FBI - Season 07 Episode 01

  • 15 hours ago


00:25Some operation you're running it wasn't enough. This was an investigation
00:30Well, whatever we call it. I think we can agree you made a mess
00:36All due respect
00:37Real mess wasn't made here in New York. That was you guys over there. You're not qualified to make that assertion
00:44I spent enough time running and gunning with CIA types like you in the valley, sir
00:52When did your investigation turn to events into Ron 2005 and let me remind you
00:57This is all getting entered into the record your classified report
01:02Can't wait to read that. Oh wait, no one ever will
01:09Real mess wasn't made today. It was made a long time ago. You failed these people
01:17What do you know about what I do? I
01:21Know enough
01:23I'd be happy to stick to the facts if I was asked a direct question
01:27fair enough
01:29How's this for direct?
01:31Who gave you the order?
02:32Don't know the s16 precinct special agent Maggie Bell. This is my partner Omar Zidane
02:37We understand a bomb went off at speed truck exploded at 8 this morning
02:40A couple of bikers went down looks like cars wrecked when they tried to dodge debris any witnesses none that aren't being rushed to a hospital
02:47Serious activity we're thinking these cameras catch anything. Nah, every camera in the zone stops working
02:54Simultaneous, how about that?
02:57It's like our bomb techs got his work cut out for him
03:01Yes, because it's your last day of school does not mean that you get to be late. Sorry. I was finishing a packing coffee
03:09Ron apparently
03:10It's for you actually
03:14So we got
03:15The pickup was the target looks like they placed the device next to the fuel tank good place for it
03:21Strange thing. It was rigged with an EMP emitter that disabled all nearby electronics. How do you know that? I'm a bomb tech
03:29Yes, you are
03:30Any idea on the driver not possible? He was a crispy critter
03:35We did pull the vent off the frame though. Great. Thanks
03:41Hey Scola
03:55Can you pull that camera get it to the jock
04:04Maybe you can tell us what the hell happened here
04:09I'm not gonna miss this
04:15All right, folks, how are you I'd cancel my fancy dinner plans because this is the only place we'll be digging in
04:21get a car bomb on the Henry Hudson Parkway to in critical condition 11 dead now including the driver of a Dodge Ram who we
04:27Think was the target our goal figure out who planted the bomb simple enough, right?
04:33According to our bomb tech he was a limpet bomb attached magnetically to the back of the truck
04:37I'd like to know when as what I but where are we with the GoPro front of the scene?
04:40Well, the memory card was charred in the blast. I'm working with car to retrieve it, but won't hold my breath, right?
04:46Okay, so then we work backwards focus on the target what do we know about the driver of our pickup truck, right?
04:51The VIN we recovered is registered to a plumber in Kew Gardens named Tariq Amini
04:5653 years old born and raised in Queens. No priors pays his taxes on time
05:01Five-star reviews on Yelp. Well, you may be impressed that Tariq Amini has zero online footprint. I mean nothing no Facebook
05:08No Twitter no website for his business
05:10until two weeks ago when his daughter
05:13Posted this photo on her Instagram
05:18Yeah, yeah
05:20What's my next question? Who's the friend?
05:22Yeah, we don't know not in our system, but this is literally the only image of Tariq Amini on the web
05:26So he's paranoid strange details in the timing. He slips up a single photo gets posted two weeks later. He's dead
05:33So who would want to assassinate such an excellent plumber?
