The Young and the Restless 10-16-24 (Y&R 16th October 2024) 10-16-2024

  • 21 hours ago
00:00Well, if you can't meet for lunch, how about dinner? You can all vent about how Kyle's
00:09in over his head. He did. Well, he's right. You do deserve a raise.
00:21He promoted Spencer, too. Oh, no, that's great. Yeah, that's definitely good for Glissade.
00:29Oh, absolutely. Yeah, call me. We can... Hello? Meet for drinks?
00:57Hello, Jack. Audra?
01:00Got a minute? Another time.
01:03I have some information that could be of great use to you.
01:10Newman Media has not only outperformed the competition, it has exceeded the market's
01:16expectations. Digital advertising and subscription services are way up and the programming costs
01:21are way down. A win-win.
01:25Further proof, my boy, they're putting you in charge. It's a damn good idea.
01:31I'm not sure Nikki and Victoria would agree with that.
01:34They will get used to the idea and they will eventually appreciate it, okay?
01:43Well, why do I get the feeling you called me in here to discuss more than revenue reports?
01:47There's an assignment that I only trust you to carry out.
01:53Well, tell me, where do you trust me to direct my ruthlessness this time?
02:02Hey, that was harsh. Yeah, I'm sorry that you had to hear that.
02:11No, no problem. You know, I am fully aware that Jill Abbott is not my biggest fan.
02:21That part that she said I'm my own worst enemy, I mean, that wasn't called for. It's crazy.
02:29Usually something like that wouldn't bother me, but I'm a little sensitive today, so...
02:35Okay, so how bad was it?
02:38Phyllis, I really don't want to get into it right now.
02:41Oh, come on.
02:42No, I don't, okay? That was a private conversation. You weren't meant to hear that.
02:47Billy, you know, we're partners.
02:49No, we're not partners, okay? I'm your boss.
02:53Look, we're in this together, alright? So, what prompted the call?
03:00Lily, actually. Look, I have not told my mom everything about what's been going on here
03:10for reasons I'm not going to get into right now, but Lily took that as an opportunity to
03:17spin it around and make me look like the backstabbing villain.
03:22Okay, well, was she aware that Lily was plotting your demise the whole time?
03:28I told her that, but she does not think that that was Lily's intention, and she thinks that I am, you know, overreacting.
03:37That's crazy. I cannot believe that she would take Lily's side. I would never do that to my son.
03:42In fact, if someone was screwing him over, I would make sure that they knew the consequences of that,
03:48and I would never side with them, ever.
03:51She's also not happy that Chance decided to leave the company and join the police force.
03:55Please, it wasn't a good fit for Chance.
03:57I agree with you, okay? But she sees it as an asset that is no longer working here.
04:01Well, it's okay, because she has an asset, and me, I'm here.
04:05Yeah, and we both know how she feels about that.
04:08Yeah, well, no big deal. I mean, she's gonna have to learn to live with it.
04:13No, she's not, actually. She gave me an ultimatum, Phyllis.
04:21She said I have until Abby and her fiancé's wedding to undo all the mistakes that I have made.
04:30And she sees me as one of those mistakes.
04:33In her eyes, aside from firing Lily, you are my second biggest mistake.
04:40Wow, okay.
04:43Well, she's just gonna have to suck it up, because I'm here to do a great job.
04:51You know, what are you gonna do, fire me?
04:55I mean, you're not gonna fire me.
04:59Oh my god, are you gonna fire me?
05:21You know, that's definitely blood. A lot of it.
05:45Do you have any idea where this came from?
05:50No idea.
05:52Any reason why it's in this cabinet?
05:55None that I can think of. Why? What do you think?
06:01No need to panic. We'll have this analyzed. We'll find out whose blood this is.
06:12Clear that cabinet.
06:13If there's anything else in there, you might compromise the chain of evidence.
06:17Look, man, I'm trying to figure out why bloody towels were stuffed in there in the first place.
06:21Why not throw them in the wash? Or if you're trying to hide something,
06:24why not throw them in the trash?
06:25Thinking whoever stashed these in here is in a hurry.
