مسلسل تل الرياح حلقة 142 مترجمة

  • 5 hours ago
مسلسل تل الرياح حلقة 142 مترجمة


00:01:52Abla nolur yardım et
00:01:55Abla kurtar beni
00:01:59Abla ne olur yardım et
00:02:01Abla bir şey yap
00:02:03Ablacım tamam sakin ol
00:02:07Neden götürüyorsunuz onu nereye götürüyorsunuz
00:02:15Tamam Merve korkma
00:02:17Bak ben yanındayım kurtaracağım seni tamam mı korkma
00:02:29Ne oluyor niye götürüyorsunuz Merve'yi
00:02:33Bilgi veremiyoruz maalesef karakoldan öğrenebilirsiniz
00:02:37Açın kapıyı
00:02:43Zeynep nereye götürüyorlar
00:02:45Bilmiyorum anne ama kurtaracağım kardeşimi
00:02:47Merve yavrum
00:02:49Açın kapıyı
00:02:51Anne açın kapıyı
00:02:53Abla bir şey yap lütfen
00:02:55Açın kapıyı
00:02:57Açın kapıyı kızım nereye gidiyorsun
00:02:59Yavrum ağlama Merve Merve
00:03:01Çıkartın açın kapıyı
00:03:05Nereye götürüyorsun onu
00:03:09Açın kapıyı kızım nereye gidiyorsun
00:03:11Nereye götürüyorsun
00:03:13Abla bir şey yap lütfen
00:03:17Nereye götürüyorsunuz
00:03:19Kızımı götürmeyin
00:03:21Tülay Hanım
00:03:27Hangi karakola gidiyorlar
00:03:39İyi görünmüyorsunuz
00:03:41Abla sen Tülay Hanım'ı götür
00:03:45Anneciğim sakin ol bak tansiyonun var
00:03:49Ben karakola gidip çözeceğim bu meseleyi
00:03:51Sakin ol ne olur
00:03:53Kızım çok küçük ben yapamaz oralarda
00:03:57Merak etmeyin
00:03:59Merve'yi size getireceğim
00:04:01Hadi anneciğim
00:04:03Tülay Hanım
00:04:05Gelin biz içeri geçelim lütfen
00:04:07Gelin içeri geçelim sakinleşelim biraz lütfen
00:04:55Sucuklar yumurtalar
00:04:59Bir de entebin zehteriyle katmeri de olaydı
00:05:01Neyse buna da şükür
00:05:15Onlar senin için değil kıymet anne
00:05:19Bundan sonra ben yaptım yemekleri
00:05:21Sen çok dikkat edeceksin
00:05:23Bir daha tansiyonun fırlamasına izin veremeyiz
00:05:25Bir lokmadan bir şişecek olmaz kızım
00:05:27Olur olur
00:05:29Deme onu sen
00:05:31Geri dur
00:05:33Kıymet anne
00:05:35Senin tabağın bu
00:05:45Ben bu otlarla nasıl doyacağım
00:05:47Biz bunları bizim köyde
00:05:51Estağfurullah kıymet anne
00:05:53Ama bak bunların hepsi antoksidan
00:05:57Şifa yani
00:06:03Günaydın canım ailem
00:06:05Günaydın oğlum
00:06:07Kızım sen de çaylarımızı dök
00:06:09Öğlen olacak
00:06:11Oğlum sen de şöyle gel
00:06:13Gel kara kuzum gel
00:06:15Tamam anneciğim
00:06:19Eren'im iyi uyudun mu?
00:06:27Uyudum uyudum
00:06:33Eren'im demli içer
00:06:37Bana çekmiş
00:06:41Böreklerden de yesene
00:06:43Afiyet olsun
00:06:45Kan olsun
00:06:47Can olsun
00:06:49Afiyet olsun
00:07:11Sucukta yesene
00:07:15İyiyim anacığım
00:07:17İyiyim tabi
00:07:19Tamam benim
00:07:21Afiyet olsun paşam
00:07:33İlk gecemizi annesinin yanında geçirdi
00:07:35Masada da düz düze
00:07:37Evlilik böyle bir şey mi?