05:37Obsessinate we sure we want to go there. Well lipid bomb rigged with an electromagnetic pulse
05:43Well, it's an ambitious device. Definitely not homemade. It's strange
05:47It's a lot of firepower to take out an average Joe
05:50All right, Maggie. No, I can notify Tariq's wife
05:54There's more to this guy. Maybe she can clue us in
06:07Don't remember this photo being taken
06:13He didn't like his pictures taken he didn't like his smile
06:20I loved it
06:23It was the only photo that we could find online
06:26How did that happen? I posted it
06:31It's from my graduation party
06:33Did he say anything to you about that ask you to take it down no
06:39No, he did not
06:43This man in the photo
06:46Other that's uncle Cyrus my dad's best friend. Where was Tariq headed this morning work
06:53Always work even on weekends. He said that this summer would go to the mountains, but he gave you that
07:01It's beautiful. Yeah, it's a family heirloom. I
07:06Hate to ask you this, but did your husband owe anyone money have any enemies any recent altercations? No, I I
07:13Did the books for his business? He did not owe money to anyone
07:17This is a meaning someone wanted your husband dead and they went to great lengths to make sure they got the job done
07:23Tariq was a good man
07:25He brought us him out to the face of everyone he ever met
07:29That's not what I asked you
07:32There were no altercations
07:35And the suggestion that this was anything other than a senseless murder. I do not abide it. So
07:41Why don't you do your job you find the culprit and you bring us peace?
07:51Grieving widow the worst day of her life. I got a little easier on her
07:56Just felt like she was holding back she's spinning so is her daughter. Honestly, we should have notified her separately
08:08My mom she lied to you, I don't know why but there was a fight between my dad and uncle Cyrus
08:17Like two weeks ago. I don't know what it was about, but I've never seen the fight like that. Okay, where can we find your uncle Cyrus?
08:24His laundromat, but he didn't do this. I just I just wanted you to know thank you. You did the right thing telling us
08:34Told you something was off
08:48Hey Cyrus
08:58Sorry, we're closed good. I made you have time to chat
09:07Tarkin I argued it was nothing his daughter posted some photos of us on Instagram
09:12Doesn't seem worth arguing over
09:14Kids want to post their whole lives online. I like my private life private. Are you gonna hate my next question?
09:20Where were you at it this morning? You really think I had something to do with Tariq's death?
09:26We were brothers you were like brothers Sarah meaning calls you uncle Cyrus
09:31But there's no record that you and Tariq were related lifelong friends
09:36It doesn't make his death less painful your whereabouts this morning. I was here. I
09:42Had a repairman in
09:44But you want to tell us what's going on here
09:47Sign says you're open got the door locked and all the lights off and you seem pretty nervous talking to us
09:53So if you've got nothing to do with your buddy's murder
09:58Why are you so jumped up
10:03Because you abandoned us
10:45You got two males dressed in all black moving westbound on the black Ducati monster armed and dangerous
10:59Two man job gunner takes two shots drops the windowpane makes the kill driver speeds them off, right?
11:06So we were inches off of their target line tip. They either needed us out of their way to visually confirm their kill
11:12Or we just got lucky
11:16This feels lucky to you
11:18Look, I get it. It makes sense that need some time off. This does not have to be permanent Golda what?
11:25Have you ever talked me out of anything?
11:28ever once ever
11:33You were sitting on that one
11:36I'm sorry
11:39But there's nothing more dangerous than having a partner who didn't want to be in the field anymore, but stuck around anyway
12:04It's a go-bag
12:08He knew he was in danger before we got here, that's why the lights were off that's why he was so squirrely he was running
12:18They didn't get very far
12:26All right, so our two shooters last seen fleeing Sunnyside Queens on the Ducati monster you work in traffic cams, right anyone got yeah
12:32Most recent camera footage has them ducking into a parking garage seven blocks south
12:36We swept every floor no sign of them at the location. I say plan to avoid cameras by using the garage
12:41There's a pivot point that's fine with me. There's their option slows them down
12:43Hey, I got something and it is wild managed to recover footage from the GoPro. We found the scene
12:48All right, look alive people impress me
12:54Okay, so there's our victim and the Dodge Ram and here come the shooters on the Ducati and
13:00This has to be where they attach the limpet bomb to the side of the victims pickup
13:06How fast are they going
13:0950 miles an hour maybe 60 so at high speed the shooter places the bomb on a moving target and then
13:15Snipes his best friend two hours later with precision with this kind of skill and resources. These are definitely professional hits
13:22No doubt, but on a plumber and his best friend. They must have been important someone powerful question is who?
