Cẩm Tú An Ninh Tập 10 Thuyết Minh

  • 8 hours ago
01:30Bùa phim Cẩm tú an ninh. Tập 10.
01:50Con thỉnh an mẫu thân. Miễn lễ.
02:00Con thỉnh an tổ mẫu. Đứng dậy đi.
02:05Xả ơn tổ mẫu.
02:22Nhi công tử Trình Gia này sáng sớm đã đến đây nói với ta
02:27rằng cậu ấy sắp sửa lên đường về nhà.
02:32Ta đang nghỉ hay là tổ chức một bữa tiệc tiện khách ngay trong giường nhà mình.
02:37Mẫu thân yên tâm, con dâu nhất định sẽ lo liệu chú Toàn.
02:42Nhĩ công tử Trình Gia này sắp đi rồi sao?
02:47Trình công tử cũng chỉ là thay mặt tổ mẫu của cậu ấy tới thăm bà già này.
02:52Mẫu rất nhiều, có vài việc không thể trì quản được.
03:02Thôi được rồi, ta và Hải Như có chuyện quan trọng cần nói.
03:07Các con về đi.
03:11Chúng con xin phép lui xuống.
03:22Hải Như, thi thể bị cháy đen kia.
03:27Nhà môn đã có kết luận gì chưa?
03:32Không tra ra được là ai, nhưng nhà chúng ta xưa nay không kết quản với ai cả.
03:37Nhà môn phán đoán chắc là trộm đột nhập.
03:42Còn tin không?
03:47Thất cô nương, công tử nhà chúng ta hôm nay sức khỏe không tốt, đang nghỉ ngơi.
03:52Sức khỏe không tốt.
03:57Thất cô nương.
04:02Dậy đi.
04:07Sao vậy Thất Mũi?
04:12Không có việc gì. Ra ngoài.
04:22Ngọn lửa ở nhất 5 trai là do Quynh phóng sao?
04:27Cả thi thể kia cũng là do Quynh mang vào sao?
04:32Đúng, sao Quynh làm chuyện nguy hiểm như thế?
04:37Quynh đã hứa với Mũi thế nào?
04:42Mũi tin Quynh, nhưng mà những gì Quynh làm, Mũi thực sự nhìn mà không hiểu.
04:47Ta làm như thế là vì muốn tốt cho La Phủ, vì muốn tốt cho lão phù nhân.
04:52Mũi đừng hỏi nhiều, biết càng nhiều, càng không tốt cho Mũi đâu.
05:07Cô nương, xem ai tới nè.
05:12Cô nương, Thanh Cường, ngươi về rồi.
05:17Đi đường có thuận lợi không?
05:22Dọc đường cũng khá thuận lợi. Ta quên biết hai quân đệ trương gia của Tàu Bang. Họ giúp ta rất nhiều.
05:27Tàu Bang hả?
05:32Tàu Bang rất đáng tin cậy.
05:37Ngươi luôn cẩn thận, ta đừng nhìn tin tưởng ngươi.
05:42Dĩ Mạnh đã phu kì ở đâu hả?
05:47Đã tới khách đến rồi. Hai quân đệ trương gia đang trông chừng ông ấy.
05:52Được, ta đi tìm ông ấy.
05:57Mũi đừng ở lại hải đường Nguyễn một lát. Thôi cô nương đã cùng nàng ta rời Phủng.
06:02Bảo ngũ gia theo sát, việc đây nhất định phải làm cho tốt.
06:12Đẹp hơn.
06:28Công tử, tên Kiều Ngũ kia đã ở dưới lầu ngó nghiêng hồi lâu rồi. Có cần ta đi xử hắn không?
06:33Nhắc nhở thất cô nương một chút là được rồi. Đừng để lộ quá rõ.
06:38Những việc khác?
06:43Đã có quân đệ trương gia lo.
06:53Những điều vừa nói đều là sự thật.