06:29Now, you're absolutely sure this is Heather's phone?
06:32Yes, it's Heather's phone. That's the cover she got, so we wouldn't mix our phones up.
06:38Wait a second. The texts that were sent to me, I mean, they came from that phone, right?
06:42So how did it get back in here?
06:44That's a good question. You changed into the passcode?
06:47Yeah, of course I know the passcode. Here.
06:49Hold on. Hold on. I think it's better if we handle this down at headquarters, okay?
06:54Are you serious?
06:55It's nothing personal, Dan. Don't take it personal.
06:57Actually, Chance, it is personal. We just found Heather's phone,
07:00and we found bloody towels in a cabinet in my apartment.
07:04So, you know, I'm a little rattled right now,
07:06but if there's any answers on that phone that would explain any of this,
07:09then I want to know what they are.
07:10And since I'm the only one that knows how to get in it, why won't you let me do it?
07:14Because I have to follow police procedure.
07:16Come on, man. Tell them that I found it before you got here.
07:21You're really going to make us sit through the department red tape
07:24while we wait for them to get in it when we could do it right now?
07:28Give me the passcode.
07:32You really don't trust me?
07:41Are you sure that's it?
07:43Yes, that's it. We know each other's passcode
07:46so we could get into each other's phones in an emergency.
07:52No dice.
07:56So that is not only your ruthlessness that I appreciate.
08:02I really value your intelligence and your business savvy.
08:08And I also really appreciate your newfound family loyalty.
08:15But it was that cutthroat cunning in my DNA that got me in the gig.
08:20So fill me in on today's assignment.
08:25I want you to use Newman Media to create buzz about the goys on
08:31the Abbott Chancellor corporate suites.
08:34Was there actual uncertainty or are we manufacturing it?
08:38Nothing has to be manufactured, okay?
08:41The firings up there become commonplace.
08:44They're a once proud company.
08:48I assume that Lily Winters is one of the random firings.
08:53Not only Lily Winters, but Chance as well.
08:59Seems that he prefers to put his life on the line
09:03rather than work for that chaotic Billy Abbott.
09:08Yeah, rash decisions without any regard for the fallout.
09:14That sounds like Billy's trademark leadership style.
09:17We need to stop that SOB before he ruins Catherine Chancellor's legacy.
09:24Yeah, I will put my best mudslingers on it.
09:27But do not go after Lily or Chance.
09:32Billy Abbott is the focus of the campaign.
09:36Trust me, I got it.
09:40So last time you were a little bit more reluctant to go after Billy boy.
09:45Well, that's because of Chelsea and Connor.
09:49But the dynamics have changed.
09:50So as far as I'm concerned, Billy Abbott is officially fair game again.
09:55Look, my job here, my position, everything that I've worked for is in serious jeopardy.
10:02I can't worry about you.
10:06Thanks, Billy.
10:07Sorry, I didn't mean it that way.
10:09Yeah, well, I mean, that she's asking you to get rid of me.
10:14It's like a knife in the back.
10:18I don't have a choice.
10:20She's asking you, hey, kick Phyllis to the curb.
10:23Phyllis to the curb.
10:24And you're saying how hard Phyllis.
10:26I don't like this any more than you do.
10:28Believe me.
10:28Then don't do it.
10:30She gave you the company to run.
10:32All right.
10:32And that's what you're doing.
10:33You're doing a great job.
10:34She doesn't see how well we work together.
10:37She doesn't see that.
10:39I mean, I had your back.
10:40I had your back when all the staff was jumping ship in protest.
10:45I know Lily's fire did.
10:46And I explained that to her.
10:47But she's not hearing.
10:48She has to approve all your staffing decisions.
10:51That's insane.
10:52I agree, Phyllis.
10:54But it's the only way to get her to calm down, to get her to back off.
10:57If I don't fire you, then I lose everything.
11:01What do you mean you lose everything?
11:03She rips Abbott Chancellor out from underneath me.
11:06She seizes control.
11:07OK, that's what she's going to do.
11:08And then both of us are out on the streets.
11:17I can't believe this.
11:19Your mother is going to take away the company that you rechristened in her honor?
