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00:00Being friendly towards others opens a door of risk, allowing them into your personal
00:11space, even for a brief moment.
00:14It is a demonstration of goodwill and kindness.
00:17When you are openly friendly, you are interested, kind and receptive towards people that are
00:22strangers, and you permit yourself during such moments to be vulnerable and mutually
00:27supportive to people you do not know.
00:30When you are sincerely friendly, there are no assumptions regarding the other person's
00:36You open yourself up enough, encouraging them to reciprocate the return of friendly interaction.
00:43From the smallest of conversation or interaction, you can learn a lot from a person and of yourself.
00:49When you begin any interaction based on previously conceived assumptions from other similar experiences,
00:55you lessen what the present moment could be.
00:58Assumptions many times leads to outcomes that don't radiate with light or warmth.
01:03When you are sincere and friendly, assumptions are absent.
01:07You give people the benefit of the doubt.
01:09Yes of course there is a risk, but it is not healthy thinking everyone has an unkind agenda.
01:16It is important to remember that everyone has a journey to travel, and sometimes paths
01:21will cross.
01:23Instead of judging from assumptions, inquire, reach out a hand of kindness.
01:28Not everyone will accept your kind hand, but those that do will appreciate your generosity
01:33and add more warmth to that loving heart of yours, reminding you that the giving of kindness
01:38creates beauty and cannot be rushed, but nurtured, and this nurturing comes from you being kind
01:44to yourself.
01:46Expectations and assumptions about another person are mostly self-fulfilling.
01:51And when you are openly friendly, inviting and sharing the goodwill of your heart, you
01:56are maximizing the depth of your relationships.
01:59A great way to demonstrate friendliness that is open and pure is through service.
02:05Acknowledging others through kind gestures of giving, lending a helping hand, opening
02:09a door for an elderly person, giving a friend a warm hug, and other such demonstrations
02:14of kindness may be simple, but they matter a great deal.
02:19Volunteering in your community isn't just about volunteering, helping out at school
02:23drives or helping at church fundraiser, it's about sharing your heart and soul with another
02:28as a recognition of kindness, goodwill and appreciation for others and all life.
02:34Remember dear ones, when your actions are filled with love, there is no request, but
02:39there is provision.
02:41How you can help someone else, also helps you.
02:45When you do good deeds for others for no reward or monetary benefit, you help to increase
02:50your self-confidence, self-esteem and level of well-being.
02:54The next time you are interacting with others and you have the opportunity to do something
02:59kind for them, think of your actions as providing them with love from the kindness of your unconditional,
03:05compassionate heart.
03:07And so it is.
