Ruzgarli Tepe Episode 144 Full HD

  • 5 hours ago
Ruzgarli Tepe Episode 144 Full HD
Ruzgarli Tepe Episode 145 Full HD
Ruzgarli Tepe Episode 146 Full HD
Ruzgarli Tepe Episode 144 Full HD
00:01:00I'm going to do a little bit of a walkthrough of what I've been up to in the last couple of days, and I'm going to show you a little bit of what I've been up to in the last couple of days, and I'm going to show you a little bit of what I've been up to in the last couple of days, and I'm going to show you a little bit of what I've been up to in the last couple of days, and I'm going to show you a little bit of what I've been up to in the last couple of days, and I'm going to show you a little bit of what I've been up to in the last couple of days, and I'm going to show you a little bit of what I've been up to in the last couple of days, and I'm going to show you a little bit of what I've been up to in the last couple of days, and I'm going to show you a little bit of what I've been up to in the last couple of days, and I'm going to
00:01:30show you a little bit of what I've been up to in the last couple of days, and I'm going
00:02:00to show you a little bit of what I've been up to in the last couple of days, and I'm
00:02:30going to show you a little bit of what I've been up to in the last couple of days, and
00:03:00I'm going to show you a little bit of what I've been up to in the last couple of days,
00:03:29and I'm going to show you a little bit of what I've been up to in the last couple of days,
00:03:30and I'm going to show you a little bit of what I've been up to in the last couple of days,
00:03:31and I'm going to show you a little bit of what I've been up to in the last couple of days,
00:03:32and I'm going to show you a little bit of what I've been up to in the last couple of days,
00:03:33and I'm going to show you a little bit of what I've been up to in the last couple of days,
00:03:34and I'm going to show you a little bit of what I've been up to in the last couple of days,
00:03:35and I'm going to show you a little bit of what I've been up to in the last couple of days,
00:03:36and I'm going to show you a little bit of what I've been up to in the last couple of days,
00:03:37and I'm going to show you a little bit of what I've been up to in the last couple of days.
00:04:07Sit down, please.
00:04:12My dear, you can't do that, Merve.
00:04:17My beautiful daughter, what will she do there?
00:04:20Ms. Tülay, you ruined yourself.
00:04:22Don't be so sad, please.
00:04:25Merve will return home safe and sound. Nothing will happen.
00:04:28She will bring Zeynep and Halil. Don't worry.
00:04:31Just calm down, please.
00:04:34What happened to Merve?
00:04:36Tülay, what happened to my granddaughter?
00:04:39Why don't you tell me anything?
00:04:41Nothing important, Ms. Zümrüt.
00:04:43What do you mean, nothing important?
00:04:45I heard it with my own ears. You said she would return home safe and sound.
00:04:49Because she went downstairs.
00:04:51Where did they go? God forbid.
00:04:53Did something happen?
00:04:55There is nothing to worry about, Ms. Zümrüt.
00:04:58Merve won the university.
00:05:00She went to celebrate with her friends.
00:05:03Ms. Tülay is also worried.
00:05:05When will she return? How will she return?
00:05:07How will she return?
00:05:09They will bring Zeynep and Halil.
00:05:12Tülay? How?
00:05:14Because Ms. Tülay didn't know.
00:05:16They will bring Zeynep and Halil to Merve.
00:05:18That's why. But there is no problem.
00:05:20Ms. Zümrüt, let's go to your room if you want.
00:05:22Okay, no problem.
00:05:26Let's go.
00:05:32Ms. Zümrüt believed, but you know the truth, of course.
00:05:36I think Merve was a thief because she took care of her old rich days.
00:05:44My daughter is not a thief, Ms. Songül.
00:05:49What happened to my daughter came from her good intentions.
00:05:52Believe what you want to believe.
00:05:56The truth is right in front of you.
00:06:23Oh, Suat.
00:06:25We'll meet at the port, okay?
00:06:27Which one? Where is the port?
