• last week
00:00Previously on Neighbours.
00:02Boilersk doesn't exactly sound like a family-friendly event, does it?
00:05Yeah, we thought we'd check out the rehearsals.
00:07Some of them are getting on quite well.
00:12All Therese needs from you right now is friendship.
00:14If I buy you a drink, would you mind sharing some of your life lessons?
00:18As long as it's just as friends.
00:20I've managed to pull together some money to help you and Nicolelle.
00:24Do not play games with my children.
00:27You two shouldn't have to carry all of that debt.
00:34Everybody needs good neighbours
00:38With a little understanding
00:43You can find the perfect blend
00:51Should be there for one another
00:56That's when good neighbours become good friends
01:05Look, I say we still take the money.
01:25It's his fault that we're saddled with all these massive repayments.
01:28If he wants to clean up some of the mess that he created, I say we let him.
01:31I agree.
01:36I wasn't expecting that.
01:37No, neither was I.
01:39We wouldn't have invested if it wasn't for him and now we're living paycheck to paycheck.
01:44I really thought I was going to have to talk you around on this one.
01:48Mum already did.
01:49And now it means you don't have to be the guarantor on our loan.
01:52Well, I was happy to help, but I'm glad that you're taking the money.
01:56You shouldn't be carrying all that debt just to prove a point.
01:59I know.
02:00And you're right.
02:01This doesn't mean that we've forgiven him.
02:03I just want to make that clear to Dad.
02:05Don't worry.
02:07We will.
02:31All right.
02:32Let's do this.
02:41I used to be a concierge that would juggle every guest request.
02:45And now when I drop a ball, I get a little lunch.
02:49That's everybody.
02:53You just got to keep working on it.
02:54Remember, you have to get high and narrow, not low and wide.
02:56It gives you more control.
02:58What's that?
03:00It's just Rhett has sent me a video of his dance moves.
03:03He just wants some expert advice.
03:09I can't get this.
03:12Do you think maybe it's all this business with your dad putting you off your game?
03:17Nah, me and Nick sort of came to a decision on that.
03:19Hopefully we'll see the back of him soon.
03:23Sam's just gotten the supplies for Felix's magic show.
03:27It's props and tricks and disappearing ink pans, that kind of a thing.
03:32Yeah, I'm excited to see what he's got planned.
03:34So exciting.
03:37The countdown is on.
03:41I definitely put ideas in Paul's head.
03:43He came looking for you at Irene again.
03:46I'm so sorry.
03:47What, last night?
03:48Yes, yes.
03:49But don't worry, I was very, very clear with him.
03:52I told him that you need him to give you some space.
03:57Yes, thank you.
03:59I definitely think we need to stay away from each other.
04:03So I made a big decision this morning.
04:06It's time for a clean slate.
04:08As in?
04:09As in where I live.
04:13It's time for a change.
04:14You're not moving?
04:16Oh, no, no, no, no.
04:17Just a freshen up.
04:19Starting with the front yard.
04:21I love this for you, a fresh start.
04:24You know, I think I might do the same.
04:26I've shipped the last of Mike's things to the UK.
04:29I'm about to sell his motorbike and after that...
04:33Bungee jumping.
04:34New hair.
04:35Why not both?
04:39What exactly do you think Susan meant?
04:42Therese's feelings being complicated.
04:45A lot of people have complicated feelings about you, Dad.
04:49The reason I've been avoiding Therese is because I can't just be her friend.
04:54Anyway, what if that's not what she wants either?
04:57You'd have to ask her.
04:58But don't.
04:59Susan's right.
05:00You need to stay away from her.
05:02Yeah, I will.
05:06We are on track.
05:09PA and lights are locked.
05:11Kara is all set for the bump-in.
05:13And ticket sales are coming along nicely.
05:16Okay, good.
05:17Hopefully these will help us sell out.
05:20Oh, relax.
05:21Boileski's going to be a huge success.
05:23It better be.
05:24Anything other than knocking it out of the park will look like failure to Paul.
05:27Well, I am choosing to believe that everything is going to turn out for the best.
05:31Are we still talking about Boileski?
05:33Or Vic?
05:35I know.
05:37I shouldn't have asked Byron about him.
05:39No, I thought you said you were going to let it go.
