• 6 hours ago
Married at First Sight (UK) Season 9 Episode 19
00:02Be proud of me for what I've done so far
00:04Honestly, you've been brilliant
00:06Emma's efforts were welcomed by Casper
00:08But a fiery exchange
00:10Is it fine for you to lie?
00:12Shattered already fragile relations
00:14You're a fraud and I've seen through you
00:16I've lost all respect for you
00:18I am done
00:20And a retreat rumour
00:22She said to Orson, hold my hand, make him jealous
00:24Sharpened divisions for Hannah and Stephen
00:26Trying to get Orson to hold your hand
00:28Try and make me jealous
00:30She was flirting a little bit
00:32And opened opportunity for a new connection
00:34I've got you
00:38Hmm, squeaky bomb time
00:44Here's to lads day, no one
00:46As the group split
00:48I am walking into a lion's den
00:50For the girls animosity bruise
00:52This is your chance to explain yourself
00:54Well it's not because you've all made your minds up
00:56The only thing you want to do is get brave
00:58You're speaking to me like shit
01:00And she's going about things like a dickhead
01:02For the boys
01:04She's done certain things I think to get you jealous
01:06An admission
01:08I've had a conversation with Hannah last night
01:10Inflames tension
01:12She's trying it on with all the other guys
01:14I think that's a bit unfair
01:16It is done
01:18But it's revealing questions
01:20Stick with your current partner
01:22Or twist
01:24Switch to Steven
01:26I'm getting better every week
01:28And you're still not happy
01:32It's just shit
01:34I don't want to lose him
01:48What a sleep
01:50Proper sleep that wasn't it
01:52I'm getting sweet again
01:54Back with you in there
01:58Made you a cup of tea
02:00Sugar's just the way you like it
02:02Thank you chicken
02:06This is like a champagne breakfast
02:08Later today the couples will spend time apart
02:12Splitting into two groups
02:14To enjoy separate boys and girls days
02:18He's going to teach me how to play backgammon
02:24Like the ham
02:26Yes it's like a chess game but you play with like
02:28Chicken pieces
02:30Bits of gammon flapping along
02:38Oat milk latte
02:40Retreat's going really really well with Casper and I
02:42Thank you
02:44We are
02:46The friendliest and the softest
02:48To each other we've ever been
02:50I'm truly going to use
02:52This time until the next
02:54Commitment ceremony to
02:56Relax, lean in
02:58And just be more vulnerable
03:02Emma how do I release this thing again
03:04Pull the lever up
03:06Emma's been brilliant this week
03:08I've completely seen a different
03:10Side of her
03:12We finally got to a place where we're both actually having fun around each other
03:14I'm the happiest I've been in the process
03:16Knowing that we are making progress
03:24I feel like with it being like a boys day and a girls day
03:26I think the boys are going to have a sick time
03:28And there's going to be a lot of tension on the girls side
03:30About Hannah
03:32We'll have a ball but things are going to get stated today
03:34Because I think some things need addressing
03:36She's not giving a good impression to herself
03:38She's doing
03:40Lots of little things to not help the position
03:42That she's in
03:44If she thinks that she's genuinely done nothing wrong
03:46Then that's a problem
03:48You're not going to have a good dynamic with the girls
03:50If you're coming in saying you're going to
03:52Steal people's man
03:54David even said that she's not even bothered to text or ring him
03:56Since we've been here
03:58To say like do you want to go for a walk
04:00Do you want to do this
04:02Do you want to come home
04:04Trying to get Austin to hold your hands
04:06Try and make me jealous
04:08We were taking the piss
04:10Since the last commitment ceremony
04:12After the commitment ceremony
04:14When Stephen was walking towards her
04:16She said to Austin hold my hand it's making jealous
04:18And she was rubbing Ryan's feet
04:20In front of Shannon
04:22She's been super flirty with you
04:24Do you think you would pull off on it
04:26I don't think
04:30At the end of the day
04:32I don't like two faced people
04:34And I don't like fake behaviour so
04:36I think today's a good chance
04:38For all the girls to get everything off the chest
04:40Just not in a horrible way
04:42Depends if she's going to be open
04:44To what we're going to say
04:46I would not want to get on the end of pollen hole
04:50I'm so excited to mingle with all the girls
04:52And get to know everyone a little bit better
04:54I feel like I've not really
04:56Had a chance to speak to everyone properly yet
04:58Is that because of Hannah
05:00A little bit I'm trying to protect her I think
05:02I'm not that kind of person to
05:04Stare at the pot
05:06But then I notice things
05:08And I know her
05:10And Orson
05:12That might be something
05:14What do you think
05:16I have got the vibe as well
05:18I feel like there is something
05:20Just the way he looks at her sometimes
05:24He looks at her like in that kind of way
05:26A little bit