00:06:29Man sends a message.
00:06:31He gives a point address.
00:06:48Just in time. Well done.
00:06:50I overcame Merve's family, but the situation has changed.
00:06:53Come to the Turkish port outside the forest.
00:06:55Will it happen in the last minute?
00:07:23Why don't you answer, son?
00:07:27Son, give me those passports, I'll go right away.
00:07:42Were you looking for this?
00:08:00We'll get there, don't worry.
00:08:20We found it, mother.
00:08:24Hold on tight.
00:08:34Give me the padlock.
00:08:36What are you going to do with the padlock?
00:08:38Give it to me, Zeynep.
00:08:40Give it to me, Zeynep.
00:08:42Give it to me, Zeynep.
00:08:44Give it to me, Zeynep.
00:08:46Give it to me, Zeynep.
00:08:48Give it to me, Zeynep.
00:09:06Zeynep, don't!
00:09:18Where are you going?
00:09:20Where are you going?
00:09:35Brother, leave me alone.
00:09:39Brother, leave me alone, I can't breathe.
00:09:49He's looking for you.
00:09:53Brother, I'm afraid I'm going to die.
00:09:55Shut up!
00:09:59Where are you going to meet Taner?
00:10:01At the airport, brother.
00:10:03At the airport?
00:10:18I'm at the airport.
00:10:38I got through Merve's family.
00:10:40But the plan has changed.
00:10:42I won't make it to the airport.
00:10:44Come to the metro station in the forest.
00:10:48Come to the metro station in the forest.
00:10:50Come to the metro station in the forest.
00:10:52Come to the metro station in the forest.
00:10:54Come to the metro station in the forest.
00:10:56Come to the metro station in the forest.
00:10:58Come to the metro station in the forest.
00:11:00Come to the metro station in the forest.
00:11:02Come to the metro station in the forest.
00:11:04Come to the metro station in the forest.
00:11:06Come to the metro station in the forest.
00:11:08Come to the metro station in the forest.
00:11:10Come to the metro station in the forest.
00:11:12Come to the metro station in the forest.
00:11:14Come to the metro station in the forest.
00:11:17Come to the metro station in the forest.
00:11:19Come to the metro station in the forest.
00:11:21Come to the metro station in the forest.
00:11:41Don't touch him!
00:12:12Hey, she's any issue
00:13:39So much kiddo, I'll show you Jim, huh? Ben sana bekle diyorsam bekleyeceksin yoksa yok sana
00:13:45Ölürsün bak şu dik başlığı sabırsızlığın yüzünden inşaat ölüyordu nazar söz konusu ailemse hiçbir şey umurumda değil
00:13:55Olmalı şu tavırların sana zarar veriyor Zeynep sevdiklerini üzmeye hakkın yok senin de bana karışmaya hakkın yok
00:14:04Neyse, benim Merve'yi bir an önce o karakoldan çıkarmam lazım
00:14:16Başımın belası
00:14:29Nasıl kandım kıymetenliğe ya
00:14:39Boşu boşuna o kadar yemek yaptı
00:14:43Sırf Eren'e karşı beni beliriksiz göstermek için yaptı
00:14:49Of Selman sen de çok safsın
00:14:53Demek ki kaynana böyle bir şeymiş
00:14:59Canım ne yapıyorsun bitmedi mi daha
00:15:01Az kaldı
00:15:03Tamam sen dinlen artık
