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Good Morning Pakistan is your first source of entertainment as soon as you wake up in the morning, keeping you energized for the rest of the day.

Host: Nida Yasir

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#aroobamirza #zainabraza #danishnawaz #newyearcelebration


00:00:19Asalam-o-Alaikum, good morning, good morning Pakistan
00:00:22How are you?
00:00:24I didn't get much time, I should have closed my shoe straps
00:00:27Anyway, these things don't matter anymore
00:00:30Because when you learn a lot of things
00:00:34You know in the world
00:00:36I know that the camera won't go on my feet
00:00:38Don't you dare take it
00:00:40That's why I don't have any tension
00:00:42There was a time when there was always this tension
00:00:45I don't know if I'm looking good or not
00:00:47I don't know if the clothes are looking good or not
00:00:49There was no confidence
00:00:51And that confidence slowly with time, with age
00:00:53Developed when you became a groom
00:00:55Because in life
00:00:57There are a lot of mistakes in every field
00:01:01Whether it's studies
00:01:03Whether it's your language
00:01:05Whether it's your dressing up
00:01:07Whether it's makeup
00:01:09You make a lot of mistakes in life
00:01:11And anyway, only after making mistakes
00:01:13A person gets some sense
00:01:15Sometimes wrong marriages also happen
00:01:17May Allah have mercy
00:01:19And because of those wrong marriages
00:01:21The whole life is toxic
00:01:23Whether it's a woman or a man
00:01:25They keep hurting themselves
00:01:27Or they end the relationship
00:01:29Which causes more harm to the family
00:01:31And the children
00:01:33So you learn only after learning
00:01:35You understand
00:01:37When you get hit
00:01:39And why do they say
00:01:41Make the children strong
00:01:43Don't raise them in your wings
00:01:45That's why we say everything
00:01:47If I talk in slang
00:01:49We take every cat on our head
00:01:51And to save the children
00:01:53We keep them in our wings
00:01:55And keep them safe from the sun
00:01:57The heart wants this
00:01:59What to do
00:02:01So that the children don't get any harm
00:02:03But the little harm
00:02:05That they get
00:02:07Because of that
00:02:09What do you say
00:02:11The same thing applies to this
00:02:13Until you don't get hit
00:02:15You won't be strong
00:02:17And you won't get strength
00:02:19To compete with people
00:02:21For example
00:02:23Your little children
00:02:25My child often complains
00:02:27That his class fellows bully him
00:02:29You are also bullied
00:02:31I am also bullied
00:02:33But today's children
00:02:35Have hit him a lot
00:02:37So how do you make your children strong
00:02:39You will tell them
00:02:41You will make them understand
00:02:43You will talk to them
00:02:45Because of which
00:02:47They will develop strength
00:02:49That someone is with me
00:02:51Someone is standing behind me
00:02:53No one can make me fall
00:02:57When you get strength
00:03:01It is very easy for you to say
00:03:03Learn and learn
00:03:05This was my topic
00:03:07Learn and learn
00:03:09I forgot myself
00:03:11Whether it was my topic or not
00:03:13If I talk about my life
00:03:15I should leave
00:03:17My life before the morning show
00:03:19It has been 16 years
00:03:21Since I did the morning show
00:03:23In that same life
00:03:25I have seen myself in different things
00:03:27If you watch my program
00:03:29You will see
00:03:35I still make a lot of mistakes
00:03:37But when I make a mistake
00:03:39I know that today I made a mistake
00:03:41I wore wrong clothes
00:03:43I don't know
00:03:45I used to have confidence
00:03:47I used to wear wrong hair
00:03:49I used to wear wrong jewelry
00:03:51I used to talk like this
00:03:55When time passes
00:03:57You learn and understand
00:03:59Today we will talk about grooming
00:04:09If you take yourself 10 years back
00:04:11You will think
00:04:13You wore wrong clothes
00:04:15You used wrong skin care
00:04:17You made wrong hair
00:04:19You took wrong hair cut
00:04:21You took wrong dye
00:04:23You see pictures
00:04:25You regret
00:04:27Why didn't I understand this earlier
00:04:29You learn and learn
00:04:31A lot of teenagers
00:04:33Especially your children
00:04:35I am very impressed with teenagers
00:04:37They know everything
00:04:39What hair oil is in
00:04:41What skin care is in
00:04:43What makeup is going on
00:04:45They know everything
00:04:47I am very impressed with
00:04:49Teenagers who know
00:04:51The world and technology
00:04:53I am very impressed with them
00:04:55I learn from them
00:04:57Earlier we used to learn from our elders
00:04:59Now the time has come
00:05:01We learn from our younger ones
00:05:03After a short break
00:05:05Let's go
00:05:07If you
00:05:09Don't learn from your life
00:05:11Do you think
00:05:13There is nothing in your life
00:05:15That I can learn from
00:05:17I have the same routine
00:05:19Sending kids to school
00:05:21Cooking food
00:05:23Cleaning the house
00:05:25What do I have to learn
00:05:27Why not
00:05:29Learn for yourself
00:05:37Welcome back
00:05:39Look at my confidence
00:05:41My team said
00:05:43Please don't wear cotton clothes
00:05:45Because in normal life
00:05:47I don't look fat
00:05:49But on screen 10 pounds increase
00:05:51That's why I look fat
00:05:53But because I was comfortable
00:05:55So I changed
00:05:57With me today
00:05:59To learn and teach
00:06:01Ghazal Siddiq and Veenish
00:06:07I have to sit in the show
00:06:09Sometimes you don't try
00:06:11The clothes
00:06:13You wear the designer's clothes
00:06:15You feel uncomfortable
00:06:17The most important thing is
00:06:19Your confidence
00:06:21When you feel comfortable
00:06:23You can carry those clothes
00:06:25I am sitting in my home clothes
00:06:27Today I will look fat
00:06:29But I am comfortable
00:06:33And it's your own
00:06:39Today's topic is
00:06:41Learn and learn
00:06:43Was there a day
00:06:45When you wanted to hide
00:06:47Your pictures
00:06:49What do I look
00:06:51I was very confident
00:06:53I was confident
00:06:55When you are young
00:07:01You think the world is yours
00:07:03Whatever you wear
00:07:05You think you look good
00:07:07But after that
00:07:09We have our own fashions
00:07:11We have our own requirements
00:07:13We do our best
00:07:15We don't feel
00:07:17We are doing wrong
00:07:19After that
00:07:21When fashion changes
00:07:23We don't like our pictures
00:07:25What am I wearing
00:07:27How did I do my hair
00:07:29There was a play
00:07:33In that
00:07:35Shehnaaz Sheikh's
00:07:39I did that
00:07:41Now when I see my pictures
00:07:43I think
00:07:45What was I thinking
00:07:47What did I become
00:07:49You have kept those fringes
00:07:51I remember
00:07:55Is your sister your twin sister
00:07:57She looks a lot like you
00:07:59She is many years older than me
00:08:01But there is a lot of similarity
00:08:03So much
00:08:07I remember
00:08:09You both looked the same
00:08:11I didn't know about you
00:08:13But when I saw you
00:08:15I thought are they twins
00:08:17Can they look so similar
00:08:19I remember
00:08:21She used to work
00:08:23One day she came to pick up her car
00:08:25She was sick
00:08:27I told her she is not coming
00:08:29She said she is saying
00:08:31She is not coming
00:08:33This used to happen
00:08:35I told her
00:08:37You will be surprised
00:08:39You will be surprised
00:08:41You look so similar
00:08:43If she is older or younger
00:08:47How old is the gap
00:08:49I will tell you
00:08:51I don't think so
00:08:53One of them
00:08:55Was a little bulky
00:08:59You were thin
00:09:01She was not a little
00:09:03You think there is a lot of difference
00:09:05If you look at sisters
00:09:07New people
00:09:09The story of fringes
00:09:11I will show you
00:09:13But you look so good
00:09:15Not bad
00:09:17I like it
00:09:19I see that lipstick
00:09:21I used to leave it
00:09:25You didn't put anything in it
00:09:27A little gloss
00:09:29You should merge it
00:09:31Madam Noor
00:09:33Her lipstick had
00:09:35Outline and light
00:09:37Masarat Nazeer
00:09:39She used to put outline
00:09:41I remember that time
00:09:43Even before you
00:09:47Nida said
00:09:49Give me pictures
00:09:51In which you feel
00:09:53That it is not good
00:09:55I have hidden my moustache
00:09:57Once in a group
00:09:59My sisters sent
00:10:01And my husband
00:10:05But it was not less
00:10:07It was so dry
00:10:11I can't imagine
00:10:15Her father used to make her wear
00:10:19In his pants and shirt
00:10:21Is there any picture?
00:10:25I should have brought her picture
00:10:27I can't imagine him
00:10:31I have always seen him fat
00:10:33I have never seen you
00:10:35Marry you
00:10:37I was not bad
00:10:39She broke all records
00:10:41You are getting more handsome
00:10:43You tell us your story
00:10:45How did you learn?
