Kill Me Love Me - Episode 9 (English Subtitle)

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Kill Me Love Me (2024) EP 9 ENGSUB
00:21你我 都是 微小的猫 You and I are both small cats
00:29要不要 被时光 吞没掉 Should I be devoured by time?
00:36黑暗无声消逝的人 The people who disappeared in the darkness
00:40也曾渴望白日里活 Have also longed for a day in which they could live
00:44被命运束缚的一个 How can I escape
00:46被命运束缚的一个 How can I escape
00:48被命运束缚的一个 How can I escape
00:50谁在耳边说 Who is speaking in my ear
00:54说我注定 坠落 That I am destined to fall
01:01那就燃烧我 燃烧我的始终 Then burn me, burn my world
01:08苦海里翻涌 眼中焚下多少灼热 How much fire is there in the sea of fire
01:15无人知道了 或许在求生者 No one knows, perhaps in the search for life
01:23黑暗里不舍 我们终于化作重生的火 The darkness is no longer afraid, we have finally become a living fire
01:53月晴公子怎么会在这 Why is Mr. Yue Qing here?
02:08叔母 Aunt
02:14这到底 What on earth
02:21张烟要灭后美鸟 Zhang Yan wants to kill Meiniang
02:36美灵 Meilin
02:45你主子呢 Where is your master?
03:08美娘 Meiniang
03:21美娘 Meiniang
03:35多谢美娘的路牌 Thank you, Meiniang
03:46是你 It's you
03:54叔母 Aunt
03:55公子 你先带她离开 Mr. Yue Qing, take her away first
03:58那你呢 What about you?
03:59有话容后再说 We'll talk later
04:01叔母 把你身上的外僻留下 Aunt, leave your body
04:06我是锁你命的青州约魂 I'm the Soul of Qingzhou that will kill you
04:18叔 青州真凶还有谁 Uncle, who else is the real killer of Qingzhou?
04:26慕容荆轲 就是他 Murong Jingke, it's him
04:32他有分寸 He has a sense of propriety
04:39别打了 Don't hit me
04:41你们杀了我吧 Kill me
04:44想死 便宜你了 If you want to die, it's easy for you
04:47楼下还有人盯上 There are people waiting downstairs
04:48本王和美灵引开他们 Meilin and I will lead them away
04:50你再带人回去 You take someone back
04:51是 Yes
05:02听闻今年火龙改道 I heard that the fire dragon has changed this year
05:05这青阳楼是最佳的赏景之地 This Qingyang Tower is the best place to enjoy the scenery
05:08要不上去看看 Why don't you go up and have a look?
05:13多谢殿下 Thank you, Your Highness
05:16来 Come on
05:19殿下 Your Highness
05:20先带殷将军上去 Take General Yin up first
05:22将军 里边请 General, please come in
05:24慢点啊 Be careful
05:25来 这边请 Come on, this way, please
05:29殿下 我们的人跟丢了 Your Highness, we lost our people
05:30我们的人跟丢了 We lost our people
05:31去府房摘 她一定在那儿 Go to the mansion and find her. She must be there
05:33是 Yes
05:36老三 你到底在玩什么 Third Brother, what are you doing?
05:56你受伤了 Did you get hurt?
06:01这是张艺的鞋 This is Zhang Yi's shoes
06:04王爷 美娘就是月轻公子身边的舒默 Your Highness, Meiniang is the Shu Mo by the side of Mr. Yue Qing
06:09你明知道那里有埋伏 You knew there was an ambush there
06:11为何总因为不相干的事而让自己置于险境 Why did you always put yourself in danger because of irrelevant things?
06:14月轻公子他不是不相干的人 Mr. Yue Qing is not irrelevant
06:17他对我有恩 He is kind to me
06:19我看见月轻公子进了美娘的房间 I saw Mr. Yue Qing enter Meiniang's room
06:21我不能见死不救 I can't just watch him die
06:23就凭他帮助张艺潜逃就死有余辜 不值得救 He helped Zhang Yi to escape and he is not worth saving
06:26公子他全然不知情 Mr. Yue Qing doesn't know anything
06:30美灵 本王是不是说过要离他远点 Meilin, didn't I tell you to stay away from him?
