Cartoons For Kids - A Tale Of Two Kitties #classiccartoons #kids

  • il y a 11 heures
00:31Écoutez, vous voulez manger, n'est-ce pas?
00:34Oui, Babbitt. Je veux manger. J'aime manger.
00:37Alors, allez-y et sortez l'oiseau de cet oiseau. Et on va manger.
00:41Mais je ne veux pas manger, Boyd. J'aime manger. J'ai faim d'abord.
00:46Que se passe-t-il, Freddycat? Ce n'est que un petit oiseau.
00:50Vous voulez dire un pauvre petit oiseau défensif?
00:57Laissez-le! Laissez-le! Je vais le tuer, Babbitt!
01:00Je vais le tuer! Laissez-le!
01:02Rassurez-vous! Rassurez-vous!
01:04Je vais le tuer! Où a-t-il trouvé tout ça?
01:06Ne me retraites pas! Je vais le tuer! Je vais le tuer!
01:10Allez, arrête de te moquer!
01:12Arrête de me pousser, Babbitt! Ne me pousse pas!
01:15Je suis inquiet pour aller à la paix. J'ai la hydrophobie.
01:19Je ne veux pas aller... Ne me pousse pas!
01:22Tu ne peux pas me le faire! Tu ne peux pas me le faire!
01:28Il l'a fait!
01:30Allez, stupide! Prends le oiseau!
01:36Donne-moi le oiseau! Donne-moi le oiseau!
01:39Si l'office de Hayes m'en permettait, je le donnerais à Boyd.
01:58Hey, Babbitt! Look! Stilts!
02:03Help! Help!
02:05Babbitt! Here I go again!
02:08Catch me!
02:10Help! Help!
02:12Babbitt! Here I go again!
02:15Catch me! Help!
02:18Hey, I'm too young to die!
02:20Help! Save me! Help!
02:23Hey, how'd you get away up here?
02:26Say, Babbitt, are you sure this thing is gonna be okay?
02:30Of course, of course. Everything's under control.
02:32Don't push me down in a box, Babbitt!
02:34Please don't do it! Don't do it!
02:36Hey, Babbitt! Oh, Babbitt! Babbitt!
02:40I'm afraid of the dark.
02:42Well, I'll let you out then.
02:53I thought I saw a putty can.
02:56I did. I saw a putty can.
03:09Oh, the poor putty can. He crushed his witty head.
03:16Gee, Babbitt, I'm just no good.
03:19All the brakes were against you.
03:21I'm a flopperoo. I can't even get the point.
03:24Don't worry. You'll get it all right.
03:26You mean I'll get it in no time?
03:28You'll get it in no time.
03:30You'll get it in no time.
03:32You'll get it in no time.
03:34You'll get it in no time.
03:36You'll get it in no time.
03:38You mean I'll get it in the end?
03:40Yeah, and you'll get a big bang out of it, too.
03:45Well, that sure takes a load off of my mind.
04:07Hey, cut it out! Cut it out, pigeon! Don't do that!
04:11This witty pitty went to martyr.
04:14This witty pitty stayed home.
04:16My head will speak.
04:19Well, what do you know? I ran out of pitties.
04:22Babbitt! Babbitt!
04:26Here, putty duck.
05:17Oh, I just can't seem to get the boy.
05:20Take no use.
05:21Don't worry.
05:22I can't do it.
05:23This'll get you up there. Contact.
05:31Hey, Babbitt!
05:33I am a Spitfire!
05:45Hello? Fourth Interceptive Command?
05:48I see an unidentified object flying around my widow head.
05:57Is there an insurance salesman in the house?
06:04Air raid! Lights out! Total blackout!
06:07Wake it up, Puttycat! Wake it up!
06:09Air raid! Lights out! Total blackout!
06:12Hey, now's our chance! Come on!
06:18Turn out those lights!
06:33© BF-WATCH TV 2021