05:41I have.
05:43And we have much more important things to focus on.
05:53What's the going price for a vehicle that represents all the romance of a relationship?
06:01As Mike said, what he wants for it.
06:03Giving me a ballpark.
06:05All I want is a quick sale and the fewer tyre kickers the better.
06:08Mm, it's a fine machine.
06:10Smooth engine, lots of torque.
06:13It's great styling.
06:14Over-damped suspension I hear.
06:16That might affect the price.
06:17Luckily that doesn't concern you.
06:19What's your reserve?
06:20Would you accept less for cash?
06:21Ignore him.
06:22We're going.
06:23Come on.
06:24I was just taking interest.
06:34You know, Mike shouldn't be leaving you to tie up his loose ends.
06:37You're saying that?
06:39I'm taking care of mine.
06:41Sorting things with the kids.
06:44And that's all.
06:46Yeah, well just let them do the talking.
06:49And don't try and win them over.
06:52Thank you, by the way.
06:54For whatever you said to get them over the line.
06:57Well I didn't do it for you.
06:59No, you really hurt Nicolette.
07:04Things must be bad if she's turning on me but
07:06we'll do whatever they want to help make things right.
07:11Alright, well I best give this a final once over.
07:17I say take the first offer and move on.
07:32You understand that us accepting this money isn't some trade off for our forgiveness, right?
07:37Yeah, understood.
07:39I'll transfer it today and then I'll leave you alone.
07:47But I want you to know that I'm not going far.
07:51Business, in fact.
07:53Something within striking distance of Melbourne.
07:57I told you we'd do this.
07:58No, I'll stay away.
08:01I'll just be available if you want to contact me.
08:04We won't.
08:13I hear you.
08:18I'll be keeping the door open.
08:51I really should try and organise a dinner with Therese this week.
08:55I feel terrible though.
08:56I completely miss that she was struggling with Paul again.
08:59She's remarkable.
09:00Just how strong she is.
09:01Yeah, I know.
09:02Alright, I'll see you later.
09:03Alright, thank you.
09:07Train left?
09:11Oh, blue box.
09:14Aren't they great?
09:15Dr Carter gave them away as part of the community marketplace page.
09:19You're not getting a motorbike car.
09:21Does he help me with the zip?
09:23You're joking.
09:24Come on, you've done it before.
09:35This is well done, isn't it?
09:37Yeah, it looks really good, doesn't it?
09:40Yeah, very good.
09:41Very good indeed.
09:42Yes, and this is just phase one.
09:44I'm having a meeting with the contractor to finalise the courtyard.
09:47So, Lassiter's is about to get seriously lux.
09:50That's good.
09:51That'll certainly bode well with our star rating assessments.
09:53They're great.
09:54Say no to smut.
09:55Sign our petition.
09:57Oh, come on, Moira.
09:58It's harmless fun.
09:59And it's a good cause.
10:00Reject the raunch.
10:01Have your say.
10:03Excuse me, is there anything we can help you with?
10:07Cancel this disgusting peep show you have planned.
10:10No, it's not a peep show.
10:11The ticket sales will be going to charity.
10:13As Hillary says, there is no cause.
10:15There is no cause that justifies pornography.
10:18Well, lucky it's performance art then.
10:20Hillary, eh?
10:21That's right.
10:22Your own cousin's against it.
10:24And this is how we're going to shut you down.
10:35Can you believe it?
10:36Buying a business close by in case we need him.
10:39It shows that he's willing to put in the effort.
10:43For what?
10:44To get it done.
10:46It doesn't cost you anything to stay open to the possibilities.
10:49Yes, it does.
10:50Every time he lets us down.
10:51Mum, I thought we were on the same page about this.
10:55Oh, we were.
10:58We had a chat earlier and I can't believe I'm saying this,
11:01but I think maybe he's being genuine this time.
11:10Oh, now that was quick.
11:12I just had an offer on Mike's bike.
11:15A lowball?
11:16No, it was decent.
11:19Go Mum.
11:32I wasn't expecting to bump into anyone.
11:36What are you here for?
11:37A bone density scan.
11:39It's an annual thing.
11:42I hope everything's okay.
11:44Oh, yeah.
11:45No, fine.