11:24I mean, you've hardly had a chance to get this up and running.
11:27Phyllis, look, she owns the company.
11:30OK, I don't.
11:32Ultimately, she decides who stays and who goes.
11:36Does she realize that if you fire me, this will be the third high-ranking casualty
11:43that this company has had?
11:45That is not a good look.
11:46No, I know that.
11:48She doesn't care.
11:49Well, the press will care because they're going to see this as
11:53you're someone who can't control the staff or worse, that you're mommy's puppet.
11:58Either way, it's a hit on you.
12:00I don't see another way around it.
12:02OK, I don't.
12:04So you're going to punish loyalty by firing me and reward betrayal by rehiring Lily?
12:11No, that is not going to happen.
12:13Oh, so you're not going to fire me?
12:14I have to fire you.
12:16I'm not going to rehire Lily.
12:18That's not going to happen.
12:19Not after what she did to me in this company.
12:21That is a door that will not be reopened.
12:23OK, OK.
12:25What if there were a third door?
12:27What if a third door that guarantees that you hang on to everything?
12:34I want you to do this as smoothly as possible, all right?
12:39Your goal is to make it look as if Billy Abbott is totally out of control.
12:45That is a piece of cake.
12:50Anything else?
12:52One other assignment.
12:55I can multitask.
12:57Who's the target on this one?
12:59Vaudeville Charles.
13:01I want you to use Numidia to smooth over your exit from Desaad.
13:09What information do you have that might help me?
13:13Oh, well, before we get into all of that,
13:17I'd like to clear the air with regards to our past rivalry.
13:22That's a kind way of talking about the utter chaos
13:26you and Tucker tried to wreak on my business.
13:30Aligning myself with Tucker was a huge mistake on so many levels.
13:34One I will be regretting for a long time.
13:38You're not the first intelligent person to fall for that scam artist.
13:43Thank you for saying that.
13:45Truth be told, I've never held any personal animosity towards you or your wife.
13:52Though Diane's made it clear from day one she had no use for me.
13:56Diane and I are not exactly in sync these days.
14:01I would like to say that I'm surprised, but I was at Society the other day.
14:08Well, I'm sorry that you or anyone saw that unpleasant display.
14:12You know, from what I gathered, the main source of your conflict was your son,
14:19which I'm sure brings Kyle great pleasure.
14:23I hope you're wrong about that.
14:25Spoken like the devoted father you are, despite your son's ingratitude.
14:31Wow, the second dig into Kyle.
14:33Oh, uh...
14:34How about we skip the small talk, and you tell me exactly what you're after?
14:41If this is Heather's phone, why isn't the password you gave me working?
14:46Maybe she changed it and didn't tell me, but why would she?
14:52I'll take this down to the station.
14:53They'll be able to bypass the code.
14:55Wait a second.
14:55I think I know a way to get in.
14:58I've got all of Heather's information on a file.
15:02And the two of us, we share the same cellular account, so...
15:06I mean, I should just be able to request a changed password, right?
15:14Yeah, done.
15:16Just waiting for the two-step verification.
15:18You haven't heard this phone in this apartment until now.
15:22I have been texting and calling that phone non-stop,
15:24so you think I would have heard it at least once, right?
15:28Unless it wasn't here.
15:30Unless it wasn't here the whole time.
15:35You think that somebody brought it back here recently?
15:40How? How without me knowing?
15:42I mean, aside from you and my mother,
15:44Lucy and I have been the only people that were in this apartment
15:47since this whole nightmare started.
15:52Hang on.
15:52Just gonna change it.
15:56Done. You ready?
15:58One, two, three, four.
15:59I'm in.
16:13Departure is a careful choice of words.
16:19I assume it's because you don't want any clickbait headlines to reveal the real story.
16:24What do you mean, the real story?
16:26How Audra Charles was unceremoniously booted from the company without any reason.
16:34Well, there's always a reason, you know.
16:37And you're not worried that she's going to retaliate and reveal
16:39that you are the Glissade silent investor?
16:42I don't think Audra Charles will violate the non-disclosure agreement.
