• yesterday
A trailer for Billy Saves the World
00:00Hey everybody, welcome back to another video.
00:03This week I'm taking a look at one of the puzzles in the game, a side quest, and all
00:08the different ways you can go about solving it.
00:12Because just like the levels, which we looked at a couple weeks ago, the levels themselves
00:18have multiple paths, secrets, different solutions, and all that kind of stuff, and just like
00:23the levels, I tried to keep the design philosophy consistent, and so I made sure that even the
00:31more adventure game aspects of the game, like solving puzzles and talking to people, they
00:36also had multiple solutions and different outcomes.
00:40Sometimes they're very small, and sometimes they're great, and the one we're going to
00:43look at today has kind of a mixture of both.
00:47There's some things you can choose that aren't going to change things that much, but then
00:51in other ways they will change things, so very early in the game you're going to come
00:55across this area here surrounded by balloons, and you might be curious to check it out,
01:02so let's see what happens when we go inside here.
01:07You're going to have this little sequence, and a little bit of a scene.
01:16So he's saying this clown is bonkers here, so you've got to see what's up.
01:20By the way, my name is Cooper Bebo, I'm the writer, director, and designer of this game,
01:27and you can wishlist it on Steam right now, which I would really appreciate doing.
01:32Billy Saves the World is the name, go check it out on Steam right now, links will be in
01:36the description, join our Discord, and come talk to me.
01:43So right here, this is going to be a little bit of a dialogue, a little back and forth
01:47here, basically saying that this freak of a clown here has enslaved this poor creature
01:56in this cage.
01:59He's a famous entertainer.
02:01So some little context for you, part of the narrative of the game is that all these portals
02:06open up across all the universes and times that exist and pull people randomly to this
02:12So that's how you ended up here, mysteriously as well, and that's how this creature ended
02:16up here as well.
02:17So this clown freak is trying his best to restart his life on this new planet, and so
02:24he's captured this alien creature as part of his new freak show, in a sense.
02:30He's trying to rebuild his life here.
02:34And so, at this point, you have three options.
02:37You can question the clown, you can accept his offer to get inside the cage, which might
02:43be a bizarre move to do, or you can decline to get into the cage.
02:47Now, I think most people are going to decline or question, but some people might think of
02:56getting into the cage might be a good idea, who knows.
03:00So let's see what happens if you say no.
03:08This guy's kind of a freak, he talks in a weird way.
03:29So maybe if you have something better, he did see a monkey nearby, he seems very excited
03:35about this.
03:37So, basically, hmm, a classic monkey trade, huh, I'll see what I can do.
03:41So basically, you've now got this side quest.
03:44And like everything in the game, it's completely optional.
03:47Some people may never ever see this sequence, some people might get it and choose to ignore
03:52it, and some people might want to solve it.
03:54So you can check your to-do list here and get the information here.
03:58So he says, a clown freak named Bubz is holding an alien creature captive.
04:02He said he would let it go if I can find a monkey to take its place.
04:07So you need to find a monkey for this clown to trade him for this creature here and set
04:12this creature free.
04:14Now if you go and talk to this creature here, he says something interesting.
04:19Again, some people might miss this completely, but other people might not.
04:26So he's saying, if you can find a way to grease him up, he could actually sneak out of this
04:31So now you actually have two ways of solving this one quest, and it's up to you to figure
04:39out which one you want to do.
04:41Another interesting thing is that some players will go over here and discover there's a boulder
04:48Now when you first run into this interaction, depending on when you do it, you're probably
04:52not going to be able to do anything here.
04:56But because I've played more of the game before coming here, I have a special ability that
05:00allows me to kind of do a Jedi-like force push, and I can break boulders, and that allows
05:08me to get inside here.
05:10It also reveals hidden platforms as well.
05:14So if I go into this cave, a unique scene occurs.
05:23And this is cool too, again, there's lots of little details.
05:27There's instances where you might come here later on and this won't happen, but because
05:31I did things in a certain order, this sequence is going to be seen.
05:35Some players might never see this sequence, ever.
05:39So he's wondering, what are you doing in this fun zone here?
05:43I don't have the correct music for this level yet in this demo, but there's a really cool
05:48song for this level.
05:54So if I make it to the very end, sure, but if I make it to the end, you gotta let that
06:04creature go free.
06:06This looks too hard for me.
06:07Maybe later.
06:08So you can choose to not do this, or you can choose to do it.
06:11I'm going to do it.
06:15This guy's a real creepy talker, you know?
06:20Alright, so, if you're following that now, there's now in this instance, depending on
06:28what you've said and what you've done, I now have three different active ways I can solve
06:34this quest.
06:35I can either try to do this obstacle course, and it's difficult, but if you're not a platformer
06:43type, if you think you're not, if your skills aren't up to the task, you can either, I mean,
06:51honestly, there's ways you can explore this cave differently and find an easier path through
06:57Again, there's so many choices here, so many different paths, but if you don't like to
07:04take your chances with the platforming, you can go try to find a monkey for this guy to
07:07trade him.
07:08Still, you can do that, or you can find a way to grease the creature and have him slip
07:14out of the cage.