00:15:05Ben yaparım gerisini
00:15:07Gerek yok hallederim ben
00:15:28Bizim için her şeyden çok yeni
00:15:32Birbirimiz hakkında bilmediğimiz o kadar çok şey var ki
00:15:37Mesela sevdiğimiz yemekler
00:15:43Ama önemli olan bir tek şey var Selman
00:15:47Sen benim için bütün gün uğraştın
00:15:51Bütün gün
00:15:53Bu benim için o kadar değerli ki
00:15:58Ben seni çok seviyorum
00:16:03Aramızı bozan kapuska olmasın
00:16:09Aslında biliyor musun
00:16:11Kapuskayı ben de pek sevmem
00:16:14Ama sen seviyorsun sandığım için
00:16:16Zor da olsa yapmıştım
00:16:18Hı öyle mi
00:16:21Hem bak
00:16:23Bir ortak önümüz daha çıktı
00:16:26Demek artık evimizde kapuska pişmeyecek
00:16:34Büyük konuşmamak lazım
00:16:37Belki çocuğumuz sever
00:16:39O zaman yaparım işte
00:16:41Her gün istesin her gün yaparım
00:16:54Bak çocuk demişken
00:16:58Allah nasip ederse
00:17:00Ben dört tane çocuk istiyorum
00:17:02Hepsi de sana bendesin
00:17:06Eren o tanırmasana beni
00:17:14Ah kafasız oğlum ah
00:17:17Bu çalı süpürgesinden dört tane bebe
00:17:20Ettim üstüne beş çalı süpürgesi
00:17:23Allah yazdıysa bozsun
00:17:26Ama sen dur
00:17:28Ben de kıymetsizim
00:17:30Bu vuslat asla olmayacak
00:17:36Kumandayı bulamayayım nerede
00:17:39Gel ana bakalım beraber
00:18:16Ben de
00:18:20Şükürler olsun
00:18:28Güzel kızım
00:18:36Serbest bırakmışlar
00:18:44Çok geçmiş olsun Merve'ciğim
00:18:51Neyse ki adalet yerini buldu
00:18:53Çok geçmiş olsun Merve
00:18:55Teşekkür ederim Cemil
00:18:59Çok geçmiş olsun
00:19:01Korkuttun bizi
00:19:07Masum olduğun kanıtlandı çok şükür
00:19:10Bir aslan kadınına suç atmaya çalışanlar
00:19:14Utanırlar artık
00:19:21Bir daha öyle kimselere güvenmek yok
00:19:23Tamam mı
00:19:35Bak etraf kötü insan kaynıyor
00:19:37Ailen de çok üzüldü
00:19:39Bir daha asla böyle bir şey yapmam
00:19:43Ablamla Halil eniştem olmasaydı
00:19:47Şimdi çok cenepiste olabilirdim
00:19:57Çok teşekkür ederim
00:20:01İyi ki varsınız
00:20:04İyi ki varsınız
00:20:13Cemil'in de katkısı çok büyük
00:20:19Teşekkür ederim Cemil
00:20:29Ama en büyük katkıyı tabi ki
00:20:31Zeynep verdi
00:20:35Görmeniz lazımdı
00:20:39Sabrı ve sakinliği
00:20:41Takdire şayandı
00:20:45Onunla gurur duyuyorum
00:21:01Yardım edin
00:21:21Dokunma ona
00:21:49Asıl Halil'i görmeniz lazımdı
00:21:53Sakinliği ve tahammülüne
00:21:55Diyecek söz bulamıyorum gerçekten
00:22:23Yardım edin
00:22:33Beni bırak
00:22:53Babaannem nerde haberi yok dimi
00:22:55Yok duymadı odasında
00:22:59Bir ara konuştuğumuzu duyunca
00:23:01Şüphelendi tabi
00:23:03Ama teyzem sağolsun
00:23:05Kriz çıkmadan çözdü
00:23:11Hadi Mervecim
00:23:13Git dinlen sen çok yoruldun artık
00:23:17İyi geceler herkese
00:23:19İyi geceler
00:23:53Ne oldu
00:23:55Önemli bir şey değil ufak bir kaza
00:24:03Merak etme abla ben
00:24:05Zeyneple ilgileneceğim
00:24:09Biz biraz yorulduk
00:24:11Odamıza geçelim dinlenelim
00:24:17İyi geceler
00:24:19İyi geceler
00:24:21İyi geceler