16:47Well, I'm not sure I would trust anybody who was fired without cause
16:51to honor anything that they signed.
16:53I am not worried, to be honest with you.
16:55Just label her exit as a mutual parting of the ways, okay?
17:01Well, however I spin it, it sure seems like there's as much chaos
17:05in the Glissade c-suite as there is in Abbott Chancellor.
17:08Not since I put Kyle Abbott in charge of Glissade.
17:13It'll be successful.
17:14Dad, you sure put a lot of faith into a guy that doesn't have much experience.
17:18Kyle Abbott is very capable.
17:20He's coming into his own.
17:22He just needed the right mentor.
17:26Are you implying that his father was the wrong one?
17:29Did I mention his father?
17:31Is it so hard to believe I'm not after anything?
17:35Your reputation precedes you, Audra.
17:39I know that you were fired from Glissade, that my son, your former partner, is still there.
17:44That seems to me a pretty good reason for payback.
17:48How much about my termination do you actually know?
17:51I know Kyle was not comfortable working with you.
17:55Maybe because I outranked him on every level.
17:59Which is probably why he manipulated the situation to get me fired.
18:04You know, even though I am the one who made Glissade what it is today.
18:08I hope you're not thinking that I can help you get your job back.
18:13Kyle and I are barely on speaking terms.
18:16Clearly, I'm not the only one he's betrayed lately.
18:19And here we are, disparaging my son again.
18:23You conduct your own business with honor and integrity.
18:29It can't be easy to face that your son is sorely lacking in both.
18:34That you would judge anyone after the stunts that you've pulled, that Kyle witnessed,
18:41is quite ironic.
18:42You've got it all wrong.
18:44I'm not the bad influence here.
18:48And who is?
18:52Victor Newman.
18:54He's the silent investor behind Glissade.
18:58He's the one who's been pulling Kyle's strings all along.
19:03You know, I really wish you'd say something.
19:06Tell me if you're seeing anything unusual.
19:08Are there any red flags?
19:10I'm just going through her calendar right now.
19:12I've got a business appointment for you.
19:16Shopping list for Thanksgiving.
19:18Yeah, she liked to plan ahead.
19:21Cranberries, green beans, sweet potatoes.
19:24No, no, no, no.
19:26Yeah, she liked to plan ahead.
19:29Cranberries, green beans, sweet potatoes.
19:36She knew how much that I loved that recipe.
19:39You know, she loved Thanksgiving.
19:41So every year we'd flip a coin and see if we're gonna brine the turkey.
19:45This year she won.
19:50I'm sorry.
19:52Let's see, no outgoing calls since before she disappeared.
19:57Wait a second, what about the text to my phone?
20:01Yeah, they're here.
20:03So your response is nothing after that.
20:07Wait, hold on.
20:10Wait, hold on what?
20:14Sent an unsent text to her dad.
20:19To her dad.
20:21What does it say?
20:27Chance, please, what does it say?
20:37Don't you dare pretend to care about me.
20:38If you really cared about me, we wouldn't even be having this conversation right now.
20:43Phyllis, I'm simply saying that I have sympathy for your situation.
20:47And I think it's best that you focus on your family
20:50and help everyone get through the grief instead of stressing about work.
20:54Having this job forces me to focus on something other than my grief.
21:00It forces me to see that life goes on and it will do the same for my son too.
21:06I understand what you're saying.
21:08I just don't think that this job in this time is really the answer that you're looking for.
21:14Okay, fine, fine.
21:18No big deal.
21:20I'm just gonna have to bypass you and go to the source and plead my case.
21:28And by source, you mean going to my mom?
21:31Okay, well, that's not gonna work.
21:33Au contraire.
21:36I'm gonna sit right in front of Jill and I'm gonna make her love me.
21:42I'm gonna talk to her woman to woman.
21:45In case you've forgotten, my mom can out-stubborn a brick wall.
21:50You underestimate me.
21:56Hey, come on.
21:57Don't you even want to know what's behind door number three?
22:00No, I don't.
22:02I don't want to entertain a game show solution to a real life problem.
22:09Phyllis, it doesn't matter what you say or do, okay?