00:10:47I had a very experimental
00:10:53There were stylish women around me
00:10:55I couldn't do big blunders
00:10:57But when I went to hair school
00:10:59I was very experimental
00:11:01I used to do colorful hair
00:11:03In which I did a lot of blunders
00:11:05I did some hair colors
00:11:07Which were not
00:11:09Suiting my personality
00:11:11Apart from that
00:11:13When you are learning
00:11:15Do you think you have to
00:11:17Put the whole shop on your face
00:11:19I was young
00:11:21And my skin was always clean
00:11:23Every girl has teenage acne
00:11:25I never had such issues
00:11:27Even today
00:11:29When I pick up those pictures
00:11:31I think
00:11:33Why am I wearing such thick foundation
00:11:35When I don't need it
00:11:37Number one
00:11:39Plus full eye makeup
00:11:41Which doesn't need dark eyes
00:11:43By the time I realized
00:11:45That dark eyes
00:11:47Don't suit me
00:11:49Proper liners
00:11:51Which I enjoyed a lot in 90's
00:11:53I didn't need to apply them
00:11:55Because they didn't suit my eye shape
00:11:57But I enjoyed it a lot
00:11:59There was a point
00:12:01That I didn't go out without liner
00:12:03And today I don't apply liner
00:12:05Only on edges
00:12:07But you learned
00:12:09I was obsessed with liner
00:12:11There was a trend in 90's
00:12:13Liner and brown lipstick
00:12:15I remember
00:12:17I applied three colors on one eye
00:12:19And they were so vibrant
00:12:21One green, one orange
00:12:23And now I think
00:12:25What have I done
00:12:27Earlier wedding makeup was like this
00:12:31I remember my aunt's
00:12:33Bridal picture
00:12:35There is golden in the middle
00:12:37There is green here
00:12:39And shocking pink inside
00:12:41I still show them
00:12:43What were you thinking
00:12:45Becoming a clown
00:12:47All my aunt's wedding pictures
00:12:49Had the same
00:12:51Green, pink
00:12:53And tickets
00:12:55These were my mom's
00:12:57But she was a beautiful bride
00:13:01I am talking about you and me
00:13:03We learned a lot from here
00:13:07You said
00:13:09You pick stylish people
00:13:11You meet big makeup artists
00:13:13To groom you
00:13:15By the way
00:13:17On PTV
00:13:19We used to do heavy makeup
00:13:21Now the trend has changed
00:13:23I think it was because of lights
00:13:25Cameras have changed
00:13:27Cameras have changed
00:13:29I have worked on those cameras
00:13:31Cameras have changed
00:13:33Even the beauty products
00:13:35Were not that refined
00:13:37All these
00:13:39Refined, no makeup
00:13:41Thin, light weight foundations
00:13:43Have started to be made now
00:13:45Because they were not made in those days
00:13:47Maximum good foundations
00:13:49Used to come in those days
00:13:51Estee Lauder Double Wear
00:13:53And MAC
00:13:55Other than that
00:13:57There was no concept
00:13:59Less is more
00:14:01There was no concept
00:14:05I was raised
00:14:07Surrounded by all the Irani women
00:14:09Less is more is not a sentence
00:14:11Until they are ready
00:14:13No one will look at them
00:14:15So I have always been like that
00:14:17I didn't have
00:14:19Those basic styling issues
00:14:21Because they were around
00:14:23So I learned it
00:14:25But I had problems
00:14:27Because they were all fair
00:14:29I was the only one on tan
00:14:31So I made mistakes in choosing
00:14:33The colours of the clothes
00:14:35Now it's like
00:14:37Grandma's clothes are being made
00:14:39Grandma is fair, Chitti has blue eyes
00:14:41And Aubin has hair
00:14:43So sometimes
00:14:45I had to learn
00:14:47And I had to teach others also
00:14:49That it suits you
00:14:51It doesn't suit me
00:14:53So I hit these blunders
00:14:55Plus the hair colours
00:14:57You are learning
00:14:59What confidence you have
00:15:01Whatever I am learning
00:15:03It will look good on me
00:15:05And I think in teenage
00:15:07The level of confidence is different
00:15:09You will be standing like a clown
00:15:11You will feel
00:15:13I am the best
00:15:15Confidence is beauty
00:15:17I am the best
00:15:19You have been to a wedding
00:15:21And you have worn your favourite clothes
00:15:23I remember
00:15:25I had to go on a special occasion
00:15:27My uncle had sent rollers
00:15:29To my mother
00:15:31From Germany
00:15:33Now a days
00:15:35The packing material
00:15:37Had a wire
00:15:39And it used to spin
00:15:41So it used to spin
00:15:43So we used to
00:15:45Go back and forth
00:15:47We used to put it
00:15:49And then
00:15:51I remember
00:15:53I used to wear white
00:15:55And my mother's saree
00:15:57And I used to look beautiful
00:15:59And I think I am looking good
00:16:01I didn't even blend the curls
00:16:03I just opened it
00:16:05And now a days
00:16:07When I was learning from you
00:16:09From so many years
00:16:11I used to laugh
00:16:13I used to blend it
00:16:15I used to mix it
00:16:17But why did you praise me
00:16:19I used to look beautiful
00:16:21The trend of
00:16:23Blending the curls
00:16:25Is started after
00:16:29There was no concept before that
00:16:31The direction was the same
00:16:33You put it like this
00:16:35You put it like this
00:16:37You put it like this
00:16:39In old movies
00:16:41There are things like this
00:16:43I didn't even do it like this
00:16:45The roller was like this
00:16:47It was like this
00:16:49I can see your bangs
00:16:51I used to laugh
00:16:53And I used to feel
00:16:57Shaista used to do this show
00:16:59Shaista called me on her show
00:17:01And I did the same
00:17:03Curly hair
00:17:05I used to laugh
00:17:07I am talking about
00:17:0916-17 years ago
00:17:11I did the curls
00:17:13And I used to laugh
00:17:15That I am sitting on this platform
00:17:17With curly hair
00:17:19By the way, Nida
00:17:21You have very beautiful features
00:17:23You were looking like an egg
00:17:25I was looking like an egg
00:17:27You must be looking good
00:17:29We have done a lot
00:17:31Of mistakes
00:17:33And you must have also done
00:17:35But it is not necessary
00:17:37That you get stuck on those mistakes
00:17:39There are a lot of celebrities
00:17:41Who are the same
00:17:43As they were before
00:17:45You haven't changed yourself
00:17:49Guests come to my show
00:17:51And I tell them
00:17:53You have such a good skin
00:17:55Why are you applying
00:17:57Such a heavy foundation
00:17:59You have such a beautiful skin
00:18:01Without makeup
00:18:05I agree with you
00:18:07I have worked with a lot of actors
00:18:09Who are playing the role of mothers
00:18:13If they don't do it
00:18:15Their roles and work
00:18:17Becomes very strict
00:18:23While playing the role of mothers
00:18:25They forget that
00:18:27They are not leading
00:18:29They are playing motherly characters
00:18:31So, the styling
00:18:33Which you do
00:18:35As a young actress
00:18:37Is missing
00:18:39There are a lot of celebrities
00:18:41Like Sawa Hameed
00:18:43I like her styling
00:18:45A lot
00:18:47She has been very neutral
00:18:49She is very basic and neutral
00:18:51If you see some old dramas
00:18:53Their styling was not
00:18:57Even today
00:18:59They play safe games
00:19:01Basic and safe
00:19:03I am talking about the women
00:19:05Who are playing motherly roles
00:19:07But they don't have
00:19:09I have seen
00:19:11A lot of celebrities
00:19:13Who have a posh character
00:19:15I have noticed
00:19:17If they tie their hair
00:19:19They tie it here
00:19:21If they are wearing
00:19:25The whole set will be dirty
00:19:27And it does not fit
00:19:29In a posh character
00:19:31So, when you say
00:19:33That the media teaches you a lot
00:19:35Sometimes the media
00:19:37Does not mean
00:19:39That what you see on TV
00:19:41Styling wise
00:19:43Or what you see on YouTube
00:19:45Everything is right
00:19:49When plays are made
00:19:51There is a makeup artist
00:19:53And no stylist
00:19:55Where do you get so much budget
00:19:57So, you see
00:19:59Who has a style
00:20:01You see a lot of clothes
00:20:03Like I am watching
00:20:05A drama
00:20:07Where Sawera and Harim's clothes are stitched
00:20:09If Sawera Nadeem
00:20:11Is shown rich
00:20:13She is wearing plain clothes
00:20:15I was noticing
00:20:17That she is looking rich
00:20:19She is wearing
00:20:21Pure clothes
00:20:23And there is a show
00:20:25The look and feel of the drama
00:20:29The helpers
00:20:31Are shown to the maids
00:20:33They are not printed
00:20:35They are in uniform
00:20:37So, a lot of things have changed
00:20:39I think
00:20:41That show
00:20:43With Rubina Ashraf, Smethi Kaur
00:20:45And Nadia Kharood
00:20:47Coming back to our topic
00:20:49That age is graceful
00:20:53Now, Ghazal
00:20:55Let's show your picture
00:20:57Show it
00:21:01There is something behind this
00:21:03Is it a photo shoot
00:21:05No, listen
00:21:07When I was
00:21:09In the media
00:21:11I was not new
00:21:13I was inspired by a model
00:21:15I saw a look
00:21:17I don't remember
00:21:19I saw a look
00:21:21Look at her confidence
00:21:23She has brought her pictures
00:21:25People don't bring their pictures
00:21:27She is a star
00:21:29She is going to remain the star
00:21:31Star is always a star
00:21:33And secondly
00:21:35Hollywood or Bollywood
00:21:37We are small artists
00:21:39When you see their old things
