Cartoons For Kids - Freedom River #classiccartoons #kids

  • il y a 11 heures
00:00Musique d'ambiance
00:18Cris d'oiseaux
00:20Musique d'ambiance
00:29There once was discovered a land where freedom flowed like a clear, refreshing stream.
00:37Word of this wondrous stream spread to places where the currents of freedom were weak and dying.
00:44Many who heard of the river longed to come and live in this new land, to refresh themselves in this stream.
00:51For they knew that the power of freedom was great, that it would renew their hope and replenish their energy.
00:59So they came and tasted the waters of freedom that were refreshing.
01:08And they said, here is the greatness of this land.
01:14As long as this stream flows strong and clear, our people will be filled with life and hope.
01:21Our land will bring forth a vigorous and abundant life.
01:26But if these waters cease to flow or lose their clarity, our land will decay and die.
01:38The new land prospered. The people tilled the soil and built great cities.
01:46Remarkable inventions and new ideas made life rich and joyous in this land of freedom.
01:53The people became content. How good to live in this most favoured land.
02:00They grew proud. How well our hands have cultivated and built.
02:08Their pride grew and grew. They did not know that too much pride could blind them.
02:18They did not know that too much pride could make them arrogant, foolish.
02:25And so it happened that because they so coveted the river, they barred from it people who looked unfamiliar or talked differently.
02:35In the false belief that strangers were not deserving.
02:40Little remembering that not long ago, they too were strangers.
02:45When new ideas were proposed, the people ridiculed them, for they were not afraid to change the old ways.
02:56When some among them arose and selfishly took more than their share, the people did not stop them, but instead resolved to do the same.
03:11Instead of helping those who were ill and weak, they despised them and chastised them for their idleness.
03:24When a wise man stood up and said, look, the waters are beclouding, they could not see it.
03:35So their pride made them blind. And when he tried again to make them see, they shut him up.
03:45For his vision infuriated them. How could they act differently?
03:51They loved the stream as they remembered it, fresh and clear, and could not bear to look upon its decay.
04:00When the children, unblinded by old recollection, saw it too, they cried out.
04:08But their fathers called them ungrateful and punished them.
04:13And even as the river grew weak and muddy, glib leaders said it was strong and clear and must be sent to certain deserving lands.
04:24And the people believed them and allowed their precious little fluid to be spilled upon alien soil.
04:35The people, feeling their hopes dying and their energy waning, finally looked at the river.
04:45They saw it was wasted and stagnant.
04:50The spirit of despair was great in the land.
04:55The people became confused. They did not know what to do.
05:04In the darkness of that hour, they heard many voices.
05:09Some said, the river is a nuisance and only lowers efficiency.
05:14Too much freedom causes disorder.
05:18The people are not ready for the river of freedom. Perhaps later.
05:24We will stop the river and start it again when it is safe.
05:31But other voices said, let us work to make the waters of freedom flow fresh and strong again.
05:40Where it has been fouled by our foolishness, it can be made clear by our wisdom.
05:47Where it has grown stagnant from our neglect, it can be kept fresh by our vigilance.
05:55And the people listening said, the life or death of the river of freedom is in our hands.
06:16Translation by Jean Laflute
