Days of our Lives 10-16-24 (16th October 2024) 10-16-2024 DOOL 16 October 2024

  • 6 hours ago
00:00hey are you in there I wanted to talk to you about the script oh yeah hey how's
00:10the back it's a lot better yeah well thanks to me yeah you definitely did a
00:18number on yesterday I'm sorry about that I promise you
00:30I don't be too gentle
00:34are you cheap bitch
01:04I'm kidding bitch
01:34morning morning
01:54so much for that not happening again
02:04hey sweetness but you could use this hmm
02:14Sheila Godson as usual that surgery go it was good ah we anticipated for
02:21recovery well we're just lucky to have you ah thank you but I can't take all
02:28the credit I have the very best team there is hmm well I hope that team
02:34didn't include dr. Mark Green
02:42no Clyde I haven't left yet I'm heading to the airport in a little while yeah I
02:49get it if I ever want to see my mother again I
02:52have to fly to Paris and murder Chad tomorrow
03:17fuck you baby honey
03:21I hope you know that
03:24you were so lucky
03:25I don't know why I'm doing this to you, Chad, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know.
03:55Oh my God, I didn't know you had gone out.
03:58Well, you know, I had to, uh, you know, okay for my bride, it's her wedding day after all.
04:26Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
04:52Good morning.
04:54Good morning.
04:56I'm not, uh, interrupting, am I?
05:00No, I'm just, uh, sending a text to Felicity.
05:09Uh, you didn't come to bed last night.
05:12Yeah, I, uh, just got busy blocking all those scenes and passed out on the couch.
05:19Oh, yeah, you must be so exhausted.
05:21These soap opera hours are worse than a baker's.
05:24I'll be fine.
05:26How about you?
05:28How'd you sleep?
05:29Ah, well, besides missing you in bed last night, uh, believe it or not, I actually got a full eight hours.
05:35I was so exhausted yesterday.
05:39Right, yeah.
05:40Um, hey, how's your, uh, how's your back?
05:43It's still a little bit stiff, but it's actually feeling much better, thanks for asking.
05:48I'm glad to hear that.
05:50Yeah, I still cannot believe that tying my shoe is what took me out.
06:12Yeah, yeah, it's always the, uh, it's always the thing you least expect.
06:18There's a number on you.
06:23So you have a problem with Mark Green?
06:26As a matter of fact, I do, sweetness.
06:28I know how much you respect him.
06:31I mean, you trusted him to run the test on Abigail's DNA, right?
06:35Yeah, I did.
06:37Because he's a very confident physician.
06:39He's incredibly thorough.
06:41I gotta tell you, my issue with Mark Green is that test and the results.
06:46Oh, come on, just say it.
06:48What about the results?
06:51Well, looks like Dr. Green lied.
06:55He faked the results.
07:03Why can't you just hire a professional to take out jobs?
07:08Now, I'm aware I'm cheap labor, but you think for a job like this?
07:12No, I already told you, I understand what happens if I don't cooperate.
07:19What if I get caught?
07:21What if I, uh, what if I fail?
07:23I mean, my younger brother and sister, they depend on me.
07:27Don't get caught. That's your advice.
07:30Now, why didn't I think of that?
07:33No, I don't intend to tell my other sister anything.
07:37She's busy wedding planning.
07:42Oh my goodness, they are so beautiful.
07:46Are there all your favorites?
07:49I mean, all of them.
07:50Um, are they used to be? I don't know.
07:52Those work as a bouquet, right?
07:54They're perfect, yes, of course.
07:58It's so thoughtful of you.
08:00It's really nice.
08:01Why are you crying? Is something wrong?
08:03No, no, everything's wonderful, amazing.
08:06I'm just, I'm just feeling a lot today, obviously.
08:11You know, and I was looking at this picture of you and Abby, and you and me, and we're so happy.
08:24We were happy, it was our wedding day.
08:30We'll be that happy again.
08:34As happy as we were at that photo.
08:36Well, I want that with you, Chad.
08:45But I, um, Chad, I'm not her.
08:53Oh, where is it?
09:06What are you looking for?
09:08My bra, have you seen it?
09:13I'm assuming this is yours.
09:17Ah, thank you.
09:21Ah, have you seen my bracelet anywhere?
