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00:00Every day, a young fisherman named Syracuse sets out to fish off the coast of Ireland.
00:05One day, he finds a young woman in his nets.
00:07He helps her, and when she regains consciousness, he is relieved to see that she seems unharmed.
00:12However, she behaves quite strangely and refuses to go to the hospital.
00:17She also can't remember her name, which Syracuse attributes to amnesia.
00:21He takes her to his late mother's house, offers her some sandwiches, and suggests she stay
00:25there for a while.
00:27He needs to go see his daughter.
00:28Annie lives with his ex-wife, Maura, and today he has to take the girl to dialysis.
00:33While the procedure is ongoing, he tells Annie a story about a fisherman who caught a woman
00:37from the sea.
00:38Annie explains that it was likely a selkie, a creature she learned about at school.
00:43Sometimes they come ashore until the sea calls them back.
00:46After the procedure, Syracuse takes Annie back to her mother, who is eager to show her
00:49the new electric wheelchair she received.
00:52Annie shows off the chair to her father, but her mother immediately criticizes him for
00:56not talking to the doctor about a new kidney for their daughter.
00:59The next morning, Syracuse finds the woman washing clothes in a stream, singing in an
01:03unknown language.
01:04She asks if she can come with him, and he lets her board his boat.
01:08On the way, she says her name is Ondine, which means from the water.
01:12Soon, Syracuse's boat stops for lobster fishing, but the baskets come up empty.
01:17Ondine begins to sing a song that Syracuse has never heard before, and suddenly every
01:21basket is filled with a catch.
01:23She helps him pull them out, and is surprised when he throws the smaller ones and extras
01:27back into the sea.
01:28However, she flatly refuses to go with him to the market.
01:31He sells the lobsters to the astonished buyers, and purchases a dress at a store.
01:36Then he heads to pick up Annie from school.
01:38On the way home, he continues the story about the fisherman and the woman from the sea.
01:43She sings to the fish, and he catches them.
01:45Both are happy.
01:46Annie thinks it's a dream, because everything seems like his dream coming true.
01:50Moreover, no one knows the language she sings in.
01:53After dropping his daughter off at home, Syracuse heads back, not noticing that the curious
01:57girl is following him.
01:59He gives Ondine some clothes and food when he reaches the house and finds her talking
02:02to his father, who asks how long she'll be staying in his house.
02:06Hearing that it's up to him, Syracuse decides she'll stay forever to live with him happily
02:11ever after, like in the fairy tale he's been making up with Annie.
02:14After seeing everything with her own eyes, Annie goes to the library and asks for books
02:18about Selkies.
02:19Meanwhile, Syracuse goes to church to confess, admitting he's an alcoholic, even though he
02:24hasn't drunk for over two years.
02:26Lately, he's been haunted by a dream where he attends the funeral of his ex-wife's new
02:30husband, Alex, after which he reunites with Maura, who still struggles with alcohol problems.
02:35The priest advises him to see a psychologist, but Syracuse reminds him of the secrecy of
02:40confession and tells him that he pulled a woman out of the water with his net.
02:44Now he's hiding her from everyone else.
02:47The priest asks him to come to mass, as there's no other way he can help him.
02:51Meanwhile, Annie is studying legends about Selkies.
02:54Undine cleans the cottage and then examines the new things Syracuse brought her.
02:58She's particularly intrigued by the fishnet stockings, which she stretches over one hand,
03:03making them look webbed.
03:04The next day, Annie goes to her grandmother's cottage and sees Undine swimming.
03:08The girl boldly approaches the shore and declares that she knew all along.
03:12The story about the fisherman and the Selkie isn't a fairy tale.
03:15Annie tells her about her illness and asks her to heal her, but Undine doesn't know magic
03:19and says so.
03:20The girl asks a lot of questions, and Undine likes the lively and straightforward child.
03:25Annie asks her to always tell the truth, because what's the point of friendship otherwise?
03:30She's very curious about what it's like underwater.
03:32Is it better or worse than here?
03:33Undine says it varies, but singing is easier there.
03:36Annie shares everything she's learned about Selkies from the books.
03:39They can stay on land for up to seven years until they find happiness with a human.
03:44Then she abruptly shifts the conversation to her grandmother, because her father still
03:47misses her very much.
03:49Remembering her mother, Annie prepares to go home, and Undine asks her to come back again.
