Father leaves heartbreaking note for daughter after cancer death

  • 14 hours ago
A father diagnosed with terminal cancer wrote a note for his daughter to read after he had died.
00:00He was about to retire and basically had some symptoms like flu-like symptoms, went to the
00:13doctors, the GP and they sent him for further testing and then it was all a shock and he
00:17had stage 4 cancer, bowel cancer, so yeah it was awful.
00:22I'm also a nurse, it made it quite difficult because I felt like I knew a lot more than
00:26some people did so that made it quite hard. He had lots of chemo, several operations and
00:32a lot of them were far away in London which made it hard for us because we had to travel
00:35there a lot and also a lot of the treatments during Covid which made it really difficult.
00:41He was really, really positive, always used to say it is what it is, which, sorry, yeah
00:50which made it harder for us because sometimes we were more cross than he was just because
00:54he was so positive. He wrote us all individual letters just saying how lovely we were and
01:01that he was proud of us and then in my letter it said that my partner had been to see him
01:06to ask for my hand in marriage. Sorry! But yeah, it was lovely.
01:13I just went to Rome with my partner who asked me to marry him, so yeah.
01:25What do you think your dad would be saying if he were here today?
01:28He'd be really happy. Yeah.
01:33How am I feeling today? Really good.
01:37Sorry, I'm busy. I don't want it.
01:53It's really important. I think some people don't realise how much funding needs to go
01:58into the research as well. There's obviously lots of different cancers and obviously sometimes
02:03people don't get the treatment because of the money and the funding, so it's really
02:06important people can raise awareness and raise money. He'd be really proud of us, I think,
02:11for sharing our story because it is really hard but I know that it will help a lot of
02:14people to hear our story.