00:21:41You will see the difference
00:21:43Grooming wise
00:21:47Coming back to
00:21:49I had an Eid show with Nabeel
00:21:51In that
00:21:53I didn't have a style
00:21:55I wore a shirt
00:21:57And my hair
00:21:59My hair used to be short
00:22:01When I was a teenager
00:22:03My hair is short
00:22:07I don't remember
00:22:09I haven't done anything
00:22:11Show me the picture before that
00:22:13There was no discussion
00:22:15Show me that
00:22:17Which model did you copy
00:22:19Now you see
00:22:25Eyebrows are not that long
00:22:27Now you talk about it
00:22:29I took one eye shadow
00:22:31And spread it
00:22:33With my expression and style
00:22:35I took the model's picture
00:22:37I did a lot of things
00:22:39And hair
00:22:41Did you stick two sticks
00:22:43And hang it on your face
00:22:47Did you apply water
00:22:49It looks like a chikni
00:22:51Water, sweat, gel
00:22:53I don't remember
00:22:55I remember
00:22:57There is a product
00:23:01It's a photo shoot
00:23:05It's a photo shoot
00:23:07The chin
00:23:11It was there
00:23:13They had both
00:23:15They had
00:23:17Small chiseled cheeks
00:23:19And this
00:23:21I was approached
00:23:23For the first time
00:23:25It was a diamond modeling
00:23:27I couldn't see my face
00:23:29They took my face as a shadow
00:23:31With cuts
00:23:35They said
00:23:37We want it black
00:23:39We will apply diamonds
00:23:41I couldn't see my face
00:23:43They used your cuts
00:23:45Let's see the next picture
00:23:49There was a time
00:23:51A lot of backcombing
00:23:53And hair was tied
00:23:55Without thinking
00:23:57What is the cut
00:23:59Your face will look wider
00:24:01This is making you look
00:24:03Older than what you were
00:24:05Aging at that point
00:24:07And this is the reason
00:24:09When we see our early plays
00:24:11When people see us
00:24:13If she is looking so old
00:24:15They judge
00:24:17We don't know
00:24:19What mistakes we have made
00:24:21But the skin tells
00:24:23Your age
00:24:25I don't care
00:24:27At that time
00:24:29They used to apply so much makeup
00:24:31When you have younger skin
00:24:33And you apply so much makeup
00:24:35You look older
00:24:37If you see my old pictures
00:24:39Show me
00:24:41This is an old picture
00:24:43I have brought this
00:24:45Because my hair used to be boy cut
00:24:47My hair used to be very short
00:24:49This is a picture of my sister's wedding
00:24:51And a lot of
00:24:53Kajal in the eyes
00:24:55A lot of kajal
00:24:57Why is it till here
00:25:03I am seeing that
00:25:05Lipstick is looking good
00:25:07Shimmery and glossy
00:25:11Like the shade of clothes
00:25:13Lipstick is made
00:25:15This is not mine
00:25:17Someone must have seen my pictures
00:25:19Full baby hair
00:25:21I think this is very cute
00:25:25We are taking a small break
00:25:27After the break
00:25:29We will show you
00:25:31What is learning
00:25:33You will also agree with us
00:25:35Good morning Pakistan
00:25:41Welcome back
00:25:43Good morning Pakistan
00:25:45Today's topic is
00:25:47Learn and learn
00:25:49And many times
00:25:51We have told
00:25:53How much
00:25:55We have learnt
00:25:57From teenage
00:25:59From childhood
00:26:01Till youth
00:26:03This topic
00:26:05Elevates women's confidence
00:26:07When a woman
00:26:09Is happy
00:26:11With her look
00:26:13The whole house is happy
00:26:15Her children also grow well
00:26:17The most basic thing
00:26:19Is to take care of yourself
00:26:21Believe me
00:26:25And Beenish
00:26:27My husband's friend's wife
00:26:29We used to visit her
00:26:31Her features were so beautiful
00:26:33Her face was so beautiful
00:26:35She didn't even do upper lips
00:26:39My husband's friend
00:26:41Asked my wife to make him understand
00:26:43Whenever they used to come to my house
00:26:45As a couple
00:26:47She used to look better than me
00:26:49Because I used to keep her comfortable
00:26:51I didn't judge her
00:26:53So I told her
00:26:55Please go to the salon
00:26:57Do upper lips
00:26:59Her hair was so beautiful
00:27:01Curly and long
00:27:03Not cut
00:27:05She didn't feel herself
00:27:07Very simple
00:27:09She used to say
00:27:11They don't give me money
00:27:13She used to think
00:27:15They will give money
00:27:17So she used to wear
00:27:19Dirty prints
00:27:21She used to look like that
00:27:23You can't change a person
00:27:25Who doesn't want to change himself
00:27:27No matter how much you counsel her
00:27:29How much you make her understand
00:27:31I wanted to take her
00:27:33I wanted to get her dyed
00:27:35I wanted to get her cut
00:27:37I wanted to get her moustache done
00:27:39I wanted to make her wear solid clothes
00:27:41Because her shoulders were wide
00:27:43She doesn't look good in prints
00:27:45Your relationships get better
00:27:47With your husband
00:27:49With people around you
00:27:51Because you are happy
00:27:53I remember
00:27:55Normally we don't get ready
00:27:57But whenever I used to come from shoot
00:27:59My son used to come
00:28:01He used to hug me
00:28:03He used to say
00:28:05You look good
00:28:07You smell good
00:28:09He used to be happy
00:28:11Kids are happy
00:28:13If you take care of yourself
00:28:15I love perfumes
00:28:17I love perfumes
00:28:19I love perfumes
00:28:21I love perfumes
00:28:23I love perfumes
00:28:25I love perfumes
00:28:27When your mom passes by
00:28:29She becomes your identity
00:28:31You communicate
00:28:33Through your body smell
00:28:35Your style
00:28:37Even if you don't have a perfume
00:28:39You take care of hygiene
00:28:41You take care of hygiene
00:28:43Because if a mother does this
00:28:45The kids automatically pick it
00:28:47If a father does this
00:28:49Your sons
00:28:51Pick it
00:28:53Like I said
00:28:55I was in an environment
00:28:57Where I didn't have a problem with basic things
00:28:59My problem was
00:29:01When I used to do extravagant things
00:29:03Then I used to do blunders
00:29:05So the level of blunders
00:29:07Changes for your kids
00:29:09Because they are growing
00:29:11We see around the world
00:29:13You will often see
00:29:15Chipped nails
00:29:17You will often see it in the market
00:29:19You can't see it
00:29:21But when we go out
00:29:23There was a lady at the reception
00:29:25She used to see her nails
00:29:27Whether she is old
00:29:29Young or teenage
00:29:31And the nail bars
00:29:33Were full
00:29:35Now the awareness of nails
00:29:37Has come to women
00:29:39I remember when I went for my first
00:29:41Nail course
00:29:43It was in
00:29:45If I tell you
00:29:49I am telling you how old it is
00:29:51At that time there was a salon
00:29:53Which used to do acrylic
00:29:55And after that
00:29:57When I came for the course
00:29:59They used to talk about
00:30:01Nail polish
00:30:03And nail colour
00:30:05But now I am seeing
00:30:07There is a lot of
00:30:09Halal nail polish
00:30:11It is not necessary
00:30:13That you keep your nails big
00:30:15You keep it clean
00:30:17I give break to the nails
00:30:19But your small
00:30:21But well filed
00:30:23Nail polish
00:30:25It is not necessary
00:30:27That you apply nail paints
00:30:29If you have kept your nails clean
00:30:31And buffed it
00:30:33Then it looks good
00:30:35Sometimes people don't understand
00:30:37They understand it
00:30:39I understood it very late
00:30:41There is a big time
00:30:43We work all day at home
00:30:45Because your hands and feet
00:30:47Matter a lot
00:30:49I don't think about my feet
00:30:51But I think about my hands
00:30:55We have Marukh
00:30:57And Noreen
00:30:59And they will tell us
00:31:01That they have also learned
00:31:03And today
00:31:05We will do this program
00:31:07With the common people
00:31:09So that we can tell
00:31:11Common people also roam
00:31:13Not only showbiz people
00:31:15We also learn from them
00:31:17While walking
00:31:19If we see a style
00:31:21I pick it up
00:31:23There are so many stylish women
00:31:25In my kids school
00:31:27That I am surprised
00:31:29Show your old pictures
00:31:31Of Noreen
00:31:33Noreen will see her pictures
00:31:37Now you tell
00:31:39What do you think
00:31:41I think
00:31:43The blouse
00:31:45Or the red band
00:31:47On my shirt
00:31:49If I want
00:31:51I can't do that
00:31:53It looks very odd
00:31:55Show the picture again
00:31:57I can't do that
00:31:59And your
00:32:05But the sleeves
00:32:07I don't know if the lining is full
00:32:09I was about to say
00:32:11It looks very bad
00:32:15We have told this so many times
00:32:17Either it should be full
00:32:19Or sleeveless
00:32:21And simple chiffon
00:32:23Some people
00:32:25But many people
00:32:27Must have understood the concept
00:32:31What we were telling
00:32:33It looks so weird
00:32:35That you have given
00:32:37Half of the size
00:32:39And overall
00:32:41It looks very good
00:32:43Sometimes the tailor makes a mistake
00:32:45If we tell them
00:32:47And we don't have time
00:32:49I didn't like it from the start
00:32:51But now it looks weird
00:32:55If you go to a shop
00:32:57Of ready made clothes
00:32:59It looks like this
00:33:03A designer sent me clothes
00:33:05I said I can't wear it
00:33:07They said it looks good
00:33:09But what is this?
