34:42Excuse me, where's my dad?
34:44He's in his pool.
34:46Excuse me.
34:47How nice!
34:51How nice!
34:57No, no, no, no!
35:00Bring Sebastián, please, before he goes to trial.
35:03Tell him I want to see him.
35:04Tell him to come see me, please.
35:06I beg you, bring him.
35:07Maybe he'll forgive me.
35:09Don't waste your time, miss.
35:12Even if he forgives you,
35:14the death of the Lord of the Fountain is a matter of course.
35:18No, no, no.
35:19There has to be something that can be done.
35:21You are my lawyer, you can get me out of here!
35:23It's not your job!
35:25I'm going to try to defend her, but the truth is, it's a very difficult case.
35:29First, she'll have to face all the charges that the Ganca soda company has already exercised against her.
35:35No, listen to me.
35:36I'm not going to be in jail for 20 years.
35:38I'm not going to be.
35:40Get me out of here!
35:42Get me out!
35:44Please, no!
35:45Please, no!
35:46Please, please!
35:47No, please, get me out!
35:50You are my lawyers, get me out!
35:53Hey, I'm very happy that you want to make a long trip with Renata.
35:57But I wanted to tell you something.
35:59What happened?
36:01This morning they called me from Detroit.
36:03They didn't accept my resignation.
36:05They told me that there is a clause in the contract that forces me to work with them.
36:10Don't tell me that.
36:11I know, I know, but it's just that...
36:13Look, I'm going to go talk to them.
36:15I'm going to see what I can do.
36:16Whether it's a financial agreement or see if I go less time than the established one, okay?
36:23I hope you get it, son.
36:25I know that a year goes by quickly, but I don't want to keep you away.
36:28Me neither, dad.
36:30Depending on what you fix in Detroit, we'll see how we organize ourselves.
36:34Perfect, okay.
36:36Hey, and look, in case I can't negotiate anything,
36:39I would like to suggest Victor as interim vice president, when I return.
36:42And put Trina on his right hand.
36:44They are very good elements.
36:46I agree with you.
36:48That's how it will be.
36:53Diego invited me to exhibit in Madrid.
36:56And when he comes back, I wanted to tell you that I'm not going to return from the house anymore.
37:02Apparently, everything happened to leave me alone.
37:05Barbara also told me that she is leaving with that rancher.
37:08So without you, without your sister and without Pablo in this house,
37:12but the truth is that it takes a weight off my shoulders.
37:15My mother's work is over and I will be able to redo my life as I please.
37:21Yes, mom.
37:23It's a shame they didn't do things as I expected.
37:27And the worst of all was Pablo.
37:29I already verified that he also falsified the bank jewels.
37:33And I talked to the notary to get him out of my will.
37:36Well, it's your decision, mom.
37:39You saw that money doesn't buy happiness.
37:40And what hurts is disappointment and deception.
37:44Of course I know what it hurts to have such an ungrateful son.
37:48But I warn you, as I will do with Barbara,
37:51that if they betray me as Pablo did, I will also disinherit them.
37:55I prefer to leave my money to a public charity that has such ungrateful children.
38:00I already told you.