03:54Syracuse also goes to the library to borrow books about Selkies, only to find out that
03:59Annie has already taken them.
04:01Meanwhile, Annie meets up with the neighborhood kids who show off their bikes, and she lets
04:05one of the girls play with her wheelchair before it runs out of power and rolls into the water.
04:10The kids abandon Annie, and she has to make her way home where she's met by Alex.
04:14He recharges her battery and tells her that Selkies were invented in his homeland of Scotland,
04:18but the girl insists that Undine speaks a different language.
04:21Meanwhile, Syracuse finds Undine on a pontoon in the middle of the bay and offers to take
04:25her back to his boat.
04:27He asks her to hold the tiller, but when a patrol boat speeds by, Undine hides and steers
04:32the boat with her foot.
04:33Syracuse teases her, noting that she manages just fine with her feet.
04:37She starts singing again as he pulls up his net and discovers it's filled with a bountiful
04:41catch of salmon, which his nets usually can't catch.
04:44Before he can fully enjoy his luck, Syracuse sees the patrol boat returning.
04:48The wildlife officers find the salmon and demand to see the nets he used to catch them.
04:52He shows them the usual nets for catching salmon, but they're completely dry, meaning
04:56he's telling the truth.
04:57However, the men notice Undine hiding in the hold.
05:00She confirms that Syracuse caught the salmon in an ordinary net, and they leave the boat.
05:05Relieved that the officers believed their story and that nothing happened when Undine
05:09was seen by people, they head to the harbor together to sell the catch.
05:13Syracuse offers to buy her a gift, and she asks for another dress, which she'll choose
05:18On the way to the store, they run into Annie, who's thrilled that their story isn't just
05:21a fairy tale.
05:23The girl helps Undine pick out an outfit while the townspeople gawk at the pretty stranger
05:27through the shop window.
05:28Later, Annie arrives at her grandmother's house, which looks festive and cozy thanks
05:33to Undine's efforts.
05:34Undine offers to teach the girl how to swim, and she agrees since she'll have someone
05:39from the sea by her side.
05:41They both play in the shallow water when Undine suddenly sees something in the water and asks
05:45Annie to get on the raft.
05:47She pulls out a bundle, which Annie calls selkie clothing.
05:51According to legend, if she buries it in the ground, she'll be able to stay on land for
05:54seven years, provided her sea husband doesn't come for her.
05:58After listening to Annie, Undine buries the find in the greenhouse, and Annie counts the
06:02steps to remember the exact spot.
06:04Later, she tells her father about it and advises him to watch out for strangers.
06:08Meanwhile, they all head to the local festival by boat, and Undine denies Annie's claim
06:13that she can grant wishes because she's not really a selkie.
06:16Upset, Annie pretends that her wheelchair brakes have failed and falls off the pier,
06:20hoping to test the truth of her words.
06:22Undine jumps in to save her and pulls the girl to the surface.
06:26Syracuse carries Annie home and hands her over to Mor and Alex.
06:29Later, Undine tells Syracuse that the wheelchair's brakes work just fine and that Annie was
06:34testing her ability to breathe underwater.
06:36He confesses that he used to drink heavily, but one day he returned from a trip to find
06:41Annie's mother sleeping next to their unconscious child.
06:44They saved the girl, and he decided that one of them had to stay sober at all times.
06:48Meanwhile, Mor tells Annie that a dark-haired stranger has been looking for the fisherman's
06:52girlfriend, which causes the girl to have a nightmare.
06:55Meanwhile, Syracuse and Undine become intimate.
06:58Later, he goes to confession and admits to the priest that he sinned with Undine the
07:02night before, and now he fears the luck she brings, because he's long lost hope for
07:06the best.
07:07He knows that something wonderful or terrible will happen, and he's afraid of both.
07:12After the conversation, the fisherman steps outside and is approached by an unknown man
07:17who starts asking questions about Undine.
07:19Syracuse ignores him and walks away.
07:21That day, he takes Annie to dialysis as usual, but when they return home, no one is there.
07:27Mor and Alex have been out drinking at the nearby pub.
07:30Syracuse takes the girl there.
07:32Finally reaching home, he finds the doors broken in and Undine nowhere to be found.
07:37Syracuse searches the shore and eventually finds her hiding.
07:40She reminds him of the Selkie's husband and says he's here to take her away.
07:44Meanwhile, the intoxicated Mor is riding her daughter's wheelchair and, despite Alex's
07:50warnings, is determined to make it home on it.