00:33:11They said they don't buy clothes from us
00:33:13And the hair is so frizz
00:33:15I didn't blow dry it
00:33:17This is a very old picture
00:33:19I had a concert
00:33:21How can you have a concert
00:33:25Look how frizz it is
00:33:27And look at the blow dry
00:33:29I had a carriage
00:33:31So I used to
00:33:33Open the hair
00:33:35Open the hair
00:33:37This is going to a wedding
00:33:39Even it wasn't straightened
00:33:43No blow dry
00:33:45When new straighteners came
00:33:47We used to do it
00:33:49I have seen
00:33:51Growing up
00:33:53Putting my mother hot rollers
00:33:55And blow dry
00:33:57I used to
00:33:59Open it normally
00:34:01My mother used to scold me
00:34:03How will you take the hair
00:34:05Like this
00:34:07First straighten it
00:34:09I am telling you
00:34:11About 20-21 years ago
00:34:13We were doing a drama
00:34:15And Yasir was doing it
00:34:17There was a normal girl
00:34:19Who was not from showbiz
00:34:21She came to work in a shop
00:34:23Her hair
00:34:25Was always beautiful
00:34:27She had a cute face
00:34:29Her hair
00:34:31She used to do blow dry
00:34:33Whenever she used to come
00:34:35To do make up
00:34:37I was impressed
00:34:39You are a normal housewife
00:34:41She was a rich man's wife
00:34:43She was doing a shocking drama
00:34:45I told her
00:34:47You are not from showbiz
00:34:49But your hair is so beautiful
00:34:51I used to blow dry her hair
00:34:53For 3-4 days
00:34:55At that time
00:34:57We never dyed our hair
00:34:59We never used bleach
00:35:01Or chemicals
00:35:03Our hair was shining
00:35:05I used to do nothing
00:35:07To my hair
00:35:09It used to shine
00:35:11Our virgin hair
00:35:13Was beautiful
00:35:15Our hair was frizzy
00:35:19You are lucky
00:35:23You don't have a problem
00:35:25Many people have thin hair
00:35:27Some people have frizzy hair
00:35:29It can be anything
00:35:33I had long hair
00:35:35But I had curly hair
00:35:37I had frizzy hair
00:35:39If I don't blow dry my hair
00:35:41It doesn't shine
00:35:45If you don't take care of your hair
00:35:47It doesn't shine
00:35:51My hair is still fine
00:35:53I have taken care of it
00:35:57My sister's hair
00:35:59I don't have that much
00:36:01I take care of my hair
00:36:03While staying in media
00:36:05It's a big thing
00:36:07It's very difficult
00:36:09Let's show the next picture of Noreen
00:36:11She will tell us
00:36:13Noreen will start
00:36:15I have put flowers on my hair
00:36:17I can't do this
00:36:19I have tied my hair
00:36:21And I have a side part
00:36:23I can't do this
00:36:31Your eyebrows are very thin
00:36:33Very thin
00:36:35It has become a fashion
00:36:37That you have thick eyebrows
00:36:39It suits you
00:36:41Tell me one thing
00:36:43When Rekha was young
00:36:45She wore a Banarasi sari
00:36:47Sridevi and Rekha
00:36:49In all the films
00:36:51I have done this in so many marriages
00:36:53In my teenage
00:36:55With brown lipstick
00:36:57Like Rekha
00:36:59I have tied my hair
00:37:01And I have tied my hair
00:37:03Like this
00:37:05I used to laugh
00:37:07When I used to see my hair like this
00:37:09And when my hair used to dry
00:37:11There used to be only threads
00:37:13When my hair used to dry
00:37:15There used to be only threads
00:37:17The color used to change
00:37:19And now
00:37:21The fashion of baking gajra
00:37:23Is in such a good style
00:37:27What we are talking about
00:37:29Is becoming very stylish
00:37:31After a few years
00:37:33We will laugh at these things
00:37:35What fashion was this
00:37:37What straight blow dry
00:37:39It used to look good
00:37:41And now it looks good
00:37:43Sorry to cut you off
00:37:45But you don't look bad in your outfit
00:37:47Of course
00:37:49They are multicolored people
00:37:51More than multicolored
00:37:55I cannot believe it
00:37:59This is angrakha
00:38:01How can angrakha be two colored
00:38:03It was fashion at that time
00:38:05It was never fashion
00:38:07It is blue from one side
00:38:09And orange from the other
00:38:11Even now
00:38:13There was a fashion of many colors
00:38:15There are many designers
00:38:17Who wear rose
00:38:19No no
00:38:21Angrakha is always one color
00:38:23You made it with your own choice
00:38:27Blender is yours
00:38:29You are a fashion designer
00:38:31It was fashion at that time
00:38:33It is a very old picture
00:38:35There was a time
00:38:37When there was a new trend
00:38:39You can see it
00:38:41We used to say
00:38:43You have to change
00:38:45It is still a trend
00:38:47You can wear short or long
00:38:49It is not like that
00:38:51There are fashion ethics
00:38:53You have to follow them
00:38:55Otherwise you will be a fashion disaster
00:38:57On top of it
00:38:59If you modify your fashion
00:39:01It will look better
00:39:03That is the thing
00:39:05It will look good on Nida
00:39:07It will look good on me
00:39:09This is following the fashion
00:39:11Ethical values
00:39:13And the rules
00:39:15For example
00:39:17I wear short shirts
00:39:19Because it is fashion
00:39:21But in comparison
00:39:23If I wear a long shirt
00:39:25And the material will be different
00:39:27Then I will look thin
00:39:29That is why
00:39:31You gave a disclaimer to the audience
00:39:33You are giving a disclaimer
00:39:35That means you know
00:39:37But you are doing it
00:39:39Why is this show happening?
00:39:41To tell people
00:39:43That this is not right
00:39:45That something is coming from one side
00:39:47While taking advantage of it
00:39:49We should talk about it in a journal
00:39:51Why not
00:39:53What kind of solid colors are there
00:39:55What kind of prints are there
00:39:57Because we have some friends
00:39:59For example
00:40:01Angrakha will not believe
00:40:03That it is a blunder
00:40:05But as a stylist
00:40:07If asked
00:40:09This Angrakha
00:40:11What would have been better
00:40:13According to their body type
00:40:15I would have given them a darker color
00:40:17One solid color
00:40:19Now this Angrakha's belt
00:40:21Is also wide
00:40:25First we come to the fabric
00:40:27You can take a small booties
00:40:29Medium size
00:40:31Medium size in orange
00:40:33And in aqua
00:40:35If you want to buy it
00:40:37Take a smaller size
00:40:39If you want a booty
00:40:41Pick a solid plain color
00:40:43You can take that
00:40:45Plus it should be on a darker side
00:40:47Like if there is a wedding
00:40:49Black and red and gold combination
00:40:51How many colors
00:40:53If you use solid colors
00:40:55Is there a criteria
00:40:57For how many colors to use
00:40:59It all depends on what you are making
00:41:01Angrakha is one thing
00:41:03to add color, like the border of the sleeve, the band of the neck, or the band below
00:41:08You can add color in this band as well, this band, the long one
00:41:12You can add color in this as well, but only a small piping
00:41:15Not big bands
00:41:17You can't add a lot of color in everything
00:41:19But when it comes to lehenga, you can add a little color
00:41:23But if there is a lot of vibrant color, there is no focal point
00:41:27Where will your attention go?
00:41:28You have to be focused
00:41:29And secondly, can different shades of the same color be used?
00:41:34Of course, they can be used
00:41:36Depending on your body type, what you are making
00:41:40And where you are going, what are the timings
00:41:43Because a lot of times, people make a major mistake
00:41:46Although it is a very small thing, that's why it is neglected
00:41:49They don't even know the colors of day and night
00:41:51Of course
00:41:52They really don't know the colors that they will wear during the day
00:41:56If you wear it at night, it will look very beautiful
00:41:58And if you wear the same thing at night, you won't get up
00:42:01But the thing you wear at night, it is getting up
00:42:03You won't get up if you wear it during the day
00:42:05So there are some colors, you have to understand the color scheming
00:42:08Like try to wear light colors during the day
00:42:12Don't wear bright red
00:42:14Don't wear such things
00:42:16Don't wear bright yellow
00:42:18Evening wear is different, night wear is different
00:42:21So apart from colors, apart from cuts, all these things
00:42:24How do you understand?
00:42:25If you focus, you will understand
00:42:27Like again, as she said
00:42:29If someone doesn't want to change, doesn't want to focus
00:42:32Doesn't want to give importance to anything
00:42:34How do you change?
00:42:35Because a lot of people are lazy
00:42:38There is laziness too
00:42:39There is laziness too
00:42:40Once upon a time, I used to like brown lipstick, brown makeup
00:42:44I was a teenager, I used to do brown makeup
00:42:47Big makeup artists
00:42:48No Nidha, don't do brown, you are not old
00:42:51You do brown makeup and sit, I didn't listen
00:42:53I was a straight fakir
00:42:54But when I moved away from that line
00:42:57I said, oh wow, this is looking good
00:42:59Light pink makeup
00:43:01Bubbly look, teenage look, the way I am
00:43:03I was in that era, I am looking like that
00:43:06Otherwise, I was a straight fakir
00:43:08We are taking a small break
00:43:09Acceptance is very important
00:43:10Yes, a lot, a lot
00:43:11After a small break, keep watching Good Morning Pakistan
00:43:14Learn and learn
00:43:24Welcome, welcome back
00:43:26Good morning Pakistan
00:43:27We learned today's show
00:43:30Falling, getting up, studying
00:43:34Whatever happened
00:43:35Did a lot of blunders
00:43:37And then after going to the blunders
00:43:39I understood something
00:43:40And this understanding is not over yet
00:43:42Learning is still going on
00:43:44As time goes by
00:43:47Fashion is changing
00:43:49Wearing and flying is changing
00:43:51The way of talking, walking
00:43:53Laughing, talking, singing, eating, drinking
00:43:55Mannerism, everything
00:43:57We are still learning
00:43:59And you keep learning till the grave
00:44:01So, the difference has come
00:44:05That now the elders have also started learning from the children
00:44:09Otherwise, there was a time when we could not say anything to our parents
00:44:13We said, what are you doing?
00:44:16How many times did I like
00:44:18My mother used to wear anything
00:44:21With her own will
00:44:22My mother used to say, what is this?