05:28I've only seen like brief little
05:32Maybe a new connection might form on this retreat then
05:34Talking of the devil
05:38Hey honey
05:40Thank you so much
05:44Hi Gorge
05:46There she is
05:48How are you feeling about spending time with the girls today
05:50Really nervous
05:54I've got a feeling that everyone's now kind of
05:56Got it in for me
05:58Don't walk in with your guard up
06:00So much easier said than done
06:02He's super calm
06:06I spoke to Orson last night
06:08And to be fair that was such a good chat
06:10He's so funny
06:12He was like you're amazing
06:14You need to rate yourself
06:16And you need to not let a guy bring you down
06:18Because you came into this so open and so confident
06:20And you need to bring yourself back to that person
06:22Which I massively appreciated him saying to me
06:26Half of me is like do you know what
06:28My relationship's done it's dead
06:30Is there an opportunity here for potentially
06:32A connection with someone else
06:34Me and Stephen I feel like I've kept trying
06:36I've been messaging him and trying to
06:38Check in with him
06:40I've tried my absolute hardest
06:42And I'm being hit with a brick wall
06:44I feel like the combo with Orson last night was really good
06:46He's a good guy
06:48We get on really well
06:50And it's nice to have that vibe with someone
06:52Don't forget
06:54You've come into this to meet somebody
06:58I don't think I'm here to have a girl
07:00What is this
07:02A spa date
07:04What's he going to do
07:06By going and chatting to the girls
07:08Yeah you're right
07:10I get it
07:20Oh hello
07:22I haven't seen Orson today
07:24It was never going to be a good retreat for us
07:26I don't really know what I'm supposed to do
07:28With somebody who can't communicate
07:32Like one would expect of a 41 year old
07:36You haven't seen Orson
07:38Well not since yesterday
07:40I just don't understand why he wanted to stay
07:44Talk me through how your week has been
07:46At the commitment ceremony
07:48Orson's honesty came as a shock to Rochelle
07:50She said like Orson
07:52You don't really stimulate me mentally
07:54I feel something in me
07:56That just maybe switched off a little bit
07:58I mean this is the first I'm hearing
08:00That me saying that
08:02Made him switch off
08:04You hadn't brought that up
08:06I do feel a little bit
08:08Irritated with Orson
08:10I stayed in the process
08:12When he knew I didn't want to
08:14And I sacrificed my daughter's birthday for that cretin
08:18He doesn't feel comfortable communicating with me
08:20He waited until he got on the couch
08:22To say what he was feeling
08:24Now we're here and we've got a whole retreat to get through
08:28I found him to be disingenuous
08:30And that remains the same
08:32So I prefer to just keep my distance
08:34I'm definitely having a nice time by myself
08:38At least it's girl's day
08:40Yeah exactly
08:42How's it going with you and him
08:44I've been
08:46You know I've been trying
08:48I'm trying
08:50I've softened up to him a bit
08:54So you do fancy being intimate with him now
08:58See if I can snug him
09:00So you want to give him a kiss
09:02Well I don't
09:04No we need to plan this
09:06Maybe a little compliment
09:08You're looking really handsome today
09:10I almost feel like kissing you
09:12Can I give you a little kiss
09:14Yeah just like
09:16Do you know what I mean
09:18Yeah then the dream's over
09:20But I don't think he would
09:22I don't think he would
09:24Yeah okay I'll try and do it today
09:26Before you know it
09:28Come next commitment ceremony
09:30It'll be right in the stay
09:32I feel like the relationship maybe could take a step
09:34Towards the intimacy level
09:36I feel like we're getting on really well
09:38And maybe he just needs to relax into it
09:46Boys day
09:48Lads on tour
09:50Can't wait for boys day today
09:52I feel like no matter what gets thrown
09:54It's positive or negative
09:56We're all really close knit group
09:58So I think we'll just respect everyone's opinions
10:00We'll have a laugh about it and we'll move on
10:02Cheers to lads day
10:04Cheers guys
10:12I am walking into a lions den
10:14I feel absolutely on edge
10:18There's a lot of people going behind my back
10:20And no one's actually come and said anything to my face
10:22Which is just pathetic to me
10:30So is everyone enjoying the retreat
10:32It is stunning
10:34The venue is like perfect
10:36Little lodges
10:40The fire
10:42Good vibes
10:46Is it good vibes
10:48I wouldn't say it's all good vibes
10:52I mean I think we should just address the elephant in the room
10:56I'm not here for being two-faced
10:58I'd rather just say things as they are
11:00We don't want you to feel excluded
11:02No I do but that's fine
11:04But you've done that to yourself
11:08I just feel like the girls don't like me
11:10Yes I can handle it
11:12But I don't feel like this is going to go well for me
11:14I cannot be honest with people not taking accountability for their behaviour
11:16Take accountability for your actions