00:24:33Birlikte her şeyin üstesinden gelmeleri
00:24:35Ne kadar güzel dimi teyze
00:24:41Hem çok yakışıyorlar
00:24:43Hemde çok iyi anlaşıyorlar
00:24:47Mükemmel bir aile oldular birlikte
00:24:49Allah bozmasın
00:24:53Öyle öyle
00:25:19Bakıyorumda bana laf vurmak için hiç bir fırsatı kaçırmıyorsun
00:25:29Maşallah sende hiç altta kalmıyorsun
00:25:31Neden kalacakmışım
00:25:33Bana sürekli ne yapmam gerektiğini söyleyen sen
00:25:35Emirler yağdıran sen
00:25:37Altta kalması gereken benim öyle mi
00:25:43Yaptığın zorbalığı da unutmadım ayrıca
00:25:45Yazlık eve hapsettin beni
00:25:47Bana zulmetmeyi kendinde hak görmüş olabilirsin
00:25:49Ya bu zavallıcık
00:25:51Eve hiç uğramayıp onu aç susuz bırakmaya
00:25:53Ona zulmetmeyi de mi kendinde hak gördün
00:25:55Kendinden başka kimseyi düşünmez misin sen
00:26:07Yemide suyuda varmış
00:26:17Ne zaman koydun
00:26:21Var mıymış yemi suyu
00:26:25Ablamdan rica ettim çünkü
00:26:27Biz yokken yemiyle suyuyla o ilgilendi hayvanın
00:26:31Sen bursun işte
00:26:33Peşin hükümlüsün
00:26:35Anlamıyorsun dinlemiyorsun gözünü karartıp yargıya varıyorsun
00:26:37Hemen üste çıkmaya kalkma öyle
00:26:39Beni hapsettiğinde mi yalan
00:26:41Hapsetmek denmez ona
00:26:43Ne söyleyeceğime de sen mi karar vereceksin ya
00:26:45Bal gibi de hapsetmek işte
00:26:47Mecbur bıraktın
00:26:49Sen durumdan kendine vazife çıkarıp mecbur hissettin
00:26:51Evet yani hapsettin
00:26:53Dinleseydin o zaman beni
00:26:55Sana boyun eğmediğim için yine suçlu benim öyle mi
00:26:57Ama sakın umut etme
00:26:59Sen ne yaparsan yap
00:27:01Ben yine de sana boyun eğmeyeceğim
00:27:03Zeynep bak
00:27:15Bu böyle olmaz ama
00:27:21Ne böyle olmaz sultan
00:27:23Ya baksanıza ipin her tarafı düğüm düğüm olmuş
00:27:29Tamam sen merak etme
00:27:31Ben şimdi hallederim hepsini
00:27:33Hadi gel odana gidelim
00:27:35Damadım da gelsin
00:27:37Tamam sen merak etme
00:27:39Ben şimdi hallederim hepsini
00:27:41Hadi gel odana gidelim
00:27:43Sen merak etme
00:27:53Ben de geleyim
00:28:05O kız serbest kaldı
00:28:07Tıpış tıpış çiftliğe döndü
00:28:09Yine verdiğim işi beceremedim Fikret
00:28:11Benim bir kusurum yok Songül hanım
00:28:13Her şey yolundaydı
00:28:15Ama yeğeniniz Halil'lik gelip
00:28:17Bütün planı bozdu
00:28:19Ya o çocuk benim adımı verirse
00:28:21Yanarım ben Fikret
00:28:23Merak etmeyin öyle bir şey olmayacak
00:28:25Aksi bir durum olursa
00:28:27Ailesine zarar vereceğimi söyledim
00:28:43Torunuma yelek örüyorum
00:28:45Patiyle takım olacak
00:28:47Vallahi ben elimi çabuk tutup
00:28:49Hemen bitiririm
00:28:51Sizde elinizi çabuk tutun da
00:28:53Torunumu seveyim
00:29:01Neden yoruyorsun kendini sultan
00:29:03Ne gerek vardı
00:29:05Bu çocuk çetin olacak
00:29:07Vallahi düğümünden belli
00:29:09Hadi alın bakayım da
00:29:11Açın şu düğümü
00:29:13Ben de işime bakayım
00:29:23Kördüğüm gibi sevmek
00:29:25Ne demek bilir misiniz
00:29:33Efendimiz Hazreti Muhammed
