Laura Richardson sembró dudas acerca de las inversiones de "comunistas autócratas" en Argentina

  • hace 10 horas
Crédito: Radio Rivadavia / Cristina Sin Vueltas


00:00Siendo una testigo de la transición política en Argentina, ¿cómo puede describir la relación
00:05en nuestros países actualmente bajo el gobierno del presidente Millet?
00:09We have so many things in common, and celebrating over 200 years of bilateral relations in the
00:15United States and Argentina, and we're on our third century, so we have so many things
00:20in common.
00:21And with the Millet administration, Minister Petri, that we're here for the defense ministerial,
00:28we have so many challenges globally, security challenges, and security challenges in this
00:33region that threaten citizen security.
00:36And so it's really, really important that the ministers that are gathering here today as
00:40part of the 16th defense ministerial are here to talk about that and talk about real solutions.
00:47Le digo que vivimos en un continente de paz, pero en un mundo en guerra, ¿y cómo cree
00:51que las guerras de Ucrania y del Medio Oriente pueden imponer un riesgo para nuestro continente?
00:56The security challenges that are affecting all of us are very, very serious.
00:59And while we may not look at it as such, I really believe that democracy is under attack.
01:05And this, what is happening in our globe right now, is trying to change the world international
01:12What we have grown to become accustomed to over this last century is at stake.
01:17Democracy is at stake.
01:18And we have got to work together, like-minded countries, like-minded democracies, to make
01:24sure that that does not, it's not, it's not between autocracy and democracy, it should
01:30not be.
01:31Me acaba de decir que ella considera que hoy la democracia está bajo ataque, que está
01:37en juego no solamente un par de conflictos, sino que hay un intento de cambiar el orden
01:43mundial y que por eso nuestros países tienen que estar unidos.
01:46Yeah, we see so many things happening in Europe, in the Middle East, all of these things that
01:51are happening.
01:53And then we have the transnational criminal organizations on top of that.
01:56We have Russia's unjustified invasion of Ukraine.
02:00We see what is happening in Venezuela, which is right here in our western hemisphere.
02:04And so we have many examples across the globe and in our own hemisphere where the eroding
02:10of democracy, citizen security is an issue, and we have got to democracies band together
02:17to counter this, and that's the only way that we're going to be able to do that.
02:22Un ataque terrorista en nuestra región, considerando los nexos que tienen organizaciones
02:26terroristas como Kisbolá o Irán mismo y su conexión con Venezuela.
02:30As we work together as nations, like-minded democracies, working together as team democracy,
02:36I think it's very, very important because this is the only way across our borders.
02:42It's not just internal to different countries that we have to worry about security.
02:47It's cross-border security and working together, and as I talk about transnational criminal
02:52organizations, that's international crime.
02:56I mean, we've got to be able to counter that.
02:58Le recuerdo una vez que ella dijo que los regímenes comunistas actuaban al mismo tiempo,
03:03actuaban juntos, y sumó China también, y que ella está dando una nueva narrativa donde
03:08dice ya no se trata de tal país o tal otro, sino de democracias contra autocracias.
03:13So very troublesome when you see countries, communist governments, then working together.
03:20And you see some countries in the globe that are following their lead.
03:25And we have to really pay attention to this, and this is where I get into it's an attack
03:30on democracy and the erosion of democratic institutions.
03:35And we have to stand up together.
03:37We can't abstain from very important votes.
03:41We have to realize what's at stake, and every country's vote matters.
03:46And those three coming together, for citizen security and our citizens, we have to think,
03:52what is a communist government?
03:53They don't respect the rights of their own people.
03:56They're not going to respect the rights of others, and that is a bare foundational principle
04:02of communist governments.
04:03Le digo que hay una narrativa donde uno ve en Latinoamérica competir los dos superpoderes,
04:08China y Estados Unidos, por recursos estratégicos.
04:11Y que ella está agregando otra narrativa donde nos está hablando ya de una especie
04:16de clash, de choque entre democracias y autocracias.
04:41Y por qué tendríamos que pensar que ahora Estados Unidos quiere asegurar eso?
04:59In terms of, if I take what the United States has for investment in Argentina, for example,
05:06just Argentina alone, over 300 U.S. companies are here in this country.
05:11And they are bringing 14 and a half billion U.S. dollars to this economy.
05:18And so the investment, are countries investing or are they extracting at the expense of the
05:24where these resources come from, agriculture, technology, all of these things, fishing,
05:31illegal fishing, illegal logging, illegal mining, counterfeit goods.