00:07:51Nasıl yaparsın bunu ya
00:07:53Aklım almıyor
00:07:57Her şeyi de benden bil
00:08:03Şu emniyet kemerini tak
00:08:05Sana soruyorum ben
00:08:07Cevap ver önce bana
00:08:09Benden Merve'yi kurtarmışken neden engel oldun sen bana
00:08:15Hiç mi vicdanın sızlamadı ya
00:08:17Gencecik kız hapse giriyor
00:08:21Tüm hayalleri bitti
00:08:23Biten bir şey yok Zeynep
00:08:25Sakin ol
00:08:27Beni tükettiğin yetmedi sıra aileme geldi değil mi?
00:08:29Senin öfken bu kadar mı kararttı ya gözünün
00:08:31Öfkeden gözü kararan ben değilim
00:08:33Sonradan pişman olacağın şeyler söyleme
00:08:37Şu emniyet kemerini tak artık
00:08:41Aç şu telefonu aç
00:08:43Sağa sola arayacağına Nevra Hanım'ı ara
00:08:49Tüm bunlar ayağına gelmem için miydi ha
00:08:53O sözleşmeyi imzalatmak için mi yalan söyledin bana
00:08:55Sırf sana diş çökeyim diye mi harcadın
00:08:57Cevap ver bana
00:09:27Neden durdun?
00:09:57Nefes al
00:09:59Nefes al
00:10:01Nefes al
00:10:03Nefes al
00:10:05Nefes al
00:10:07Nefes al
00:10:09Nefes al
00:10:11Nefes al
00:10:13Nefes al
00:10:15Nefes al
00:10:17Nefes al
00:10:19Nefes al
00:10:21Nefes al
00:10:23Nefes al
00:10:25Nefes al
00:10:27Kara kola gitmemiz az kaldı
00:10:33Enerjini kardeşine saklasan iyi olur
00:10:39Bugün zor bugün olacak
00:10:47Asıl kardeşim kurtulamazsa bundan sonra her gün senin için çok daha zor olacak
00:10:5510 years later
00:11:18Nihal, Zümrüt Hanım won't find out about this.
00:11:21Don't leave her alone, okay?
00:11:23Okay, don't worry.
00:11:25It doesn't even hurt an ant. What could have happened? I just don't get it.
00:11:32Ms. Tülay, I'm sure there's a misunderstanding. You'll see.
00:11:36I hope so.
00:11:40Young girl. I think there's a mistake.
00:11:45Why would the police make a mistake?
00:11:48Please, auntie.
00:11:50Gülhan, of course I don't expect anything like this.
00:11:53But she's a young girl after all.
00:11:55There's a crazy blood flowing in her veins.
00:11:57I'm saying it's the devil's doing.
00:12:00Ms. Songül, my daughter doesn't do anything wrong.
00:12:08That's the way it is.
00:12:11Oh, that's a shame.
00:12:16They literally handcuffed her.
00:12:19I hope she doesn't spend the best years of her youth in prison.
00:12:24Don't look at my aunt, Ms. Tülay.
00:12:27She likes to exaggerate everything.
00:12:30We can't lose hope.
00:12:32Halil and Zeynep will call soon. They'll give us good news. Don't worry.
00:13:11Sir, my brother is not guilty.
00:13:14It doesn't say that here, but his identity was found in a stolen car.
00:13:23How? Isn't Ms. Nevra a complainant?
00:13:29Sir, as far as I know, Merve is not guilty.
00:13:34There must be a misunderstanding.
00:13:37Mr. Halil, admit that you got in the car at Merve's interrogation.
00:13:42Can I see my brother?
00:13:45It's impossible at this stage.
00:13:47Sir, you know me. I'm an infidel to Merve.
00:13:52Zeynep's sister.
00:13:56Let me see you in five minutes. I'd appreciate it.
00:14:01Okay, but just five minutes.
00:14:11I'll be right back.
00:14:57What is it?
00:14:59Merve, I'm here.