22:11It's not going to change what has to happen.
22:14Okay, listen, Billy.
22:16If you just give me maybe two minutes, I'll just pitch the whole idea to you.
22:21Please, stop.
22:25I barely survived Lily stabbing me in the back.
22:29I know Victor's coming after me.
22:31I got to prepare for that.
22:32And I know that onslaught has already started.
22:36I had the biggest acquisition this company has ever had,
22:39only for it to get stolen away from me.
22:41And the whole time I got to appease my mom and make sure that I'm doing right
22:45and holding on to the legacy that this company has.
22:47Okay, I cannot continue to fight for you on top of everything else.
22:52I am not asking you to fight for me.
22:53I'm not asking for that.
22:55Okay, I am asking you to pretend to fire me.
22:59Oh my God.
22:59You're in a public place.
23:00I mean, so everybody sees, everybody sees you.
23:04And, and, and you're really reaming me.
23:06So there's no doubt in anyone's mind.
23:09I can't pretend to fire you.
23:11My mom's not an idiot.
23:12She's going to see that you're still on the payroll and Lily's not.
23:16I don't need to be on the payroll.
23:18You don't need to pay me, pay me after we make this company a raging success together.
23:25And then your mother, she's not going to take it away from you anymore.
23:29And then voila, I come out, I take a bow.
23:33She sees that I'm a part of it.
23:35And, and she sees me in a whole new light.
23:38I'm sorry, Phyllis.
23:41I don't know what else to say.
23:42I'm sorry.
23:42You cannot build this company without me.
23:45I, well, I'm going to have to try.
23:46Okay, please.
23:48I'm asking you, I am asking you, please do not fire me.
23:55Not only that you have to hire Daniel, you have to hire my son.
23:59He needs this.
24:00He is trailing his grief.
24:03Please, Billy.
24:05Billy, I'm not asking you just for me.
24:09I'm asking you for my family, please.
24:12This needs to happen.
24:19Phyllis, I'm sorry.
24:22I can see how upsetting this is for you.
24:25And I, I get that you have my sympathy, but look, maybe not working here is,
24:34is a good thing for you, okay?
24:35You can focus on your son and yourself.
24:43Admit it, that these media blitzes that you're asking me to do,
24:46they aren't just for pumping up Glissade or, or getting Chancellor.
24:51You are waging battle on two fronts.
24:55Son, this is about family business.
24:59Right, right.
25:00Because you want Chancellor for Nikki.
25:03You're damn right I do.
25:04Listen to me.
25:05Come on, dad.
25:06Firing Audra has to do with whatever you have planned for Kyle,
25:10because you want to stick it to Jack.
25:13I want Glissade to become successful by putting the right man at the helm.
25:18I don't believe you.
25:21Okay, I had one condition in coming back to Newman Media,
25:24that I would not use any platforms to go after Jack or his family.
25:30How the hell does this hurt Jack Abbott?
25:33I'm promoting a member of his family.
25:37Kyle is finally getting the encouragement he deserves.
25:40This encouragement that should have come from his own father, not from you.
25:44For your information, son, do you realize that Jack Abbott
25:47sat by as Diane threw her son out on the street?
25:50Yeah, and I'm sure that there's more to his firing than we know.
25:53Who gives a damn?
25:54If Glissade's success means the demise of that old warhorse, Jabot, so be it.
26:06You know my conditions.
26:09Son, and you know mine.
26:25Ooh, safe to go in?
26:30I would give it a minute.
26:35You know what, actually, maybe you can help me.
26:40How would I do that?
26:42By telling me Victor's plan with Glissade, Jabot, and Jack Abbott.
26:48And be specific, because I want all the details.
26:55You're not surprised, are you?
26:59Is it possible you already knew Victor was Glissade's silent investor?
27:03I have suspected as much for some time now.
27:06Then you must have also suspected it was
27:09Victor who brought Kyle on to run the company with me.
27:12I had a hunch, yes.
27:14And I was completely against it.
27:17For good reason, it turns out.
27:20Kyle sabotaged me the first chance he got.