09:24What's it look like?
09:26It's plain gold, I must have left it in the living room.
09:30Can't I find anything?
09:33Does that feel alright?
09:34Sure, why wouldn't it be?
09:36I don't know, you seem a little jumpy.
09:39Yeah, like you're just chipping a lime off the middle of a bank robbery and now you're waiting on the cops to show up.
09:44No, I, I...
09:50Well, you said it before, we agreed that we weren't going to do this anymore.
09:58We didn't.
10:00But then things happen.
10:03Mistakes happen.
10:06And I think it's best for both of us if we just, if we just forget this one ever did.
10:11Stuff, hang on.
10:14Can you zip me up?
10:15I'm still a little sore when it comes to twisting.
10:32So, do you want to, uh...
10:34No, I'm good.
10:35I'm good.
10:36I'm good.
10:37I'm good.
10:38I'm good.
10:39I'm good.
10:40I'm good.
10:41I'm good.
10:42So, do you want to, uh...
10:44Want to drive to set together?
10:46Oh, uh...
10:47No, actually, uh, Kate wanted to make sure that my back was fully healed so she postponed all my scenes until tomorrow.
10:55All of them?
10:56Yeah, you didn't get the emails?
10:58No, I must have, uh...
11:02Honestly, I just, I...
11:04I haven't even checked my email yet today.
11:07Well, I'm sure it's in there.
11:09Must be.
11:10Hey, I guess that means I get a little more time to, uh, prepare for directing you and Alex in bed.
11:17Uh-huh, I guess so.
11:19And you are sure that you are still okay with that?
11:22Yeah, of course.
11:24Okay, because you did just bring it up.
11:27It was a joke.
11:30Okay, and you are sure that you are not feeling jealous again?
11:34Like at the photo shoot?
11:36I mean, yeah, what's there even to be jealous about?
11:39Alex, it's all just pretend, right?
11:44Comes with the job.
11:47So I will see you later.
11:49If you're not at a descent, then where are you off to?
11:54Oh, uh, I was just gonna stop by the bakery, check in with Felicity, see if she needs anything.
11:59What about you? Want anything? You want a donut, bear claw?
12:06Uh, just surprise me.
12:10All right.
12:13See you later.
12:20So you think that Mark Green lied about the test results?
12:24Yes, I do.
12:25I do.
12:27Listen, baby, you know that I had this feeling that something was off with Abigail from the moment Chad and Jack found her.
12:36Yeah, I was aware of that, but I thought that you were letting it go.
12:40Not with all the warning signs.
12:42I mean, she lied to Stephanie about talking to you on the phone.
12:47And when I asked her about it, she got defensive.
12:50And what about Jennifer's reaction to seeing her, her own mother?
12:56So I came to the hospital yesterday and I asked Dr. Green to rerun the DNA test.
13:02You did not.
13:04We talked about that.
13:07It is a violation of Abigail's rights to run her DNA without her knowledge.
13:13No, you had no right to do that.
13:16I didn't have her DNA tested.
13:19I brought in new samples.
13:21And I told Dr. Green they belonged to Abigail and Thomas.
13:26But they didn't.
13:30They belonged to you and me.
13:33Dr. Green was happy to run the test.
13:36On our samples.
13:37Yeah, but of course he didn't know that.
13:40Well, what did he tell you the results were?
13:43Turns out it was a perfect match.
13:47According to Dr. Green, you're my mommy.
13:55Look, Clyde, I have to go.
13:57You don't want to miss my plane, right?
14:00But I need your assurance that the minute that Chad is taken care of
14:05and you, Widow DiMera, transfer us the money to your accounts,
14:08you're going to let our mother go.
14:11Sure, why wouldn't I take your word for it?
14:18There you are.
14:20Just the person I wanted to see.
14:24You got my text, obviously.
14:27Well, Felicity, there is something I need to talk to you about.
14:33Is it about Abigail?
14:39What do you mean you're not her?
14:49I have a different face, Chad, and I don't have most of my memories.
14:53And the woman in that photo is not the same woman that you're marrying today.
14:59And I'm not the same either.
15:04I mean, she and I, you and I, we're bad.
15:10That photo was taken a long time ago. We've been through lots since then.