00:15:04I swear I didn't do anything.
00:15:07I swear I didn't do anything.
00:15:10Okay, don't be afraid. I'm here.
00:15:13Now, calm down. Tell me everything.
00:15:18Sister, I got in that car.
00:15:22But I'm the one who stole the car.
00:15:25Sometimes he taught me how to drive in class.
00:15:29I swear I don't know anything.
00:15:31I swear I don't know anything.
00:15:34I don't know who I am.
00:15:37I dropped the car while I was learning to drive.
00:15:40I swear I don't know anything.
00:15:43Okay, it'll pass.
00:15:47Look, I'm with you.
00:15:50Halil called his lawyer.
00:15:53I'll find that Taner.
00:15:56What if I can't find him?
00:16:02If I can't find him, I'll die here.
00:16:05Please get me out of here.
00:16:08You have time.
00:16:11No, don't go.
00:16:13No matter what happens, you'll be strong.
00:16:16I'll find Taner and get you out of here.
00:16:19Sister, don't go.
00:16:52Sister, don't go!
00:16:59The lawyer is about to come.
00:17:03Come in.
00:17:07Sir, my brother is innocent.
00:17:11He came to someone's game called Taner.
00:17:13He didn't even know the car was stolen.
00:17:15I guess he dropped his identity there.
00:17:17Taner Yavuz, yes.
00:17:20He's been charged with many crimes.
00:17:23I mentioned it to your wife before you came.
00:17:25We're looking for him everywhere.
00:17:27But we haven't found him yet.
00:17:32How will the process work now?
00:17:34What will happen to my brother?
00:17:36Merve will be taken to the courthouse at 8 o'clock tonight.
00:17:40If Taner Yavuz can't be caught by then,
00:17:43I thought he'd be tried.
00:17:50No, my brother can't.
00:17:56Sir, you have my number.
00:17:58Call me if there's any progress.
00:18:00Good luck.
00:18:38Zeynep, stop!
00:18:40I don't have time to lose.
00:18:42I'm going to find that Taner guy.
00:18:44I promised my brother.
00:18:46I'll get him before it's dark.
00:18:48I don't need your help.
00:18:51This is my business, you're not going to get involved.
00:18:57It's not time for you to be stubborn.
00:18:59We need to find him.
00:19:06Who is this guy called Taner?
00:19:08How is Merve? Tell me.
00:19:10He's a friend of the courthouse.
00:19:14Okay, let's go. Let's investigate.
00:19:16We'll definitely find something.
00:19:17Get in the car.
00:19:23Mr. Halil!
00:19:24Why did they take Merve?
00:19:26There's a misunderstanding.
00:19:27We're looking for a boy named Taner.
00:19:28If we find him...
00:19:30Do you know Taner?
00:19:32Not much.
00:19:35I think I saw him when I was entering and leaving a house in the town.
00:19:40Is that so?
00:19:41Okay, give me his address.
00:19:43Then take Ms. Zeynep to the farm.
00:19:55Cemil's address.
00:19:57There's a market when you turn right from the main street in the square.
00:20:00Next to the market.
00:20:08Come here.
00:20:10I'm so hungry.
00:20:14The opportunity is precious.
00:20:19He put the herbs in front of me.
00:20:21Come without mercy.
00:20:24Don't worry.
00:20:26I'll cook a sausage.
00:20:45It smells so good.
00:20:47I'll cook it with butter.
00:20:49I'll sprinkle chili pepper on it.
00:20:52Then I'll eat it with bread.
00:21:00It smells so good.
00:21:03He'll come running and catch me like a thief.
00:21:14It's so beautiful.
00:21:18It's perfect for my mouth.
00:21:22I'm hungry.
00:21:28The water in the iron is over.
00:21:29I'll fill it up.
00:21:35What are you doing?
00:21:45Did you eat sausage?
00:21:48And raw.
00:21:49I'll eat it.
00:21:52I'm just trying to keep you healthy.
00:21:57I won't give it to you.
00:21:58I'm so hungry.
00:22:01I'll make you something healthy.
00:22:04No, I don't want it.