11:20So this is your chance to explain yourself
11:34I mean I think we should just address the elephant in the room
11:36I'm not here for being two-faced
11:38I'd rather just say things as they are
11:42We don't want you to feel excluded
11:44No I do but that's fine
11:46But you've done that to yourself
11:52I cannot be honest with people not taking accountability for their behaviour
11:54Take accountability for your actions
11:58So this is your chance to explain yourself
12:00Well it's not because you've all made your minds up
12:02No we haven't
12:04You have
12:06Look Hannah there's just been things that have been said
12:08And some comments that have been made
12:10It looks fucking shady
12:14Alex telling me that
12:16Like you knocked on
12:18When he was closing the door
12:20You like kind of leapt round the door and was like
12:22Alex you're my favourite guy
12:26Alex has actually been really supportive
12:28That's cute
12:30See what's the little snide comment
12:32It's just cute like I'm trying to address something with you
12:34But you've asked me a question and I'm giving you the answer
12:36Let me give you the answer then
12:38Do you want the answer or not
12:42We'll address everything that I feel like is a threat
12:44And then we'll move from that
12:46I'm not going to sit here and get every single person to tell me
12:48What they don't like about me
12:50No I'm going to tell you
12:52If a girl
12:54Had come and sat in a room with me and my husband
12:56Rubbed his foot and told him his eyes were nice
12:58I'd be raging with you
13:00Shannon had a riot
13:02You were stroking Ryan's feet
13:04I wanted to see if his hug had fluff in it
13:06Ryan said
13:08It wasn't his shoe you were touching
13:10You were stroking the bottom of his foot
13:12Can it touch his foot
13:14Fucking hell this shit is pathetic
13:16It all seems very playground to me
13:18Every single thing
13:20Is being misinterpreted
13:22And twisted
13:24And that's what's pissing me off
13:26What the fuck's he
13:28This is pathetic
13:30Touch someone's shoe
13:32Get a grip
13:34Everything has been done in like banter
13:36And like I'm trying to have a bit of a laugh with people
13:38I've had a shit experience from the day I got here
13:40I get that but you don't need to start doing that
13:42Just let me speak
13:44Nobody's letting me speak
13:46How do you think that makes me feel
13:48It's fucking horrible
13:50Don't start getting muggy then
13:52Do not start speaking to people like that
13:54I'm afraid
13:56You're threatening me
13:58I'm not threatening you
14:00The last thing you want to do when we're getting like this with you
14:02Is start being muggy to someone
14:04So let me speak then
14:06A conversation is two people speaking
14:08You're speaking to me like shit
14:10Hannah come back
14:18She needs to remain respectful to our marriages
14:20Us girls have a sixth sense
14:22There's no way I'm sitting there
14:24And getting fucking attacked
14:26There's no way I'm not doing it
14:28They're all speaking to me like shit
14:30I'm not doing it
14:32That was a bit of an attack
14:34She can't sit there acting like an angel
14:36When she's the one that's isolated herself
14:38She's made people feel uncomfortable
14:40And she's going about things like a dickhead
14:42I ain't sitting in there there's no way
14:44Yeah I don't like that
14:46I couldn't even speak
14:48You're asking me questions and you're not letting me answer
14:50This is a fucking e-switch coming at me
14:52All sat in front of me
14:54I'm not doing that there's no way I'm doing that
14:56I'm not sitting there being fucking attacked
14:58She's not come to any of us to sort things out
15:00She might have got round to that if we hadn't have said
15:02Let's address the elephant in the room
15:04You've been flirting with all the husbands
15:06She hasn't done anything to help the situation that she's in
15:08We haven't given her a chance here
15:10I'm surprised she didn't walk out earlier to be honest
15:12Like that was an attack
15:14If I was on the receiving end of that
15:16I would feel like these girls fucking hate me
15:18I'll speak to Hannah on her own then
15:20Yeah I think that's probably
15:22I'll speak to her
15:24It's a load of shit
15:26But we've all said we don't want her to be alienated
15:28And that is really alienating
15:30Why am I going out of my way to make sure she's alright
15:32When she's fucking cracking on with Orton and Ryan
15:34Why would I do that
15:36It's not on
15:38She can't act like that and expect us
15:40Not to have the reaction that we do with her
15:42I'm sorry but you can't
15:44I think it's just trying to give her an opportunity to apologise
15:46But instead of apologising
15:48All she does is get defensive
15:52Fucking swear at me
15:54And threaten me
15:56Fucking threaten me
15:58No way
16:00Maybe a conversation needs to be had
16:02One on one
16:04Hannah can I speak to you one on one
16:06So it doesn't come across like an attack
16:08Let me speak to you one on one then