06:58Lão Phu làm như thế thật trá giá lương tâm của người thầy thuốc.
07:03Bao năm qua cũng thường xuyên tự trách bản thân.
07:08Vậy Mạnh Đại Phu, ông có bằng lòng trá làm chứng hay không?
07:13Đó là điều đương nhiên. Nếu không thì ta cũng sẽ không theo thanh cửa cô nương lên Kinh Thành.
07:18Mạnh Đại Phu, vậy thì làm phiền ông rồi.
07:23Không có, không có.
07:28Hai dì đi thông thả, rảnh rỗi lại ghé chơi. Khách quan mời vào trong.
07:33Bên trong có chỗ ngồi, xin mời.
07:38Đây chẳng phải là Kiều Ngũ gia sao?
07:43Không nhìn đường.
07:48Ngày đây là định đi uống rượu hả? Đi đi, thứ không biết nhìn đường.
07:53Hai dì đi thông thả, rảnh rỗi lại ghé chơi.
07:58Có phải hắn muốn tới cướp người không?
08:03Có cần tìm thêm người bảo vệ Mạnh Đại Phu không?
08:08Thì bắt hết một mẹ lưới. Nếu không phải cướp người, thì xem thử bọn chúng còn có chiêu trò gì khác.
08:13Đi thôi.
08:18Tiểu nương, Ngũ gia gửi tin đến.
08:23Việc đã xong xuôi.
08:28Vậy thì tốt.
08:33Có thể ra ngoài đi dạo được rồi. Mấy hôm trước Mũi tới thăm tỉ đều không gặp được. Mũi lo lắng lắm.
08:38Phải đa tạ hương an thần của Ngũ Mũi. Có lòng rồi.
08:43Có ích cho tỉ tỉnh là được. Đại tỉ tỉ, có phải vì Trịnh Công Tử mà bệnh không?
08:48Ngũ Mũi Mũi, ta chỉ là bị cảm lạnh.
08:53Chuyện này sau này đừng nhắc tới nữa.
08:58Ta đại tỉ tỉ cũng đừng nản lòng. Biết đâu còn cơ hội.
09:03Trịnh Công Tử sắp đi rồi. Chuyện sau này đừng nhắc lại nữa.
09:08Là Mũi lắm lời rồi.
09:13Khi là đang làm gì vậy?
09:16Lâm Đại Nương Tử đã mời cánh hát nổi tiếng nhất Kinh Thành tới gấp vui.
09:21Dù sao Trịnh Công Tử cũng là khách quý, thì cũng phải náo nhiệt một chút.
09:26Chúng ta đi xem thử đi, mau lên.
09:31Đây là cái gì?
09:36Giải lộ theo này thật tinh xảo. Đặc biệt là hoa lang trên đó.
09:41Đường kia mỗi chỉ thật phức tạp. Đây không phải là thứ người thường dùng được.
09:46Sao lại bị bỏ ở đây?
09:51Đây là Liên Khanh, bãi kiến hai dị cô nương.
09:56Giải lộ theo trong tay cô nương là của một người rất quan trọng giới thiệu sinh tặng cho.
10:01Xin cô nương trả lại. Người chính là Liên Khanh, chính là Tài Hạ.
10:06Vẫn mong dị cô nương này trả lại.
10:11Đa tạ.
10:16Hắn vừa ra sân khấu, có thể nói là dạng người chen chút.
10:21Chỉ là giải lộ theo tinh xảo như thế, sao lại là đồ của hắn?
10:26Đại tị tỷ, giải lộ theo này mũi nhìn có chút quen mắt.
10:31Hình như từng tháng thắt mũi mũi dùng.
10:36Cái gì? Lời này không thể nói lung tung được.
10:41Có phải mũi nhìn nhầm rồi không?
10:44Có lẽ là mũi nhìn nhầm rồi.
