• 8 hours ago
00:00You don't want to see me again.
00:09No, I do.
00:10I really like you.
00:11But, Abigail...
00:13I do not want her to be blindsided by this later on.
00:17Levi, we are in a really good place and I don't want to ruin that.
00:19You're choosing to jeopardize this.
00:22By having a life.
00:23Go down there.
00:24Tell her.
00:25Look at you.
00:26You're scared.
00:28Maybe you should ask yourself why.
00:29We're lying to Abby and to ourselves if we think that we can keep this up without her
00:33getting hurt.
00:34We're not.
00:35We're done.
00:36I can't work with you anymore.
00:37I have way too many patients on my books.
00:39Okay, so please get rid of someone else.
00:41Unfortunately, you were the last person that I took on.
00:44Someone first to go?
00:45I'm sorry.
00:46It really is for the best.
00:47We'll figure it out, okay?
00:49We'll find someone else.
00:50Someone even better.
00:52I don't want to work with anyone else.
00:53She even told him that I'm turning down the transfer.
00:55I took it to motion.
00:57You outrank me now.
00:58I lost track of time.
01:00Cash, it's fine.
01:02Rose, it's not fine.
01:03If Sarge was here, he'd be ripping my head off.
01:04I'm really struggling at work.
01:05Since when?
01:06Since Cash came back.
01:22You sucked your day out there today.
01:24I know.
01:25Did you see that last wave?
01:26It was so brutal.
01:27You got pumped.
01:30I'm making dinner tonight for everyone.
01:31Are you around?
01:32I'll have to get back to you on that.
01:35Since when do you even cook?
01:37Hey, I cook.
01:38And it's been pretty chill at home, so I figure why not celebrate, right?
01:41For sure.
01:42Abby's been putting in work.
01:43It feels like a completely different vibe now.
01:46Feels good.
01:47I feel like those counselling sessions are really paying off.
01:50I reckon we'd finally turn that corner.
01:52Alright, see you later.
01:56If Cash can't handle you being in charge, you gotta call him out.
02:00That's the thing.
02:01He's been nothing but respectful about the whole work situation.
02:04He has?
02:06I'm the one who's struggling.
02:09When I started here, he was my senior and he made me feel welcome.
02:13Sounds like Cash.
02:14I had a bit of a crush on him, actually.
02:17Tell me about it.
02:18It wasn't a thing.
02:19It's not a thing.
02:20No, you can tell me about it, though.
02:21It lasted for like five minutes.
02:22Yep, give it to me.
02:23Kirby, focus.
02:25Cash was my mentor and he's a great cop.
02:27But now he's calling you boss and fetching your coffees.
02:30He's had a demotion.
02:32How do I suddenly start bossing him around, telling him what to do?
02:35Well, do you think he knows that you're struggling?
02:37I hope not.
02:38Look, I get why that would feel weird.
02:41I do.
02:42But maybe you just need time to adjust.
02:44That's all.
02:47I need to get back to work.
02:49OK, well, how about you come back to my morning
02:53and I will make you breakfast and we can keep talking.
02:56What if he brings it up in the meantime?
02:57Well, you can be honest or you can just change the subject.
03:01Oh, gee, great.
03:03That's a big help.
03:04Yeah, you're welcome.
03:07See ya.
03:20It's gotta be me, right?
03:22You're not the problem.
03:23No, Abby.
03:24No, of course it's not you.
03:25You're not the problem.
03:26Except people leave me all the time.
03:28No, no, this is different.
03:29Trust me.
03:30How do you know?
03:31Because Tim said it himself, OK?
03:34He's got too many clients.
03:35It's not personal.
03:36It's kind of hard not to take it personally
03:38when I can't even pay someone to hang out with me.
03:40Hey, guys.
03:41Hope you're hungry.
03:42You're home early.
03:43Yeah, I had the urge to cook us all dinner.
03:46Actually, Abby, you were the one that inspired me.
03:49That sounds great.
03:51Yeah, I've just been working so much lately
03:53and I've barely seen you guys.
03:54Well, we have a lot to catch up on.
03:56Well, good, because I've got some nice wine,
03:58some yummy pasta.
03:59We can sit down.
04:00You can bring me up to speed.
04:02I'll take a shower.
04:03Abby, just hang on.
04:05Abby, wait a sec.
04:06If you want to talk about this, we can...
04:08There's nothing to talk about.
04:09It's done.
04:14Is she all right?
04:20Yeah, what's wrong?
04:22Tim's pulled out of his counselling sessions.
04:27Because he'd rather sleep with Eden than do his job.
04:42I was going to head into Salt
04:43and I can't do anything?
04:45Oh, I don't know.
04:46I just thought a change of scenery might be good for Barry
04:48to get his mind off things.