00:22:06The more I think about it, the more nervous I get.
00:22:09It's good for your blood pressure.
00:22:11It's good for your cholesterol.
00:22:13You don't have fat, salt, sugar.
00:22:14Eat it.
00:22:16I ate it in the morning.
00:22:19I didn't give you a bite.
00:22:22I'm trying to keep you healthy.
00:22:25Don't get involved.
00:22:26I'm old.
00:22:28I'm an ancestor.
00:22:29I ate it before I went to the field.
00:22:33Okay, I'll make you some steamed vegetables.
00:22:37The new generation knows everything.
00:22:40Don't you watch TV?
00:22:42The doctors are screaming.
00:22:44Stay away from stress.
00:22:48Learn a little science.
00:22:51I'm sorry if I upset you.
00:22:54Because I thought of you.
00:22:56If you're going to think of me, don't get involved in what I eat.
00:23:00Now I'm going to make you some water.
00:23:07Don't get involved in what I eat.
00:23:11Don't get involved in my blood pressure.
00:23:13Don't get involved in my cholesterol.
00:23:15Don't get involved in my fats and sugars.
00:23:20Don't worry, I won't get sick again.
00:23:23Okay, if you say so.
00:23:35I'm going to ask you something.
00:23:37Ask me anything.
00:23:40As long as I don't get involved in my appetite.
00:23:52Should I break an egg on this?
00:23:54Shouldn't I?
00:24:08Zeynep, what are you saying?
00:24:12Merve would never do such a thing.
00:24:26Ms. Tülay.
00:24:28Ms. Tülay.
00:24:30Come and sit down.
00:24:31Come and sit down.
00:24:38Are you okay?
00:24:40They blame Merve for theft.
00:24:45Do you see?
00:24:47That's what I'm afraid of.
00:24:49It's a theft.
00:24:50Look, the devil fell asleep.
00:24:53Ms. Songül.
00:24:55No, my aunt didn't mean that.
00:24:57Right, aunt?
00:24:59I mean, yes.
00:25:01I mean, your daughter didn't steal.
00:25:03She had a disease.
00:25:04What was her name?
00:25:08Maybe she has that disease.
00:25:11Ms. Songül.
00:25:14My daughter is not sick.
00:25:17We don't steal anything from anyone.
00:25:19We don't.
00:25:24But they steal from us.
00:25:40You're right.
00:25:43Gülhan, I'm going to my room.
00:25:45Let me know if anything happens.
00:26:10You're a thief.
00:26:12You're a family thief.
00:26:15Zeynep stole Halil.
00:26:17You stole Ömer from me.
00:26:47You stole Ömer from me.
00:26:49You stole Ömer from me.
00:26:51You stole Ömer from me.
00:26:52You stole Ömer from me.
00:26:54I hope you see your daughter rotting in prison.
00:27:01After that, you won't be able to take what belongs to someone else.
00:27:08I hope you see your daughter rotting in prison.
00:27:13After that, you won't be able to take what belongs to someone else.
00:27:21After that, you won't be able to take what belongs to someone else.
00:27:45This is the address.
00:27:50I hope you see your daughter rotting in prison.
00:27:57After that, you won't be able to take what belongs to someone else.
00:28:05I hope you see your daughter rotting in prison.
00:28:11After that, you won't be able to take what belongs to someone else.
00:28:19Look, Taner may be at home.
00:28:22If you're coming, stay calm. Stay behind me.
00:28:27If you don't calm down, I'll put you in the car with my own hands.
00:28:32Do you understand?
00:28:40I hear you. Focus on home, not me.
00:28:48The next day
00:28:53Look at these imbeciles.
00:28:55Is this how you do the housework?
00:28:57Sit down, girl.
00:28:59They made my Pasha's favorite food.
00:29:04I was just going to ask you that.
00:29:07I want to set up a nice table for Eren in the evening.
00:29:10Which food does he like the most?
00:29:14What does he like?
00:29:19My Pasha likes raw food.
00:29:24Anything else?
00:29:25Anything else?
00:29:28With meat or without meat?