11:46Happy to say I'm just visiting.
11:49Sorry, you don't need to answer that.
11:51That's entirely none of my business.
11:55Actually, just volunteering.
11:58Keep patients company during their chemo.
12:04A woman did it for me while I was going through my treatment.
12:06Just sat with me, told me stories about her grandkids.
12:09The Cavoodle.
12:11Yeah, makes things bearable.
12:14I bet.
12:15A friendly diversion.
12:16Yes, yeah.
12:19Yeah, so I wanted to pay it forward now that I'm in the clear.
12:24That's lovely.
12:28So, what did you talk about?
12:30Today I mostly listened.
12:32This is my first session here.
12:33I'll be back.
12:34It's been a few cool tales.
12:36The moment calls for it.
12:37The moment calls for it.
12:39That's, um, incredibly kind.
12:44Look, um, it's no big deal.
12:47I mean, please don't mention it to anyone.
12:49Jane or the kids.
12:52In case they think I'm doing it for points.
12:54They wouldn't think that.
12:56They might.
13:08Oh, Gino.
13:11Wait, I'll help you.
13:13Oh, thank you.
13:14I thought I could manage it.
13:16But this door is trickier than Bob Fosse choreography.
13:19Um, that should have gone straight to the kitchen.
13:21Oh, it's a private delivery.
13:23I ran into the courier at the gate and offered to take it.
13:27It's for Moira.
13:29Oh, um, I suppose I should leave this with you.
13:32In my day we did roses, but...
13:34Who's it for?
13:39Oh, after you, milady.
13:41No, no, no.
13:42I'll wait for maintenance.
13:54This cactus will survive just fine without your attention.
13:57It will be there in your corner if you need it.
14:15Oh, yes.
14:17I'm feeling very aerodynamic.
14:20Remind me again, how many motorcyclists did you treat in the ER?
14:24I'm sensing disapproval.
14:26You're not buying a motorbike, Carl.
14:27You don't even know how to ride one.
14:28Well, I'll just learn.
14:31Do you really need me to point out how ridiculous this fantasy is?
14:35Oh, come on, Susan.
14:37Picture this.
14:38You, me, what?
14:40Ah, winding roads, country pubs.
14:44I'm 20 years too late for this, aren't I?
14:47Try 40.
14:49Darling, if you really want to potter about in the countryside,
14:52why don't we book one of those trike tours that go through wine country?
14:56Let a professional take care of the driving.
14:58Would Peter Fonda book a trike tour?
15:00Well, I don't know, Carl.
15:01Peter's not here to ask.
15:03You are.
15:04All right.
15:05Could you help me get out of this?
15:07Oh, no.
15:08I think I would much rather watch.
15:11You don't understand.
15:12I'm stuck.
15:16Of course you are.
15:17Of course you're stuck.
15:19How are you going to ride a motorbike
15:20when you can't even put the leathers on properly?
15:22Hey, what are you going to do with those?
15:24Oh, no.
15:28Bam Boyless, sign our petition.
15:30Moira, can we discuss this privately, please?
15:32There is nothing to discuss.
15:34Defend decency.
15:35Sign our petition and send a message to management.
15:41My prediction was correct, wasn't it?
15:42I mean, she made a captain's call,
15:44and she's steering us directly into disaster.
15:46What happened to her instincts of being on?
15:48I spoke too soon, didn't I?
15:51Maybe you need to call Hilary.
15:52No, she's not answering.
15:54Then go down to Irene.
15:55I am trying to keep my distance.
15:57As you are aware.
15:59No, I said right from the beginning
16:00that we should have gone family friendly.
16:02And this?
16:03This proves me right.
16:04Sorry, if you don't leave,
16:06I'm going to have to call security.
16:08Intimidation tactics, of course.
16:10No, you can't harass hotel guests, okay?
16:12If you want to make an appointment, we can make...
16:14There he is, the stripper.
16:16I am not giving up.
16:18Not unless this depravity is called off.
16:24Not a fan.
16:25Moira's been riling up Hilary.
16:26It's best just to ignore her.
16:28No, no.
16:29Both she and Hilary
16:30are very respected members of the community.
16:33And their take on this event is extremely valid.
16:36So when we start losing business over this,
16:38I'm the one to point the blame.
