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00:00Thank you for not allowing this tape to be copied. We appreciate your honesty.
00:30In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
01:23It was a great mission, Pedro. Do you want to go home to greet everyone?
01:27Well, now I'm going to see my brother Isaac, but I'll stop by a little later, okay?
01:32See you tonight, then.
01:33See you tonight, Marcos.
01:36What's the news, soldier?
01:38Pedro the Apostle has just returned to the city.
01:43And they say he has converted more than a hundred people.
01:46When will these Christians understand that Herod does not like a little competition?
01:52Only after some of them are dead, I think.
01:56Then arrest him.
02:01Pedro, where did he go?
02:04You could at least pretend you're happy to see me, Jason.
02:08I really am, Marcos, but...
02:11I know. It was Pedro who found you, fed you, and told you about Jesus.
02:17Yes, it was.
02:19He's with him, Isaac.
02:42Is this Simon Pedro from Galilee?
02:46Well, know that you are under arrest.
02:48But why am I being charged?
02:50We'll think about that later.
02:55Let him go! You can't do that!
02:58Get him, too.
03:00Jason, run!
03:08Where did he go?
03:14Let's go.
03:15Let's go.
03:20Let's find him.
03:24I knew you'd be safe at home.
03:27I have a lot of stories to tell you.
03:30Pedro was arrested!
03:33Oh, no!
03:34I just left you.
03:35I saw it with my own eyes. The soldiers took him away.
03:39Why would they arrest Pedro?
03:41The Romans don't need a reason.
03:43Oh, Marcus.
03:45Well, first of all, let's calm down.
03:47We don't have time to calm down.
03:49Remember what happened when they caught Tiago.
03:55I won't let them kill another apostle while I'm alive.
03:59We have to do something.
04:01Please, Joas. We don't even know the charges.
04:04Let's get some information before we do something crazy.
04:07I know how to get information.
04:31Apostle and follower of the man called Jesus.
04:35He is accused of treason.
04:38If he is convicted, the sentence is death.
04:45You Christians should think well before challenging King Herod.
04:50I didn't want to do anything against Herod.
04:53Maybe you did.
04:55But when he sees a group like you grow like a fire in the forest,
05:00he gets a little nervous.
05:03If I were you, I wouldn't waste my time trying to get out of here.
05:07These two Brutamontes will sleep on your side.
05:10And the other 14 on the outside of the cell.
05:21The charge is treason.
05:25The same charge that was made against Tiago.
05:28And against Jesus.
05:30I don't care what you say.
05:32We can get him out of there.
05:34There are 16 bodyguards.
05:36Then we will fight against them.
05:38Against a legion of Romans armed to the teeth?
05:41You are braver than smart, Joas.
05:44So let's bribe the guards.
05:47They will accept the money, of course.
05:49But they won't free Pedro.
05:51For God's sake, are we going to sit around and watch Pedro die?
05:55What can we do?
05:57What can we do?
05:59We are just a small group of Christians.
06:02And they are the Roman Empire.
06:04And there are thousands of soldiers only in Jerusalem.
06:07But if we get together, we can...
06:09We can't do anything.
06:11They don't even allow us to have weapons.
06:16I don't think we have hope.
06:19You should be ashamed, Marcos.
06:21So my son, who taught the gospel to thousands of people,
06:25do you really think that our efforts will lead to nothing?
06:29Mother, you are not suggesting that...
06:31I am suggesting that you remember what Jesus taught
06:34about the power of prayer.
06:37Is it possible that only I was there when he gave the mountain sermon?
06:44Remember what the Master said.
06:46All things are possible for those who believe.
06:51Ask, and it will be given to you.
06:56Seek, and you will find.
07:00Kill, and it will be opened to you.
07:04For all who ask with faith will receive.
07:09Teach us to pray, Master.
07:12When you pray, say,
07:17Our Father, who art in heaven,
07:20hallowed be thy name.
07:23Thy kingdom come to us.
07:25Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
07:29Give us this day our daily bread.
07:33And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
07:38And lead us not into temptation,
07:41but deliver us from evil.
07:44For thine is the kingdom,
07:47the power and the glory forever.
07:58He taught us how,
08:00and he affirmed that all things are possible,
08:04as long as we believe.
08:07Mother is right.
08:09I do not believe.
08:11Are you going to sit around and wait?
08:14Then you can start praying.
08:16I'm going to set Peter free.
08:29Our Father, who art in heaven,
08:32our hearts are full of anguish.
08:38Our hearts are full of anguish.
