• 15 hours ago
This World Is Not Real Episode 8 English Subtitles Chinese Romance
00:30让记忆像碎片一样消失 I will be attracted by you
00:34我依旧会被你吸引 I will be attracted by you
00:37在无处落脚的人海里 In the endless sea of people
00:41你的降临是岛屿是陆地 Your landing is the land of the island
00:45是直到你的位置却装作不在意 I know where you are, but I pretend not to care
00:50满心想你却只字不提 I miss you all the time, but I can't help it
01:00满心想你却只字不提 I miss you all the time, but I can't help it
01:06你好,您拨打的电话已关机 Hello, the number you have dialed is power off
01:32夜不归座也不接电话,真不让人省心 It's not a good idea to stay up all night and not answer the phone. It's a waste of time
01:45明天见 See you tomorrow
01:47吴博士,情况怎么样了? Dr. Wu, how is it going?
02:02噪镜引擎确实稳定了它大脑神经电信号衰退的现象 The noise-making engine has indeed stabilized the phenomenon of signal decline in the brain
02:07但是能维持多久,现在还不好说 But it's hard to say how long it can last
02:10它在噪镜引擎维持的世界里有记忆恢复的迹象 There are signs of memory recovery in the world where the noise-making engine is maintained
02:14噪镜搭建的环境是以我们还未相识之前为模板 The environment in which the noise-making engine is built is a template of what we haven't known before
02:18但是现在有些场景出现了本不该出现的物件 But now there are some scenes where objects that shouldn't have appeared
02:22引擎里的所有画面是我们一切意识以及感受的来源 All the images in the engine are the source of all our consciousness and feelings
02:26这是个好消息 This is good news
02:27说明您从瑞典带回来的实验药物有些效果 It means that the experimental drug you brought back from Sweden has some effect
02:31但是您进入齐女士的梦境还是要小心 But you have to be careful when you enter Ms. Qi's dream
02:36不能给她过大的刺激 Don't give her too much stimulation
02:44我们需要更长的时间 We need more time
02:46让她从潜意识慢慢接受自己的处境 Let her slowly accept her situation from her subconscious
02:50那有什么办法能快点唤醒她的记忆吗 Is there any way to wake her up as soon as possible?
02:53哪怕在噪镜里也行 Even if it's in the mirror
03:14我怎么会在这儿 Why am I here?
03:32这不是林总家吗 Isn't this Director Lin's house?
03:34昨晚 Last night
03:36昨晚 Last night
03:38怎么都不记得昨晚发生什么了呀 Why can't I remember what happened last night?
03:41我也没有喝酒啊 I didn't drink
03:43我也没有喝酒啊 I didn't drink
03:53过来吃早餐 Come and have breakfast
03:55吃完我送你上班 I'll take you to work after breakfast
04:03林总 没事的 It's okay, Director Lin
04:05我可以坐地铁回去 I can take the subway back
04:07离这里最近的地铁有二十公里 The nearest subway station is 20 kilometers away
04:09我可以骑共享单车 I can ride a shared bike
04:10我这儿没有单车 I don't have a shared bike here
04:17林总 昨晚 Director Lin, last night
04:20昨晚你测试完睡着了 You fell asleep after the test last night
04:24这是我特地为你做的早餐 This is my breakfast for you
04:26坐下吃吧 Sit down and eat
04:28谢谢 Thank you
04:36昨晚睡得好吗 Did you sleep well last night?
04:54这是在点我 He's calling me
04:56昨天没有做完工作就睡着了 He fell asleep without finishing his work yesterday
04:59林总 昨晚的任务我上午保证完成 Director Lin, I'll finish the task I did last night
05:07谢谢林总 Thank you, Director Lin
05:18林总 晴晚之灵到底是一款什么样的游戏啊 Director Lin, what kind of game is Qian Wan Zhi Lin?
05:23这款游戏完全颠覆了游戏行业传统的设计思路 This game has completely subverted the traditional design ideas of the game industry
05:27它是一款只能在梦里玩的游戏 It's a game that can only be played in a dream
05:29在梦里玩的游戏 这跟我白日梦的构想很像 It's a game that can only be played in a dream. It's very similar to my Daydream
05:34您是因为这个才把我招进公司的吧 You hired me because of this, didn't you?
05:37对 Yes
05:39那现在晴晚之灵开发到了一种什么样的程度了呢 So how far has Qian Wan Zhi Lin developed so far?
05:43你先具体说说你的白日梦吧 Why don't you talk about your Daydream first?
05:47您知道有种梦叫清醒梦吧 You know there's a dream called Awakening Dream, right?