15:15You know, some of it was bad, like losing you.
15:20But some of it was very good.
15:23Look, it doesn't matter to me what you look like,
15:28or what you remember. All that really matters to me is you.
15:34Are you sure about that?
15:41And, look, you remember the most important part, which is that you love me.
15:46And we love each other.
15:48Well, that's why you wanted to get married today, right? So you could remember the rest.
15:52Yeah, it is. I just...
15:57Are you having second thoughts?
16:18Look, I know you met my patient Abigail in the park the other day,
16:22but why do you think I want to talk to you about her?
16:26Hey! Felicity!
16:29Dr. Green! Johnny! What's going on?
16:32Not much, just...
16:34I'm sorry to bother you guys. I was just... I was looking for Chanel.
16:37She's not in the bakery, is she? Felicity?
16:40No, I haven't seen her yet.
16:55No, I'm good. I should get to the office.
16:59Which one?
17:01Both, actually. I need to go check on some promotional materials for Body and Soul,
17:06and then I need to go to the mayor's office to sit in on a planning meeting for the board.
17:12Sounds like a busy morning.
17:14Aren't they all?
17:15For you. I don't know how you keep them all straight.
17:18Honestly, I don't know if I do.
17:21I'm surprised I haven't had the mayor call a press conference
17:24to deny that Faith's evil twin is poisoning the water supply in Pineview.
17:30I'd like to see that.
17:32Steph, you sure you don't have a minute just to maybe have a little bite to eat?
17:36No, I should go.
17:39This has been...
17:43Well, I'll see you.
17:58So Mark Green told you that our DNA is a perfect match for mother and son?
18:04That's right.
18:06So it's obvious that he faked the tests?
18:09Look, I know that this looks terrible.
18:11It is terrible.
18:13But let's not jump to conclusions.
18:14What other conclusion could there be?
18:18I don't know.
18:21You know, there is one way to prove if Mark Green really did fake both tests.
18:30Well, you mentioned that the lab still had the original samples from Abigail and Jack.
18:35So if I reran those tests...
18:38Well, you said you wouldn't do that. You were adamant about it.
18:40I wasn't going to steal a sample from Abigail.
18:43But since she consented to give us that sample in the first place,
18:47I'm just going to rerun the test proving the authenticity of the original sample.
18:56It won't be a violation of anything.
18:58Okay, so you're going to do it?
19:01Yeah. Yeah, I'll do it myself.
19:05The sooner the better, baby.
19:06Yeah. Okay. I'm on it.
19:09Can't wait.
19:32Of course I still want to marry you.
19:36Of course I do. Of course I do.
19:39I just... I'm just feeling a lot.
19:42That's all.
19:43Yeah, that I can see. I can see that.
19:46I'm not used to being this much of a basket case.
19:49No, you always...
19:51You always had a big heart.
19:54Oh, wow. That is a... Yes. Oh, wow.
20:02You don't have to act in a certain way.
20:08You don't... You certainly don't have to second guess any of your feelings.
20:13I'll take you anywhere I can get you.
20:21Because you're getting me.
20:23All of this.
20:26Well, I mean, good, because, you know, we're all set.
20:30Everything's paid for.
20:32Holly's on her way back from seeing Mom.
20:35Vishith is on the way.
20:37You've got the dress.
20:38I do.
20:39I didn't say that yet.
20:40Oh, my goodness. I mean, I have the dress.
20:49In less than an hour, you're going to be my wife.
21:07Hey, Chanel.
21:09Hi, Chanel.
21:22You and Stephanie?
21:25Since when?
21:26It just sort of happened.
21:30But when you were late to set the other day,
21:32I didn't know what to do.
21:35But when you were late to set the other day,
21:37I asked her to run lines with me.
21:39Oh, for the love scene.
21:40That's right.
21:42Well, I guess they call that method acting.
21:45That's what I said.
21:46Anyway, we're just friends.
21:48With the occasional benefit.
21:49Okay, whatever, whatever, okay?
21:51You are just my fictional boyfriend,
21:53so whatever you do in your personal life,
21:55in your real life,
21:56it's not my business.
21:57Well, I appreciate that. Thank you.
21:59But you said you wanted to talk to me in private,
22:02Yeah, I'm sorry for the cryptic message.
