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00:00It all begins in a desert, where a lone child stumbles along gnawing on a human finger searching
00:05for his mother.
00:06A few miles away, a car drives down a road that abruptly ends in the middle of the desert.
00:12The man driving the car steps out and continues on foot.
00:15Wyndham is a photographer who came here to capture the solar eclipse.
00:18After taking a few photos and noticing that the day is coming to an end, he tries to return
00:22to his car but unexpectedly encounters a boy who seems lost and frightened.
00:27Wyndham is ready to help but the boy doesn't seem to want it.
00:30He points in the direction where he lost his parents and walks away.
00:33Trying to help the boy find his way home, Wyndham follows him but the boy rudely refuses
00:37his support and leaves.
00:39The man is left alone in the darkness, with no way to return to civilization.
00:43Wyndham lies down to sleep on the ground but struggles to do so, reliving the day's events
00:48in his mind.
00:49Suddenly he hears strange sounds.
00:51He follows the noise and soon finds stakes with ropes strung between them from which
00:55hang bottles that produce a melodious chime in the desert.
00:59Before him is a large canyon, at the bottom of which stands a wooden house, around which
01:03a woman is wandering, singing a song.
01:06Wyndham asks for help but she enters the house as if not hearing his pleas.
01:10He finds an iron ladder leading down and begins to descend.
01:14However, the ladder only reaches halfway down the canyon and from there, it's just an ordinary
01:19rope ladder.
01:20Wyndham overcomes both and approaches the house.
01:23He knocks persistently at the door but receives no answer.
01:27So Wyndham opens the door himself and enters.
01:31The woman, standing at the stove, greets him calmly, as if she had been expecting his arrival.
01:36She offers him dinner and although he refuses, she serves him some soup and places it before
01:41him on the table.
01:42Wyndham is grateful for her hospitality but continues to ask questions about how to leave
01:47this strange place.
01:48He tells her about the boy he met and asks for water.
01:51The woman, named Alina, suggests that he rest until morning and Wyndham gratefully
01:56accepts her care.
01:57He lies down in the bed she points out, observing as Alina tidies herself and notes that she
02:02is young and beautiful.
02:04The next morning, he gathers his things and heads outside, hoping to find a way home.
02:09But strangely, he cannot find the rope ladder he descended the previous day.
02:13Without it, reaching the iron section is impossible.
02:16Wyndham returns to the house and, taking out his camera, takes pictures of the surroundings
02:21and the drawings on the canyon walls.
02:23Everything is quite gloomy and reminds him of death in all its forms.
02:27He then notices Alina, who is busy repairing the roof, and asks her about the missing ladder.
02:32But she either does not understand what he is talking about or pretends not to.
02:36Although her words imply that there are other residents here, she does not tell him anything
02:41Disappointed, Wyndham walks around the canyon, periodically calling for help but to no avail.
02:47Later, Alina asks him to undress so she can wash his clothes, saying it wouldn't be proper
02:52to return home so dirty.
02:54The man has no choice but to comply.
02:56That night, he struggles to sleep again, goes outside, and once again tries to find a way
03:00out but there is none.
03:02In the morning, he searches the house and, finding a hammer, tries to climb the canyon
03:07Suddenly, he notices a movement above, and then a chicken carcass falls down, causing
03:11him to lose his balance and fall.
03:13Wyndham regains consciousness in the darkness.
03:16His leg is injured by his own hammer, and he cries out in pain.
03:20Alina rushes to help him, but she does not answer his questions about the children he
03:23saw on the cliff.
03:25For several days, he drifts in and out of fever, unable to distinguish between night
03:30and day, unsure if he is truly seeing children around him.
03:33But the day of recovery comes.
03:35Limping, Wyndham makes his way outside.
03:39He demands that Alina tell the children above to pull him out of there, but she pretends
03:43not to understand him.
03:44She offers him to stay, promising to take care of him and ensure his well-being.
03:48But Wyndham doesn't need this.
03:50He wants to return home, to his work.
03:53He rudely pushes Alina away, rejecting any help.
