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Discover the power of Islamic motivation and transform your life!

In this inspiring video, we delve into the core principles of Islam that fuel motivation and drive. Learn how the teachings of the Quran, the wisdom of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and the Five Pillars of Islam guide believers toward a life of purpose, discipline, and righteousness.


00:00Ta' is for Bismillah, which means in the name of Allah.
00:04We say Bismillah before we do almost anything,
00:08such as before eating or drinking.
00:15Ta' is for Bismillah.
00:19Ta' is for Tawbah.
00:24Tawbah means repentance,
00:26which is asking Allah for forgiveness when we have done something wrong.
00:33When you make Tawbah,
00:35you promise Allah to keep away from the bad deed that you have done
00:39and admit that it was wrong to do it.
00:46Ta' is for Tawbah.
00:50Ra' is for the beautiful month of Ramadan.
00:54During Ramadan, we fast from Fajr to Maghrib for 29 or 30 days.
01:00During this very special month,
01:02Shaytan is locked up so we cannot blame our bad deeds on him.
01:07In Ramadan, all the good deeds we do,
01:10such as praying, reading Quran, and giving charity,
01:14are multiplied up to 700 times.
01:18Ra' for Ramadan.
01:20Ta' is for Tahara, which means cleanliness.
01:25As Muslims, we must always be clean.
01:28Muhammad ﷺ said that being clean is one half of your faith.
01:35So it is very important that we always clip our nails,
01:40trim unwanted hair from our bodies,
01:42brush our teeth,
01:44shower regularly,
01:46wear clean clothes,
01:47and keep our rooms nice and tidy.
01:50Qaf is for Al-Qur'an,
01:53the holy book that was revealed to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
01:59The Qur'an was revealed in Arabic,
02:01and that is why learning Arabic is very important.
02:05There are many inventions in this world
02:07that were discovered through the teachings of the Qur'an,
02:11such as architecture, astronomy, and medicine.
02:20What will I be when I grow up as a Muslim man?
02:25A teacher is what I want to be.
02:27People will come and teach science and history.
02:33And I'll teach Qur'an.
02:35Ghayn is for Al-Ghaffar,
02:39one of Allah's many beautiful names.
02:42Al-Ghaffar means the forgiver.
02:45Only Allah can forgive our sins.
02:50Allah loves those who ask for His forgiveness.
02:58Where are you going?
02:59Where are you going?
03:00North, south, east or the west?
03:02Ghayn is for Al-Ghaffar.
03:04Where are you headed?
03:05Turn to Allah, that's the best.
03:08Ghayn is for Eid,
03:10which we celebrate twice a year.
03:13The first is Eid al-Fitr,
03:15which marks the end of Ramadan.
03:17The second celebration,
03:19Eid al-Adha,
03:20is celebrated on the 10th day of Dhul Hijjah,
03:24the month for performing Hajj.
03:27On both Eids,
03:28we pray a special prayer called Salat al-Eid,
03:32early in the morning.
03:33In the time of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ,
03:38men, women and children used to pray Salat al-Eid.
03:43Eid is the perfect time to give gifts and have a party.
04:14Anful, which means nose.
04:20Udhunun, which means ear.
04:29Baa Bakaratun, which means cow.
04:35Baytun, which means home.
04:42Bahrun, which is the sea.
04:45Let's now learn the Arabic numbers.
04:55Let's count together.
05:15The colour of Abdul Rahman's shirt is blue.
05:20In Arabic, it is Azraq.
05:28The colour of Umar's kufi is white.
05:32In Arabic, it is Abyad.