00:44:24You go, you don't know
00:44:26But now if our child tells us
00:44:28That I don't like this
00:44:30Then we understand
00:44:32That he is right
00:44:33Because now social media
00:44:35The world is like a global village
00:44:37They have brought you so close
00:44:39Everything is at your fingertips
00:44:41And those children are ahead of us in technology
00:44:44They are seeing all the trends
00:44:47Like I was admiring Nida in the break
00:44:51I said, Nida, one thing is very good about you
00:44:53That you give credit to your children
00:44:55That if we learn from our children
00:44:57Then we should take pride
00:44:59That our children are teaching us
00:45:01See, the standard of education has also changed
00:45:03The kind of education we took
00:45:05Now as things are moving forward
00:45:08Technology and syllabus are changing
00:45:12It is getting more advanced
00:45:14So now they know more things than us
00:45:18We have become old compared to them
00:45:21You can't scold them
00:45:23You can't say, shut up, you don't know anything
00:45:25But now we listen to them
00:45:27If my husband has to wear something
00:45:29If there is a special occasion
00:45:31Then he mixes and matches those things
00:45:33And asks his daughter
00:45:34Is it okay?
00:45:35Is it done?
00:45:36Is it this?
00:45:37Then she says okay
00:45:38I also do something like this
00:45:40I also use Pinterest
00:45:42So many apps have come
00:45:44Seriously, I will tell you today
00:45:47So many apps have come
00:45:49That if you have to prepare for something
00:45:53Or have to do something
00:45:55You can get help from there
00:45:57Instead of asking this or that
00:45:59There are many videos on YouTube
00:46:01Google it
00:46:03Try it
00:46:05So we have
00:46:07Our next
00:46:09Common people
00:46:12Marukh also does modelling
00:46:15Professionally or casually?
00:46:17I was casually doing it
00:46:19And some pictures of casually
00:46:21Are going to come in front of you
00:46:23And after seeing them
00:46:25I laugh
00:46:27And sometimes I get so angry
00:46:29That this is me
00:46:31This was my cut
00:46:32This was my look
00:46:33Marukh show us
00:46:35Let's see
00:46:39Marukh did this
00:46:41Modelling for Digest
00:46:43So the Digest people
00:46:45Were sleeping
00:46:46That this contour
00:46:47Show it again
00:46:51Beenish look here
00:46:52Put some light
00:46:54That the contour
00:46:56I am speechless
00:46:58For this fashion disaster
00:47:00I am so sorry
00:47:02Whoever has styled you
00:47:04And this is a cover of a famous Digest
00:47:06I am so sorry
00:47:08It's a disaster
00:47:10How long ago did you do this?
00:47:12It's not that old
00:47:16And I kept telling people
00:47:18What is this?
00:47:20You did make up
00:47:24But how could you do this to yourself?
00:47:26How did you get the sense?
00:47:28I got the sense
00:47:30At that time also
00:47:32I was saying
00:47:34Why is the blush so over
00:47:36My eyes are so big
00:47:38So why are you taking the liner
00:47:42And like
00:47:44According to this jewellery
00:47:46And this hairstyle
00:47:48It doesn't suit me
00:47:50So the answer came from there
00:47:52Are you a make up artist or us?
00:47:54And one more thing
00:47:56You are new
00:47:58New people are suppressed by Beenish
00:48:00What do you know?
00:48:02You keep quiet
00:48:04But with me
00:48:10The bridal make up
00:48:12If there is an artist like this
00:48:14He makes it like this
00:48:16And the brides have to understand
00:48:18We have to wear everything at the same time
00:48:20This is the problem
00:48:22The concept of jewellery
00:48:24Like you said
00:48:26You have to wear everything
00:48:28You have worn a necklace
00:48:30You have worn earrings
00:48:32You have worn something on your head
00:48:34If you had worn so much jewellery
00:48:36You could have kept simple hair
00:48:38You didn't have to wear green
00:48:40This is a dupatta
00:48:42I think
00:48:44She made a bangle and wore a dupatta
00:48:46This is not a dupatta
00:48:48I can see hair
00:48:50This is a hair clip
00:48:52I am a stylist
00:48:54My eyes go inside
00:48:56And take out everything
00:48:58This is a hair clip
00:49:00Hair clip
00:49:04You tell us
00:49:06I am telling you
00:49:08You are giving her respect
00:49:10Dupatta is a dupatta
00:49:12We are learning
00:49:14We are on grooming
00:49:16We have to teach make up artists
00:49:18Tell us what is wrong
00:49:20First of all
00:49:24The forehead
00:49:26The face structure
00:49:28The hair
00:49:30The gel back
00:49:32The centre parting
00:49:34Where have you done it?
00:49:36I have done it
00:49:38I am telling you
00:49:40The hair
00:49:42The hair
00:49:44The hair
00:49:46The hair
00:49:48The hair
00:49:50The hair
00:49:52The hair
00:49:54The hair
00:49:56I am telling you
00:49:58It is orange
00:50:00They think
00:50:02They think
00:50:08I think
00:50:10The poor girl
00:50:12Has done a great work
00:50:14It is not done
00:50:16Dupatta is orange
00:50:18The bag
00:50:22The hair
00:50:24nail colour, you could have removed the bag and bought a gold one, because it has gold
00:50:31in it. I said in everything that this thing is looking
00:50:35too much, sometimes a person gives his own opinion that this thing is looking too much.
00:50:40Do you have any more? Yes, I have more.
00:50:42In the whole show, this was the only thing that I wanted to talk about.
00:50:44Show me more. See this.
00:50:46What did you do? See this.
00:50:48This is such a horrible look. You are so funny.
00:50:51It looks like it is lying down. Yes.
00:50:53It looks like the necklace is lying down.
00:50:55And look at the hair.
00:50:57It is too much.
00:50:59I mean, I can look good in a simple look.
00:51:02I want to minus the necklace.
00:51:04I will take it out of the picture.
00:51:06Yes, absolutely.
00:51:08Tell me how to fix this?
00:51:10This can't be fixed.
00:51:12Wash your face.
00:51:14Wash your face and do like this.
00:51:16Okay, let's leave the make-up.
00:51:19Come to the hair colour.
00:51:21Have you changed the hair colour?
00:51:23Yes, I have changed it.
00:51:24Do you still need to change it, Binish?
00:51:26Yes, definitely.
00:51:27Okay, Binish, please tell us.
00:51:31Which hair colour is suitable for our complexion?
00:51:33Because when women go to the salon,
00:51:35our pigment is orange from inside.
00:51:38So, when every woman is bleached,
00:51:40the pigment is orange.
00:51:42And on top of that,
00:51:44whenever they apply any colour,
00:51:46it comes out as orange.
00:51:48Mostly, the women who have orange hair colour...
00:51:50She has asked a very good question.
00:51:52What should we do according to our complexion?
00:51:54Look at my complexion.
00:51:56Binish, bring your pony forward.
00:51:58Look, she has also done the colour.
00:52:00It doesn't look bad.
00:52:02That's what I was coming to tell you.
00:52:04Look, it's not about the complexion.
00:52:06It's about the undertones.
00:52:08And plus, it's about achieving the right tone.
00:52:11Binish, why don't your hair look orange?
00:52:13What's the reason?
00:52:14You also have blonde hair.
00:52:16Look, Nida, blonde is a very high-maintenance colour.
00:52:19I want to tell this to everyone on this platform.
00:52:21Because as a hair colourist,
00:52:23I face this problem a lot.
00:52:25I want to tell everyone at once
00:52:27what the problems are.
00:52:29Blonde is a very high-maintenance colour.
00:52:31So, if your budget is low,
00:52:33then don't even pick it up.
00:52:35That's number one.
00:52:37That's number one.
00:52:39Second, along with being high-maintenance,
00:52:41the colour,
00:52:43the scheming,
00:52:45doesn't suit everyone's personality and lifestyle.
00:52:48Let's suppose there's a girl
00:52:50who sits with 60 men in the office every day.
00:52:52She has very blonde hair.
00:52:54It won't suit her personality
00:52:56and it won't suit her job either.
00:52:58Second, let me tell you something important.
00:53:01Because we sit in the midst of so many people,
00:53:04how much do you get judged
00:53:06by the colour of your hair?
00:53:08Oh, yes.
00:53:09Do you have blonde hair?
00:53:11Yes, yes.
00:53:13So, you're a woman
00:53:15from a good family.
00:53:17Yes, yes.
00:53:18I don't know if this is a concept
00:53:20or if such women...
00:53:22Let me tell you.
00:53:24I'm always a blonde person
00:53:26because I'm surrounded
00:53:28by all the Iranians.
00:53:30So, I remember
00:53:32that a new friend of mine
00:53:34was from a conservative family.
00:53:36So, I keep coming and going
00:53:38to my friends' houses.
00:53:40So, when I went to her house
00:53:42and met her,
00:53:44her mother whispered to her
00:53:46but I could hear her
00:53:48and said,
00:53:50she's very sharp.
00:53:52And later she told her daughter
00:53:54that her hair is so blonde.
00:53:56I said,
00:53:58she judged me
00:54:00because of my blonde hair.
00:54:02So, this is what common people do.
00:54:04A lot of people will agree with me
00:54:06that if you have blonde hair,
00:54:08then your personality...
00:54:10They'll say no without seeing you.
00:54:12They consider you
00:54:14as a very outgoing
00:54:16and bold type of woman.
00:54:18But it's not like that.
00:54:20A lot of times, an introvert like me
00:54:22has blonde hair at home.
00:54:24It's not like that at all.
00:54:26But we have a criteria.
00:54:28How will you judge someone
00:54:30based on their complexion?
00:54:32So, blonde is a very
00:54:34experimental choice
00:54:36for all the Asians.
00:54:38So, if I give you a solution,
00:54:40the solution is to
00:54:42go from chestnut brown to caramel brown
00:54:44to honey brown to
00:54:46mahogany brown.
00:54:48Her complexion has faded a little.