07:15There's three different ways just for this one little side quest.
07:18Again, I cannot emphasize how many different things and variations there are just for this
07:24one quest.
07:25This is just one of dozens of side quests that are in the game.
07:28Just like the levels, there are multiple paths through every single level, and all of it's
07:36This is a completely optional quest.
07:39You don't have to ever have this experience.
07:43I might just speed through this one.
07:45I might play it in real time and just speed through it because I don't want to spoil the
07:51whole level, but let's go through here.
07:53It's kind of an obstacle course where you have to kind of dodge fireballs.
07:57If you have the cave navigator, which I think I do, yeah, you can actually scan this cave
08:02before you go into it, and it will give you a little bit of a tip for how you might be
08:08able to complete this cave in a much easier way.
08:13You can kind of skip a lot of the...
08:15Yeah, you can do this cave in a much easier way.
08:20I could go down there and get that optional coin if I want to.
08:23If you're a completionist, you can get that silver explorer coin.
08:39Yep, that's what that part's...
08:41It would suck to...
08:43I give you a reward of a gold coin there because if you get to the very end here, you should
08:48get something.
08:51It sucks to get knocked off at that point because you got to start over from the beginning.
08:57So as you can see, to the left there, there's other alternate paths you can take.
09:00There's a little clue, little hints, and again, the cave navigator will make it very clear
09:05how to get that.
09:11So now I've completed his quest.
09:16Alright, so I've now completed that little thing.
09:23I'm not going to show you what happens.
09:24I've actually, through editing, I've just loaded a different game here.
09:30So he's still in the cage, and now I need to find either a monkey or some grease for
09:37So let's try to find a monkey, okay?
09:41So at this point, you're going to be exploring the world, and you're going to come across
09:47a monkey.
09:49Now he doesn't look super friendly, but let's see what happens if we speak to this fellow
09:54here, named Virgil.
09:57This is actually named after my childhood stuffed, my very first, like, stuffed animal.
10:04It was a monkey named Virgil.
10:05I named it Virgil after a movie.
10:07So he's like, ah, you're scary, I'm out of here.
10:11Cheer up, monkey.
10:12Or we can give it a, give it a, an item.
10:15Let's see if we tell him to cheer up.
10:17Oh, he throws an acorn at me.
10:19That's not very nice.
10:22So we've got this monkey.
10:26We know that the clown wants this monkey.
10:29It's up to us to figure out how to get this monkey into the cage for the clown.
10:36Now you're going to have to use some creative thinking, and I personally think this is,
10:39it's silly, but it's, it's fairly logical.
10:43Now I'm not going to show you exactly how to solve this, but I will show you most of
10:49I've tamed this monkey.
10:52I've brought out its more civilized side.
10:57As you can see, he's changed his demeanor.
10:59Whoa, you can talk.
11:02Of course I can talk, I'm a monkey.
11:05I've always wanted to talk to a monkey.
11:06I have so many questions.
11:08You may ask one.
11:10So even within this interaction, there's going to be branches.
11:12I try to make everything feel somewhat unique to you.
11:16So like even within this unique path, you know, again, recapping, well, I'll recap later.
11:22Even within this unique path, there are even more unique sub paths as well.
11:27Now, of course, it's just a simple joke.
11:29It's just simple.
11:30You know, do people come from monkeys?
11:32Why do you throw poop at people at the zoo?
11:34Will you do a monkey dance?
11:37These are just three silly throwaways, but they're tiny little details that will make
11:41your experience through this game slightly different from other people's experiences
11:45within an already unique experience.
11:47So it's kind of cool.
11:50So let's say, do people come from monkeys?
11:55Where I hail from, monkeys come from humans.
11:56Isn't that how it works everywhere?
11:58That's so cool.
12:00Can I take a photo of you?
12:01It's not every day I meet a talking monkey, I guess.
12:05So now you're going to take a photo of this monkey.
12:13And you've got a monkey picture.
12:15Now if you go up to this guy and talk to him again, hey, you wouldn't be willing to be
12:19held captive by an evil clown freak to save my friend, would you?
12:23Absolutely not.
12:24Ah, crumbs.
12:26So you've got the next best thing.
12:28You've got a photo of a monkey.
12:31However, and the cool thing about this monkey creature is if you happen to do this interaction
12:39and you happen to interact with this monkey, he comes back later in the game.
12:43There's certain key characters in this game that you can meet.
12:47They're all optional, but if you do, you might see them again later on, even multiple times.
12:51They may show up later in the game.
12:52Again, nothing too drastic.
12:54It's just simple little things where it's like, ah, there's that guy that I helped before.
12:58And maybe you'll see them near the end of the game as well.
13:01Just anything, any little touches to make your experience a little bit different.
13:07So now I've got what I need.
13:09Again, I'm not going to tell you the entire solution, but we're not 100% ready yet.
13:15If you give this photo to the clown freak, well, let's see what happens if you give him.
13:21I'll just show you what happens if you give him the photograph.
13:26Hee hee hee, yes, me likes this monkey.
13:31If yous gets me this one, then me like your friend.
13:33So there's a little unique response.
13:36So he wants that monkey.