00:29:35Sallallahu aleyhi ve sellem
00:29:37Hazreti Ayşe
00:29:39Annemizle böyle evlendikleri
00:29:41İlk yıllarmış
00:29:43Hazreti Ayşe bir gün
00:29:45Efendimiz beni seviyor musun
00:29:47Diye sorunca o da
00:29:49Evet tabiki seviyorum demiş
00:29:51Ama Hazreti Ayşemiz
00:29:53Daha da ötesini duymak için
00:29:55Ya Resulullah
00:29:57Peki beni nasıl seversin
00:29:59Diye sorunca nasıl cevap
00:30:01Vermiş biliyor musunuz
00:30:03Kördüğüm gibi severim
00:30:09Kördüğüm açılmazmış
00:30:11Açılmayan bitmeyen
00:30:13Sır gibi sevgidir bu
00:30:15Hazreti Ayşe
00:30:17Annemiz çok memnun
00:30:19Sık sık ona
00:30:21Ya Allah'ın Resulü
00:30:23Kördüğüm ne alemde
00:30:25Diye sorduğunda
00:30:27Aldığı cevap karşısında
00:30:29Çok mutlu ve mesut yaşarmış
00:31:57Yes, yes, my heart belongs to you.
00:33:13You can leave.
00:33:15Enjoy your meal.
00:33:21It's so delicious.
00:33:32It's like I've been in jail for days.
00:33:36It was so bad.
00:33:38Was it, Merve?
00:33:41Was it that bad?
00:33:45What a beautiful girl.
00:33:46Didn't you ever think that something like this could happen to you if you trusted someone you didn't know, Merve?
00:33:57On the one hand, what will my son be afraid of?
00:34:01On the other hand, he is afraid that our bloodline will be stained.
00:34:04You just said that to that Songül Baroş.
00:34:10Mom, you're right.
00:34:13I'm so sorry, but please don't take it out on me.
00:34:18It was very difficult for me, too.
00:34:21You're all in a different world.
00:34:23Selma marries someone I don't approve of without my knowledge.
00:34:27We'll pick you up from the police station.
00:34:30Zeynep found the right man and got married to him.
00:34:34He was the lowest among you.
00:34:43Okay, finish your meal.
00:34:47He lost his appetite.
00:35:13It's been a long time since we've been dealing with it.
00:35:26It's like it's getting more and more complicated as we solve it.
00:35:36It's like it's getting more and more complicated as we solve it.
00:35:44It's a matter of patience.
00:35:49Give it to me.
00:35:51You're always talking.
00:35:53Work a little, work.
00:36:02Wait a minute.
00:36:06Don't take it out on me.
00:36:08You have to be patient.
00:36:24Okay, that's enough.
00:36:27It doesn't work.
00:36:29Let's cut the knot.
00:36:31Dad asked for a knotless.
00:36:33What's going to happen?
00:36:34You're going to cut it off from here.
00:36:36You're going to tie it up again, it's going to be knotless again.
00:36:39Be patient, Zeynep.
00:36:41You'll learn.
00:36:43You made me go around, you made me wait again.
00:36:47They wrote patience.
00:37:04You're getting angry when you say you're stubborn.
00:37:16Look what you did.
00:37:34I mean, you haven't slept yet.
00:37:54As long as I'm on top of you, you won't sleep for a while.
00:38:00Come on, girl.
00:38:02Show your skill.
00:38:04Send that girl.
00:38:34Well done, girl.
00:38:55I'd be a better theater player than you.