10:47Thôi được rồi, chỗ này người đong miệng người phức tạp, chúng ta vẫn nên đi nhanh thôi.
11:01Cô nương, mấy hôm nay sao cô nương tiểu tụy vậy? Có chỗ nào không khỏe sao?
11:06Không sao, ta chỉ là thấy hơi đau đầu thôi.
11:11Tiệc sắp bắt đầu rồi, cô nương có sao không?
11:15Có lẽ là vì đêm qua mưa to quá, bị nhiễm lạnh rồi.
11:20Ngươi bảo nhà bếp nấu chút trà gừng, đem thẳng tới tiệc là được.
11:24Dạ được, vậy ta giúp cô nương chạy đầu trước.
11:33Tùng Chi, ngươi nhìn cái gì vậy?
11:37Thưa cô nương, nô tì chỉ thấy lạ là, mấy hôm nay tâm công tử sao không tới diễn tặng qua nữa?
11:52Cô nương, đêm qua giữa mưa, hôm nay trời lạnh hơn nhiều.
11:56Sức khỏe của cô nương chịu được không?
11:59Ngươi đi lấy cho ta một cái áo tràng đi.
12:08Bài kiến Tam ca, thất mùi mùi.
12:12Gần đây trời lạnh, vẫn nên mặc nhiều quần áo hơn.
12:16Còn Tam ca, ngày ngày bận rộn tâm công ngàn việc, vẫn nên chú ý sức khỏe của mình.
12:21À đúng rồi, chuyện của Mùi, Quynh đừng quản nữa.
12:25Chúc ân quản không liên quan tới Quynh.
12:29Công tử, lời này cô thất cô nương là ý gì?
12:32Lẽ nào cô nương biết, người đang bận biệu chuyện của cô nương bên ngoài?
12:36Đừng lắm chuyện.
12:39What do you think you're doing?
13:05This song is very famous in Kinh Thanh.
13:10It took me a long time to get it.
13:12That's how it is.
13:18Mother, when will you come?
13:21I'm so hungry.
13:23Wait a little longer.
13:35I'm hungry.
13:51You're awake.
13:53Who are you?
13:55Who am I?
13:57Don't you know?
14:01This is a gift from God.
14:06Tell me, what do you want?
14:08Of course I want...
14:10Miss Seven!
14:11Where are you going?
14:13Miss Seven!
14:15Miss Seven!
14:17Where are you going?
14:19Miss Seven!
14:21Miss Seven!
14:23Miss Seven!
14:25Miss Seven!
14:27Miss Seven!
14:30Miss Seven!
14:39Why is there an incense burner over there?
14:42What are you doing?
14:44It seems to be a burner for Nhi Ninh's room, Thuy Hung's room.
14:47Call her back and ask how, see what's going on.
14:50Yes, Miss Seven.
14:52You, come here.
14:55Why are you running?
14:58What are you doing there?
15:01Miss, Miss Bao Ta is at the door of the hospital.
15:04If someone comes, report to her immediately.
15:07What do you mean?
15:09Where is your Miss now?
15:12Right inside.
15:17Is there only Miss in there?
15:20There is also...
15:21There is also a man.
15:25Damn you, Miss.
15:27I will kill you.
15:32You are such a bad girl.
15:34Get out of here.
15:39Why are you here?
15:43Who is your father?
15:46Where is your mother?
15:53I'm here.
15:56Are you looking for me?
15:59I'm fine.
16:07I'm fine.
16:12This is the man who hit me and forced me to come here.
16:16Fortunately, you came in time to save me.
16:19Miss, what are you talking about?
16:22Isn't this what I met here?
16:26Isn't this the letter you told me to bring to meet me?
16:31It was you who told me to give this letter to this man.
16:36It was you who told me to give this letter to this man.
16:43From the west of the Thach Gai Lua,
16:45the end of love,
16:47a warm place,
16:49I hope to meet you.
16:54Nghi Ninh,
16:56I recognize your handwriting.