13:29Whoever did this that second victim? He knew that he was in hot water right before he was shot
13:34He said you abandoned us. He said that to you guys
13:39So, who are you law enforcement feds US government
13:44We abandoned them
13:46Wonder how we did that. Hey, I think we might know where the shooters are headed
13:49Yeah, we scrub traffic cam footage backwards from the bombing some gaps where they disappear
13:55Right, but there's one location they visit multiple times before and after the bombing a
14:02A rare bookshop on the Upper East Side
14:12I read this book in college a
14:15Crush on my professor. Oh, yeah, what was his name? Rachel? Oh
14:20I wanted to say Maddie. I mean II
14:23You're right. She was evasive and I missed it. You're not on your plate. Yeah
14:28Well, it's not sleeping which means I'm not sleeping because she's so stressed. Yes all to say I do have a lot on my plate
14:36Okay, our guys are so calculated why would they stop into this bookstore in the middle of an op maybe it's not just a
14:42I'm not seeing it. Maybe you're not looking hard enough
14:51Well, he's gonna rabbit
15:11I'm opening it
15:17Drop the hammer now
15:26Turn around slowly
15:30Away have the license plate from the motorcycle
15:36Automatic weapons
15:40And I have the same bombs from the attack
15:58So his name is Bijan Tajvar Iranian born arrived in the US just over three years ago
16:04You want to get the Iranian consulate in on this? I'm having an agent do that
16:07It's just gonna take a beat before somebody gets here based on the contraband we collected. He's looking more like a facilitator
16:14It's a local contact who provides weapons and Intel on people for foreign actors
16:20No, you really think Iran is bold enough to target American citizens in this oil they got the people in the Netherlands 2015
16:26I ran went after the whole people that dissidents left later on. Yeah same situation
16:31They were hiding out for decades kept their heads down made one mistake. I RGC took him out
16:36We found the backups of the explosive devices that they used the basement of your shop. So we know you supplied them. I
16:44Can already charge you as an accessory to murder, but by the time I'm finished with you
16:48You'll be locked away for the rest of your life. I
16:51Did speak to a US attorney who is willing to make you a deal?
16:55But of course you have to give us something in return
17:00Where are they hiding? Are there more targets?
17:05If you help us we can help you I
17:09Don't care about to me
17:12Someone else then
17:14They're holding someone you love back in Tehran
17:19Your wife
17:24Your lover
17:31They'll kill him
17:33What's his name as if you could save him FBI counterintelligence has far reach. I
17:39Am trying to prevent more deaths
17:43If there's more violence coming we can stop this together
17:49It cannot be stopped this will happen
18:02Bijan Taj Mahal refused a deal. He's too leveraged and he implied that that hit list is longer, right?
18:08So, how do we figure out who else is on it?
18:11Bijan did a number on his laptop the shop turned up cash and unregistered weapons
18:15But no Intel any future targets or on our plumber or laundromat owner
18:19Oh, they ended up on that list somehow and all signals point to our victims being New Yorkers born and bred, right?
18:25There's nothing that ties them to Iran even tangentially. Well, if they aren't from here, someone did a bang-up job helping them fake it
18:31Hey, I was able to recover partial data from Bijan Taj Mahal's laptop
18:35You're a magician. Show me. Okay buried in his bookkeeping files a hidden folder that the docs are written in Farsi
18:42So sent them out for translation, but they're not relevant one file might be open yesterday
18:47The same time that the shooters were there look, but so they were all in this back office looking at this spot
18:53It's a surveillance photo from 2005. So who are they run their faces against our database already ahead of you?
