• 2 days ago


00:30The Bread of Heaven, Brazilian version, Vox Mundi.
01:00What do you have in the basket?
01:20After him!
01:25Over here!
01:41I'm sorry. I don't want to share your bread with a poor old man who's hungry.
01:47I only have this.
01:59Stay down.
02:02That doesn't matter.
02:05They're going to hit you again.
02:09Stay down.
02:10It's better to bathe than starve to death.
02:15It's good to do what the old man told you, boy.
02:18Next time, we won't be poor.
02:31One day, it will be different.
02:34Isaiah said, when the Messiah comes, those who follow him will never be hungry or thirsty again.
02:44I don't believe that anymore. I've heard it a million times and nothing has changed.
02:49We're still starving.
03:09Every village sleeps while we work. That's the life of a baker.
03:15You should be a tax collector.
03:17You're hated, but you don't have to get up early.
03:21There must be an easier way to make money.
03:36There must be an easier way to make money.
03:42It's fresh.
03:44It doesn't look fresh to me.
03:45It's fresh.
03:46I wake up early to make fresh bread.
03:51Isaac's bread looks fresher.
03:53If you want Isaac's bread, go buy Isaac's bread.
03:58I will.
04:02No, no, no.
04:03No, no, no.
04:04No beggars here.
04:05You can't give me just one loaf.
04:08If I don't sell the bread, I don't get anything.
04:11I'm very hungry.
04:13Call the guards!
04:17What's wrong?
04:18What's wrong?
04:19It hurts.
04:22What hurts?
04:24Please help me.
04:25I ate bread here and I felt bad.
04:30Stand still.
04:31Give this boy bread.
04:32Let's go.
04:38What a miracle is coming.
04:41His name is Jesus.
04:43He can heal the sick and make the blind see again.
04:47It's a trick.
04:48None of that.
04:49I've heard it before.
04:51He can take the most miserable and mean life
04:55and fill it with joy and happiness.
04:59Our lives are miserable and mean, aren't they?
05:03A miracle would be very welcome now.
05:06So let's go.
05:07Let's go.
05:16The girl seemed to be dead.
05:19We knew she could be healed by the power of God.
05:22We anointed her with oil and blessed her.
05:25Then she got up and stood in front of us, healthy as she had never been.
05:32With faith, Pedro.
05:34Nothing is impossible.
05:42We must return to the high seas, Master.
05:45Not yet.
05:46It's time to feed the sheep.
05:58Anything is better than the oven, hot and hard work.
06:04Take your line and come with us.
06:06Jesus is on that boat.
06:09The one who does miracles.
06:11They say he's the Messiah.
06:27Come sate all my soul
06:38With the bread that comes from heaven
06:44Come feed me
06:49Come bring me
06:54The hope
07:00Of its flavor
07:03Of the bread from heaven
07:06That it gives us
07:11Come hear its story
07:16And see its glory
07:21Feel the love
07:27That comes from heaven
07:39The words I teach are not only mine.
07:45They come from the one who sent me.
07:49And if you do what I say,
07:52you will know that the things I teach come from you,
07:57and not only from me.
08:00Master, the day is coming to an end.
08:02Isn't it good to send these people away so they can find food and a place to sleep?
08:12Who has these people?
08:14Master, please, they must be close to 10,000 people or more.
08:19It would be impossible to feed them.
08:26Go and see if there is food in their midst.
08:32Tell me, do you have any food?
08:34No, I left home early.
08:36Did you bring food to spend the day?
08:38We did not intend to spend the whole day.
08:40Did you bring any food?
08:42Jesus wants to know if anyone here brought any food.
08:48And you, did you bring any food?
08:54A piece of bread, fruit, anything.
09:01So no one brought any food?
09:22This boy has five pieces of bread and two fish, Master.
09:26That's all we got.
09:28But it's not much for everyone.
09:31You are very good at sharing your bread.
09:39Don't you want to share your bread with a poor old man who is hungry?
09:43I only have this.
09:58I only have this.
10:17May you be blessed, my God.
10:31I will fill your baskets and you will feed the people.
10:58Come, come to guide us.
11:04To save us.
11:10Come to hear your story.
11:16And see your glory.
11:22Feel the love that comes from heaven.
11:34Such a tender love.
11:41Eternal love.
11:49Get up.
11:53What is it?
11:54What is it?
11:56Jesus transformed five pieces of bread and two fish into enough food for everyone.
12:04Take it.
12:10This is our bread.
12:20Do you know what this means?
12:23We will never have to work again.
12:26What do you mean? I don't understand.