00:29:30Without meat.
00:29:31My Pasha doesn't like meat.
00:29:34And celery.
00:29:36He loves it.
00:29:38Oh my God.
00:29:39Eren never mentioned these.
00:29:42Okay, then.
00:29:43You'll eat, right?
00:29:45I'll do it myself.
00:29:46No, no.
00:29:48You do it yourself.
00:29:49I'll take care of my own food.
00:29:51Okay, then.
00:29:52I'll go to the market and get what you said.
00:29:55Would you like anything from the market?
00:29:57Thank you, dear.
00:30:02As if I were Bayram, it would come from his hand.
00:30:05You sit down and eat it yourself.
00:30:08Let's see tonight, son.
00:30:10Who will eat my food, Selma Khan?
00:30:15Come on.
00:30:45Zeynep, wait outside.
00:30:48Let's call the police.
00:30:49There's no time.
00:30:50Get out.
00:31:15Get out.
00:31:29Who are you?
00:31:41Who are you?
00:31:42Who are you?
00:31:43Don't touch me.
00:31:46Don't touch me.
00:31:48Don't touch me.
00:31:53Who are you?
00:31:54I said, who are you?
00:31:56I'm Suat.
00:31:58Where is the dog called Taner Yavuz?
00:32:00Who is Taner Yavuz?
00:32:01I don't know Taner Yavuz.
00:32:03Don't mess with me, Suat.
00:32:05I don't know.
00:32:08I don't know.
00:32:11I'll find you.
00:32:12I'll find you.
00:32:14He came once or twice.
00:32:15We talked and then he left.
00:32:21I'll find you.
00:32:23I'll find you.
00:32:28You're going to talk.
00:32:29Talk a lot.
00:32:31Brother, please let me go.
00:32:32I have a suggestion for you.
00:32:42I have a suggestion for you.
00:32:59Look, this guy is called Taner.
00:33:02He's useless.
00:33:03He's worthless.
00:33:06Brother, please don't leave me.
00:33:08Tell me.
00:33:10I swear I don't know anything.
00:33:11We don't have sincerity like you think.
00:33:28He comes once in a while.
00:33:29We talked for a long time.
00:33:30He hasn't come for a long time.
00:33:42He came once a week.
00:33:44But his name is different.
00:33:48They prepared him in a fake passport.
00:33:57The sin is gone from me.
00:34:10The sin is gone from me.
00:34:13Ali, stop.
00:34:16Let him go.
00:34:17He doesn't know anything.
00:34:18Let's not waste time.
00:34:19Come on.
00:34:40If you hadn't meddled in my business, the man was talking.
00:34:43Not everything can be solved by force.
00:34:49Then let's solve it your way.
00:34:51What is it?
00:34:52I've already solved it.
00:34:56Go home.
00:34:57Don't get in my way anymore.
00:34:59I saw Taner's fake passport at home.
00:35:03Suat will give it to Taner.
00:35:05Then we'll catch him.
00:35:07That's why I prevented you from killing the man.
00:35:09I'm sorry.
00:35:10Why didn't you say that before?
00:35:11Should I have said it next to the man?
00:35:13Don't hide anything from me again.
00:35:16Hiding the truth is usually your game.
00:35:20I guess I'm surprised.
00:35:25Excuse me.
00:35:26I'll wait for Suat to leave the house or for Taner to come.
00:35:30I'll wait.
00:35:33We'll wait.
00:35:34We'll wait.
00:35:37Let's go.
00:35:57Oh, my dear.
00:35:59Who is your mother?
00:36:02She is so beautiful.
00:36:05If I had seen her, I wouldn't have been able to find a woman like her.
00:36:11Kıymet mother.
00:36:13Who are you talking to?
00:36:15I'm talking to myself.
00:36:17Sorry for being alone.
00:36:20Oh, my dear.
00:36:21My son-in-law grew up and started a family.
00:36:24He found himself a bride like a rose.
00:36:30But if you look at the preparation, you won't be able to eat the food of a rose-like lady.
00:36:34I'll eat as much as I can.