22:04It's just that Johnny's birthday is next week,
22:07and I want to throw him a surprise party.
22:10And I need your help.
22:15Chanel hasn't been by Sweet Bits at all?
22:18Not today.
22:20Did she text you that she was stopping by?
22:23No. Sorry.
22:26That's okay.
22:28We must have just got our signals crossed.
22:32Well, thanks anyway.
22:42Hey, tell me again why you brought up Abigail before?
22:46I'm not sure yet. We must be off.
22:56It's your Uncle Steve.
22:58You can answer it if you want.
22:59I don't need that negativity.
23:02What do you mean by negativity?
23:06He called last night.
23:09What did he want?
23:10He wanted to check in.
23:13See if you, uh...
23:15had any more memories come back.
23:17I told him we were getting married. He expressed his concern.
23:21Oh, he still doesn't trust me.
23:22From the phone call mix-up.
23:24Whatever. I don't know what his problem is.
23:26I don't care.
23:28You and I were getting married.
23:31There's nothing he can do to change that.
23:36You know you want to close off already.
23:39You have to wait for me to say I do.
23:46Chad, it's Steve.
23:49Listen, as soon as you get this message, you need to call me back.
23:53It's urgent.
23:54It's extremely urgent.
23:56Please call me back.
24:01I'm sorry.
24:18No, that's dumb.
24:19No, say it. What?
24:21No, no.
24:23No, I just think I've, um...
24:25watched too many Disney movies with Charlotte.
24:28Oh, and I wear a kiss from a handsome prince with magical powers.
24:35Suddenly she wakes up.
24:37Or gets all of her memories back.
24:40I told you it was dumb.
24:42No, it's sweet. It's sweet.
24:49But now my memories have come flooding back.
24:52I'm having a very, very nice kiss.
24:59It's like how my whole body feels.
25:03My heart starts racing.
25:05My cheeks get all flushed and I just...
25:09These moments where I feel...
25:16I feel like I can remember everything that we had before.
25:24Mostly I feel what a lucky lady I was.
25:30I am.
25:32I'm such an amazing man like you.
25:36I love you.
25:41I want to kiss you a lot.
25:43I have to go get ready.
25:45A lot.
25:46You do?
25:48A lot.
25:49You do?
25:50Oh, yes.
26:06I re-ran the tests.
26:09I used Jack and Abigail's original samples and...
26:14they did not match.
26:16Are you sure?
26:18There's no way that those two people are related.
26:22Which means...
26:24That's not our girl.
26:28Whoever that woman is, it's not Abigail.
26:32I'm sorry, baby.
26:33Yeah, so am I.
26:35I know how much you want it to be true.
26:37I have.
26:39And poor Jack and Chad.
26:40Yeah, okay.
26:41Well, we'll deal with that as soon as we can.
26:45You know what else this means?
26:48It means that Mark Green falsified the results.
26:59So, Abigail reminds you of mom, huh?
27:04Well, I can see that now that you mention it.
27:07Some of her mannerisms are kind of similar.
27:11Anyway, the reason I wanted to talk to you
27:13is because I wanted to let you know
27:15that I have to go out of town for a little while.
27:17There's some business I have to take care of overseas
27:19that's to do with mom and dad's estate.
27:23Something I have to clear up.
27:31You miss them?
27:33So do I.
27:36Anyway, I'm not going to be gone for very long,
27:38Anyway, I'm not going to be gone for very long,
27:40but while I'm out of the country,
27:44you are in charge of Aaron, okay?
27:51I love you, Phyllis.
27:54I love you, too.
27:57I hope you know there's nothing I wouldn't do for you
28:00or for this family.
28:02You want my help throwing Johnny a party?
28:06Can't you just get somebody from the mansion staff to help you?
28:09Well, the party is not at the mansion.
28:12Where is it?
28:13Well, I thought it would be fun to have it on set.
28:18On set? Unlike the party in Soulset?
28:23Well, that's the only place I could think of
28:25that would surprise Johnny.
28:28Well, that's the only place I could think of
28:30that would surprise him,
28:31and I don't trust anyone at the mansion to not tip him off.
28:34Although, he's so focused with work
28:36that I doubt he would notice it anyway.