12:28Why do we have to wake up every day at midnight to make bread?
12:32If this so-called Jesus can simply take it out of the air.
12:38But how are we going to convince him to do this?
12:42For pity's sake.
12:44Let's promise that he will be proclaimed king as long as he continues to make bread.
12:52Let's proclaim him king.
12:54And enough of hot ovens.
12:56And enough of having to get up in the middle of the night.
13:00All of you pay attention.
13:04What do you do to live?
13:07I am a blacksmith.
13:09What would you say if all your metal were worked in an instant without you having to hit the hammer?
13:16I would love to.
13:18Jesus can do that.
13:20If he is proclaimed king.
13:22He would fill my fish nets.
13:24Well, much more than you imagine.
13:26And he would collect the nets too.
13:29Friends, the happiness of a king.
13:32All have been fed, master.
13:34And all these baskets of bread have been left over.
13:41Master, there are people here who want to force me to be their king.
13:47Because they think I offer them a life of miracles without work.
13:53Come back to Capernaum.
13:55Now I will go up the mountain to pray.
13:58I will meet you later.
14:04Oh, Jesus.
14:05Jesus, what are you doing?
14:07Do not leave us, please.
14:09We need you.
14:10Come back.
14:11It's all right.
14:12It's over.
14:13It's over.
14:14It's over.
14:15It's over.
14:16It's over.
14:17It's over.
14:18It's over.
14:19It's over.
14:20It's over.
14:21It's all right.
14:22I've heard of it before.
14:24He's going up the mountain to pray.
14:27Well, then we'll wait here until he comes down.
14:52We arrived at Capernaum.
15:13I'm sure that he will come down soon.
15:21Watch out!
15:22Hold on, sir!
15:23The Statue is coming for us!
15:27It's coming for the rope!
15:28The magic candle!
15:30We can't!
15:31It's all stuck!
15:38My holy God!
15:39Save us!
15:52It must be an evil spirit.
15:54It's a ghost!
15:57Don't worry.
15:59It's me.
16:03But it's Jesus!
16:11Don't be afraid.
16:21It's Jesus!
16:52How long can a man pray?
16:54We have to find him.
16:56I never want to work again in my life.
16:59Neither do I.
17:02I have a plan.
17:04Let's cross the sea and look for his twelve friends.
17:07Sooner or later, Jesus will end up with them.
17:15He who comes to me will never be hungry.
17:19And he who believes in me will never be thirsty.
17:34I'm glad we found you.
17:36We're looking for your leader, Jesus.
17:44But how did you...?
17:47But how did you...?
17:50Oh, sir.
17:51Great and wise master.
17:53We've been looking for you everywhere.
17:56That's right.
17:57We came to offer ourselves to be your servants.
18:00We'll do whatever you want, master.
18:04Believe in me.
18:08Maybe you can show us another sign.
18:10You know, to prove that we should follow you.
18:14Look, for example.
18:16God let the bread of heaven fall to Moses and the children of Israel.
18:22Then I will do the same.
18:25I will give you the bread of heaven.
18:28But if you share my bread, you will never be hungry again.
18:37Then we'll believe in you, sir.
18:39We'll do whatever you want.
18:41Where's the bread?
18:47Of course.
18:49I am the bread of life.
18:55Indeed, the children of Israel ate manna in the desert.
19:00But they all died.
19:03I offer to all of you the bread of heaven.
19:08I offer to all of you the bread of heaven.
19:11He who shares my world will live forever.
19:16Because I came down from heaven not to do my will,
19:20but to do the will of the one who sent me.
19:23And his will is that everyone who becomes a son and believes in his name
19:30has eternal life
19:33and may be resurrected on the last day.
19:40You're kidding, aren't you?
19:42Does my teaching offend you?
19:45The words I have spoken may fill your soul.
19:50Is that all you offer us?
19:52Just words?
19:54And to think that we wanted to proclaim you king.
20:00Please, come.
20:03Come with me.
20:05What for?
20:07Your path doesn't seem so easy to me.
20:10Well, you said you were going to do miracles for us.
20:13How could I know he didn't want to be king?
20:16You mean he's not going to make the bread?
20:20It's better to go back to the oven.
20:24Aren't you going too?
20:27But where are we going, sir?
20:30Your words speak of eternal life.
20:34And we believe in them.
20:36And we are sure that you are Christ.
20:40You are the Son of God, I say.
20:53Come on.
21:23I won't argue with you anymore.
21:26From now on, you can have half of what I have.
22:23I found him.
22:29His name is Jesus.
22:39And I will take you to him.