16:58It is indeed your handwriting.
17:00Is there anything else to say?
17:04this letter may be fake.
17:07although this man is my relative,
17:09but he is not a relative.
17:11How can you give it to him?
17:14That's right.
17:15What is the relative of this man?
17:19didn't you say that you were afraid that the letter would be too obvious,
17:22so you let a stranger man do it?
17:25That's right.
17:28This is a gift from me to you.
17:30When we first met,
17:31I always carried it with me.
17:35This is not a fake.
17:37I gave it to my late mother.
17:41I saw this fake.
17:43I and the young mistress picked it up from the yard.
17:46This is the person who came to receive it.
17:49It is said that
17:50it was given by a very important person to him.
17:53The young mistress can testify to this.
17:58This fake,
18:00I told Tung Chi to wash it and dry it in the sun.
18:02It was lost when drying.
18:03I was still very sad.
18:05After all, this is the relative of my mother.
18:07Shut up!
18:08You don't know how to be ashamed.
18:11I can see that you are talking nonsense.
18:13Butler Bach!
18:15Give me this fake of the young mistress and this fake.
18:18All right.
18:23Let Yining say it all.
18:26I admire you.
18:32When did I give you this fake?
18:34On that day, in another scene,
18:36there was a traffic jam.
18:37I lost my way.
18:38I saved you.
18:39How did you save me?
18:41That day, the sky was beautiful.
18:43You wore a yellow shirt.
18:45It looked very beautiful.
18:46You thanked me for saving your life.
18:48We just met and fell in love.
18:50You gave me a fake.
18:51Promise me a hundred years.
18:52Tell me to come to La Phu to find you.
18:55That day, I saved you.
18:57When did we meet?
18:58You wore a yellow shirt.
19:09The three princes don't need to hide it from us.
19:12It was the next morning that we met you.
19:14You said you were my brother.
19:16Everything must be hidden from me.
19:18But now, my love for you doesn't need to be hidden anymore.
19:23Miss, you have to believe me.
19:25I will definitely not help you.
19:31What a disgrace to our family.
19:34I'll beat you to death.
19:38Stop it.
19:44Can you move your brain a little bit?
19:46There are many points in this story.
19:48I haven't asked you clearly yet.
19:51Now the evidence is enough.
19:53If you ask any more questions, it will be a disgrace to our family.
19:58Where did you say you were?
20:01Why did you save her?
20:03It was so chaotic that day.
20:04How did you escape?
20:08It was too dark that day.
20:10Specifically, where was it?
20:13I don't remember clearly.
20:15Too dark?
20:16Didn't you just say the sky was beautiful?
20:18And you just said
20:20you saved me.
20:22But that day, you met me in the north of the island
20:24and hid under the bridge.
20:26You didn't say anything.
20:29Yes, yes, yes.
20:30I did save you in the island.
20:32Then I took you straight to the south bridge.
20:34At that time, your clothes were wet.
20:37I set fire to dry your clothes.
20:39You saw that I had a military style
20:41that you wanted to wear for the rest of your life.
20:43That's why you gave me a firework.
20:46The northern side of the sandbar is the sea.
20:49Where did you go to the island?
20:53The south side is the island,
20:55but there is no bridge.
20:57And where did you go that day?
20:59Your island is so beautiful.
21:01It's all over the place.
21:06Say it.
21:08Who made you not save the girl?
21:12I went to the sandbar for the first time.
21:14It was a mess that day.
21:16I don't remember the details.
21:18But this firework is really the girl's gift to me.
21:24this firework
21:25and the one you gave your son
21:27are not the same.
21:29Think about it.
21:35That year, I ordered two
21:37to distinguish between fake and real.
21:39The one I gave my son
21:40was a seven-winged crocodile.
21:42The one I gave my son
21:49was a six-winged crocodile.
22:04This is
22:06my firework.
22:07It can't be.