18:59That's Tariq and Cyrus 20 years younger. Where is this photo? Is there any metadata? It's central Tehran
19:05It's a Saudi tower in the background
19:08So maybe this photo
19:11Is the hit list the killers went after these two men, which means our next target could be anyone in this photo run every face
19:20The backstories were phony the hell these people really and how the hell did they end up on an Iranian hit list?
19:28Ian yeah, can you zoom in on this woman, but her wrist? Mm-hmm
19:35Yeah, I've seen that bracelet before I'm Nadia meanie Tark's wife are you sure a hundred percent
19:44When we were questioning her she was nervous she was she was playing with it
19:48Nadia meanie just drained her personal bank accounts
19:52She played us she knows exactly why her husband was targeted and she knows who's coming for her. Yeah, pay your phone
19:59Daughter she's at Penn Station
20:01All right, get her off the street now go. I want eyes in every corner of Penn Station
20:06Yeah, we are looking for Nadia meanie and her daughter. They are in danger
20:09We believe these guys right here last seen on a black Ducati could be on the ground looking for
20:23Nadia and her daughter won't be here long. It could already be on a train. We'll start on the mezzanine level and work our way down
20:30Scola we got two pockets
20:32All right, everybody be advised shooters park the Ducati in front of the east entrance get some agents eyes on in case they come
20:38Back for it. We need to find Nadia and Sarah before they do
20:42Anyone in here can be the killers
20:52Got people are too unidentified shooters are in the station
20:56Needle in a haystack and what's a needle look like Elise?
20:58I we don't know and that is why we run every face stay alert. These are trained assassins
21:03They will blend in anyone is a potential threat
21:06So call them out who's got a rap sheet who didn't pay their taxes who got a parking ticket yesterday morning copy that
21:14Let's split up
21:45Got a bogey unidentifiable mail not in our system
21:49Yeah, just I I saw by you guys got it. Who's closest Maggie? Okay, Maggie
21:55Got a guy wearing a black leather jacket. He's behind you
22:02Hi, I have Sarah meaty
22:09Hey Maggie an Expo team is waiting for you at the east entrance, where's your mom?
22:13We got in a fight, where is she right now a downstairs she said we have to leave we have to run what is happening
22:23Nadia I mean he was last seen on the ground level. We need to leave right now. Let me get you out of here away
22:28Cover me
22:33Another jacket heading towards Maggie. I'm on him
22:36Where'd he go we got another angle on this guy working on it Maggie you need to move
23:08Jubal leather jacket is not a suspect
23:13Right there camera shy with the black cap
23:16Can you can you get him?
23:18Can't get his face. All right, send him what you got. Anyway agents. We got a guy wearing all black in a black cap
23:24He's on the lower level heading to the mezzanine who get to him first got him
23:30Facial rectus picked up Nadia other end of the mezzanine. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, wait, you hear that change course
23:35It's a Nadia accident of the mezzanine Tiffany you pick up the guy in the black cap
23:49Because you have to help me find my daughter, please we have her she's safe I'm gonna take you to her come with me
23:54You still got that black cap bogey on you you need to get to the east exit now go go go
24:06This way this way
24:12All right gang I'm still waiting on facial rec I know camera coverage is not helping us
24:16We'll write a letter to the city. Give me a shot of his face. Wait, I got him
24:21Yeah, there it's enough. Yeah
24:25He's a ghost, okay Tiffany you need to stay on him
24:37So that's our guy and where's his buddy
25:02Put a knife wound in the leg get an ambulance there right now. Stay trained on the assailant pull aside of him Jubal what?