08:47Where do you think you're going?
08:49I demand to speak to the captain.
08:51If you don't leave, you'll end up getting hurt.
09:02You, I order you to set Peter free.
09:06But how did you get him out of here?
09:13You have the right to arrest an innocent man,
09:16and to set him free.
09:21Save Peter.
09:23He did nothing wrong.
09:37Jason and I will take brother Isaac.
09:39This list is yours.
09:41Remember, all the Christians of Jerusalem
09:44must pray for the release of Peter.
09:48I'm sorry I brought bad news.
09:51I was happy with your visit, Brother Gabriel.
09:55And you can count on my prayer.
10:02They're just looking for a reason to kill you.
10:05We count on judgment to have more time.
10:08It's something they can do very quickly,
10:11as they did with James.
10:13I think John was right.
10:16We have to face them.
10:18No, Mark and Mary are right.
10:21Prayer is our best and only weapon.
10:24Is it worth it?
10:25I mean, God knows what we want.
10:28How many more times do we have to repeat?
10:31A thousand more times.
10:33Once, Jesus told a story about this.
10:36There was a man who went to look for a friend in the middle of the night.
10:49I need your help.
10:54In the name of the devil, what are you doing?
10:57It's nothing in the name of the devil, I assure you.
11:00Then speak.
11:02Yes, I...
11:05Some of my friends showed up at home,
11:08and they came from far away.
11:10Great, give them a hug.
11:12Wait, I don't have anything.
11:15Shh, my family is sleeping.
11:18I'm so...
11:21Of course, of course, of course.
11:23Look, some of my friends showed up at home,
11:26and I don't have any bread to feed them.
11:28I didn't tell you to have extra bread at home.
11:31And why would I do that? You always have.
11:36Erastus, are you there?
11:42Listen, there's a family sleeping in here.
11:45They're all sleeping.
11:47All of them, except you.
11:49Yes, all of them, except you.
11:53Well, since you're up,
11:55can you lend me some bread?
12:06Oh, thank you, thank you.
12:08Oh, Erastus, thank you, thank you.
12:11Now, go back to bed.
12:13You need to get some sleep.
12:18Even a man who arrives in the middle of the night
12:20gets what he asks for,
12:22as long as he wants to keep asking.
12:26I never thought about that.
12:28Can you give me half the list?
12:30I want to show you how much I want your help.
12:39Isn't this the house of that rich uncle of yours?
12:42Yes, but...
12:44I don't think we should go in.
12:46He never really accepted Jesus.
12:48If he has any faith,
12:51he can be useful to us.
12:56Poor Peter.
12:58We're asking everyone,
13:01to pray for a miracle
13:04so that Peter can be set free.
13:08Forgive me,
13:09but I don't think our prayers are enough.
13:13Do you believe that God has the power to do miracles?
13:18but I don't think I have faith to believe that he will always do it.
13:21There's a parable about Jesus
13:24Please, tell me.
13:26She talks about a judge.
13:29This judge wasn't very fair.
13:32Meritissimo, she's there again.
13:34That widow?
13:37How many times will she come back?
13:40Look, tell her that I...
13:41Woman, you can't go in there.
13:44Carlos, please.
13:45I implore you, let my cause be heard.
13:48I've heard your cause about 12 times.
13:50You're a widow.
13:51You have nothing.
13:52And the landowners took your house.
13:54You're the only person who can help me.
13:57I implore you to do something.
14:00I've reviewed your case,
14:02and my sentence hasn't changed a thing.
14:04They took my house.
14:06And if you don't do something,
14:09what will people think of you?
14:12I don't care what people think of me.
14:15Then why don't you think of what God would like?
14:18I only care about what pleases me.
14:21How can I be happy if I was robbed?
14:26You'll have a new home in prison if you don't leave me alone.
14:30Then do it.
14:32That's the only way to prevent me from running away.
14:36Why don't you accept it as an answer?
14:41You're the only person who can save me.
14:46And I have faith that you will.
14:51I will.
15:00Very well.
15:02I'll take your house back.
15:05Thank you, dear judge.
15:14Well, if even an unfair judge
15:17in the end ends up freeing his people,
15:20I have no doubt that God,
15:23who is the fairest of all judges,
15:26will free Peter.
15:28Oh, dear Rhodie.
15:30You can count on me.
15:36I just hope you've learned your lesson.
15:40Now go away and don't come back.
16:10Peter, I have news.
16:13When are you going to wake up?
16:16If we work together, we can free Peter.
16:19We're working together.