22:08How can it be mine?
22:10Someone must have stolen my firework.
22:12Old man,
22:13you must be the master of my firework.
22:15I thought
22:16someone murdered the girl.
22:18I didn't expect
22:19to suspect myself.
22:22That's right.
22:24that day, I and sister saw
22:26the seven-winged crocodile.
22:28Sister also said
22:29the crocodile was a fake.
22:31If you don't believe,
22:32you can ask sister to come
22:33and ask her.
22:35Butler Bach.
22:36Yes, sir.
22:37Invite the lady to come.
22:39Then tell the prince
22:41just say
22:44what else can I say.
22:46What else can you say?
22:48Just say I'm sick again.
22:50Take care of your heart.
22:52Forget about him.
22:56I'm sick.
22:57I'm sick.
22:58I'm sick.
22:59I'm sick.
23:00I'm sick.
23:01I'm sick.
23:02I'm sick.
23:03Yes, sir.
23:23the old lady is sick.
23:25You have to take care of her.
23:29I know.
23:35the old lady is sick.
23:39This feast
23:40will have to wait another day.
23:42I'm so sorry.
23:43Is the old lady very sick?
23:45Let me see.
23:46No need to bother Prince.
23:48Now the old lady's house is full.
23:50I have to go there as soon as possible.
23:52If so,
23:53I won't bother her anymore.
23:55Today, I would like to ask for permission
23:57to ask the Queen to help me.
24:00Thank you, Prince.
24:04come with me to the hospital.
24:06I also want to go.
24:10Let's go.
24:34why did you call us here?
24:38I have something to ask you.
24:46do you remember
24:47when we went for a walk in the garden,
24:49did we get a lottery ticket?
24:51After that,
24:52we returned it to Lian Khanh.
24:56I remember.
24:57At that time,
24:58we also discussed about the lottery.
25:00In that process,
25:02do you remember
25:03a lottery ticket?
25:19I only remember a lottery ticket,
25:22but I forgot how many tickets.
25:31Your Majesty,
25:32the lottery ticket is really lost.
25:34I really don't know how to play the lottery.
25:38How can this be possible?
25:40What about the poem in the letter?
25:42It's really a poem written by Mui Mui.
25:44How to explain it?
25:45That's enough.
25:46Let's talk about our performance first.
25:49Without my permission,
25:50you can't go out.
25:53As for
25:55the name of this lottery ticket,
25:57why don't you report it?
26:00Let Phu Nha's people
26:02investigate it.
26:03Are you afraid that he won't tell the truth?
26:05Haven't you lost enough yet?
26:07Report what?
26:08So you mean
26:10not to investigate anymore?
26:14How can it be?
26:15We must return the cleanliness to Nghi Ninh.
26:21Your Majesty, you are wrong.
26:23This matter has not been decided yet.
26:25The poem is also clean.
26:30Let me think about it.
26:33Butler Bach.
26:35Take this lottery ticket
26:36to her house first.
26:39help Ninh go back to her room first.
26:41Wait a minute.
26:47If your father feels confused,
26:49listen to your daughter.
26:52Thanh Cuong.
27:01this is Tran Tu.
27:02He belongs to the family of Kieu Ngu.
27:04He was also the son of Lua Ma Ma
27:06who used to live in a street.
27:08That day at the sand field,
27:09he was the one who chased after his son.
27:12It was Kieu Ngu who told me wrongly
27:14and followed the misconduct of the young master
27:15to kidnap the young lady.
27:16As for my mother,
27:18it was also the young master who gave my mother a bag of money
27:20and told my mother to go to the morgue.
27:21I didn't do anything else.
27:22Please forgive me.
27:26You don't have to bleed.
27:27Do you have any other evidence?
27:28I have a letter from Kieu Ngu
27:30who told me wrongly
27:31to work for the young lady.
27:33You just need to take a letter from Kieu Ngu
27:35to compare the handwriting.