28:39Focused on work and on us?
28:44Yeah, unfortunately,
28:47he is still a little bit
28:50tense about having to direct us in a love scene.
28:53I thought he was over it,
28:55but then this morning I was getting this vibe.
28:59What, like a jealous vibe?
29:01A vibe like he doesn't fully trust me around you.
29:05But I mean, he knows nothing is going on between us, right?
29:08Yeah, of course.
29:09But even still, I think it's still triggering for him
29:12knowing that he's going to have to direct us in that love scene.
29:16So, I thought that maybe it would be nice
29:19to just throw him a party on set.
29:21That way he realizes that the set is a friendly place.
29:24You know?
29:25For sure.
29:26You're a damn good wife, you know?
29:28Well, I try.
29:30Whatever you need, I'm here for you.
29:32Alright, well, thank you.
29:33Of course.
29:34Alright, so I will come up with a plan
29:36and then I will reach out to you and let you know, okay?
29:39Sounds good.
29:40I just want everybody to feel comfortable too.
29:42I'll see you on set.
29:43I'll see you on set.
29:44I'll see you on set.
29:52And I can trust you to keep this to yourself, right?
29:58Of course.
29:59Johnny will not hear a word about this from me.
30:03Because my husband is totally clueless.
30:07Let's keep it that way.
30:43What now?
30:44So, hon, I need to ask you a favor.
30:47I am throwing Johnny a surprise party next week
30:50and I wanted to see if maybe you could help me with the cake?
30:54Alright, nice.
30:58So, isn't Johnny West here?
31:01Let's check if I can see him.
31:07Oh, this is what I think it is.
31:22Alex, what am I going to do about you?
31:29Johnny, hi.
31:31Hey, we just got these promotional posters in.
31:35Like Chateau Chanel and Alex, huh?
31:41Well, I'm going to make some calls and figure out where we're going to place these.
31:46We'll see you.
32:24Is this Mrs. Chad DiMera?
32:28Not yet, but it will be soon.
32:30I'm a complete wreck about it.
32:35I know this is a big step, but just remember the second that you two tie the knot,
32:39we get Mom back.
32:42I know.
32:43I keep reminding myself of that, but it's really hard, Mark.
32:48I mean, I feel horrible about what we're doing to Chad.
32:53It's so awful.
32:55He's such a great man.
32:56He does not deserve this.
32:58Don't tell me you're starting to have real feelings for this guy.
33:07Yes, actually.
33:08Actually, I am.
33:10I see how much he loved his wife, how kind and generous and passionate he is,
33:14and how could I not have feelings for him?
33:16How could I not feel horrible about how we are deceiving him?
33:21I know how hard this is for you.
33:26You need to stay focused on the job at hand.
33:29I know.
33:30I know.
33:33Don't worry.
33:34The officiant's on his way.
33:37Everything will be fine.
33:39Oh, yesterday when we were interrupted, you were trying to tell me something.
33:42Is there something that Kai wants you to do?
33:47Don't worry about that.
33:49It's not important.
33:56Mark Green and whoever this woman really is, is pretending to be Abigail.
34:02They need to be stopped.
34:04This is just awful.
34:06Yeah, it's awful.
34:09Now, I'm going to contact Jada, of course,
34:11but our first priority is stopping Chad before he marries that woman.
34:17I tried to talk him out of it yesterday, but he wouldn't listen.
34:20Okay, I'll do everything I can to get a hold of him.
34:34I'm sorry.
34:35I'm sorry.
34:36I'm sorry.
34:37I'm sorry.
34:38I'm sorry.
34:39I'm sorry.
34:40I'm sorry.
34:41I'm sorry.
34:42I'm sorry.
34:43I'm sorry.
34:44I'm sorry.
34:45I'm sorry.
34:46I'm sorry.
34:47I'm sorry.
34:48I'm sorry.
34:49I'm sorry.
34:50I'm sorry.
34:51I'm sorry.
34:52I'm sorry.
34:53I'm sorry.
34:54I'm sorry.
34:55I'm sorry.
34:56I'm sorry.
34:57I'm sorry.
34:58I'm sorry.
34:59I'm sorry.
35:00I'm sorry.
35:01I'm sorry.
35:02I'm sorry.