25:20No, no, no, you got to get after him he's down there we did what we came here to do
25:25You got the target safe. I'm not chasing after another bad guy. Lift up
25:34Just breathe agent down mezzanine level keep the pressure on
25:46Okay, okay
25:50To think I was gonna call in sick today
25:54So glad you did it
26:15Nothing more to do for Scola ambulances on their way
26:17Well, Nadia meanie is safe and in our care, but we are not clocking out until we find our two shooters
26:22How are we doing? Nothing on station camp station entrance is clear, too. They're gone. I will keep scouring back time your videos
26:28Where did we lose them? Which direction did they go agent Castille a
26:34Now it's not a good time. We need to talk Peter Bradford CIA
26:40Eight months eight months we were sitting on that bookstore
26:44We just lost the thread on six high-value Iranian targets operating here officer Bradford
26:50You were up on surveillance outside of your jurisdiction
26:53You watched Bijan Tajvar armed two men to do violence in New York a dozen people were killed in a truck bomb and now
27:00One of my own is in the hospital. My op is sanctioned under the resources division
27:06Nobody told us you're supposed to call it in. You knew Americans were being targeted
27:12Nadia's husband their friend Cyrus you let them die
27:17What I can't figure out was it dereliction of duty or were they just inconvenience to you in some way
27:24Who are they really
27:26Tariq Amini and Nadia Amini if those are even their real names who they are and what they did lies outside your jurisdiction I
27:34Oversaw activities that they were party to way back when now
27:39Where is she Nadia?
27:42What do you want with her I want to make sure she is safe
27:46Well, I assure you she is safe
27:55Mom what is going on? This is literally insane. There's something I haven't told you stay away from the windows
28:08Let's get you vested up
28:26Anything no sign of the shooters. Hey, what are these decorations here? What time of year is this?
28:30It's no ruse Iranian New Year. It would have been
28:33March 20 2005 right? Okay. We need to figure out why these three are being targeted, right?
28:39So let's let's zoom out to get some paint on the canvas some context. What else was going on at the time?
28:44What are we missing?
28:46Okay. Yeah two days later in Tehran. There was a general from the secret police that was killed a general Marini
28:53What like it assassinated looks that way pipe bomb you think?
28:58Tariq Cyrus and Nadia took out a general in the secret police
29:01Well, I think if the CIA is interested in Nadia Amini, this could be the reason why right Iran had just elected new leaders
29:08Hardliners, so progressive students like Nadia Amini. They'd be put under a microscope
29:12They're angry making them ideal recruits for CIA operations like a bombing the CIA is trying to distance themselves from
29:19So the CIA puts them up to it and then smuggles them out sets them up here fake names backstop identities the works
29:26Will be the first time we use people like that use them and then forgot them
29:32The CIA they came to us in May 2005 they wanted general Marini eliminated
29:38They supplied us with a bomb and blueprints to a bathhouse that Marini visited
29:44It was a mission in exchange for our new identities and passage to the States
29:51So they got you out of Iran. Yeah, I need to be dropped by the agents we helped
29:57Left to figure out our lives on our own
30:00So dad killed someone we had to stop Marini from erasing us
30:06Wait, wait, but but but but so now what we're supposed to
30:10So it's a high to run because of something that dad did before I was born
30:14We thought we would be free here. Okay, why do you think your father had such strict rules rules rules that you broke?
30:32The picture that I posted it do you think
30:42This is not on you. This is nothing to do with you. Yes. Yes, it is my daddy. He didn't know
30:48How could you?
30:50You can judge me all you like agent Bell, but I did what I believed it was right
30:57Perimeter check
31:04What happened to go easy on the wife
31:06How selfish do you have to be to bring a child into that life?
31:09Nadia was young Maggie what you expect her just to give up on her dreams. I
31:13Don't know. No, but you want to be mad at somebody?
31:17How about the case officers that left her out in the cold after the sacrifices they made for our country?
31:23Her daughter's entire life is a lie. Yeah to keep her safe Nadia lied to us
31:29And she could have saved lives today if she told us the truth up front
31:33CIA FBI we're all the same to them and we've already let her down once
31:40Hey skull is still in surgery. I'll update you when I find out more. Okay?
31:44Yeah, please to our to IRGC assassins are still in the wind, but Manhattan is an island. Their options are limited, right?