27:37The handwriting can also be fake.
27:38Who knows?
27:39Is it possible that someone
27:40deliberately harmed the young lady?
27:42I don't know until now.
27:44Can the handwriting be fake?
27:46Nhi Gia,
27:47the matter has come to this country.
27:49It must be investigated thoroughly.
27:52It can't be ignored anymore.
27:58Please follow my order.
28:13Open the gate.
28:20please take Nhi Ngoc home.
28:29Hoang Nhung
28:36Tam Ca
28:39Da Ta Gun
28:42Thuc Co Ninh
28:47Thuc Co Ninh
28:58Thuc Co Ninh
28:59Thuc Co Ninh
29:01Where are you going?
29:02Thuc Co Ninh
29:03What are you doing?
29:04Thuc Co Ninh
29:05I want to see the result.
29:07Thuc Co Ninh
29:09Thuc Co Ninh
29:11Thuc Co Ninh
29:14Thuc Co Ninh
29:15Do you like this game?
29:16Thuc Co Ninh
29:18Thuc Co Ninh
29:22Thuc Co Ninh
29:23Thuc Co Ninh
29:25I touched your hand.
29:27Thuc Co Ninh
29:45I didn't mean it.
29:47Ngoc Nhi,
29:48you did a good job.
29:52Nhi Phong's affair
29:54We tried our best.
29:59you are the best.
30:02You didn't let me down.
30:06that's what I remember.
30:11You mean
30:12that guy
30:14is the one
30:15who fought with you
30:16in the other scene?
30:18That night,
30:19a man and a woman
30:20appeared in the other scene.
30:21The other woman
30:22was wearing
30:23a colorful dress.
30:27We have to
30:29report this to our ancestors
30:30before we do anything.
30:36Kieu Nguyet Thien
30:39For so many years,
30:40I have been praying
30:41for our family
30:43to have a son and a daughter.
30:46I don't have many people.
30:49But I didn't expect
30:52that you would do
30:53such a cruel thing.
30:56You deliberately hurt your mother-in-law
30:58in the other scene
30:59and killed the girl.
31:02you even want to ruin her reputation.
31:05Do you know your sin?
31:10Tran Tu said
31:12that Kieu Nguyet Thien made a mistake
31:13and did this and that.
31:15That's just one side of the story.
31:17Kieu Nguyet Thien himself
31:18is not here.
31:19How dare you
31:20confront him directly?
31:26I have been praying for you
31:27for so many years.
31:28I have a heart for you.
31:29I won't do such a thing.
31:31I only care about you
31:32every day.
31:33Do you feel cold?
31:34Do you feel hungry?
31:36You only have me in your heart.
31:50what Kieu Nguyet Thien said
31:51makes sense.
31:53Why don't we
31:54find Kieu Nguyet Thien
31:55and let them confront him
32:05Kieu Nguyet Thien,
32:13Steward Bai.
32:15Invite Dai Phu here.
32:19don't hurry.
32:21Dai Phu will be here soon.
32:26Dai Phu is here.
32:34Steward Chen.
32:44Manh Ha Duong,
32:45bow to Madam.
32:46Steward Bai
32:47bows to Steward Nhi.
32:49I didn't expect
32:50to meet you after so many years.
32:51Steward Nhi still remembers
32:52Mr. Hu.
32:53Aren't you
32:54Steward Dai Phu?
32:56Why is he strong?
32:58This story
32:59is a lie.
33:00Mr. Hu is strong.
33:01He is from Yangzhou.
33:05Kieu Nguyet Thien
33:06doesn't want others to know
33:07that he and Mr. Hu
33:08are old friends.
33:10So he lied
33:11that they are from Yangzhou.
33:12Mr. Hu was angry
33:13and went to Yangzhou
33:15to find Mr. Hu
33:16to cure his illness.
33:17He trusted Mr. Hu
33:18and was very worried.