00:54:50How many days ago did you dye your hair?
00:54:52Three months.
00:54:54Now she needs glossing
00:54:56and toning.
00:54:58So, you need to be aware
00:55:00that if you do highlights,
00:55:02you need to do toning every three months.
00:55:04Have you ever done toning?
00:55:06No, I haven't.
00:55:08I've never seen you blonde.
00:55:10It's not blonde,
00:55:12but it has a little caramel.
00:55:14I did it for a little movement.
00:55:16For dimension.
00:55:18But it looks good on you.
00:55:22It depends on the quantity.
00:55:24Let me see your inner hair.
00:55:26There's a little tint going on.
00:55:28You've just done the outlines.
00:55:30I've made it less because
00:55:32the more chemicals you use,
00:55:34the better it looks.
00:55:36It looks good.
00:55:38Do you know what I did?
00:55:4060% of her hair is
00:55:42dark brown.
00:55:4460% is dark brown.
00:55:4620-30% is chocolate brown.
00:55:48There's a brown tone
00:55:50that was previously highlighted.
00:55:52That's brown.
00:55:54And 20% is gold.
00:55:58You can also discuss
00:56:00with your stylist.
00:56:02If you're a stylist,
00:56:04you can keep the quantity
00:56:06less and still enjoy it.
00:56:08We've learned this
00:56:10from grooming.
00:56:12When you go to a stylist,
00:56:14you have to think about
00:56:16your look,
00:56:18your pictures.
00:56:20Consultation is very important
00:56:22to your hair colorist.
00:56:24Tell them about your lifestyle
00:56:26and how to maintain it.
00:56:28I don't want a light color
00:56:30like a crown.
00:56:32So, I did all of this
00:56:34with my stylist.
00:56:36Can I also change?
00:56:38I feel like
00:56:40your hair will look good.
00:56:42I've yet to see in a nice light color.
00:56:44I've never seen you in a nice light color.
00:56:46I had long hair.
00:56:48I had blonde hair.
00:56:50I didn't keep it long
00:56:52because my husband
00:56:54got it done.
00:56:56I swear.
00:57:00I must've kept it for 3 months.
00:57:02I'll show you the pictures.
00:57:04But what did I do?
00:57:06I kept it
00:57:08till here.
00:57:10I kept it black or brown.
00:57:12It was fashionable
00:57:14at that time.
00:57:16The hair below was blonde.
00:57:18The hair above the head
00:57:20was like Balayage.
00:57:22I'll show you the pictures.
00:57:24Balayage is also blended.
00:57:26It wasn't blended.
00:57:30I had long hair once
00:57:32and it was your color.
00:57:34Some men think like this
00:57:36and some men
00:57:38are like my father.
00:57:40If I'm busy for 4-5 months
00:57:42in a season,
00:57:44I don't do my roots.
00:57:46I do highlight on highlight.
00:57:48I don't do rooting.
00:57:50I don't apply color
00:57:52in the scalp
00:57:54and highlight is
00:57:56applying color from above.
00:57:58If 4 months pass by
00:58:00and the roots are black,
00:58:02my father will say
00:58:04that I'm sick.
00:58:06Why aren't you applying color?
00:58:08I'm like father,
00:58:10I don't have time.
00:58:12It takes 4-5 hours.
00:58:14There are people like this.
00:58:16My husband
00:58:18requested me
00:58:20and gave me promises.
00:58:22My husband also likes
00:58:24long hair.
00:58:28He doesn't like long hair.
00:58:30He doesn't like blonde hair.
00:58:32Is there a break?
00:58:34I don't know.
00:58:36We got carried away
00:58:38in learning.
00:58:40We'll see after a break.
00:58:42Good morning Pakistan.
00:58:46Welcome back.
00:58:48Good morning Pakistan.
00:58:50Today's topic is
00:58:52Seekh Seekhe.
00:58:54As time went by,
00:58:56we learned a lot
00:58:58in life.
00:59:00We learned about different topics.
00:59:02Whether it's cooking,
00:59:04or talking.
00:59:06Because we did a lot of blunders.
00:59:08We did a lot of blunders
00:59:10in talking as well.
00:59:12We did a lot of blunders in talking as well.
00:59:14What we said in front of guests.
00:59:16As life
00:59:18goes on,
00:59:20the world changes.
00:59:22You learn.
00:59:24You learn.
00:59:26There are some manners as well.
00:59:28If you meet a thin person,
00:59:30you can compliment them.
00:59:32You can compliment them.
00:59:34If someone is overweight,
00:59:36you can criticize them.
00:59:38I feel sad.
00:59:40Sometimes I used to say,
00:59:42what happened?
00:59:44Your complexion is bad.
00:59:46I used to do this.
00:59:48But my kids taught me.
00:59:50Mom, this is racism.
00:59:52I used to forgive them.
00:59:54We were used to it.
00:59:56When you say learn and teach,
00:59:58it's not just about makeup,
01:00:02We have to learn
01:00:04if we had
01:00:06any bad habits in life.
01:00:08Or if our personality
01:00:10was not in good shape.
01:00:12We have to shape it.
01:00:14Improve our morals.
01:00:16Our dealings.
01:00:18I started business in a
01:00:20very early stage.
01:00:22I learnt business by the time
01:00:24I started.
01:00:26I was not allowed to say no.
01:00:28Doing business
01:00:30you have to be very cut throat.
01:00:32I was not cut throat.
01:00:34I was kind hearted.
01:00:36Your personality does not
01:00:38go with your profession.
01:00:40If you go back to olden days,
01:00:42there are many myths.
01:00:44Elders are like this.
01:00:46Black cat crossed the road.
01:00:48Some elder must have
01:00:50taught us.
01:00:52If we ask kids today,
01:00:54they will say, tell us the logic.
01:00:56I was reading
01:00:58a very interesting thing.
01:01:00People engage you
01:01:02for no reason.
01:01:04They will try to make you angry.
01:01:06You will get to know that
01:01:08they are giving you time for no reason.
01:01:10Someone asked me,
01:01:12what do you say
01:01:14to a fool who
01:01:16annoys you for no reason?
01:01:18I said, yes, you are right.
01:01:20He said,
01:01:22this is wrong.
01:01:24How will you improve?
01:01:26He said,
01:01:28yes, you are right.
01:01:30We have to learn
01:01:32where to waste our time.
01:01:34Where to spend
01:01:36our productive time.
01:01:38Spend that time well.
01:01:40She is so right.
01:01:42Sometimes you don't need
01:01:44to get into nitty-gritty.
01:01:46Sometimes you don't need
01:01:48to argue.
01:01:50You can say this and
01:01:52get rid of it.
01:01:54This is also a learning
01:01:56in your life.
01:01:58When you were a teenager,
01:02:00you used to get
01:02:04Then you will understand
01:02:06what is the need
01:02:08to get angry.
01:02:10What will be the
01:02:12difference in your life
01:02:14because of them?
01:02:16Let them do it.
01:02:20You explained
01:02:22in a nice way.
01:02:24In life, you have to learn
01:02:26to let go.
01:02:28I have learnt
01:02:30to let go.
01:02:32I have learnt to
01:02:34reduce my baggage.
01:02:36I learnt something
01:02:38from my sister-in-law.
01:02:40If someone says
01:02:42you have put on weight,
01:02:44what are you doing?
01:02:46She will not argue.
01:02:48She will say,
01:02:50what should I do?
01:02:52She will say,
01:02:54whatever suits you.
01:02:56This happened with me also.
01:02:58Sometimes, there are
01:03:002-3 make-up artists
01:03:02and hair stylists on set.
01:03:04Recently, I was
01:03:06campaigning for a big brand.
01:03:08They said,
01:03:10it was a hair brand
01:03:12so the focus was on hair.
01:03:14They said, we don't want
01:03:16your focus to be on hair.
01:03:18We are hiring a make-up artist.
01:03:20I said, I don't have a problem.
01:03:22I am getting my money from hair.
01:03:24He was a very young
01:03:26and new stage make-up artist.
01:03:28New artists
01:03:30have a lot of experience
01:03:32in front of people.
01:03:36He did a little bit
01:03:40I didn't know
01:03:42how to react.
01:03:44I have worked with many actors
01:03:46and they told me
01:03:48to correct it.
01:03:50I said, I won't do it.
01:03:52He said, you have a problem,
01:03:54you have to correct it.
01:03:56He corrected it.
01:03:58After some time,
01:04:00he came to me and said,
01:04:02if you would have done
01:04:04your hair like this,
01:04:06you would have told me earlier.
01:04:08Why didn't you tell me earlier?
01:04:12you don't need
01:04:14to compete.
01:04:16Especially, when you are content
01:04:18and you know a lot from the other person.
01:04:20Stay back.
01:04:22There is no need to compete.
01:04:24As I was telling you,
01:04:26I also did an experiment.
01:04:28I got rid of that experiment
01:04:30because I felt
01:04:32that it didn't work for me.
01:04:34But I had to experience it.
01:04:36If the whole world does it,
01:04:38let me try it.
01:04:40It took me so many years
01:04:42to experience it.
01:04:46once my mind said,
01:04:48do it and see.
01:04:50What will happen?
01:04:54Let me show you.
01:04:56Oh, Nida.
01:04:58The problem is,
01:05:00when I got my hair done,
01:05:02you don't wear
01:05:04western clothes,
01:05:06you wear eastern clothes.
01:05:08It is very difficult
01:05:10to play with these hairs.
01:05:14this lipstick is very in these days.
01:05:16It has a dark outline
01:05:18and red drops inside.
01:05:20I did the same many years ago.
01:05:22It has a bold colour.
01:05:26This is so amazing
01:05:28and this is trending.
01:05:30Let me show you one more picture.