00:36:38You're going to be mad at me again.
00:36:40Look, these are very healthy for you.
00:36:42It balances your blood pressure.
00:36:44My daughter.
00:36:45We made a deal with you.
00:36:47We shook hands.
00:36:48I'll make my own food.
00:36:50Don't shake hands.
00:36:52But don't you do a little too much for one person, mother Kıymet?
00:36:56It's a question mark in everything.
00:36:59I'll do it myself.
00:37:01You go.
00:37:02It's done.
00:37:04No, don't get tired for nothing.
00:37:05That's why I'm telling you.
00:37:08If it stays, I'll put it in the fridge.
00:37:11I'll eat it tomorrow.
00:37:13You don't know.
00:37:14It's prepared for guests.
00:37:17Did you get what I said?
00:37:19I got it.
00:37:21Cucumber is here.
00:37:22I also bought the cabbage and cabbage.
00:37:24It's here, too.
00:37:26My son-in-law will have a feast.
00:37:32I hope it doesn't take long.
00:37:33It comes early.
00:37:36My daughter.
00:37:38Since you're going to set the table for your husband,
00:37:40I'll think about every detail.
00:37:44My husband will surprise you.
00:37:47No, dear.
00:37:48What's the need?
00:37:49It will come.
00:37:50My daughter.
00:37:51Food is everything.
00:37:53It's a comprehensive plan, project.
00:37:56You're new.
00:37:58Don't you know?
00:38:00I'll teach you as your mother-in-law.
00:38:03You'll excite your husband.
00:38:06I'll describe the smell of the table before I get home.
00:38:10It will come.
00:38:12Your heart will beat.
00:38:17If you say so, I'll call.
00:38:19Say hi to me.
00:38:28Yes, dear.
00:38:29You won't be late tonight, will you?
00:38:31I have a surprise for you.
00:38:33I've never been late for a surprise.
00:38:36Okay, then.
00:38:37I'm waiting.
00:38:38I kiss.
00:38:50Merve tells me everything.
00:38:52I've never heard of Taner.
00:38:55I don't know who he is.
00:38:58I've seen Taner with Merve before.
00:39:07I've seen Taner with Merve before.
00:39:16But he didn't trust me.
00:39:19Why didn't you tell me?
00:39:22I tried to tell Merve.
00:39:25I was going to tell her mother.
00:39:27Can you call Halil?
00:39:31Maybe I can improve.
00:39:33Let's call.
00:39:35I hope the information I gave worked.
00:39:45Halil, what did you do?
00:39:46God, please give Halil good news.
00:39:56I got it.
00:40:00What happened?
00:40:01What did they do?
00:40:02They went to the address Cemil gave.
00:40:04They found a fake passport in the man's house for Taner.
00:40:09Now they're waiting around the house.
00:40:11Either Suat will take the passport, or Taner will come to get it.
00:40:16They're going to beat Taner up there.
00:40:18You can rest assured.
00:40:21It will be solved, Ms. Tülay.
00:40:22Don't worry.
00:40:55Merve will not get rid of the snake in prison.
00:40:59I'll make you eat those words one by one, Tülay.
00:41:04You'll see that Zeynep is gone.
00:41:08I'll ruin you all.
00:41:29I'm going to ask you for something.
00:41:31Open your ears and listen to me carefully.
00:41:44Did they go?
00:41:50They're not showing up.
00:42:05Where have you been, Suat?
00:42:07I can't move without a passport.
00:42:09Don't ask me.
00:42:10A crazy man and a woman came.
00:42:12They're going to beat up Merve.
00:42:14They're going to beat up Taner.
00:42:16They're going to beat up Merve.
00:42:18A crazy man and a woman came.
00:42:20They're going to beat up Merve.
00:42:22They asked you.
00:42:23The man was killing me.
00:42:25You didn't kiss me, did you?
00:42:27Don't worry.
00:42:28I won't kiss you.
00:42:29Be careful.
00:42:30You have to be at the port by 9 p.m.
00:42:32Don't kiss me.
00:42:33Don't worry.
