Best Cartoon - Merrie Melodies - Farm Frolics #classiccartoons #kids

  • il y a 12 heures


00:15The typical American farm presents many interesting sights.
00:19This show horse is the pride of the farm and the winner of many blue ribbons.
00:24He is trained to perform in every game.
00:27First let's see you do a trot.
00:35Now the gallop.
00:41That's fine.
00:42Now do a canter.
00:43I'm happy about the whole thing.
00:46The way that you walk, the way that you talk.
00:49Hey, hey, that's enough of that.
00:54Here we find the farmer's faithful old watchdog.
01:01Though he is no longer very active, he still does a few little odd jobs around the house.
01:07One of his chores is to fetch the newspaper.
01:11Oh, there's the paper now.
01:13I can hardly wait to see what happened to Dick Tracy.
01:44Here is a group of cute little piggies playing in the...
01:48Well, what are they up to?
01:51They seem fascinated by that clock.
01:54Oh well.
01:56Here's a proud mother hen, carefully watching over her eggs.
02:01Anxiously awaiting the eventful day.
02:04What a happy little family this will be.
02:08What's this?
02:09A weasel, the ruthless thief of the barnyard,
02:12watching his chance to sneak in and steal those defenseless little eggs.
02:20He draws closer and closer and closer.
02:39Don't ever do that.
02:49In the nearby trees we find many species of bird life.
02:57The birds always...
02:58Oh, look up there.
03:00No, no, over to the left. See?
03:03A little owl, nestling inside the tree trunk.
03:19Here's an interesting sight.
03:21A young couple laboriously building their nest.
03:24With a bit of string from here,
03:26and a piece of straw from there.
03:29A little twig, a bit of string,
03:31piece of straw, a little twig, a bit of string,
03:33piece of straw, a little twig, bit of string,
03:35piece of straw, little twig, string, straw, string,
03:37string, straw, twig, string, straw, twig...
03:48At the edge of the woods, field mice make their home.
03:54Here we see one of the most common types.
03:57Say, he seems to be a bit worried.
04:02Tell me, little fellow, what seems to be troubling you?
04:06I don't know, Doc.
04:08I... I just keep hearing things.
04:15Even the tiniest of insects, such as the ants,
04:18have a language all their own.
04:25Emerging from the opening comes a female of the species.
04:29If you listen very closely,
04:31you can hear her calling to her young.
04:37Coming, Mother.
04:45The modern farm is conducted on a business like...
04:49Well, here are those little piggies again.
04:52Say, piggies, why don't you go off and play?
04:59Oh, well, suit yourself.
05:03Here is one of the strangest friendships that has ever been known.
05:07Natural enemies, yet living together as friends.
05:11A cat and a mouse.
05:17Tell me, is it true that the cat takes good care of you?
05:24And keeps you nice and warm?
05:28Well, that's truly a friendship.
05:31Now, before we leave you,
05:33is there anything that you would like to say to your friends in the audience?
05:40Get me out of here!
05:50And so, as the day draws to a close,
05:54and the sun sinks slowly in the west,
05:57we reluctantly take our leave of the farm.
06:01Well, the piggies again.
06:03Are they going to stay there all night?
06:05What in the world can the attraction be?
06:14Dinner time!
06:31Dinner time!