01:05:32How did I start?
01:05:34How did I build confidence
01:05:36to carry these hairs?
01:05:38Did you get that picture?
01:05:40The blonde from the bottom
01:05:42and the black from the top.
01:05:44It is like
01:05:46I get a chance.
01:05:48It has a little bit of copper.
01:05:50I think the combination
01:05:52of copper and gold
01:05:54is not for you.
01:05:56Isn't it bad?
01:05:58These hairs
01:06:00have changed later.
01:06:02In the future,
01:06:04the diet you are on
01:06:06looks better on my face.
01:06:08They don't get the picture.
01:06:10There are many shades in blonde.
01:06:12You have to pick up
01:06:14your own blonde colour.
01:06:18Let's go to her.
01:06:24What is your name?
01:06:28Safina will share her picture with us.
01:06:30She was very fond of
01:06:32white make-up.
01:06:34She has done a weird
01:06:36Korean-Japanese doll make-up.
01:06:38Show them.
01:06:42The shades have changed.
01:06:44This is the same face.
01:06:46You have gone to a fair
01:06:48with this face.
01:06:50It has a white base.
01:06:52Korean make-up.
01:06:54It is white.
01:06:56It doesn't look like blood.
01:06:58That's why she is showing it.
01:07:00I have to.
01:07:02I gave a disclaimer
01:07:04that I don't have a filter on my face.
01:07:06You got this done from a salon.
01:07:08Basically, I am from Kashmir.
01:07:10We don't do much make-up in Kashmir.
01:07:12I got married
01:07:14in Urdu speaking.
01:07:16You do a lot of make-up here.
01:07:18I had a lot of craze.
01:07:20I am also from Urdu speaking.
01:07:22Which salon in Kashmir
01:07:24did you get your make-up done?
01:07:26I went to a salon in Karachi.
01:07:28I asked them to do my make-up well.
01:07:30They gave me a fair colour.
01:07:32They already have a complexion.
01:07:34They have a complexion
01:07:36where they got married.
01:07:40I asked them to give me a fair colour.
01:07:42They said they will give me a light colour.
01:07:44I asked them to give me a fair colour.
01:07:46They said
01:07:48they will give me a light colour.
01:07:50I asked them to give me a light lipstick.
01:07:52They said they will give me a red lipstick.
01:07:54In Kashmir,
01:07:56we only have a red colour.
01:07:58She is not a bride.
01:08:00She came as a bride from Kashmir.
01:08:02She came as a bride from Kashmir.
01:08:04She sustains us for years.
01:08:06We will put a light on this.
01:08:08She doesn't look like a bride
01:08:10if she doesn't have a make-up or bangles.
01:08:12We will put a light on this also.
01:08:14I don't know
01:08:16what complex
01:08:18we have in our people.
01:08:20Our colour is so beautiful.
01:08:22You can stand a girl
01:08:24without make-up.
01:08:26Every colour suits her.
01:08:30What is the need to study in this complex? I don't understand.
01:08:34Now the situation has come to this level, you will agree with me
01:08:37that people are ready to eat poisonous things.
01:08:41I mean, you know, they have applied mercury creams
01:08:44and damaged the layers of their skin.
01:08:47Why? Thank God that God has given you clean skin.
01:08:51There is no disease.
01:08:53You know, first of all, this is a thank God.
01:08:55And learn to groom it.
01:08:59Now tell me about the foundation.
01:09:01You are giving so many negative advices.
01:09:04There is no use.
01:09:05It has come to an end.
01:09:07We are still slaves of the British.
01:09:10And I don't know how long it will last.
01:09:12How should we check the foundation?
01:09:15Should we apply a darker shade on the face or a lighter shade?
01:09:19That is your choice according to the kind of a social pressure we live in.
01:09:23I won't say that.
01:09:25Normally, white people take darker shades.
01:09:28Because they are so fair that they have to make themselves a little better.
01:09:34And if you have to add color, they add pigments and go to the tanner side.
01:09:38Now, since we already have a pigmented skin,
01:09:42we can do one or two shades lighter.
01:09:47But you can't use more than two shades of light.
01:09:49What did they do? Show the picture again.
01:09:51They have applied chalk, sister.
01:09:53They have applied chalk, but what else have they done?
01:09:56There are many blunders. I can show you.
01:09:59When you apply a dark lipstick,
01:10:03you don't have to apply it so defined.
01:10:06This is very defined.
01:10:08And it's a complete V-shape, like Cupid's bow.
01:10:13So, it can't be like that.
01:10:15The more you follow the natural look, it will look more beautiful.
01:10:18The lips should be round, instead of a sharp M-shape.
01:10:24It shouldn't be pointed.
01:10:26Plus, again, the foundation color is wrong.
01:10:29Apart from that, they have applied a lot of kohl and glitter.
01:10:33So, the combination of glitter and kohl looks weird.
01:10:36If it was kohl, it would have been matte, shimmery, gold or something like that.
01:10:42It would have blended. Kohl doesn't look bad.
01:10:45I'm not against both of them, but I'm against combining both of them.
01:10:50White makeup, kohl on top of that, dark lipstick on top of that.
01:10:54All these things are sharpening each other.
01:10:58On top of it, you can see that their hair is jet black.
01:11:01If there was a little bit of brown tint in the hair,
01:11:05this white color would have given a softer image with the combination of the hair.
01:11:09Yes, it would have given a contrast.
01:11:11Her face is chalky white, and her hair is jet black.
01:11:15It looks like she's trying to make an artificial doll.
01:11:20Do you have the next picture?
01:11:21Please show us the next picture.
01:11:24She has improved a little. It's only been three years.
01:11:27Mahnoor brought all these things for you.
01:11:32She has improved a little.
01:11:35Is there any other picture?
01:11:37This is not bad at all.
01:11:39This is good. It's better.
01:11:41It's better. This was my first anniversary.
01:11:43Her hair has been cut. Basically, there was a bun on top of her head.
01:11:48So, Komal, let's go to you.
01:11:51Let's see. Greetings, Komal.
01:11:52Have you brought your pictures?
01:11:53Yes, I have.
01:11:54Please show them to Komal.
01:11:59I like all the same things.
01:12:02I didn't have a sense that everything should be of the same color.
01:12:07Like, you can see, the suit is the same, the bangles are the same, the lipstick is the same.
01:12:11I didn't understand the trend.
01:12:16She has raised a very good point.
01:12:18That everything should be of the same color.
01:12:21Basically, the red dress...
01:12:23You will be able to tell this from you.
01:12:26Red is a very strong color.
01:12:29It represents passion.
01:12:30It is so powerful.
01:12:32It's a very bold color.
01:12:34No, itself it's very powerful also.
01:12:36If you have worn red in your clothes,
01:12:39then try to avoid red on other things.
01:12:41Avoid red on lipstick.
01:12:42Even in other things, it's not necessary that the nail color should be red.
01:12:46Why are the clothes red?
01:12:48Wear neutral.
01:12:49Wear gold.
01:12:50Yes, the bag is red, the bangles are red, the shoes are red.
01:12:54No, you could have picked up gold from it.
01:12:56You could have worn golden bangles.
01:12:58You could have worn dull gold nail color.
01:13:02If you had worn nude lipstick, it would have looked very pretty.
01:13:06There are small mistakes.
01:13:07You don't have such big blunders.
01:13:09But these mistakes are due to color palette and fashion ethical values.
01:13:13There was another blunder.
01:13:14When I used to do makeup, I used to just apply it.
01:13:16I didn't do blending at all.
01:13:18This is a very big blunder.
01:13:19From my teenage years to my marriage, I used to do the same thing.
01:13:22I used to apply makeup, blush and that's it.
01:13:25I didn't do blending.
01:13:26Now, it's lying here.
01:13:27It's sitting here.
01:13:27Recently, I saw in my album,
01:13:29it was my niece's birthday.
01:13:31I saw in it,
01:13:33my face was like a joker's face.
01:13:34I laughed so much that I didn't do blending at all.
01:13:37This problem happens with a lot of girls.
01:13:40Even they have a beauty blender.
01:13:43I have girls who come for personal grooming training.
01:13:46So, they don't know how to do blending.
01:13:48Sometimes, I have to hold their hand and tell them
01:13:51that you are blending the entire foundation here.
01:13:54Do it here too.
01:13:55You have to move your hand.
01:13:57This is a very small thing that not everyone has in their hands
01:14:00because everybody is not artistic.
01:14:01I didn't know how to do it before.
01:14:03I used to apply a base.
01:14:04Just like you apply cream,
01:14:06I used to apply it like a cream.
01:14:09I used to think that I have applied a base.
01:14:12When I used to go to a party,
01:14:15I didn't think that I have applied a base.
01:14:18I used to see all your corrections.
01:14:22If there was any discolouration,
01:14:25I used to think that it's good.
01:14:27It means that the skin must have adjusted.
01:14:29But I understood that later.
01:14:31So, I used to apply it like a cream.
01:14:33I applied it so much that the skin absorbed it.
01:14:36Because the skin was dry.
01:14:38So, when I applied a base, it absorbed it like a cream.
01:14:40Especially in this weather, when the skin gets dry,
01:14:42I take a little sunscreen and mix it with the foundation.
01:14:45And when I blend it, I apply it all over my face.
01:14:50It looks so natural.
01:14:51I'll give you a tip.
01:14:52Like you said, you take sunscreen.
01:14:54A lot of people also mix moisturiser.
01:14:56The latest moisturisers are like this.
01:15:00If you apply it, you won't feel oily after a while.
01:15:04So, the moisture of that
01:15:06will be balanced after a while.
01:15:09But if you mix SPF,
01:15:11I mean, if you mix sunscreen,
01:15:13it seals the camouflage.
01:15:18It puts a shield on the skin for the sun.