16:10Well that's a bit exaggerated
16:12I want to speak to you as a woman
16:14So you're not in an intimidating situation
16:16Stay calm and make sure you stay and speak to her
16:20Obviously over the last few days
16:22Hannah as a new girl coming in
16:24You don't step on toes
16:26I don't think I have stepped on toes
16:28Right okay
16:30So obviously you've said to Orton
16:32Can I hold your hand to make Stephen jealous
16:34We were all having a bit of banter
16:36That's a little bit childish
16:38We're all grown women
16:40It's just like little things
16:42She's leaning round the door saying
16:44Like you're my favourite guy
16:48I just don't like disrespectful girls
16:50Like I have been in relationships
16:52You don't know me I'm not a disrespectful girl
16:54But you don't know our situations are us
16:58But I've not been disrespectful I've had fun
17:00And I've tried to have some banter with some people
17:02I just don't mess around with girls
17:04I fuck with people's guys
17:06I'm not going to sit there and get attacked
17:08By a group of girls
17:12I've got nothing more to say
17:14I'm wasting my time
17:16I don't like her attitude
17:18Or a face that screams attitude
17:20It's just sly behaviour
17:26You alright babe
17:30I've done I've said what I need to say
17:34It's basically like
17:36It's all bullshit but now it's coming from somewhere
17:46Nath what's going on
17:48To be honest it's all been going quite the same as usual
17:50Just like dancing around the lodge and that
17:52You literally haven't had a single problem
17:54With Lisa yet
17:56No no no
17:58Not really like if I ever have any issues or whatever
18:00I just address it to her
18:02She listens
18:04And then it's reciprocated that's pretty much it
18:06Stephen where are you at
18:10My mindset right now
18:12What she did to me personally is disrespectful
18:14What have you done to try and get it to work
18:16It was constant conversations
18:18But every time we tried making it work
18:20It just turned into a toxic as hell argument
18:22I was willing to
18:24Try this week
18:26I called her out on the respect thing
18:28At the commitment ceremony
18:30A little bit after that
18:32We're hearing all this stuff about awesome
18:34And you
18:36Not you that sounds like you did something
18:38But you know what I'm saying
18:40She says she wants to stay and make it work
18:42When I said leave and I said I'll try
18:44She's gone and done that again and disrespected me
18:46She's trying to antagonise you
18:48No one is perfect in life and we've all done things that we shouldn't have been done
18:50I do think she does like you
18:52Because she's done certain things I think to get you jealous
18:54Is there any possible way
18:56That you could sit down with her still
18:58And maybe have a conversation
19:00I get what you're saying I respect like people want to see it work out
19:02But what she did is disrespectful
19:04I've had a conversation with Hannah
19:06Had a conversation with her last night
19:12She's trying it on with all the other guys
19:14Putting the energy in with that rather than the person
19:16She says she wants to make it work
19:18I think that's a bit unfair
19:20No that's unfair
19:22It wasn't anything of her trying it on with me or whatever
19:24I'm telling you Stephen it wasn't that deep
19:26But given the disrespect thing that I called her out on previously
19:28She's still gone and done that
19:30This is an experiment
19:32Based on meeting someone
19:34And marrying them at first sight
19:36It's not a fucking swingers club
19:42I don't think at this point anything Hannah's done is with good intention
19:44After everything that's gone on
19:46She's not getting that time of day from me again
19:50It is fucking done
19:56It is
20:12You okay hun?
20:14Sorry about that
20:16That was a lot
20:18I appreciate you coming out
20:20I've told them off for that
20:22I don't think you've got through to anyone but I appreciate that
20:24I think I have a little bit
20:26But you're asking the questions and then you're not letting me answer it
20:28Let me answer it
20:30Because every single answer I've got for every single question
20:32Is this is pathetic
20:34If you're insecure about someone being around your husband
20:36That's your problem not mine
20:38Don't throw that at me
20:40That's not my problem
20:42The way you speak is quite sharp and very direct
20:46And that can come across to these girls
20:48As attacking
20:50The same way their language comes across as attacking to you
20:52Like it goes two ways
20:54I can see both sides of the story hun
20:56I do want to speak to Shannon
20:58Because I don't want to hurt Shannon
21:00Because I think Shannon's lovely
21:02I don't give a shit about the rest of them
21:04Look let's draw a line under it
21:06Let's have a nice girls day
21:08I'm not going to go in for a bit
21:10I'm going to just chill for ten minutes
21:12Just going to chill
21:14You do you have fun and then I'll come and cause a storm again
21:16Are you ok?