16:47You know, I could have resold those pants
16:49if you hadn't cut them.
16:50You got them for free!
16:53Calling the police?
16:55You may even be a bigger drama queen than me.
16:57It's theft in broad daylight.
16:59What's going on?
17:00My wine has been stolen.
17:02I'm one bottle short of a dozen.
17:04Your wine?
17:05Truve blends are state bottled.
17:07They probably packed the box wrong.
17:09You must have had that happen before.
17:11I have been buying my wine from that company
17:14for over 20 years.
17:15They have never once slipped up.
17:18You assured us that thefts were a thing of the past.
17:21Moira, if there's something missing,
17:22we will look into it right away.
17:24Because I want a full investigation.
17:30It's the last thing we need.
17:32I'm sure we'll get to the bottom of it.
17:38Cash okay?
17:39Oh, absolutely.
17:42And can I just say, you've made this very, very easy.
17:44I was bracing myself for a day of very unpleasant haggling.
17:48Wow, I know what the bike is worth.
17:50It's that calm to try and cheat you out of it.
17:53I appreciate your integrity.
17:55And I hope that you have many years of riding pleasure.
17:59I'm sure I will.
18:16How do you feel?
18:17How do you feel?
18:21I just turned the last page on a very long,
18:24very romantic book.
18:26I bet.
18:29I know that Mike and I were over a while ago,
18:31but this feels like a full stop.
18:35He's not coming back.
18:37It really is over.
18:40So, would you like a lift to the complex?
18:44How about we both ditch work this afternoon and do something fun?
18:49That is very sweet.
18:51But no, I have plans.
18:52I'm going to go to the hardware store.
18:54Oh, that's one way to get over heartbreak.
18:57I'm going to pick out some paint colours.
18:59We're going to redo those kitchen cabinets.
19:03I thought you loved that colour.
19:06I thought you loved that colour.
19:09I just thought that Mike did.
19:12So what colour are you going?
19:14Something that's me.
19:16And I'll know it when I see it.
19:35I'm coming.
19:47Sorry to come over unannounced, but I just, I don't know,
19:49I feel like you're the only person who can really help me.
19:51What's up?
19:52So, there's been a campaign to shut down the Boylask event,
19:56and it's started by the Arrhenie Rising residents.
19:58Well, who?
19:59Moira someone and Paul's cousin Hillary.
20:01Oh, well, Moira's a handful.
20:03Hillary does what Hillary wants.
20:05Did Harold have any ideas?
20:07Well, he's getting ready to visit Sky, so I didn't really want to bother him,
20:10but I was thinking maybe you could talk to them.
20:14Oh, Christa, I don't really want to weigh in.
20:18Just back yourself.
20:20I mean, obviously I'm around if you want to run any ideas past me,
20:24but, you know, Boylask is your event.
20:27You know, I know that you can handle any speed bumps on your own.
20:32Yeah, you're right.
20:33I guess a pep talk was all I needed.
20:35Thanks, Trace.
20:36Okay, bye.
21:13I transferred the money.
21:19Is that it?
21:22Yeah, I just didn't want you to think I was reneging.
21:31I've got to get back to work.
21:32Yeah, I'll see you later.
21:34See you later.
21:44They wouldn't be so tough on you if they knew what you did in your spare time.
21:47Hey, you promised.
21:48I mean, volunteering's what I do to deal with my survivor's guilt.
21:53I don't do it for brownie points.
21:54But you might have once, right?
21:57Am I right in thinking that?
21:59That's why you don't want to broadcast it?
22:02You're just a pretty face.
22:05Vic, you've learnt from your mistakes.
22:09I can see that.
22:12You don't think that you deserve any grace from your kids, but I happen to think you do.
22:19You always know exactly what to say to me.
22:22Or maybe it's how you say it.
22:24And how's that?
22:25In a way that makes me very aware of what I'm missing out on.
22:38Coming up on Neighbours.
22:39If the petition gets enough signatures, you might need a contingency.
22:43Look, there's no contingency.
22:45Okay, so what do we do?
22:46I just want everything to go back to normal.
22:49How do you feel about your relationship?
22:51I feel like I just, you know, I don't mean as much to Wendy as I used to.