• last year
Your ideas dance
Around your thoughts
As the raindrops dance
Around the sap
Of a tree trunk
The sap absorbs them
In its upward struggle
There is an absorption
And a sweat
There is one big blossoming
In the spring of your time
And a final melting rainbow
In the dew drops of your soul.

Poem by Marieta Maglas\n\nMarieta Maglas

00:00your ideas dance
00:02around your thoughts
00:03as the raindrops dance
00:06around the sap
00:08of a tree trunk
00:09the sap absorbs them
00:11in its upward struggle
00:13there is an absorption
00:15and a sweat
00:17there is one big blossoming
00:19in the spring of your time
00:21and a final melting rainbow
00:24in the dew drops of your soul
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