21:20Yeah she's alright
21:22She's alright where is she
21:24Yeah she just feels like she's been attacked
21:28Can we draw
21:30Can we
21:32Maybe just be amicable to her
21:34I feel like her whole attitude's got to change
21:36If her attitude don't change and she sits there with her face up
21:38She's loosened up a bit
21:40It's going to be very difficult to sit here and try and be chirpy with her
21:42I want to find out how his date went yesterday
21:44With Emma
21:46Like how was that
21:48I heard you had a hot date
21:50Come on son give me the tea
21:52We went bike riding
21:54Which was really nice
21:56And then we had a picnic
21:58Chilling out
22:00It was nice really good
22:02Did you kiss him
22:06We're just getting to a place which we haven't been in
22:08For weeks
22:10Because Emma's softened slightly
22:12And we actually have started having a bit more
22:14Sort of banter and laughs this week
22:16Which has helped
22:18So I mean
22:20We'll see where we get to by the next commitment ceremony
22:22And we'll see where my head's at
22:24I'm just going to try and snog him at one point
22:28Just grab him
22:30Maybe after the girls trip today
22:32Come here you
22:34Bit of Dutch courage
22:36Are you aware of a motorboat
22:38I'm aware of a motorboat
22:40Would you like me to show you what one is
22:42I think you'd be ever so scared
22:44Have you never kissed though
22:46We've pecked on the lips but not since the honeymoon
22:48Is that it
22:50Yeah yeah
22:52I feel like you need to do what I've done with Adam
22:54Which is
22:56I understand that your head is where it's at
23:00If we don't start doing this
23:02When it comes to it it's going to be weird
23:04You just need to do it
23:06Adam's only now
23:08Making progress from week two
23:10The sex thing's now over and done with
23:14Thanks fucking god for that
23:16But it's the PDA thing
23:18And that's what's making me get my emotional wall up
23:20But hopefully
23:22We can get there
23:30Can I just borrow you a minute
23:36Are you okay
23:38I'm good are you alright
23:40Not really
23:42I think
23:46I think out of everyone here
23:48Like I've hurt you actually kills me
23:50Like genuinely I feel really bad
23:52I don't want you to feel bad
23:54I think it was just because
23:56It was just like
24:00Like I don't want this
24:02I tried to just be like
24:06And then when people brought it to me
24:08That was what got my back up
24:10They're not my kind of people
24:12They're not and I'm okay with it
24:14But knowing that I hurt you like genuinely really upsets me
24:16For me
24:18Like just to kind of put my point across
24:20So I can kind of put it to bed
24:22I don't see boys and girls differently
24:24But I can appreciate and I get that
24:26For some people that's wrong and I appreciate that
24:28And maybe I think that's something I maybe need to learn
24:30And I get that
24:33I would never try and take someone's husband off them
24:35I'm not a dickhead
24:37But if it's come across like that
24:39I am sorry
24:41Honestly that was all I was looking for
24:43She pissed me off a little bit
24:47I'm so sorry
24:49I think most people would be annoyed that she was flirting with her man
24:51But she knows
24:53That she's done wrong
24:55And I have given her the benefit of the doubt
24:57Got my apology
24:59Like back to girls day
25:02Good fights only
25:06The atmosphere is not pleasant for me at all
25:10I'm getting to a point where I don't feel like I can trust anybody in this process
25:22What's this
25:32Inside this envelope is a set of questions
25:34Designed to help you evaluate your own relationship
25:36And those of the rest of the group
25:40Answering these questions openly and honestly
25:44Will help you to identify and overcome areas of your vulnerability in your marriage
25:48Love Mel, Paul and Charlie
25:52Honesty guys
25:54Lads lads no cop out with these questions
25:56I want the honest truth from everyone
25:59Who do you think is the sexiest wife
26:01Fuck that
26:05Sasha for me
26:17Are you ok over there
26:19I'm happy actually
26:21Honestly honestly
26:23Probably have to say Lacey
26:25But you probably knew that didn't you
26:28I'd say probably Shannon
26:30She'd be my type outside of here
26:34I'll say Shannon
26:36I'm saying my own wife
26:42Sasha 100%
26:48I'm surprised not many people said Amy actually
26:52More to say all of the parts of the cow cell
26:54Some people like the tail
26:57Some people like the hoof
26:59Because if everybody liked the fillet
27:01You'd waste half of the cow
27:03I guess every girl has her qualities in this group
27:05I think Amy
27:11For me easy Luke is the sexiest thing I've ever seen in my life
27:15Like I could just touch him all day
27:17Like his little face
27:19His little hair
27:21His arms
27:23I love that
27:27My usual type would probably be Nathan
27:31He's pretty like pretty boy isn't he
27:35Obviously Nathan's fucking fit mate