01:15:22So, if you mix that,
01:15:24your moisture will last longer
01:15:26compared to the moisturiser.
01:15:30So, people who have dry skin or have such problems,
01:15:33are absolutely right.
01:15:35Mix SPF instead of moisturiser.
01:15:38Moisturiser is...
01:15:39A small break.
01:15:40We'll see after the break.
01:15:41Good morning, Pakistan.
01:15:49Welcome. Welcome back.
01:15:51Good morning, Pakistan.
01:15:52We're talking about learning.
01:15:55Whatever we've learnt,
01:15:57we've learnt by learning.
01:15:58I don't know if I'm saying it right or wrong.
01:16:01Yes, we've learnt by learning.
01:16:03By falling, getting up, sitting,
01:16:05by doing wrong things.
01:16:06In a simple language, by experience.
01:16:08We've learnt by mistakes.
01:16:09And we're still learning.
01:16:12We're trying to make you learn too.
01:16:15And sometimes,
01:16:19especially people of old age,
01:16:23they get fixed.
01:16:24Oh, yes.
01:16:25And they don't want to change.
01:16:28Even the smallest things.
01:16:30They don't change the setting of the house.
01:16:32They don't change the curtains of the old times.
01:16:33They don't change the sofas of the old times.
01:16:35It's my dowry.
01:16:37I won't let it move.
01:16:39New daughters-in-law come.
01:16:40They can't make any changes.
01:16:42Basically, it's a show for them too.
01:16:44Although, we're...
01:16:45Change is very important.
01:16:46Yes, exactly.
01:16:48So, I was showing you.
01:16:51They're searching for pictures.
01:16:53My bad pictures. Look at this.
01:16:57I started like this.
01:16:59First, the hair below.
01:17:00Like, half of the hair.
01:17:06After that, the top.
01:17:07We find it weird now.
01:17:08We used to like it then.
01:17:09It was fashion at one time.
01:17:11It's from 4-5 years ago.
01:17:13No, the hair looks good.
01:17:15But according to the hair,
01:17:17you didn't choose the colors of the clothes.
01:17:19You wore a solid color.
01:17:20It looks like you have a lot of hair.
01:17:21All the other hair...
01:17:22It was fashion at one time.
01:17:23It's a blend.
01:17:25No, it's a blend in the clothes.
01:17:26It's a blend in the clothes.
01:17:27My complaint is that you don't have a hair color.
01:17:29You should understand.
01:17:31Now, you should learn.
01:17:32You should check if your hair color looks good.
01:17:36But according to your hair color,
01:17:38you didn't choose the colors of the clothes.
01:17:39You should wear dark colors.
01:17:41The coloring is not right.
01:17:42You should wear dark colors.
01:17:43In dark, there are some earthy tones.
01:17:47You should choose the shades.
01:17:50Let's move on to Fauzia.
01:17:52Fauzia, how are you?
01:17:54I'm fine.
01:17:55Show us your beauty.
01:18:01Which Punjabi film character were you going to play?
01:18:04Actually, it was based on Bindiya.
01:18:06Because everyone wants to wear Bindiya.
01:18:08So, I chose a bigger Bindiya.
01:18:11It's not Bindiya. It's Tika.
01:18:13Yes, it's Tika.
01:18:14And then,
01:18:16my hair was very sticky.
01:18:18Otherwise, if my hair was straight,
01:18:20it would have looked good.
01:18:22It's not a problem if your hair is tied up.
01:18:25Again, you made a mistake.
01:18:27You chose a very big Tika.
01:18:30A lot of people make this mistake.
01:18:32You should check the size of your forehead.
01:18:34After that, when you go to the market,
01:18:36you should check the size of your Tika.
01:18:38Do you remember?
01:18:40There was a song by Kareena Kapoor.
01:18:43Do you remember the size of her Tika?
01:18:45It was so big.
01:18:47But she didn't wear earrings.
01:18:49And she had her hair open.
01:18:51So, because of those open hair,
01:18:53she kept her hair long.
01:18:55So, that big Tika didn't look bad on her face.
01:18:57Yes, it didn't look bad.
01:18:59So, that's one thing.
01:19:02Plus, she has very dark eyes.
01:19:04I mean, there's no problem with dark eyes.
01:19:06But there's no dimension in dark eyes.
01:19:08I mean, there's no dimension in dark eyes.
01:19:10I mean, there's no dimension in dark eyes.
01:19:12And the area where I'm highlighting,
01:19:14I think it's a little grey.
01:19:16You see, it's giving a grey tone.
01:19:18So, that's a little bothering me.
01:19:21I can't see with my eyes. I can only see the Tika.
01:19:23Because it's becoming prominent.
01:19:25And this hair.
01:19:27And the static curls,
01:19:29the weird curls,
01:19:31they look a little bad.
01:19:33There was a fashion in the past.
01:19:35But I remember, the fashion was that
01:19:38these hair used to come out of the ears.
01:19:40You tied your hair up and gave a softer look.
01:19:42No, it used to come out from here.
01:19:44It used to come out from here.
01:19:46That's not a problem.
01:19:48You can pull it out.
01:19:50But the way they spray it hard like paper,
01:19:52that is wrong.
01:19:54Leave it a little flexible.
01:19:57So, you do it with your hands.
01:19:59A little soft look.
01:20:01It becomes very hard.
01:20:03If you spray it too much, it looks very weird.
01:20:05I got it done from the salon.
01:20:07My eyes are small.
01:20:09So, it's a little...
01:20:12It's a little prominent.
01:20:14This is also a big problem.
01:20:16Everyone thinks, I have this problem.
01:20:18Let's make problems from our side.
01:20:20My eyes are small, my nose is big.
01:20:23For God's sake,
01:20:25go to 4-5 experts.
01:20:27When you get advice from different people,
01:20:29you will know what God has given you
01:20:31and what needs to be amended.
01:20:33Then only you can do the right thing.
01:20:35You learn this when
01:20:37you go to a good consultant.
01:20:39Your eyes are not small.
01:20:42The shape of your eyes
01:20:44comes in medium size.
01:20:46It's neither too big
01:20:48nor too small.
01:20:50But because your face is chubby,
01:20:52when you smile,
01:20:54it becomes small.
01:20:56That's it.
01:20:59We are missing an important element.
01:21:01When you are ashamed
01:21:03of your features,
01:21:05that my nose is big,
01:21:07my eyes are small,
01:21:09my hair is bad,
01:21:11you can use any confidence.
01:21:13You don't look good.
01:21:15Because you are always
01:21:18conscious and hiding
01:21:20your personality.
01:21:22You should get out of that.
01:21:24Carry everything with confidence.
01:21:28Don't make mistakes.
01:21:30Learn from your mistakes.
01:21:32We all learn.
01:21:35We made a lot of mistakes.
01:21:37We were talking about matching.
01:21:39I did too.
01:21:41We learn.
01:21:43But first,
01:21:45don't lose your confidence.
01:21:47God has made us all beautiful.
01:21:49Show us the second picture.
01:21:51This is what happened.
01:21:53I put jewelry on my forehead.
01:21:56The day you were going to tie your hair,
01:21:58you untied it.
01:22:00The day you were going to untie it,
01:22:02you tied it.
01:22:04When you were wearing a small band,
01:22:06you made a nice twist
01:22:08to enhance it.
01:22:10You made all the hair fall on it.
01:22:13So that it doesn't look crooked.
01:22:15Even if you untie it,
01:22:17it doesn't look that bad.
01:22:19It looks crooked.
01:22:21You can't see it.
01:22:23The hair is crooked.
01:22:25It irritated me a lot.
01:22:27This is also a mistake.
01:22:30When a lot of people go out
01:22:32to get their hair done,
01:22:34and they see a piece
01:22:36or something,
01:22:38you tell them.
01:22:40What will happen is,
01:22:42when you go to a party,
01:22:45and you have to attend a 4-5 hour event,
01:22:47it will be crooked because of the weight.
01:22:49The moment you put it on,
01:22:51it doesn't look crooked.
01:22:53So, all the beauticians and hair stylists
01:22:55who are watching this,
01:22:57if your client is sitting on a chair
01:22:59and telling you to keep quiet,
01:23:02listen to him and see
01:23:04if it will look crooked because of the weight,
01:23:06after 1-2 hours.
01:23:08The makeup artist, the stylist,
01:23:10what will happen to my client
01:23:12after 2 hours?
01:23:14It will still be crooked.
01:23:16Then the awareness will go away.
01:23:19How is this?
01:23:21We learned it very quickly.
01:23:23The ones who taught us
01:23:25were good.
01:23:27We didn't see your beauty.
01:23:29Show us Alina's beauty.
01:23:31I want to see her beauty.
01:23:33Oh my God!
01:23:35I will go to Mexico.
01:23:38I will pose like a fairy.
01:23:42we saw your maxis.
01:23:44She tried to look like Elsa.
01:23:46This is the second picture.
01:23:48Show us the blue picture.
01:23:52we have shown your picture in this program.
01:23:55Inshallah, we will come back
01:23:57and tell you what you did.
01:23:59You must know.
01:24:01We will let you know after the program.
01:24:03Don't worry.
01:24:05So, don't try to look like Alina.
01:24:07You look so beautiful.
01:24:09Good morning, Pakistan.
01:24:11We will keep learning.
01:24:13Whether it is speaking,
01:24:18your morals,
01:24:20or your grooming.
01:24:22Until you learn and understand,
01:24:24you will not go towards betterment.
01:24:26If you are stubborn,
01:24:28then stop being stubborn.
01:24:30So that someone who teaches you
01:24:33can influence you.
01:24:35Good morning, Pakistan.
01:24:37Good morning, Pakistan.
01:25:07Good morning, Pakistan.