00:42:34I'll come when I say I'll come.
00:42:36I'll come when I say I'll come.
00:42:48The trial will start in two hours.
00:42:55What are you doing?
00:42:56He's not going to get out.
00:42:58I'll go talk to him.
00:43:01I know he's going to get out.
00:43:03His passport was by the door.
00:43:05He was going to leave before we got here.
00:43:08Let's wait a little longer.
00:43:10Does it still hurt?
00:43:12No, it doesn't matter.
00:43:21What are you doing?
00:43:22Don't go.
00:43:33Don't go.
00:43:44For bruises and wounds.
00:43:46There's no need.
00:43:47It's not the time now.
00:43:51If there's a wound that needs to heal,
00:43:53it doesn't matter.
00:44:03It's not the time now.
00:44:04It's not the time now.
00:44:33It's not the time now.
00:44:56He's out.
00:45:00Put your belt on.
00:45:03Put your belt on.
00:45:33He's out.
00:45:47He'll take us to Taner.
00:45:49He's not going fast.
00:45:51It'll be easy.
00:45:53Will he be able to get away if he goes fast?
00:46:00He can't get away from us.
00:46:02Don't worry.
00:46:07Look, Zeynep, I'm warning you.
00:46:09You're not going to go back on your word.
00:46:11There's nothing you can do.
00:46:13You're going to keep calm.
00:46:16Look who's talking.
00:46:17I'm the one who keeps calm.
00:46:19You're the one who turned around and turned to the police.
00:46:21I'll remind you.
00:46:22I saw the passport.
00:46:33We're getting in touch with the guy.
00:46:37I'm aware.
00:46:42Is that what the truck does?
00:46:44Right in front of us.
00:46:50Let's make it a little wider.
00:46:52Let's cross the lines.
00:47:03He's getting out of the car.
00:47:05Why did he stop?
00:47:06We're going to kidnap him.
00:47:10Calm down.
00:47:13I can't calm down when my brother is talking.
00:47:15I'm sorry.
00:47:17What are you doing?
00:47:18Didn't I warn you to calm down?
00:47:20I'm sorry.
00:47:21I'm sorry.
00:47:22I'm sorry.
00:47:23I'm sorry.
00:47:24I'm sorry.
00:47:25I'm sorry.
00:47:26I'm sorry.
00:47:27I'm sorry.
00:47:28I'm sorry.
00:47:29I'm sorry.
00:47:30I'm sorry.
00:47:31Didn't I warn you to calm down?
00:47:41We're unloading the goods.
00:47:42Give me five minutes.
00:47:44We can't.
00:47:48There are two hours left until the trial.
00:47:50Aren't you going to do anything?
00:47:51Are you going to be quiet?
00:47:54If you're quiet, I'll talk.
00:47:58We're in a hurry.
00:47:59We can't wait.
00:48:00Open the way.
00:48:05He doesn't even break his uniform.
00:48:07Open the way.
00:48:17What are you doing?
00:48:18It's not enough that you don't help.
00:48:19Are you blocking me?
00:48:21What are you going to do?
00:48:23Are you going to go and beat him?
00:48:24Weren't you the one who said that nothing could be solved by brute force?
00:48:30What are you doing?
00:48:31Where are you going?
00:48:32We're going to catch Suat.
00:48:33Don't worry.
00:49:01You read what you know like you always do.
00:49:16You think you know everything.
00:49:19You didn't just get in that car because I insisted.
00:49:23You care too much about yourself.
00:49:27All you want to do is tell me what I say.
00:49:30We won't be able to save my brother, that's why.
00:49:35Zeynep, that's enough.
00:49:36Enough? We're going in the opposite direction of where Suat is going. Are you aware of that? We've gone far away.
00:49:45You think so. I have good intuition.
00:49:50No, we've lost.
00:49:54My brother's innocence will be lost.
00:49:58What am I going to tell my brother? What am I going to tell my brother who's asking for help behind my back?
00:50:27We've gone far away. I told you, you didn't listen to me. If that truck had pulled out of the middle of the road, none of this would have happened.