06:35王爷可以放心 我报恩不影响报仇 Your Highness, don't worry. My gratitude won't affect my revenge
06:39要么跟着你的公子报恩 要么跟着本王报仇 You can either follow your son's gratitude or follow my revenge
06:44你只能选一个 You can only choose one
06:46我 I
06:47如果选了本王就必须听命行事 If you choose me, you must follow your fate
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07:23优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
07:53优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
08:23战无不胜 屡战屡劫 If there is no victory in the war, there will be many battles
08:27若要真有长生之师 倒还好 If there is really a long life, it's okay
08:32愿这地坚岩罗 护我大严英灵 适者安息 May this rock and lava protect our Great Yan and make the people at ease
08:44这一杯 祝我大严朝江土干戈至兮 永昌永荣 This cup is to wish our Great Yan a long and prosperous reign
08:50愿我大严子民远离战乱 永安永泰 May our people of Great Yan stay away from war and live in peace
09:02罗梅代大严众将士谢过太子殿下 On behalf of the soldiers of Great Yan, I thank Your Highness
09:07罗梅 祈福是为功 与你同游是为私 Luo Mei, praying for success is a merit and traveling with you is a private matter
09:23这份私心贵妃娘娘看出来了 这份私心贵妃娘娘看出来了 Your Highness has seen through this selfishness
09:27我不相信你看不出 我不相信你看不出 I don't believe you can't see it
09:30太子殿下 Your Highness
09:32我说过 你我之间没有君臣 I said that there is no monarch between you and me
09:37我的太子妃从来都只有你 My Crown Princess has always been you
09:47罗梅舍生忘死 征战沙场 就是为了摆脱女人被困于后宅的命运 Luo Mei risked her life to fight for the throne in order to get rid of the fate of a woman trapped in a mansion
09:53殿下应该知道 我的志向不在后宫 Your Highness should know that my ambition is not in the harem
09:59如果你愿意 你会是我大严第一个领兵上阵的太子妃 If you are willing, you will be the first Crown Princess of Great Yan to lead the army to battle
10:04乃至于皇后 As well as the Empress
10:15你看 火龙它变道了 Look, the Fire Dragon has transformed
10:23赏景之地会变 世上的万物也都会变 The scenery will change and everything in the world will change
10:28听着在儿时的记忆 你会错过更好的风景 Listening to the memories of childhood, you will miss better scenery
10:35眼随心宜 赏景就是赏心 The more you appreciate the scenery, the more you will be attracted to it
10:42这青阳楼上的景观固然壮丽 虽能看清火龙的全貌 但扶方斋却另有喧嚣的生机 The scenery at Qingyang Tower is magnificent. Although you can see the full appearance of the Fire Dragon clearly, there is another sound of laughter in Fufang Mansion
10:53落梅 还是更喜欢热闹一些 Luo Mei prefers a lively atmosphere
11:04扶方斋的人 早已去了炙香楼 The people of Fufang Mansion have already gone to Zhixiang Tower
12:04还悲欢 我们终有遗憾
12:34Okay, I'll leave it to you.
12:39Your Highness.
12:45I don't have any money.
12:47Hurry up.
12:58Thank you, sir.
13:00Come and buy some peanuts.
13:06After I escaped from Qingzhou,
13:08I was once accompanied by a wild dog.
13:10That dog was very fierce.
13:12It would steal all the wild vegetables and buns I picked.
13:16In order not to starve,
13:18I could only fight with it for food.
13:22Your Highness, look.
13:24This scar was bitten by it.
13:30it kept following me.
13:32As time went by, I got used to it.
13:35With it by my side, it would protect me.