27:23Well, I'm not shocked by any of this.
27:27But it is nice to get affirmation for what you suspected is quite useful.
27:36Well, I can be more useful.
27:41What are you suggesting?
27:45I know all the inner workings of Glissade.
27:48I poured my heart and soul into that company.
27:52And I want it back, Jack.
27:54I imagine you want your son back.
27:59Maybe we can make a deal.
28:05Come on, man, you can't leave me hanging like that.
28:07Whatever it is, I can handle it.
28:10It's better if I take this down to the headquarters.
28:15You know, the only reason I agreed to let you do this search in the first place
28:18is because I wanted answers as much as you did.
28:22Now, if one of those answers is in that text that you just read,
28:25then I need to hear it.
28:29Just come on, man, please.
28:33It doesn't matter how bad it was.
28:34If Heather was having an affair, I can take it.
28:36It is just the not knowing that's killing me right now.
28:43Hi, Dad.
28:45Lucy and I may need to come to Lisbon soon.
28:49Daniel and I have been fighting non-stop
28:51and it's starting to scare me.
28:53Wait, wait, that's not true.
28:55We weren't fighting.
28:56What does she mean that I'm scaring her?
28:59Daniel's anger issues are resurfacing.
29:02And they seem even worse this time around.
29:04This is, this is insane.
29:06I can't ever imagine Heather saying anything like that,
29:08let alone writing it to Paul or to anyone.
29:15That between us, I never saw her scared of me.
29:17I never gave her a reason to be scared of me.
29:20There's got to be something else to explain
29:23why she may have written that to Paul on the phone.
29:25Hold on, hold on.
29:27Now I'm going to take this down to forensics.
29:29They're going to do a more extensive search.
29:31If there's anything else, they're going to find it.
29:33Are you freaking kidding me?
29:35So I can't even try and figure this out on my own at this point?
29:37No, you can't.
29:40You know, she was everything to me, Chance.
29:43There wasn't a single thing that the two of us
29:45didn't know about each other.
29:47Obviously, that's not the case.
29:48Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
29:49You think this is true.
29:50You think that she was really afraid of me, don't you?
29:52I don't know what to think, Daniel.
29:55That's why you're not going to let me hold the phone, right?
29:57You're scared that I'm going to go in there
29:58and I'm going to delete some kind of evidence on it.
30:00Was Lucy right the other day?
30:02Are you looking at me for this?
30:03Am I a suspect now?
30:12You're joking, right?
30:13Oh, come on.
30:14We know you have the inside track on his schemes.
30:17Hell, there was a time where you knew every move that he made.
30:20Those days are over.
30:22I mean, I may be privy to one or two chess moves at best,
30:26but I'm never around for chess.
30:28I am not buying it.
30:30You still have more access than you're willing to admit.
30:33If only that were true.
30:35I have spent the last few months
30:37trying to win my way back into your father's good graces
30:40because of some unfortunate incident
30:42that I had been ordered not to talk about.
30:44And trust me, my friend, I have a long way to go.
30:47So you really don't have any idea about his most recent plan?
30:51Which one?
30:54The one that has to do with using Kyle Abbott as a weapon against Jack.
30:59I know he promoted Kyle to run Glissade.
31:01That is the extent of my knowledge.
31:03And it never occurred to you that that promotion was meant to hurt Jack
31:08and your good friend, Diane?
31:10Jack and Diane aren't fools.
31:12And whatever plan Victor may or may not have,
31:15they'll know how to deal with it better than most.
31:19So you're okay with whatever Victor has planned?
31:22I don't even know if he has a plan.
31:25Firing Ardra without any justification just to elevate Kyle
31:30makes me think that he is grooming the guy
31:33and not for any good purpose.
31:35It is possible that Victor has a genuine fondness for Kyle.
31:39He was his grandson-in-law.
31:43And it isn't the first time that he's had this, you know,
31:46fatherly, protective attitude towards him.
31:52I can personally attest that Victor playing father figure to anybody
31:59is a double-edged sword.
32:02What kind of deal are you proposing?
32:06More like an agreement.
32:09I'll use my resources to help you get Kyle back where he belongs.