13:38You're not done the puzzle yet.
13:40There is a way to give him what he wants and save this creature.
13:47Alright, I'll just show you the puzzle.
13:50I gotta show one puzzle, right?
13:52I just hate spoiling puzzles.
13:55So in my inventory, I've got this lanky ragdoll.
14:03If you read the description, a masterfully woven ragdoll made of the finest thread.
14:08It's long arms and legs make this a great decoration to hang from trees for all sorts
14:13of silly fun.
14:14So just looking at it, it looks monkey-ish.
14:16The description, again, hinting at monkey-ish stuff.
14:21I'm not going to tell you how you get this ragdoll.
14:24I believe there are two ways to get one, but I'm not going to show you that.
14:30Again, I'm going to keep some secrets, but I'm going to show you the solution, obviously.
14:34You're going to combine the ragdoll with the monkey picture.
14:40You combine those bad boys, you get yourself a monkey doll.
14:45A doll I made that looks strangely monkey-like.
14:47It's the second best monkey doll I've ever seen.
14:49That's a Monkey Island reference, a little inside joke.
14:53Now again, and this is very Monkey Island inspired.
14:57It's kind of whimsical and funny and silly that someone would fall for this, but it's,
15:02in my opinion, it's fairly logical.
15:04It's not super obtuse.
15:06I don't like when adventure games are just like, make no sense.
15:10So now, we can give the monkey doll.
15:29So now, the monkey, the fake monkey is in the cage.
15:35The alien creature is free.
15:38This might glitch out here, but we'll find out.
15:41There we go, it worked.
15:47So he walks off, quest complete.
15:50You get 150 SP.
15:51So that's one way of getting SP.
15:55So if you ever need spirit protons, that's the game's currency to buy things, you can
15:59do it by solving puzzles, talking to the locals, or you can do it by exploring the world and
16:04just finding it laying around.
16:06It regenerates.
16:07Or you can do it by doing more action oriented gameplay, like finishing levels like you saw
16:12me do earlier.
16:13Now, don't forget, this is time for the recap.
16:17There were multiple ways I could do this, and multiple, multiple things within those
16:20multiple ways.
16:21I could have agreed.
16:23I could have tried to find a way to grease that creature up and slip him out of the cage.
16:28I could have given him a monkey.
16:30I could have gone through the level and beat the level in exchange for freeing him.
16:36And there's two ways to do that level.
16:38There's the more complicated action way, and there's more, if you explore, there's a much
16:42easier route through that cave as well.
16:45There's multiple conversations within these multiple routes.
16:48You can ask the monkey to dance.
16:52You can ask him a weird question.
16:55You can even do one other weird thing.
16:58Come, step into me cage and join the other.
17:00Use be me big debut freak show.
17:03You can question him, or you can accept the offer.
17:06Hmm, sure, why not?
17:08What's the worst that could happen?
17:13Oh, right, whoops.
17:21That was a very strange choice to voluntarily get into this cage.
17:26Please tell me it's part of a master plan.
17:28Uh, yeah, of course.
17:32So now you're stuck in a cage.
17:34You're stuck in a cage.
17:35This is a completely different thing here.
17:37Now again, not every choice is going to give you a drastically different thing, but it's
17:41still a different story.
17:43So if you happen to talk or share with your friends, or you're streaming the game, people
17:46will be like, oh wow, I did it differently, or this didn't happen for me.
17:50I'm trying to give people unique experiences, and again, I cannot emphasize enough that
17:54this is just one, just one puzzle in the game.
17:57And there's tons, there's tons of puzzles, there's so many side quests.
18:01Every single side quest has multiple solutions, multiple outcomes, different dialogue, different
18:07Every level has different paths.
18:10Everything can be done the way you want to do it.
18:12There's often an action-oriented way, or a more thinking man's way of doing things.
18:18And I'm very, very happy with the value that's in this game.
18:21I'm looking forward to seeing how people solve, and what they choose to do.
18:26So if this looks fun to you, please go wishlist the game.
18:28It's called Billy Saves the World.
18:31Get in the cage, find out what happens, try to get out, let me know how it goes.
18:34Billy Saves the World, wishlist on Steam.
18:38Until next time, goodbye.
18:41Thanks for watching the video.
18:42My name is Cooper Bebo.
18:43I'm an actor, writer, producer of film, television, and video games.
18:47This video was brought to you by my Premium Plus members on my Patreon.
18:50Go there now.
18:51You can sign up for free, get access to my premium blog, and also do a monthly podcast
18:56right here, where I talk about all my projects, catch everybody up, and just talk about whatever
19:00I feel like.
19:01Go to my Discord.
19:02It's free.
19:03I post a bunch of stuff on my projects as well, including Billy Saves the World, a bunch
19:08of behind-the-scenes videos, and all this kind of stuff.
19:11There's also a special section for paying members as well, where you can talk about
19:14whatever you feel like, books, movies, music.
19:16It's just mostly myself right now, talking to myself.
19:20But please check it out.
19:22And while you're at it, go to Steam, head to Billy Saves the World page, and give it
19:28a wishlist.
19:29I'd appreciate it.
19:30Thanks for watching again.