13:38If I was bullied,
13:40it would bite me back.
13:45Your Highness.
13:48This is for you.
13:53This dog lantern is very suitable for you.
14:00How dare you compare me to a dog?
14:12This dog is my only companion
14:14after the fire in Qingzhou.
14:30Your Highness.
14:31Your Highness.
14:58You should have told me
14:59before you came to Qingzhou.
15:01I was foolish.
15:03I was deceived by Zhang Ying.
15:05I thought I could deceive the world
15:08and help you get rid of Miss Mei Ling.
15:14In the end, I got you into trouble.
15:16Your Highness.
15:26Zhang Ying asked me to smuggle something to Xi Yan.
15:29He secretly transported it back to Dayan
15:32and hid it in Xishan Mine.
15:35I guess
15:38there must be something about the Crown Prince in Xishan Mine.
15:42If I can get this information,
15:45I'll go to the Eastern Palace.
15:47Maybe I can help you
15:50return to Xi Yan safely.
16:10Don't worry.
16:12I'll take care of the rest.
16:15Take a good rest first.
16:56How is it?
16:57The arrow is poisoned.
16:59Even if you find more precious herbs,
17:02it can only last for three days.
17:12Three days later
17:38Lord Zhang.
17:39How is the food in Prince Jin's Mansion
17:41compared to that in the Eastern Palace?
17:45It's the same.
17:46It's all the same.
17:49I thought Lord Zhang had been
17:51living in comfort all these years
17:53and was not afraid of death.
18:00You know
18:01I'm just a dog.
18:03If you kill me,
18:04you'll get your hands dirty.
18:07You have a sense of self-knowledge.
18:10But I have a dog
18:12to feed and drink.
18:14But it's for biting.
18:22Do you want me to point to the Eastern Palace?
18:29Bite the Eastern Palace to death
18:33and you can live.
18:37The Eastern Palace
18:39I know there were two people
18:41behind the Qingzhou Fire
18:42back then.
18:43One was the great prince's
18:45strategist, Li Qing.
18:46The other one was me.
18:49That strategist
18:50was killed back then.
18:52And I'm willing to be the scapegoat
18:54to live to this day.
18:58I'm the only witness in the Eastern Palace.
19:01I'm sure these princes
19:03know everything.
19:07You should be glad
19:10that you still have the value of being a dog.
19:37The roast meat
19:39was made by the Qingyang House.
19:41The pork was smoked
19:43by Song Mu.
19:45This thing
19:49Your Highness
19:50A dog needs to be full
19:51to have the strength to bite.
19:58Do you think I'll believe
20:00a dog that is about to bite its master
20:03and still be in the mood for food?
20:08If I remember correctly
20:10the Qingyang House
20:12seems to have the crown prince's secret hideout.
20:24The pig's head meat
20:26is the secret code, right?
20:34At this point
20:36do you still think
20:37your master will come to save you?
20:45Even if I help the prince
20:47it seems to be a dead end.
20:58Does this look familiar?
21:02You made it?
21:04Is it dead or alive?
21:07You choose.
21:12Your Highness
21:13Wait, wait, wait.
21:14Your Highness
21:16Your Highness
21:17I still have evidence.
21:23Even if I speak
21:24I can't prove the crown prince's crime.
21:26After all, ten years ago
21:27I wasn't the crown prince's man.
21:31the only person who can kill the crown prince
21:33is Li Qing, the strategist.
21:39Li Qing is still alive?
21:44No wonder you escaped death
21:46and dared to contact the Eastern Palace.
21:48It turns out to be a life-saving talisman.
21:50Your Highness
21:51as long as you spare my life
21:53I'll tell you where Li Qing is.
21:55In this world
21:56only I know where he is.
22:00As expected
22:02I underestimated Lord Zhang.
22:09I know
22:10if Li Qing is really in Xishan Square.
22:22Sneaking into the Xiyan Coalition
22:25to assassinate the third prince of Dayun
22:28Murong Jing
22:30Prince Jing has found us.