04:51Yeah, yeah.
04:52No, no, no.
04:53No, I understand.
04:54It's all good.
04:55I'll see you around.
04:57I'm going to head off.
05:00do you want to go grab a drink?
05:02Maybe some other time.
05:04No fraternising with the junior officers?
05:05Is that it?
05:06No, no, that's not it.
05:07I'm kidding.
05:10I'll see you tomorrow.
05:11See you.
05:13See you.
05:17Whoa, I hope that's not your dinner, Miss.
05:19Oh, no.
05:21Just a few treats for Mr Stewart tomorrow.
05:23Oh, yeah?
05:24How's he doing?
05:25Oh, you know.
05:26Still not himself.
05:27Refusing to talk.
05:28Any word on when Ru's going to be back?
05:30No, I haven't heard.
05:32Exactly what did you tell her?
05:34Well, I didn't tell her any of the stuff that happened in the hospital.
05:37I didn't want to freak her out.
05:38That's probably a good call giver.
05:39She couldn't get back here straight away.
05:42I just told her how worried we were about him, you know.
05:44Hopefully when she gets back, she'll be able to turn it all around.
05:48Bye, Merlin.
05:49Good on ya.
05:50See ya, Miss.
05:52Hey, there.
05:53Oh, look out.
05:54Here he is.
05:56Ignore him.
05:57Say sorry.
05:58Um, coffee?
05:59Uh, no.
06:00Actually, I've just finished my shift.
06:01I might take a burger.
06:03Coming right up.
06:05So, we have all heard that you have decided to stay.
06:08Yeah, yeah, yeah.
06:09I'm working at Yabby Creek again.
06:11Hey, mate.
06:12Everyone's going to be so excited that you're sticking around.
06:14I know.
06:15You didn't order vegetables, but I put some in there anyway.
06:17See, I can have them.
06:18You both will.
06:19Um, so, is your order for takeaway, or?
06:22No, no, no.
06:23I thought I might have it here.
06:24Thanks, guys.
06:38Thank you for dinner.
06:39I'll clean up, guys.
06:41Aw, thanks.
06:42I mean, it was a pleasure.
06:43I'm glad you enjoyed it.
06:44Especially after the day you've had.
06:46Yeah, look, the Tim thing just took me by surprise, but who needs him, right?
06:49That's right.
06:50Plenty of counselors in the city.
06:59I need a glass of water.
07:13How are you feeling?
07:16I am sorry for being a mess earlier.
07:18I just needed to get over myself.
07:20But honestly, I'm fine.
07:21It is totally fair that you felt let down by Tim.
07:25I'm just glad you're feeling better.
07:36Good night.
07:41You gotta hand it to Abby.
07:44She's handling this pretty well.
07:46If Eden hadn't have been so selfish, none of this would be happening.
07:49Oh, well, she's going through a tough time, especially since Cash ended things with her.
07:53Not that I'm taking her side!
07:54This could ruin all of Abby's progress.
07:56Look, it's definitely a curveball, but I actually think Abby's a lot stronger than you're giving her credit for.
08:01Not strong enough to handle the real reason why Tim stepped away.
08:07Sorry I missed dinner.
08:16What's wrong?
08:35Don't let me fall into yourself just to get through.
08:43Hope you're hungry.
08:45Not particularly.
08:47How would you like your eggs?
08:48Scrambled or poached?
08:50Marilyn, how many times do I have to tell you?
08:52I'm perfectly capable of getting my own breakfast.
08:54How about an omelette?
08:56Surprise me.
08:57How did you sleep?
08:59Horizontal, like most people.
09:01Well, was it better than the night before or worse?
09:04Marilyn, please, can we just have one morning where we don't have to play 40 questions?
09:09That's 20 questions, actually.
09:11I was just trying to be nice.
09:13You're sticking your nose in.
09:14I'm worried about you!
09:15Oh, for God's sake, Marilyn, I've told you a thousand times, I'm fine!
09:18Now just back off!
09:21Rue, what the hell are you doing at home?
09:25It's good to see you too.
09:32Thank you for the lift.
09:33I'll catch up with you guys later.
09:35Wait, wait, no!
09:36I thought we were all having breakfast together.
09:38No, well, you guys go ahead.
09:39I think I'm just going to take a walk on the beach.
09:41I'll come.
09:42No, no.
09:43You're really going to give up breakfast with your girlfriend?
09:45Well, Mac won't mind.
09:47Levi, chill.
09:48It's all good.
09:49OK, well, we'll do lunch later.
09:51No, because I don't need someone holding my hand.
09:57I'll go.
10:04Come on.
10:09Want some company?
10:11Did Levi send you to check up on me?
10:14But I can see why he's worried.
10:16I'm just really sick of talking about Tim.