16:22The whole church is praying for Peter's release, Joas.
16:25They should be fighting to free him.
16:29Peter will be judged tonight.
16:31In the middle of the night?
16:33Are they going to judge him secretly?
16:35If you had listened to me, we could have done something.
16:40Don't even think about what Joas said.
16:43Peter is not dead yet.
16:45But soon he will be.
16:47Of course not.
16:49He will not be.
16:51No pain will make me stop praying.
16:55Jesus would not stop.
16:58Do you remember what he preached to each one of us?
17:02Do you remember?
17:05I'm sorry, Master.
17:11My soul is deeply sad.
17:18Sad to the point of death.
17:26Forgive me.
17:30Forgive me.
17:34Stay here with me.
17:54Oh, my father.
17:58I know my time has come.
18:02If possible,
18:04stay away from me.
18:10If not,
18:14do as you please.
18:18If Jesus could bear the pain of the world,
18:21and continued to pray for our salvation,
18:24I can continue to pray for Peter.
18:47If you let Peter go,
18:49all of this will be yours.
18:52So, yes or no?
18:56But not now.
18:58And not here.
19:03At the well on the other side of the street.
19:05And now, get out of here.
19:22Please, Father.
19:24I wish to die for you,
19:26but I was ordered to take care of your sheep.
19:31Oh, please, Lord.
19:33Please, if you please,
19:35set me free.
19:37I don't know how you will do that,
19:40but I know you can do it, Lord.
19:47There he comes.
19:49All right, get out of here.
19:52Run, you're going to ruin everything.
19:55Come on, now get out of here.
19:58Hey, Judas.
20:03Come on, Peter, let's go.
20:10With this, our taxes are already paid.
20:17Ha, ha, ha.
20:23Oh, Lord, please, hear our prayer.
20:28Don't let Peter die, Lord.
20:30Do something.
20:34We know you have the power to do miracles, Lord.
20:39Make one for Peter tonight.
20:43Please, Lord, help us.
20:46Hear our prayer, Lord.
20:49Set Peter free, my God.
20:54Set him free, please, Lord.
21:12Come with me, Peter.
21:15Follow me.
21:43He knows very well
21:46When I'm in trouble
21:50He comes to guide me
21:53To show me
21:55The way
21:58But if I weaken
22:01I know he will lift me up
22:05The seed germinated
22:08His love showed me
22:11He heard my prayers
22:15And made me feel
22:19That he will save us all
22:22And will embrace me
22:25Love is the peace
22:29That comes to sin
22:33And wants to enlighten us all
22:42Oh, good.
22:44Someone else has come to accompany us in prayer.
22:47Rod, open the door, please.
22:54Rod, take a message to the others.
23:01It's Peter.
23:04Peter is in jail.
23:06Please, Rod.
23:07I'm telling you, it's Peter.
23:10She's gone mad.
23:12Come and see, Maria.
23:16It's him.
23:18Thank you, Lord.
23:21Peter, it's him.
23:23Oh, no.
23:24It wouldn't be safe.
23:26Stay here.
23:28For now, I can't stay here.
23:31But please, do something for me.
23:35I want everyone to know
23:38That their prayers were heard by God
23:41And an angel gave me freedom.
23:46Thank you, my friends.
23:48Now my prayers will be with you.
24:08Holy God.
24:10Forgive me.
24:12How foolish I have been.
24:15Now I know
24:17That I can't do anything without you.
24:21Help me remember how to pray and believe
24:25That you have the power to save.
24:37I don't know when I'll be back.
24:40Until then, take care of the sheep
24:43And teach them to pray.
24:46I will.
25:07He extends his hand
25:11I ask, but will he do it for me?
25:18A meager prayer of a child
25:23He hears
25:25If the poor man is hungry
25:28He knows
25:30And feeds
25:32The weak and oppressed
25:36He comes to help everyone
25:40And I know he will
25:42Remember me too
25:46My prayers were heard
25:50And he made me feel
25:54That he wants to save everyone
25:58And will embrace
26:01Love is the peace
26:05It comes to stay
26:08And wants to enlighten everyone
26:19He knows very well
26:23When I'm in trouble
26:27He comes to guide me
26:30And show me the way
26:34But if I weaken
26:38I know he will lift me up
26:41The seed germinated
26:44His love showed me
26:48My prayers were heard
26:52And he made me feel
26:56That he wants to save everyone
26:59And will embrace
27:02Love is the peace
27:06It comes to stay
27:10And wants to enlighten everyone
27:59© BF-WATCH TV 2021