27:37Like I've hit the jackpot there
27:39But you know the sexiest as well
27:41Is either Ryan or Luke
27:45I'm going to say Ryan
27:47He has got a gorgeous man
27:49I honestly think Ryan is the sexiest
27:51Love that cute girl
27:53Just looks at me with those blue eyes
27:58I follow my husband
28:00The sexiest anyway
28:04And I know the game is
28:06But if you didn't choose your groom
28:08Who would it be
28:10But I'm not going to play it
28:12Because if I find out that Ryan said any of the other girls
28:14I'm flipping tables
28:26It's fine
28:28You love your man
28:30And that's all that matters
28:34Oh my God
28:36No I don't fancy Ryan
28:38Ryan was just at the forefront of my mind
28:40Because I've heard his name so much
28:42I didn't mean Ryan I meant Ross
28:44It's R&R
28:48I would probably say Alex
28:52We have a bit of a banter
28:55He's definitely my type on paper
28:57And his missus is coming back with all her bullshit
28:59And ruining my day
29:01So I'm just going to blindside you with a bombshell
29:05I mean that's fine babe
29:07But don't compete where you don't compare
29:15I would say Stephen
29:19Yeah I'd say Stephen
29:22Yeah I'd say Stephen's the sexiest
29:24You've known the guy for three days
29:26Like forever
29:28All this tit for tat
29:30It all just feels very petty and very childish
29:32And it just feels like I'm in a playground
29:34Who do you think is the funniest husband
29:36Hands down Ciaran
29:40Completely agree
29:42I'm not going to lie I'm going to say Ciaran
29:44He's funny with strumming his little thing
29:48I'm going to say Ciaran
29:51I'm going to say Ciaran
29:53But Nathan's my very, very, very close second
29:55And you, your man?
29:59Me and Ciaran
30:01We literally can just look at each other
30:03And just erupt into laughter
30:05He's my guy
30:14What is the biggest weakness in your marriage?
30:17The biggest weakness in my marriage is that
30:19The respect has been lost
30:21And trust
30:23To me once those two things are gone
30:25It's a wrap
30:27Good night
30:29I think for me there's no initial spark
30:31And I think having that makes it a lot easier
30:33To get through a lot of the bumps and hurdles
30:35And stuff like that
30:40My biggest weakness is probably just the way I am
30:42As in like I don't express my feelings
30:44I don't talk about, I don't do PDA
30:46But that's just something I'm learning
30:48And it's just how I am at the minute
30:50And eventually it will come
30:54Takes time
30:58Name the husband who is making
31:00The least amount of effort
31:02And the husband who is making
31:04The most amount of effort
31:06And why
31:08Let's just make a collective
31:10No, no, no, wait
31:12Let's make a point of not
31:14Digging Steven out, because that's not fair
31:16Do you know what I mean?
31:18So let's not all bombard that
31:20I don't know who else to say
31:22Apart from Steven
31:26I feel like maybe let's have an open discussion about it
31:28Does anyone here
31:30Feel like
31:32He should have made more effort
31:34Or do you think he's right
31:36I appreciate it's really fucking awkward for you guys
31:38But I feel like
31:40If you both can just
31:42Give that little bit in
31:44Then I really hope that
31:46I genuinely feel like
31:48Amy can probably vouch for me here
31:50I've tried every single day
31:54Even a couple of the boys have tried
31:56It's clear to see that she's
31:58Clocked out from Steven as much as she's
32:00Trying to blag that she's not
32:02It's such a shame that such a good man has been brought into this
32:04And has been put with someone like Hannah
32:06I'm very much team Steven
32:10Who in the group
32:12Is the least genuine
32:18It's no surprise
32:20I think Hannah
32:22I'm not going to sit here
32:24And lie to you about it
32:26There are some things that have made me question
32:28Whether you're genuine
32:30The comments that have been made
32:32And obviously your behaviour towards some people
32:34I would say that you are the least genuine
32:38I'm not going to answer the question
32:40Just because I'm trying to keep my head down a little bit
32:42And I'm not comfortable answering it
32:44But the part of the experiment is to be honest and genuine
32:46And say exactly how you feel
32:48I didn't really have an answer
32:50But the fact that Polly just said me
32:52I'd probably reiterate it back to you
32:58I question
33:02Authenticity from what I know
33:04Thank you
33:06Thank you Emma
33:08I am going to say Orson
33:12I'm also going to say Orson
33:14What you said on the couch
33:16Would have been a massive red flag for me
33:20Some validation
33:22Orson's a good guy, really good guy
33:24I don't like hearing people saying he's not genuine
33:26Because I've only ever had nothing but respect for Orson
33:28He's been really supportive of me
33:30He's had my back from the beginning
33:32So it feels quite unfair
33:34And I feel like I have a little bit to blame as well