03:57The man examines his leg and realizes that it will be a long time before he can use it
04:02Suddenly, he hears voices from above and looks up to see the boy holding a little girl by
04:06the hand.
04:07The pair cheerfully ask how they can help, and upon learning that Wyndham wants to climb
04:11up, the boy promises to bring ropes and pull him out with his winch.
04:15But before leaving, he asks a rather strange question about Wyndham's favorite color.
04:19Wyndham replies that it's red and begs them to hurry.
04:22The boy and girl leave, and Wyndham checks his wallet in his pocket, not intending to
04:26return for his other belongings.
04:28Suddenly, a rope falls from above, and the same boy advises him to tie himself tightly,
04:33which Wyndham does.
04:35They begin to pull him up, and the man is already anticipating his rescue, but about
04:38halfway up, the rope stops.
04:41Dangling over the canyon, Wyndham screams, then tries to climb the rope himself, but
04:45lacks the strength and ends up hanging helplessly under the merciless sun.
04:49He regains consciousness from moisture, but when he looks up, he sees the boy spraying
04:53him with a hose, mocking the helpless man.
04:57Several other children appear on the cliff, ranging from very young to older teens.
05:01They are all dressed in clothes obviously taken from other people and behave inappropriately.
05:06Taunting Wyndham, they start swinging the rope, causing him to crash into the canyon
05:10walls, instinctively calling out for help from Alina.
05:13He sees the woman shouting angrily at the foolish children and loses consciousness after
05:17another blow to the wall.
05:19That night, he wakes up in bed and immediately tries to get up.
05:22Alina doesn't understand where he is headed, but Wyndham is willing to do anything to escape.
05:27The woman explains that the children are homeless, gathered in the desert together, surviving
05:31as best they can.
05:33Neither of them notices that while they talk, the children stand on the cliff, watching
05:37the house's windows burn.
05:39The next day, Wyndham watches as Alina releases a bird, envying its ability to fly.
05:44The woman brings him a spare set of clothes from somewhere, and although he didn't ask
05:48for them, he is touched by her care.
05:51Time passes.
05:52One day, Wyndham plants a small garden at the bottom of the canyon.
05:56Occasionally, the children bring them various items, food and drinks, which surprises Wyndham
06:01since there are no stores around.
06:03He doesn't understand their behavior.
06:06First they feed him, then they mock him, but Alina accepts it all as normal.
06:10The man becomes more involved in the household, marveling at Alina's quiet demeanor.
06:15One night, he tries to ask her questions, which are interrupted by cries from the yard.
06:19Alina advises Wyndham not to go outside when the children behave like that, but he rushes
06:23out into the night and sees the boys, dressed in outlandish clothes, gathered around the
06:29They start taunting him, pushing and beating him, but suddenly disappear into the night.
06:34Wyndham demands answers from Alina.
06:36Who are these children?
06:37Why do they live here?
06:39And why does she stay in this horrible place?
06:41But the woman remains calm, not admitting that she is a prisoner.
06:45That evening, she comes to Wyndham.
06:47The man, starved for female attention, eagerly welcomes her.
06:51Time passes, and the first sprouts appear in Wyndham's garden.
06:55One day, the boy in the cap calls to him from above.
06:59He is friendly and promises to bring some soda.
07:02Wyndham returns to his plants and unexpectedly finds a wedding ring and car keys buried in
07:06the sand.
07:07That evening, Alina shows him a portrait of a woman.
07:10Calling her the first mother, she confesses that she is expecting his child.
07:14Stunned, Wyndham can't believe his ears.
07:17He never wanted to have children here, especially with a woman he barely knows.
07:22He yells at Alina, but he has no choice but to accept it.
07:25The next morning, he finds his garden destroyed by local birds, but Alina willingly helps
07:30him replant, which earns his gratitude.
07:32Gradually, life in the house falls into some semblance of order.
07:36Alina runs the household, and Wyndham exercises, working on his leg.
07:40One day, the boy in the cap visits again.
07:43He is very curious and asks Wyndham many questions.
07:46Wyndham asks him to help Alina, as she is going to have a child, and they will need
07:50a doctor.