07:53Syracuse hides Undine in a secret cave behind the waterfall, offering to grant her a wish,
07:57but her only wish is for Annie to get well, so he wishes for her to be able to stay.
08:02Meanwhile, the man searching for Undine is driving around town and gets into a car accident,
08:07colliding with a car driven by the intoxicated Mor.
08:10Alex is thrown through the windshield.
08:11Annie, however, manages to buckle up, but still sustains injuries.
08:16Syracuse and Undine driving by recognize the car.
08:19Syracuse screams and rushes at the medics as they load Annie onto a stretcher to take
08:23her to the hospital.
08:24Later, they find the girl in the hospital and learn that she's undergoing an immediate
08:28kidney transplant from Alex, who, by a stroke of luck, was a compatible match.
08:33Meanwhile, the unknown man meets Undine in the hallway.
08:36He wonders why she speaks their language because neither of them belongs here.
08:40The sea spat her out, but this is not their world.
08:43The woman asks him to return home without her.
08:45The next morning, Annie wakes up and immediately asks where Undine is.
08:49Syracuse reassures her that they'll see her soon.
08:52Sometime later, a cremation ceremony for Alex takes place.
08:56Maura scatters his ashes over the sea, regretting that this time she can't blame her ex-husband
09:00for everything.
09:01She asks him to take Annie, but demands that he get rid of Undine, and she forces her husband
09:06to drink to Alex's soul.
09:08In a drunken state, Syracuse goes to the boat where Undine is hiding and, calling her a
09:12selkie, takes her out to sea where he demands that she return to her husband and sing her
09:17songs to him.
09:18He takes her to the foot of the lighthouse and continues to insist that she needs to
09:23He leaves her there and prepares to sail away, believing that life isn't a fairy tale.
09:27People and selkies can't be together.
09:29Undine asks for a chance to say goodbye to Annie, but he sails away.
09:32As dusk falls, the log she's sitting on gives her silhouette the appearance of a woman with
09:37a tail.
09:38Waiting for nightfall, she jumps into the sea.
09:41In the morning, the priest wakes up a depressed Syracuse who realizes he's made a big mistake.
09:46He brings Annie from the hospital to his home.
09:48The girl comforts him, saying that Undine will come back because she left something
09:54Later, Annie watches TV where the Icelandic band Sigur Rós is performing, and suddenly
09:58Syracuse recognizes the words.
10:01He realizes that Undine was an ordinary woman and rushes to the lighthouse.
10:05At first, he can't find her anywhere and runs along the shore, shouting, but soon he sees
10:10a fire where Undine is warming herself.
10:13At first, she says she's a sea creature who found her magical clothes and buried them
10:17so she could stay forever with the family she loves.
10:20But Syracuse demands the truth, and then Undine admits that she was a courier delivering illegal
10:24substances from Romania.
10:26She was in a boat with a backpack full of substances when the police closed in.
10:31Her guard threw her into the water because he couldn't swim.
10:34She swam until she couldn't anymore, and then she drowned.
10:37But she got caught in Syracuse's net.
10:39The girl tells him her real name, Ioana.
10:42The fisherman takes her home where criminals are already waiting, having taken Annie hostage.
10:47Syracuse tries to fight them off, but he can't handle two armed men.
10:51The girl told him the story about the Selkies clothing buried in the greenhouse, and the
10:55men demand to be shown the spot.
10:57Everyone heads to the greenhouse to dig up the goods, but they find nothing because Annie
11:01has hidden the Selkies clothing elsewhere.
11:04Undine promises to stay with Annie, and she admits that she hid the package in the lobster
11:09Everyone heads to the boat, but when the criminals lift the basket, Annie reminds Undine that
11:13she's a Selkie, and they are not.
11:15Undine throws one of the villains overboard.
11:18He drowns while Syracuse throws the other Romanian into the water, disarming him.
11:22The arriving police arrest the criminal along with Undine, who faces deportation unless
11:27she gains citizenship, or she could get married.
11:30Later, Annie goes to confession and says that her father is getting married soon.
11:34Even though she wasn't a real Selkie.
11:36But you can't marry a SEAL, can you?
11:39In the final scenes, a girl in a white dress and a fisherman in a suit sail off on their
11:43boat for a honeymoon, bringing to life the fairy tale about the happiness of a human
11:47and a Selkie.
11:48That's where the movie ends.