10:17Fair enough.
10:18But why does that mean you have to cut your brother out?
10:23Because I don't want to be a burden.
10:24You can still have a meal with the guy.
10:30I'll text him about lunch.
10:33What are you doing about counselling?
10:37I don't know.
10:38But I'm just not going to lean on Levi.
10:41This shouldn't be his problem.
10:47Hayden, you cannot ignore me forever.
10:49Call me back.
10:51Maybe she's just waiting for you to cool off a bit.
10:53I just don't understand what was going through her head.
10:56I really don't think she's trying to be malicious.
10:58I know what she's been through.
11:00I don't want to hear it anymore.
11:01Eden and Abby's relationship has been so fragile.
11:04Nothing about this is smart.
11:05She should have stopped things from going any further with Tim.
11:08But she didn't.
11:09She could have chosen anyone else.
11:11I just don't understand.
11:12Cash, hi there.
11:14How are you, Levi?
11:15It's Cash.
11:18How's it going?
11:22Everything all right?
11:23Yeah, of course.
11:26I want to see you guys, too.
11:29Sounds like you were having the time of your life.
11:31I did, I tell you.
11:32And I met some terrific people, too.
11:34What about young Ryder?
11:35How's he getting on?
11:36Oh, he's fantastic.
11:37You know what?
11:38He's managing the entire bar staff.
11:40I couldn't be prouder.
11:41Yeah, he's a good kid.
11:44So why did you come back early?
11:48I should have smelled a rat the minute you walked through the door.
11:51Mr. Stewart, this is not her fault.
11:53Damn right it's not.
11:55And I'll deal with you later.
11:56Mr. Stewart, I was worried.
11:59If I didn't want Rue around when I was lying flat out in a bed in hospital,
12:02what the hell makes you think I want her around now?
12:05You were in hospital?
12:07I couldn't just sit back and do nothing.
12:08I don't need a damn babysitter.
12:10Certainly not you.
12:11And certainly not my own daughter.
12:13All right.
12:15Miss, why don't you just go to work, OK?
12:17I'm sorry.
12:18Somebody had to do something.
12:22See you.
12:24Well, it sounds like you've got quite a bit to fill me in on.
12:28Here you go.
12:32This is exactly what I need to get me through today.
12:34Oh, you're expecting a tough date?
12:36Hey, Rose.
12:37You saw Cash in here yesterday looking a little bit flat.
12:39I hope you're not working him too hard.
12:41Justin, let the poor women enjoy their food.
12:43All right.
12:46Don't worry about him.
12:47He was only joking.
12:48Yeah, I know.
12:51Last night after work, Cash asked me out for a drink.
12:54I told him no.
12:55I didn't think he'd be sitting there on his own.
12:57Why'd you do that?
12:59Well, I was taking your advice.
13:01You told me to avoid him.
13:02No, that's not what I said.
13:04I said to avoid the conversation, not to avoid him altogether.
13:07Well, I panicked.
13:10OK, well, we're not going to leave this table until we work out a plan of attack.
13:16Hey, sorry I'm late.
13:17Hey, you don't need to apologise.
13:18You're in charge.
13:20Can we talk?
13:22Yeah, sure.
13:24You want me to grab you a cup of coffee?
13:26No, no, I don't want coffee.
13:29Is everything OK?
13:31No, it's not.
13:35We have a problem.
13:37Us, the ranks.
13:39I don't know how this is going to work.
13:49Ru, I feel terrible.
13:51Marilyn's gone and ruined your trip for nothing.
13:53No, she hasn't.
13:54Anyway, I'm here now, so we may as well have a chat.
13:59Um, don't you want to rest first?
14:01I mean, you must be exhausted after your flight.
14:04Dad, when I came in, you were tearing shreds off Marilyn.
14:07So you've just shown me that she had every reason to be worried about you.
14:11Yeah, but Marilyn still shouldn't have gone and interrupted your trip like that.
14:15OK, well, look, I'm here, so how about you just tell me what's been going on?
14:19And why don't you start by telling me why you were in hospital?
14:35So, I have been acting weird.
14:38But you haven't done anything wrong.
14:43So, what's the issue?
14:45When I think about you working here over the years,
14:49and what I know of you as a police officer,
14:51it feels wrong now that I'm your boss.
14:54OK, um, why is that?
14:56I don't know.
14:58You've tackled murders and police corruption.
15:00I've done a few of those cases with you.
15:01Yeah, but I only got this job because you left.
15:03No, no, no, I didn't leave.
15:05Rose, I was suspended.
15:08There's a big difference.
15:10I'm here because I don't have a choice.
15:13And you're there because it's the next step in your career.
15:19I guess all of that is true.
15:20It is true, Rose.