00:39:04I'm sorry.
00:39:34I'm sorry.
00:40:04I'm sorry.
00:40:35I'm sorry.
00:40:49Do you have water?
00:40:51I'll bring it.
00:41:05Yes, dear?
00:41:29I'll have another glass.
00:41:48You can't.
00:41:59Why are you looking at me like that?
00:42:01I'm looking at my wife's beauty.
00:42:08Eren, run.
00:42:14Eren, my son, run.
00:42:18Run away from home.
00:42:23Eren, run.
00:42:27Mom, what's going on?
00:42:28What's going on, mom?
00:42:30My son, I was going to drink water, but I got up.
00:42:33The man standing in front of me was like a scoundrel.
00:42:36It was like he had eaten his head off.
00:42:39But Eren is gone.
00:42:41My life is gone.
00:42:49Okay, mom.
00:42:53Mom, look, I'm here.
00:42:56Don't be afraid.
00:42:58I'm here.
00:43:00What if he comes back?
00:43:02Eren, should we call the police?
00:43:05Maybe he has a fingerprint.
00:43:07No, I won't call the police.
00:43:09If I see the police, I'll faint.
00:43:12Okay, mom.
00:43:14I don't want the police.
00:43:20Okay, mom.
00:43:22Calm down, don't be afraid.
00:43:23My son, let's not sleep separately today.
00:43:26Let's sleep here, okay?
00:43:28Let's sleep in the living room.
00:43:36Okay, mom.
00:43:38Let me check around.
00:43:43Calm down.
00:43:45Don't be afraid.
00:43:51Let me see.
00:43:54Don't be afraid.
00:43:59Girl, look around.
00:44:02Where will he sleep with his son?
00:44:15Take these, too.
00:44:29They believed it.
00:44:31Well done, girl.
00:44:33You're a good actress.
00:44:35You're perfect.
00:44:41Come here, Eren.
00:44:56Eren, are you okay?
00:44:58I'm fine.
00:45:00Why are you doing this, Zeynep?
00:45:02I told you to wait in the car, Zeynep.
00:45:04Why are you following me?
00:45:06You were going to fall.
00:45:08God forbid, you were going to die here.
00:45:10I would have waited if you prevented the bricks from falling from the construction site.
00:45:38I'll teach you to be patient.
00:45:41You owe me a family.
00:45:46I'll take it from you.
00:45:53I'll take it from you.
00:46:32Son, are you awake?
00:46:44Get up.
00:46:46Dad is calling you.
00:46:48Get up.
00:46:50Get up.
00:46:52Dad is at the door.
00:46:55What happened?
00:46:57Get up.
00:47:03The door is locked. Don't worry.
00:47:07Let's clean up.
00:47:09He shouldn't know we're sleeping separately.
00:47:21Get up.
00:47:51Get up.
00:47:59If you let me, I'll go.
00:48:01If you back off.
00:48:03You shouldn't say what I'm going to do. Let me go.
00:48:05You let me go.
00:48:21Get up.
00:48:40We're done.
00:48:42I think we're done.
00:48:52I mean, guys.
00:48:54I mean, I'm sorry.
00:48:56It's not appropriate to knock on the door of such new houses.
00:49:00No, Your Highness. It doesn't matter.
00:49:02Not at all.
00:49:06You cut the rope and tied it up.
00:49:12It's a knot again.
00:49:15I wish you'd be patient and open it.
00:49:17Even if there was a knot, the rope would be knotty again.
00:49:22It's beautiful, Your Highness.
00:49:24It means we love you as much as this knot.
00:49:28Look, I love you too.
00:49:34I'll go and continue to knit my grandson's vest.
00:49:37If there's a knot, I'll open it.
00:49:39You cut it.
00:50:46Good morning.
00:50:48I'll make lemonade.
00:50:49I'll make lemonade.
00:50:51Would you call when I'm available?
00:50:53I didn't want to bother you.
00:50:55After all, you're newlyweds.