33:19The special thing
33:20from Yangzhou
33:21is that Mr. Hu
33:22is afraid of others
33:23so he asked Mr. Hu
33:24to replace Mr. Hu.
33:30Mr. Hu went to Yangzhou
33:31several times
33:32to cure Kieu Nguyet Thien
33:33and kept two babies.
33:35But there was only one baby.
33:36Because Kieu Nguyet Thien
33:37thought too much
33:38and hurt Steward Nhi.
33:40Although Mr. Hu
33:41tried his best
33:42but still failed.
33:44Kieu Nguyet Thien
33:45didn't want Mr. Hu
33:46to know about this
33:47so he bought a house
33:48for Mr. Hu.
33:52Mr. Hu,
33:53at that time,
33:55did what she told him
33:56to do.
33:57He said
34:00that the baby
34:01was made by Steward Nhi.
34:03Mr. Hu,
34:04I'm sorry, Steward Nhi.
34:08Kieu Nguyet Thien,
34:09Kieu Nguyet Thien,
34:11you can't
34:12keep your baby
34:14and blame others.
34:16Blame a little girl.
34:18Your mind is so evil.
34:20You should feel sorry for this
34:22but you were kicked out
34:23of the hospital
34:24for more than 10 years.
34:26All of these things
34:27were given by you.
34:28You're a fraud.
34:29You're obviously a fraud.
34:34You said I gave you a house.
34:36Do you have any evidence?
34:43Yes, I do.
34:45Now I can write
34:47and I can fake.
34:49This is what you gave me.
34:51How can it be fake?
35:19On the birth certificate,
35:20it's written
35:21The general was worried about the baby in my belly, so he went to the temple with me.
35:26I remember.
35:28That day was the 5th of April.
35:32He said, if I give birth, I can get the word Ha as my name.
35:37Luckily, I still remember.
35:39If not, I would have become a sinner.
35:42It's a pity that this fraudster
35:44forced me to go to the temple to get the paper and give it to Man Ha Duong.
35:51These words
35:54were what the nun told me.
35:57That house was also given to me by the nun.
36:00She told me to leave the old story behind
36:03to ruin the old story.
36:07The nun was so high-handed.
36:10She wanted to use me to die.
36:13She treated me like a beast.
36:15Even better than Lien Nhi.
36:17Why did you ruin me?
36:21Manh Dai Phu
36:23No matter what a person does wrong,
36:25it should not be related to the family.
36:28Are you going to make the same mistake again?
36:35You not only look for people,
36:37you also look for people in his house to threaten him.
36:39Buy, threaten, use.
36:42Isn't that the most familiar method of the old nun?
36:59Your wound is bleeding again.
37:01You can't let others find out just like that.
37:03The army has already rescued Thanh Cu.
37:05The whole family has been handed over to Thanh Cu.
37:09The nun can handle it.
37:11Or you go first.
37:13Can she handle it?
37:15She can handle it.
37:17It's her own fault.
37:19Prince, don't be angry.
37:21It's okay.
37:32Don't blame me.
37:34This can't be hidden anymore.
37:36I, I told you everything.
37:43Old woman.
37:45I know I was wrong.
37:47Please forgive me.
37:49I was wrong.
37:51I shouldn't have trapped you into something like this.
37:55I did nothing wrong.
37:57Don't be angry.
38:01I want To tell you the truth.
38:04I have to do this.
38:06So please forgive me.
38:08I didn't mean to trap you or hurt you.
38:10Why did you do that?
38:13Smile yourself.
38:18Don't talk too many things.
38:19Even if she's a bad person, she can still be a witness.
38:22Li Ma Ma.
38:23Didn't you say you were sick and went back to your hometown?
38:26Dai Nuong died because Lao No knew about that year's atrocities.
38:30Kieu Tieu Nuong did it.
38:31He raped her and saved Dai Nuong's life.