32:13In return, you help me get my company back.
32:16I will not bargain for my son.
32:19And I will not take your side over his.
32:22That's not what I'm saying.
32:25Quite the opposite, in fact.
32:27I would simply be helping you get Kyle back on the right path.
32:31All I want is for what's rightfully mine.
32:36Thank you for the information you shared with me.
32:38I will handle Kyle and Victor on my own.
32:44Well, this information didn't come without cost.
32:48I betrayed a confidence, violated my NDA.
32:52Yes, you chose to do that.
32:58I gambled everything I have because I trusted you
33:02to be the honorable man you claimed to be.
33:05This conversation is over.
33:10I risked Victor's wrath to help you.
33:15And now you won't help me?
33:17Don't you think I'm entitled to something in return?
33:20Okay, here's something.
33:22Some sage advice.
33:25Walk away from this fight.
33:28I can't.
33:30And I won't.
33:31You will never beat Victor.
33:34And I highly doubt you will ever run Glissade again.
33:47Watch me.
33:50By staying silent, you are only helping Victor hurt the people that you care about.
33:55Like I said, I'm not the one you should be worried about.
33:59Like I said, I'm not the confidant to your father that you think I am.
34:06Michael, I know exactly who you are.
34:11And the fact that you are working so hard to convince me otherwise
34:14only makes me more sure that Victor's plan, it's even worse than I thought.
34:39I just had the most interesting conversation with your son.
34:47He seems to be deeply concerned about your plans for Jack Abbott.
34:53You didn't give anything away, did you?
34:54I didn't have much to give,
34:56save the few tidbits that Adam managed to piece together on his own.
35:06Why my son feels any loyalty to the likes of Jack Abbott is just beyond me.
35:12Well, it could be a simple case of human compassion.
35:17After all, Jack seems to be suffering these days.
35:21Quite publicly, I might add.
35:23Oh, really?
35:26Well, there may be another reason for Adam's resistance.
35:31What's that?
35:33It's possible that he feels that you are...
35:38You are exploiting Kyle for your own gain, which, to be fair,
35:42you have done in the past with Adam himself.
35:45And since you're using his position at Newman Media as a sort of attack dog for your enemies,
35:53it's possible he may feel exploited at the moment.
35:57I'm running a giant business.
36:03I gave my son an extraordinary position, a powerful position, running Newman Media.
36:11If he fails to execute his duties, I fire his ass.
36:17Oh, no.
36:18I am confident that I can convince Jill that I am the one and the only one
36:24that can help you take Abbott Chancellor to the next level.
36:30That's a tall order.
36:32I can fill it.
36:34I can convince your mom that I'm an asset, not a...
36:39Wait, would she call me a mistake?
36:43If your strategy fails, I guarantee you my mother will do good on her threat to unseat me
36:50and wrestle back control of this company, okay?
36:54If I simply let you try that, I would be gambling my position here, everything I worked for,
37:00and I am not going to do that, Phyllis.
37:03I can't.
37:05I don't care.
37:07I need this.
37:09So you either let me win Jill over or you fire me and be your mommy's puppet dancing on a string.
37:24All right, we're done here for now.
37:29This is going to need to be a more thorough search of this apartment, though.
37:32Look at me.
37:33You really think that I had anything to do with Heather's death?
37:36You're going to need to make other living arrangements.
37:38Do you hear me?
37:40You have any idea the hell that I've been through already?
37:43I can't even sleep in the same bed that we used to share.
37:47Every time that front door opens up, I hold my breath and I pray that it's her that's
37:51walking through it so this nightmare will be over because I loved her.
37:56I love my daughter.
37:57I love what the three of us had.
37:58That was everything to me.
37:59Listen to me.
38:01Because of the evidence that I just found, this is now considered a crime scene.
38:05You and Lucy cannot stay here.
38:07You're not doing this right now.
38:09Yes, I am.
38:11You don't think that we've already been through enough?
38:12And what about Lucy?
38:14What do you think that's going to do to her?
38:15Kicking her out of her home?
38:17Forensics will be here soon.
38:20You need to leave.