00:51:07We're newlyweds, but...
00:51:10...we haven't put our heads on the same pillow yet, Merve.
00:51:20I looked it up on the internet.
00:51:22I kiss you a lot.
00:51:24Greetings to my brother-in-law.
00:51:31Breakfast is ready.
00:51:39I couldn't wait for the knife sweeper to run away.
00:51:43I'll cut it.
00:51:45I'll cut it.
00:51:47I'll cut it.
00:51:49I'll cut it.
00:52:16I made lemonade for you.
00:52:20For me?
00:52:22For you.
00:52:24I want to thank you for your help.
00:52:27Take it.
00:52:31Thank you very much.
00:52:33You're welcome.
00:52:41It's broken.
00:52:45Wait, I'll fix it.
00:52:47Never mind, Cemil.
00:52:50I asked Selma for help a few times.
00:52:53I tried to fix it myself, but...
00:52:55...that's all it took.
00:53:00After what happened...
00:53:03...I realized how short my life is.
00:53:07So you don't have to waste time on such things.
00:53:10Never mind.
00:53:16It was very delicious.
00:53:18Thank you very much, it will be very nice.
00:53:20Enjoy your meal.
00:53:22See you.
00:53:24See you.
00:53:45I'll pay you back the money I gave Ms. Nevra.
00:54:16I don't owe anyone.
00:54:18I work and pay.
00:54:25I'm telling you that you can't work for someone else... long as I write Fırat in your last name.
00:54:30You are stubborn.
00:54:32You say I work for someone else.
00:54:35You have to sign this before you go.
00:54:38What is this?
00:54:40You said...
00:54:42...I don't owe you.
00:54:43I don't owe anyone.
00:54:45I will pay all my debts.
00:54:47This is your chance.
00:54:52If you want to pay your debts, you will sign this paper.
00:54:58I can't pay my debts by working.
00:55:01If you say so...
00:55:04...I didn't owe you until today...
00:55:07...and I won't.
00:55:13I don't owe you.
00:55:14I don't owe you.
00:55:42I don't owe you.
00:55:44I don't owe you.
00:55:50I'll take care of it.
00:56:14I'll take care of it.
00:56:38I love you.
00:56:41I love you.
00:56:42But...'s always the same.
00:57:12Where are you going?
00:57:24To find a job to pay my debt to you.
00:57:29We can't meet at a common point.
00:57:32I told you that you can't work with anyone.
00:57:36But you are acting stubbornly.
00:57:39I can't pay my debt if I don't work.
00:57:42I didn't tell you that you won't work.
00:57:45I told you that you won't work with anyone.
00:57:51You will work with me.
00:57:55Change your clothes.
00:57:58I am waiting at the door.
00:58:12I am waiting at the door.
00:58:42I am waiting at the door.
00:58:46I understand.
00:58:49You will clean this place to pay your debt to me.
00:58:53You cleaned the mountain before. I remember.
00:58:56I don't care about such things.
00:58:59I will do whatever it takes to pay my debt to you.
00:59:02I know.
00:59:09What is that?
00:59:13You will pay your debt when you finish these articles.
00:59:18Read it.
00:59:31Necessities of being Halil Firat's wife.
00:59:34Read it.
00:59:41Halil Firat's wife is patient.
00:59:44She trusts her husband.
00:59:48She is not stubborn.
00:59:51This is very important.
01:00:00What are these?
01:00:04Necessities of being Halil Firat's wife.
01:00:07I told you nicely.
01:00:10I tried every way.
01:00:16You will be patient.
01:00:19You will overcome your anger.
01:00:22If you get rid of your ambition, you will leave the feeling of revenge and remember your love.
01:00:26This is the only way I can fulfill my father's will.
01:00:31Let's see what is in the first row of our list.
01:00:34What does it say?
01:00:37My wife will be patient.
01:01:01Now be patient.
01:01:04And find the needle in the hay, Zeynep Firat.