33:40What one thing do you wish you had in your own marriage
33:42That you admire in another couple's marriage
33:44That's quite cute actually
33:46A husband that likes you
33:50Nathan and Lacey
33:52With the PDA
33:54Might be nice
33:56Nathan isn't scared to show you and tell you in front of people
33:58How he feels
34:00And show you that you're loved
34:02And I wish that I had that
34:08I would say
34:10Rosh and Sash
34:12The way they look at each other
34:14The way they bring out the best in each other
34:16It's what you want
34:18I love it man
34:20I'm here for it
34:22I think something that I admire
34:24You and Kieran
34:26Just have this radiance
34:28You just light up a room
34:30It's the sweetest thing ever
34:32And I love watching it together
34:34Thank you
34:36Really appreciate that
34:38If you could stick with your current partner
34:40Or twist to another wife
34:42Would you stick or twist
34:44If you would twist
34:46Who would it be and why
34:50I wouldn't twist and go with somebody else's wife
34:52It's just not me
34:56I'd stick with where I'm at
34:58I think I would stay as well
35:00I think you've come in it to marry one person
35:02Why would you switch to someone else
35:04You've got to see it out to the end
35:06And if it don't work, leave
35:08Sounds bizarre
35:10Probably just stick it out
35:12Because all your relationships are class
35:14And I ain't going to fucking attempt to try to twist any of that shit
35:16So I'd stick
35:18I would stick with mine
35:20I just feel like I'd give Christina
35:22What she needs
35:24She needs patience
35:26She needs someone understanding
35:28Believe that I'm
35:30No offense to any of you
35:32But I'm the guy in here
35:34That's meant to be with Christina
35:38I'm obsessed with my husband
35:40I think that's quite clear
35:42And I've never had a man try and understand me
35:44As much as Kieran has
35:46He has wanted to learn every inch
35:48About my mind, body and soul
35:50And no one has ever wanted to do that before
35:52So I'm so grateful for this man
35:54I love that baby girl
35:58We love you Kieran
36:00I just want to answer mine
36:02Stick, easily
36:04I'm also a big stick
36:06He's my man
36:08I'm head over heels
36:10Oh baby girl
36:12100% stick, I'm in love
36:14Couldn't ask for any more
36:16We came here for love, we got it
36:18Love that
36:22I would stick
36:24Alex has shown me
36:26Not every relationship is perfect
36:28We're gonna have blazing rows
36:30But we're gonna have good days as well
36:32How about you babe
36:34I'd probably say Alex
36:36So you'd twist with Alex
36:38Because on paper
36:40He's probably my type
36:42The way that he's tried to kind of
36:44Take me under his wing a little bit
36:46I think he's been really quite supportive
36:48So I would say Alex
36:52Pearl, stick or twist
37:04It goes back to
37:06What he's like as a person
37:08His looks, his values
37:10His morals
37:13We had a lot of chats then
37:17I feel like he could give me what I've wanted
37:19From Adam
37:21As much as I do adore Adam and respect Adam
37:23But at this moment in time
37:25Steven does
37:27Come across like he would be able to give me
37:29What Adam can't
37:33That is what is making me say twist
37:37Holly is getting a bit gobby
37:39She said that she would twist to Steven
37:41But she's also sticking to her own husband
37:45Adam probably needs to watch his back a little bit
38:01We want all the goss
38:03So do I
38:05Having spent the day apart
38:07The husbands and wives are reuniting
38:09In their cabins
38:13Yes, we've got some
38:21How was your day?
38:27Tonight I'm looking forward to chilling with Casper
38:29I'm ready to show my cute flirtatious self
38:35I bet you there was way more drama at yours than mine
38:37Tell me about yours first
38:41The boys got on as you would expect
38:43Relatively tame
38:45The girls went in
38:47On Hannah
38:49It was like a lion's den
38:53Any surprising answers in your sense?
38:55Any surprising answers?
38:59What do you think is missing in your marriage?
39:01What do you say?
39:03The original spark would have been really great
39:05Between us
39:07I'm ready for a kiss now
39:09We probably need a snog
39:11In order to maybe take the intimacy further
39:17Try and like
39:19Ease my way in
39:21To see how it goes
39:23But we're developing this week
39:25We are developing
39:27We are having a better week
39:29We are
39:31I think I've been a bit more fun this week
39:33A little bit
39:35We've relaxed
39:37We've had a couple of drinks
39:41The mood lighting is here
39:43I feel like it's a bit more romantic
39:45You know
39:47I've softened up to you Casper
39:49I'm ready, I'm yours
39:53As Rochelle said
39:55Just go in for it
39:59You're looking really good tonight
40:03Casper I think you look really good tonight
40:07I'm wearing a jumper and jeans
40:09I think you look really handsome tonight
40:19I'd really like to kiss you
40:21Would it be okay if I kissed you?