22:33Once the case is closed in Qingzhou
22:35we will be dead.
22:38stop moving
22:39and hide in seclusion.
22:44Qingyin said you have been waiting for a long time.
22:52What is the deep hatred between Lord Zhang and you?
22:55Do you need to bury the innocent people of Qingzhou?
23:00The death of Zhang Ying and her mother
23:02is just a killing tool.
23:04What you should hate
23:05is the master behind her.
23:07My big brother
23:09the crown prince of Dayan
23:12Murong Xunlie
23:21At that time
23:23if I were to recover Qingzhou
23:25I would be the one to take over the Eastern Palace.
23:29But my big brother is in the Eastern Palace.
23:33he made the mighty general who recovered Qingzhou
23:36into the general who slaughtered the people.
23:41I heard
23:43the crown prince was raised by the lord's mother.
23:46Then lord, you...
23:48The brothers used to be close
23:51but now
23:53they can only kill each other.
24:01What about you?
24:03Aren't you afraid of dealing with the crown prince?
24:06The crown prince
24:08he used the lives of 100,000 innocent people
24:10to get the position of the crown prince.
24:12I will definitely kill him with my own hands.
24:15It's not a big deal to exchange one life for another.
24:18I didn't ask a commoner
24:20to exchange the life of the crown prince.
24:22It's not a big deal.
24:24Killing him is too easy for him.
24:27What we should do
24:29is to make him apologize to the 100,000 souls in Qingzhou
24:32and apologize to the dead Weibei soldiers
24:35and apologize to the world.
24:39you don't have to exchange your life for the crown prince.
24:43It's not a big deal for you to die.
24:55Prince Jin and Mei Lin are working together to deal with the crown prince.
24:58Is the crown prince the real murderer of Qingzhou?
25:02Childe. Childe.
25:04Shu Mo...
25:20Lie down and have a rest.
25:22I have taken care of it.
25:24Zigu will be fine.
25:26I will be fine, too.
25:28Let's go back to Xiyan.
25:30Come on.
25:36That's good.
25:38That's good.
25:40That's good.
25:42After we go back to Xiyan,
25:45you will have to make arrangements.
25:48I have prepared gifts for you to go back to Xiyan.
25:52They are all in the warehouse on the side yard.
25:58I'm not lying.
26:00With your talent,
26:03as long as you want it,
26:06the King of Xiyan will be yours.
26:14And the green bamboo wine
26:16is specially made for the princess.
26:19Remember to remind the princess
26:22not to drink too much.
26:43Every time you make wood carvings,
26:46you always like to light a lamp and stay up all night.
26:50You have bad eyesight for a long time.
26:53This is the eye protection I found for you.
27:05And Yun Qi,
27:07he is very clever.
27:10These years, I have taken him with me and taught him.
27:15He knows all your preferences.
27:19In the future, with him staying by your side,
27:22I will be at ease.
27:24No need to say anymore.
27:29I have you by my side.
27:47I'm tired.
27:52please bring me the marten on the dark platform.
28:01Childe said
28:05it can protect people.
29:15Damage the holy object.
29:17The whole family will be executed.
29:19I was careless.
29:22Wait for me.
29:30Mother said
29:32living people are more important than wood.
29:36The holy object is supposed to protect people.
29:39I don't need to die.
29:41Thank you for saving me.
29:42The whole family doesn't need to die.
29:45Don't say death.
29:47I'm afraid of seeing dead people.
30:02Don't worry.
30:06I'm not an eight-year-old boy anymore.
30:16There's nothing to be afraid of.
30:27The Yisan Flower is for the dead.
30:32We won't plant such a bad flower.
30:47I didn't find the Yisan Flower.
30:49Where is Childe?
30:50Did you find it?
31:01The Yisan Flower
31:16We came here together.
31:18We have to go home together.
31:21The Yisan Flower
31:29When I first came to Dayan,
31:31there was a shortage of money in the house.