15:21And I happen to think that you're doing a fantastic job,
15:23and you never used to think twice about yelling at me before,
15:25so I have no idea why you want to start now.
15:28You know, next time you're out of line,
15:29I'm going to come down on you like a ton of bricks.
15:31I wouldn't have it any other way, though.
15:35Are we good?
15:36Yeah, yeah.
15:37You sure?
15:38We're good. Yes, go.
15:40We're good. Yes, go.
15:44And Constable,
15:46a coffee wouldn't go astray.
15:48Yeah, on it.
15:56Hey, here you are.
15:58I've got news.
15:59I heard back from the agency.
16:01Is it good news?
16:04They loved the photos from the shoot.
16:06Yeah, and they couldn't stop raving about us.
16:08Oh, and did they say which photos they reckon we should use?
16:10They're going to send us a ton of proofs,
16:12and we just choose from them.
16:14It could take a while, though.
16:15And you know how much I love Dewey.
16:17Anyway, I'll see you later.
16:18See ya.
16:21What made you change your mind about lunch?
16:24You know what? You worry way too much.
16:26No, I mean it.
16:27Levi, you really just need to chill.
16:29And no more Tim talk.
16:33So what do you want to talk about?
16:34Me, obviously.
16:38What's up?
16:41It's Tim with, um, suggestions for alternative counsellors.
16:45At least he's seen that through.
16:47No more counselling.
16:48I'm done with it.
16:51No, if Tim can abandon me so easily,
16:53then another counsellor could too.
16:54It really was just a job to him.
16:56This is too important.
16:58I can't do it.
17:03Hey, you're not in there.
17:10Wanna talk about it?
17:12You must be really sick of hearing my problems.
17:15I wouldn't be standing here if I was.
17:20Abby can't do this on her own.
17:22She needs counselling.
17:23She'll come around.
17:24When she gets an idea in her head...
17:26Okay, listen to me.
17:28She's still here.
17:29That's a really good sign.
17:30Just give her a chance.
17:33Why is this the first time hearing about it?
17:36Well, it's not like it's the first time a tick has given me a bit of curry.
17:38Yeah, but, Dad, you have a history of heart issues.
17:40I should have been here.
17:41I didn't want to worry you over nothing.
17:43It's not nothing.
17:44I mean, you just said there were complications.
17:46I can't make a big deal out of it.
17:48Dad, this is a big deal.
17:50I mean, what if things had gone the other way and I wasn't here
17:52and I couldn't say goodbye to you?
17:54I mean, you could have died.
17:58Okay, I'm sorry.
17:59I'm sorry.
18:06I'm sorry.
18:14This morning you said you didn't want to burden your brother.
18:16So, how does not going to counselling fit in with that?
18:20I'm not going to change my mind.
18:21Just, please, Levi.
18:23He's just trying to look out for you.
18:36It's a lot of food for one person.
18:39It'd be a shame to let it go to waste.
18:43I get it.
18:44You're my big brother.
18:45But you don't get to tell me what to do.
18:49You're also not the enemy.
18:53Does that mean you're staying for lunch?
18:57And maybe we can talk about other options for counsellors?
19:00I'm not telling you what...
19:07But I'm not going with anyone that tempts you, Jess.
19:09Hey, that's fine by me.
19:20You always seem to know the exact thing to say to her.
19:23She just needed a friend.
19:25A friend.
19:29I cannot believe I didn't see this sooner.
19:31It is so obvious.
19:33You've got a crush on Abby.
19:37I don't know what you're talking about.
19:40Oh, I think you do, Molly.
19:57So, enough.
19:58I'm a bit all out of the shop at the minute.
20:00You've had a big health scare.
20:03It's only natural.
20:04That's one way of putting it.
20:07Anyway, like you said, the doctors gave you the all clear.
20:11So there's nothing more to worry about.
20:14I mean, that's right, isn't it?
20:19Any one of us could be in a car accident.
20:21Fall off a ladder.
20:23Eat a dodgy prawn.
20:25And that's it.
20:26You're down the drain.
20:28Dad, you can't think like that.
20:30You know, it can come down to one doctor's bad day.
20:35They make one mistake,
20:37and you're done and dusted.
20:41What do you mean, one doctor's bad day?
20:46What are you not telling me?
20:54I'm glad that you're back, and you're in a good place.
20:57I've missed you.
21:00My dad had a major medical event,
21:02and Bree did nothing?
21:05I thought I'd find you here.
21:07When did you get back?
21:08As soon as I found out my father needed me.
21:10I'm so sorry for what happened to Al.
21:12Are you?
21:13Because he was your patient,
21:14and he put his trust in you,
21:16and you let him down.
21:17Has Bree left yet?
21:18Not yet.
21:19I really thought that this was over,
21:20but it's just going to keep following me around.