31:49How we doing? Yeah scrub CCTV footage around the station. No hits looks like they ditched their motorcycle meaning. They're on foot. It's great
31:56Maybe not NYPD just got a report of a stolen van two blocks away. That could be our guys details
32:01Ford 350 cargo van silver plate number 0 4 j 5 r 2 GPS active already on it
32:11Address is 58th and 9th
32:23In a minute since I've done this it's not riding a bike green light
32:43Mr. Diversion to throw us off the trail
32:51Jubal what's up? Oh, I listen to me. The stolen car was a diversion that could be
32:58What do you say I could barely hear him Jubal
33:01You need to assume the IRGC assassins are inbound to your location
33:07How much time do we have
33:09Can you hear me? What's he saying?
33:14Away they cut the cameras. Oh, wait. Can you hear me?
33:23Cell jammer the scrambling the comms we're too late you two with me Maggie. We're about to get hit
34:46It's over
34:58They're safe, yes, ma'am understood
35:03How's Isabel she wants us to transport the victim in custody back to 26 fed along with Nadia and Sarah
35:09The CIA is involved now and they want to debrief Nadia and all of us
35:17Doesn't feel right. I know but it is what it is. No, something is strange
35:23How fast they found us?
35:31You think the CIA wanted him gone that bad maybe
35:35What if they send it back to Iran and wipe their hands of them for good? We have orders
35:39Well, we gotta call Isabel back and get her head around this because they will be killed and you know it
35:54Us marshals are gonna give you new identities housing. You're finally gonna get the protection that you were promised
36:00They're never gonna find you again. I've been told that before. Well, not for me you haven't
36:05From now on wherever you go. No, you have to be very careful
36:09Now, you know why?
36:12It's not really no other way I'm not ready for this honey, that's what I said when I left Iran, okay
36:17But then I made a promise to myself that my best days were never going to be behind me. You gotta look forward. Okay?
36:25Take a look at this
36:28This photo is of your parents in Iran, they're not much older than you are now
36:32They were incredibly brave to do what they did
36:35And you can be too
36:38I think you'll be surprised what you're capable of
36:55Nadia I'm sorry. I judged you. That's all right
37:26Hey, hey, he's asleep Nina's on her way man, that is one tough chick
37:36Not how you thought you're gonna spend your last day, huh?
37:39Honestly, what else was it gonna be?
37:47See you
37:48Hey, did you want to get a drink next week?
37:52I'll be gone by then. Maybe tomorrow
37:55Okay. Yeah, sure tomorrow
37:58Georgia, huh?
38:02It's quiet. My sister has a little cafe down there. So I think it'll be good for me
38:09Can I ask you what it was that made you hit eject
38:15It wasn't any one thing. I I
38:18Just want to closure. I
38:21thought I'd get that after our King was gone, but I
38:28And if I can't take care of myself then how can I you know
38:46Don't be a stranger I know where you live
39:21Where is she
39:23Where is Nadia Amini?
39:25She is in DOJ care now, but you don't seem thrilled by that. It wasn't your call
39:30Was it?
39:32Then who made the call?
39:34How did those gunmen find our safe house?
39:37Just one of those things but we will look into it that location was well off the grid
39:42Those gunmen were there within two hours of my team arriving. Well, what are you accusing me of?
39:47You think I tried to have your agents taken out? That's hardly a denial
39:52The CIA doesn't want the world to know that they killed a high-ranking Farajah officer. There could be fallout
39:58So you try to cover it up
40:00Give me the name of the agent who made the call to hide Nadia in witness protection
40:19Just want you to say
40:21That it was your idea to disobey a direct order and place Nadia Amini in witness protection. Why don't we skip all that?
40:27It matters. The only reason I'm sitting here is because you didn't complete your mission. I don't know what that means
40:34Nadia Amini was a loose end. You wanted her gone. That's immaterial. You were told to bring her in. I don't report to you
40:42You use them and you toss them aside
40:47Nadia deserves better