05:51清醒梦就是一种在睡梦中理性功能 却没有完全被关闭的状态 Awakening Dream is a state in which the rational function in sleep is not completely closed
05:57做梦的人可以通过自己的想法来控制自己的梦境 People who dream can control their dreams through their own ideas
06:02对 我白日梦的灵感就是基于这个来的 Yes, this is the inspiration for my Daydream
06:05但是它现在缺少最关键的一环 就是一个强大的物理引擎 But it's missing the most critical part now, which is a powerful physical engine
06:10把大脑紊乱的电信号翻译并固定成一个稳定的视控结构 Translate the telegraph signal of the brain disorder and fix it into a stable control structure
06:15但是这门技术要涉及最前沿的脑科学还有脑基接口技术 But this technology involves the most advanced brain science and brain interface technology
06:22我现在实在没有能力去把它实现 I really can't do it now
06:26你会实现的 只是需要一些外部资源 You can do it. You just need some external resources
06:31您的意思是晴婉之灵已经解决了这个问题是吗 You mean the Dream of Love has solved this problem, right?
06:35是的 Yes
06:37谁啊 这也太天才了吧 Who is it? This is too genius
06:40理论上治疗的方式跟现实中一样 Theoretically, the treatment method is the same as reality
06:44就是带她重温过去的经历 让她重新爱上你 It's to bring her back to the past and make her fall in love with you again
06:50是您吗 Is it you?
06:53我之前听公司的同事说晴婉之灵是您一直在负责的项目 I heard from my colleagues that you've been in charge of the Dream of Love
06:58那他们的研发团队 Then what about their R&D team?
07:09林总 你干嘛 Mr. Lin, what are you doing?
07:14你觉得刚才是梦境还是现实 Do you think it was a dream or reality just now?
07:38他怎么跟林总一起来的 How did he come with Mr. Lin?
07:45姐 Sister
07:49你一晚上没回家就跟他在一起啊 You didn't go home all night and you were with him
07:53我加班呢 I was working overtime
07:55电话也不接 You didn't answer the phone
07:56你知不知道我多担心你啊 Do you know how worried I was about you?
08:00关机了 It's off
08:02那个林总 那你先走吧 Mr. Lin, you go first
08:07站住 Stop
08:09我告诉你 I'm telling you
08:11你再这样压榨我姐 小心我告你 If you do this again, I'll sue you
08:14九九六犯法的你知不知道 Do you know the 996 Penalty?
08:17还让我姐扶小姑子谁知道你打的什么主意 Who knows what you did to my sister?
08:19秦天 Qin Tian
08:20没事 It's okay
08:22知道心疼姐姐 值得表扬 I know I care about you. It's worth it
08:26谁让你表扬了 别走 Who told you to praise me? Don't go
08:29别闹了 我这不是好好的吗 Stop it. I'm fine
08:31姐 别这么拼命了好不好 Sister, don't be so hard on me, okay?
08:34大不了 大不了我打职业养你 At worst, I'll hire you for a job
08:38打职业 A job?
08:39笑什么 怎么了 What are you laughing at? What's wrong?
08:40加油 弟弟 你是最棒 Come on, brother. You're the best
08:47别笑了 不许笑 Don't laugh. Don't laugh
08:50看你没啥事我走了 I'll go if there's nothing else
08:53对了 记得吃早餐啊 By the way, remember to have breakfast
08:59悦秀战车的收购办得怎么样了 How's the acquisition of Yue Xiu's tank going?
09:02我们顺利拿下了 We won it
09:04只是 It's just
09:06有什么问题 What's the problem?
09:07只是聚集突然跑出来搅局 It's just that the gathering suddenly came out of nowhere
09:10悦秀战车趁机狮子大开口 把收购价格提高到了五亿 Yue Xiu's tank raised the acquisition price to 500 million yuan in the nick of time
09:17钱打过去了吗 Did you transfer the money?
09:18打过去了 Yes
09:19余总 Mr. Yu
09:21林总 不好了 Mr. Lin, bad news
09:22悦秀战车被很多家长投诉 故意暴力 Yue Xiu's tank has been reprimanded by many parents
09:24已经被平台下架了 and has been removed from the platform
09:26怎么会这样 How did this happen?
09:27那 Then
09:28我们的钱不就都打水漂了 Our money is all gone
09:30是啊 林总 Yes, Mr. Lin
09:31您不在的时候 秦总非要签这份合同的 When you were away, Mr. Qin insisted on signing the contract
09:34我和余总都说等您回来再决定 Mr. Yu and I said we would decide when you came back
09:36可是秦总非要说 But Mr. Qin insisted on saying
09:37是我 It's me
10:01我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:02是啊 It's all gone
10:03我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:04我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:05我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:06我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:07我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:08我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:09我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:10我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:11我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:12我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:14我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:15我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:16我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:17我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:18我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:19我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:20我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:21我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:22我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:23我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:24我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:25我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:26我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:27我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:28我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:29我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:30我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:31我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:32我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:33我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:34我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:35我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:36我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:37我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:38我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:39我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:40我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:41我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:42我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:43我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:44我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:45我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:46我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:47我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:48我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:49我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:50我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:51我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:52我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:53我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:54我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:55我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:56我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
10:57我们的钱不就都打水漂了吗 Our money is all gone