31:33I often couldn't afford it.
31:35I thought
31:37you bought my wood carvings
31:40to make the situation better.
31:45But who would have thought
31:48that you stole
31:52those wood carvings.
31:59You put me at risk.
32:02I'm the one who got you into trouble.
32:18I couldn't protect you.
32:22I even
32:24couldn't carve the Yisan Flower well.
32:27I couldn't carve the Yisan Flower well.
32:47Miss Meiling.
32:48Where is Childe?
32:50After Childe came back,
32:51he locked himself in the house.
32:52He didn't see anyone.
33:05I couldn't even carve the Yisan Flower well.
33:12A small Yisan Flower.
33:18I couldn't carve it well.
33:20I couldn't carve it well.
33:38This is the Yisan Flower I carved.
33:43I know
33:45if the people of Xiyan want to die,
33:49they have to put the Yisan Flower on a higher place.
34:06Let's send Shu Mo home together.
34:15Let's send Shu Mo home together.
34:31Yisan Flower.
34:34I kowtow to Heaven to send you home.
34:45I kowtow to Heaven to send you home.
35:10With the Yisan Flower,
35:12Shu Mo also went home.
35:23Come with me.
35:25I can't watch you
35:27reenact Shu Mo's ending.
35:31I will protect myself.
35:34But the road you chose
35:35is full of obstacles.
35:37After the fire in Qingzhou,
35:40I never thought
35:41I have another way to go.
35:44I can't turn back.
35:52Since you have decided,
35:57I hope this can help you.
35:59These letters were left by Shu Mo.
36:02I know you are cooperating with Prince Jing.
36:06The most important clue
36:07should be in your hands.
36:09In this way, you can avoid being abandoned
36:12and sent to die.
36:14No matter what you choose to do,
36:16I just want you to survive.
36:24Thank you, Childe.
36:31In the letter, you only mentioned
36:33that the things Shu Mo helped Zhang Ying to smuggle
36:35were sent to Xishan Mine.
36:38Why is it the Crown Prince's weakness?
36:43In order to protect himself,
36:44Zhang Ying has been hiding
36:46an important witness
36:47about the fire in Qingzhou.
36:49The Crown Prince's advisor, Li Qing.
36:52These years,
36:53he has been contacting Li Qing
36:55through Shu Mo's smuggling channels.
36:57You mean
36:58Li Qing is hiding in Xishan Mine.
37:03And Li Qing
37:04is more important than Zhang Ying.
37:06When are we going to arrest Li Qing?
37:08Arresting Li Qing
37:09requires a perfect plan.
37:11If we are not prepared,
37:13I'm afraid it will arouse the Crown Prince's suspicion.
37:20you just need to be my beauty.
37:24What Yue Qing gave you
37:26is just to teach you how to control me.
37:31It's a pity that he planned it.
37:34Childe Yue Qing doesn't know
37:35the real character of the Crown Prince.
37:37His worries are human nature.
37:40Then in your eyes,
37:42what kind of person am I?
37:46The Crown Prince
37:49is different from the absurd Crown Prince.
37:58Childe Yue Qing is helping us.
38:01I don't know
38:02if he can return to Xiyan safely.
38:06I will arrange someone to erase Shu Mo's crime.
38:10Yue Qing has nothing to do with it.
38:12Of course he will return safely.
38:22You and he
38:24should stop being so kind to each other.
38:26Don't worry about
38:28irrelevant people in the future.
38:32I'm leaving.
38:55This dog lantern suits you very well.
38:57How dare you
38:59compare me to a dog?
39:02This dog is my only partner
39:05after the fire in Qingzhou.
39:13If I were just a killing tool,
39:16you would have died a long time ago.
39:18To avenge Qingzhou,
39:20I'm just a sharp knife.
39:22Even if I have to cut myself,
39:23I'm willing to do it.
39:30He bit you.
39:32Are you still willing to be friends with him?
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