07:51The man asks the boy to bring some rope and something heavy to use as a counterweight.
07:55He plans to climb out and take them to the city, where he can take care of the woman
07:58and the boy.
07:59The boy promises to do everything when everyone is asleep or gone, but then one of the older
08:03boys appears and takes him away.
08:06Later, Wyndham tells Alina that the boy wants to study, that he is smart, different from
08:10the others, and wants to live differently.
08:13The man wants to help him, and help her too, but Alina reacts strangely.
08:17She tries to find out exactly what Wyndham is missing here.
08:20When he mentions freedom, Alina is puzzled.
08:23After all, no one forbids him from doing anything here.
08:25Isn't that freedom?
08:27Then the man tells her about the outside world, remembering the ocean and a cheeseburger.
08:32Alina doesn't know what that is, so Wyndham explains what the dish consists of.
08:37The woman admits that her mother used to say that mirages live outside.
08:40But here, in the desert, everything is real.
08:44Wyndham takes out his camera and shows her the photos he took on the day he ended up
08:49But what impresses the woman is not the solar eclipse, but a random shot in the car with
08:53music playing in the background.
08:55At night, he has nightmares about the terrifying faces of the children mocking someone.
08:59In the morning, he hears Alina's terrible scream from the yard.
09:03And rushing outside, he sees the boy in the cap crucified over the canyon on wires.
09:08The savages stand on the cliff, laughing.
09:10The woman suddenly declares that brothers wouldn't do such a thing.
09:14She accuses Wyndham of killing her son and strikes him on the head with a board.
09:18When he comes to, Wyndham finds himself in a cage.
09:21Despite his pleas and begging, Alina has no intention of letting him go.
09:25She feeds him like an animal and her children come to watch his suffering.
09:28One day, he sees a girl standing on the cliff.
09:31She is clearly not from here.
09:33Wyndham catches her attention, though he is terrified to shout, fearing to wake Alina.
09:38Whispering, he begs the girl to call for help.
09:41She understands him, promises to do everything necessary, and leaves, assuring him she will
09:45return soon.
09:47Wyndham waits in hiding, watching the heavily pregnant Alina as she goes about her chores.
09:52Suddenly he hears screams and sees the savages catching the girl.
09:56They drag her to the cliff and dramatically kill her before his eyes.
10:00Time passes.
10:01Wyndham remains in the cage.
10:03He involuntarily witnesses unnatural rituals performed by Alina, her children, and her
10:09One day, he suddenly tells Alina that he wants to stay here forever, to raise his child and
10:13love Alina who will become his queen.
10:16He will teach the child everything he knows and is ready to give himself completely.
10:20And this is his choice.
10:22But hearing the word choice, the woman laughs.
10:25He never had one.
10:26He is just a seed blown here by the wind.
10:29And this child is only hers.
10:31The man will stay in the cage until the baby is born.
10:34After that, nothing in the desert goes to waste.
10:37Finally, the day of birth arrives.
10:40Alina screams in the house as Wyndham paces in the cage.
10:43The woman reaches him, begging for help, as she has never had such a difficult birth before.
10:48She releases the man from the cage, and he does his best to ease her pain.
10:52The children stand on the cliff, watching what is happening.
10:56Suddenly Wyndham sees a ladder descending from above.
10:58But Alina cries out, and he stays by her side.
11:01The child is born at the moment of the solar eclipse.
11:05Wyndham takes the baby girl in his arms and kisses her, overjoyed to be a father.
11:10Alina begs him to give the baby to her, and when she receives the child, she promises
11:14to feed and protect her until she becomes the new mother.
11:18Then she will fulfill her purpose, just as Wyndham has fulfilled his now.
11:23At that moment, the boy sneaks up and slits the man's throat, exulting over the collapsing
11:27body, assuring him that he is doing it for the mother.
11:30Later, Alina gathers Wyndham's belongings and packs them in a chest, then goes to the
11:35baby, promising her that everything will be fine.
11:38Meanwhile, Wyndham's body decomposes in the yard of the house, sprouting grass and
11:41turning to dust.
11:43This is where this unusual film ends.