00:50:47Why did you slow down? I need that man to save my brother.
00:50:59Zeynep, shut up and look ahead.
00:51:04Suat's car.
00:51:08I told you my intuition is good.
00:51:17I'm so tired, but it was worth it. Eren will be so happy to see it.
00:51:41He's here.
00:51:47Let's see who's going to laugh now.
00:51:54Welcome, son.
00:51:59Your Highness.
00:52:02How was your day, mom?
00:52:03How was it? You must be hungry. Sit down.
00:52:09I'm so hungry.
00:52:11Sit down.
00:52:16I have your favorite dishes. I've been dealing with them since morning.
00:52:22I made it myself.
00:52:25You'll love it.
00:52:30I love it, mom. I love it. But today I'm going to eat what Selma made.
00:52:42Honey, what is this?
00:52:46Pumpkin. It's undercooked.
00:52:56It's undercooked. That's why I couldn't recognize it.
00:53:01Honey, it's very good. Thank you.
00:53:06Then I'll go get the bread.
00:53:08Honey, don't bother. Pumpkin is enough.
00:53:13No way, Eren. They're all going to be over.
00:53:23Mom, give me some of this.
00:53:24No way. I'm going to eat what my stomach made.
00:53:29Mom, I'm going to die of hunger. Give me some of this.
00:53:33Take it. Take it, mom. Take it. It's super.
00:53:36It's a mother's heart. Take it.
00:53:41Mom, it's so good.
00:53:43God bless you.
00:54:06I was looking at your pulse.
00:54:09You know my mom's blood pressure.
00:54:12Don't tire yourself, Eren.
00:54:14I know what I'm going to do.
00:55:03Is Taner hiding in the construction site?
00:55:06There's something strange about this.
00:55:10He's too calm.
00:55:12Obviously, the passport is not with him.
00:55:14I told you I saw it.
00:55:16The passport was in that bag.
00:55:21You wait here.
00:55:23I'll come, too.
00:55:25I told you to wait.
00:55:34We said what we said.
00:55:43God, please protect him.
00:55:45Don't let anything happen to him.
00:55:51It's done.
00:55:53Halil just swallowed it.
00:55:59Taner's passport was in that bag.
00:56:02Taner's passport was in Suat.
00:56:05You're going to get to Suat before anyone else.
00:56:08You're going to keep Halil and Zeynep busy.
00:56:11We're going to stop Zeynep and Halil from saving Merve.
00:56:18I'm going to text you Suat's address.
00:56:23If you do what I say,
00:56:26ask me for whatever you want.
00:56:32What's going on?
00:56:40Who the hell are you?
00:56:49I'm here to help you.
00:56:51I don't want any help. Get out of here.
00:56:53Don't shout.
00:56:55That man and woman are waiting for you outside.
00:56:58Are they waiting for me?
00:57:01They're in the car, in the bag. Go check it out.
00:57:14Damn it.
00:57:17What do you want?
00:57:19You're going to take that man and woman again.
00:57:22You're going to save your friend and make a lot of money.
00:57:26As much money as you can't imagine.
00:57:31I don't care.
00:57:40It's done, Ms. Songir.
00:57:41It's done, Ms. Songir.
00:57:59The little snake is now in jail.
00:58:03Zeynep and Tülay will be destroyed in pain.
00:58:07I will get rid of the lioness one by one.
00:58:11I will get rid of the lioness one by one.
00:58:41I will get rid of the lioness one by one.
00:59:11I will get rid of the lioness one by one.
00:59:41I will get rid of the lioness one by one.
00:59:50I will get rid of the lioness one by one.
01:00:11I will get rid of the lioness one by one.
01:00:58Come here.
01:01:11Yeah, that's enough.
01:01:20Yeah, that's enough.
01:01:25The end of the road.
01:01:27You look like a smart guy, but you fell into your own trap.
01:01:32Let's see if you can laugh like this when it's over.
01:01:37Toys, huh?
01:01:39You will see toys.
01:01:40You got it.
01:02:10I know him.
01:02:31I know his passport.