38:33She was afraid that Lao No would leave her hospital.
38:36So she forced Lao No to leave.
38:39She even wanted to kill Lao No in the middle of the road.
38:42May I ask for your help?
38:45Hurry up!
38:46Lao No is a witness.
39:00now that it has come to this,
39:02don't you want to tell the truth anymore?
39:11That year,
39:12Kieu Tieu Nuong asked Lao Ho for a medical book.
39:15There was a prescription on it.
39:17It could have caused a miscarriage,
39:19but it didn't really cause a miscarriage.
39:21Lao Ho later found out about it in the prescription.
39:25But at that time,
39:26Dai Nuong's life was gone.
39:28Lao Ho didn't say anything else.
39:32Ming Lan's story of harming men
39:34was all done by men themselves.
39:37Lao Ho said that
39:38Kieu Tieu Nuong's body was too small to keep.
39:41He used it to harm the woman's body.
39:43It's also true.
39:45And the documents in this house
39:47were all forged by Kieu Tieu Nuong himself.
39:49Kieu slept with his son's body.
39:51They were all forged by him.
39:53Kieu slept with his son's body.
39:55They were all forged by him.
39:57Kieu slept with his son's body.
39:59He slept with his son's body.
40:01He threatened me.
40:02He used these fake documents to harm the woman's body.
40:05I really had no other choice.
40:09Prince, are you sure now?
40:11The man who found out about the woman's body
40:13was really heartbroken.
40:19Prince, let's go back first.
40:22Let's go.
40:24Be careful.
40:30La Nghi Ninh.
40:32The first day you came to Phuong,
40:34this is what you've been waiting for.
40:38You've made a wish.
40:42Kieu Tieu Nuong.
40:44I should have asked you this question.
40:47Since I came to Phuong,
40:49you've always been there for me.
40:52I really didn't expect
40:54you to break your back.
40:56Break my back?
40:58How can I be you?
41:00Based on the female identity of the La family,
41:02being a rain, being a wind,
41:04I'm not as special as Tieu Nuong.
41:07First, you harmed my mother.
41:09Now, you want to harm me.
41:11All these things today
41:13were caused by you.
41:20So, the story of Dao Hac today
41:22is also a curse.
41:25To ruin the reputation of Nghi Ninh.
41:31That's right.
41:43Nguyet Thien.
41:46Since we got to know each other,
41:49you've learned to be reasonable.
41:54I see you as a wise man.
41:59But why
42:02did you become so cruel?
42:08All these years,
42:10I've given you enough money to live.
42:12I've never been greedy.
42:17Why didn't you tell me?
42:20Tell me.
42:22Tell me now.
42:24Tell me.
42:47what else can I say?
42:49In front of you,
42:51what else can I say?
42:55That year, you promised me
42:57that you would kill Dai Nuong.
42:59You went to save Minh Lan.
43:02I don't know
43:03where I am now.
43:06Is it because
43:08I'm a woman?
43:09Tell me.
43:11I still don't understand.
43:15You're with me.
43:17What are you?
43:18Dai Nuong's wife?
43:20Why did you do that?
43:22I did it
43:23because I wanted to get rid of Minh Lan.
43:25But after that,
43:26you took Lam Hai Nhu.
43:28I'm a rich girl.
43:30How could I be like that?
43:36I should...
43:40I was wrong.
43:42But no matter how wrong I was,
43:46I gave birth to a son and a daughter for you.
43:49In my heart, I miss you.
43:51I think
43:54my whole life
43:55is for these two kids.
43:56I have no other intentions.
43:58I hope my two kids
44:00can make you proud.
44:02Do you understand?
44:03My whole life is very stubborn.
44:06I was wrong.
44:08I lost.
44:10My son can't lose.
44:13La Thanh Duong,
44:14our son can't lose.
44:30I was wrong.
44:33I can't go back.
44:46I was wrong.
44:47I can't go back.
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