40:24What about a snog?
40:28I'll lean in a little bit
40:32See what happens
40:34I'll go from there
40:48I didn't think Emma was the person for me
40:53Now there is a chance
40:55There's something there
40:57There is a snog on the cards
40:59Yeah I think it could happen
41:07So what happened?
41:09Got ambushed, stormed her out
41:11She did actually get attacked
41:13It was a lot
41:15So Lacey, Holly and Holly sat there
41:17Opposite me
41:19Went for me
41:22You tried it on with this husband, you tried it on with that husband
41:24Everyone came at me
41:26It was uncomfortable
41:28It was horrible
41:30Most of the guys were actually saying to Stephen
41:32That he should push and try to
41:34Do you feel like you got through to him?
41:40I don't know
41:42I'm very open to having a conversation with Stephen
41:44But I've put in 100% effort for the last two weeks
41:46I've got nothing left, listen to me
41:48I've got nothing left
41:51I'm very open to having a conversation with him
41:53I have been for two weeks
41:55So if anyone can get through to him
41:57And he wants to sit with me and have a chat
41:59I will 100% do that
42:01Let's leave it there
42:03Holly said
42:05If you could stick or twist
42:07She said I'd twist to Stephen
42:09Did she?
42:11Is she not happy?
42:13She's not getting enough from Adam I don't think
42:15I feel like Stephen's come in
42:17And she's had a conversation with Stephen
42:19And she's seen things
42:21And she's also seen things in Stephen
42:23That he could give her that she's been looking for
42:25That Adam doesn't give to her
42:33What were your questions?
42:35Who's the sexiest?
42:37Which was?
42:39I said Lacey
42:41Which you would know
42:45So down to the big question
42:47When you got asked
42:49Would you switch?
42:51What did you say first?
42:53I said I'd stay with my partner
42:55I feel like Alex
42:57Has actually shown me
42:59What a real relationship should work like
43:01What did you say?
43:03I said ain't no switching going on
43:05Because I'm not that guy
43:07Straight up
43:09What did you say?
43:11What do you think I said?
43:13You'd be silly to put twist wouldn't you?
43:15I did say twist
43:17No you didn't say twist
43:19I did
43:21You said twist
43:23Yeah I did
43:27No you didn't
43:29Yes I did
43:31You said you'd twist to Stephen
43:33Why is that bad?
43:35Why would you twist?
43:37Because he would give me more than what you've given me
43:39Do you not think that's fair to say?
43:41Because he's had a little bit of flirty banter
43:43He's had a fucking kiss in the street
43:45Or a hold in hand
43:47Fuck off
43:51You don't swap husbands
43:53Because you don't get a kiss on the cheek in the street
43:55I'm not saying that I want to fucking shuck up with Stephen
43:57I want to be with you
43:59I've made that very clear
44:01I said if Stephen was
44:03If Adam was how Stephen was
44:05Adam would be perfect
44:07Like me saying if you looked like Lacey you'd be perfect
44:09No it would upset me
44:11But I'm being honest
44:13I'm being honest
44:15But I
44:17You are everything
44:19I've said Lacey's the fittest
44:21But that doesn't mean I want to swap her for you
44:23Because I'm with you now
44:29You two have a conversation
44:33I understand how you are
44:35You don't understand it well enough
44:37Because you want to switch
44:39The fact that in a group you've gone
44:41I'll switch to Stephen
44:43His muggy is four
44:45That's just savage
44:47I've done everything for you
44:49It's been three fucking weeks
44:51I'm getting better every week
44:53And you're still not fucking happy
45:07That was a lot Paul
45:17It's just
45:19It's just shit
45:25I'm really scared that that's going to put him off, right?
45:31All that's going to do is, like, put him back to where he was three weeks ago.
45:36I don't want to lose him.
45:44Next time...
45:45I'm waking up by myself. I haven't got a wife.
45:48There isn't a fibre in my body that cares about Lawson.
45:51..as two marriages hit breaking point.
45:54If she tries to talk to me at the dinner party, I'm just going to ignore her.
45:57Eyes begin to wander.
45:58I've got 24 hours to enjoy myself.
46:01I definitely could let my hair down tonight.
46:04So you find Shannon unattractive?
46:06Oh, she's my type.
46:08Steva said, if Ryan doesn't turn up tonight, I'm going to shoot myself.
46:11Leading to a clash of husbands.
46:14If I wasn't here, it'd crack on with her.
46:17Fucking mean.
46:19This wasn't part of the plan.
46:20And Adam's hurt feelings.
46:22I'm sorry. I'm fucking sorry, Adam. There you go.
46:25It's a fake sorry. I don't quit.
46:27Spark renewed conflict with wife Polly.
46:30The stuff that he said about me is fucking hurtful.
