• 9 hours ago
00:00♪ Closer each day, home in the way ♪
00:08Mr. Patata, you found Perry after his father's death.
00:11He was in shock.
00:12Kept saying his dad had tried to drown him.
00:13And how long was this before he ran?
00:15Your Honor.
00:16Yes, he ran away.
00:17Why wouldn't he?
00:18You're the ones who let him down.
00:20Perry went to the police, he tried the courts.
00:22None of it helped.
00:23Just stop the car.
00:26You should have let me run.
00:30It's not over yet.
00:31Yes, it is.
00:32You saw the way they looked at me.
00:33I can't fight that.
00:34I've just been able to confirm my final witness.
00:36I'd like to call Kaia Hayes to the stand.
00:41When mom and dad split up,
00:43I was the one who stuck around to pick up the pieces
00:45while Switzerland over here bailed on us.
00:47But no, no, I'm the enemy and he's the hero.
00:49You made it seem like it was us against the world.
00:50And then you dumped me to hang out with your friends.
00:53I guess.
00:53No, how do you think that that made me feel?
00:55If we're ever gonna move on as family,
00:57a little bit of forgiveness might go a long way.
00:59I'll give you a call and we can book in another session.
01:03How are you doing?
01:04I'm good, I'm good.
01:05I think Tim is really good at his job.
01:08We shouldn't be doing this.
01:09I don't care.
01:27You know, you look a lot like the love of my life.
01:30Oh, he must be one handsome devil.
01:33He is, but the thing is, he's never home.
01:36Oh, he doesn't know what he's missing out on.
01:41I've had a banging idea.
01:43I wanna cook us a family lunch like mom used to.
01:46You can cook?
01:47Well, of course I can.
01:49Instant noodles don't count.
01:52All right, can someone please take me on a grocery run
01:54because this place is a wasteland?
01:56Yeah, I can.
01:58All right, which one of us is gonna convince Eden
01:59she has to come, you or me?
02:02Correct answer.
02:03Got a meal to prepare.
02:06Carl had always had a temper,
02:10but after Perry was born, it got worse.
02:14In what way?
02:16Carl was jealous of the attention that I gave Perry.
02:20The jealousy turned to anger,
02:23then violence.
02:26Towards you or your son?
02:30I tried to protect Perry as much as I could.
02:36Carl needed to be in control.
02:38So why did you leave?
02:40I didn't have a choice.
02:42Carl said that he'd kill Perry if I didn't.
02:48And you believed him?
02:49Yes, I'd seen firsthand
02:53what my husband was capable of.
02:58We were watching Perry in the backyard.
03:01Carl told me that he'd go out there
03:06and do it right in front of me.
03:11Your life was in danger if I stayed.
03:16I love you more than anything in the world.
03:24All right, well, I'll keep you in the loop.
03:25Okay, bye, Martha.
03:27Why are you ringing Martha?
03:29You were right to be worried.
03:30We've all noticed that Alf's out of sorts this week.
03:33Okay, I think this might be my fault.
03:35What do you mean?
03:36Well, I explained to Mr. Stewart
03:38what happened at the hospital,
03:41how he nearly died,
03:42and I think that's why he suddenly took off to Marimbula.
03:45What does Martha think's going on?
03:47Uh, she doesn't know, either.
03:49She tried to tell me, but I don't know.
03:51She doesn't know, either.
03:52She tried to talk to him about his mood,
03:54but he wouldn't open up.
03:55Well, whatever it is,
03:56you would've thought a spot of fishing
03:57in a couple of weeks with his wife
03:59would've sorted it out.
04:00According to Martha, he barely slept or ate,
04:03and he didn't go fishing once.
04:06There's something definitely wrong.
04:09What are we gonna do?
04:11We need to work out what the problem is,
04:13and we need to help him fix it.
04:16And then this lovely lady came,
04:18and I got her a very special register.
04:19It's called the Floman Rocket.
04:22Oh, sorry.
04:22Did we disturb you?
04:23No, I just thought I had the house to myself today.
04:25That's all.
04:26Oh, well, I went and got your mail from the bait shop,
04:28seeing as you didn't go in.
04:30Yeah, you could've left it there.
04:32Well, you don't want it piling up.
04:34It took two of you to get that, did it?
04:36Uh, no.
04:37I thought I would bring you over some quiche
04:39and some salad leftovers from the lunch rush.
04:41You want to get rid of it before it goes off, eh?
04:44I thought I'd save you the trouble of having a cooked dinner.
04:47Right, thanks.
04:50So, I suppose you two will be off now?
04:52Oh, not yet, no.
04:53I mean, you didn't come in to the diner for your afternoon tea,
04:55so we thought we'd have it here.
04:56We could have a proper catch-up.
04:58I'm pretty right, thanks.
05:00OK, well, uh, Marilyn and I will have some tea,
05:02and you can just join us when you feel like it.
05:05Suit yourselves.
05:06OK, yeah.
05:07Hey, hey, it's only me.
05:09Oh, hello.
05:10You want to try knocking next time?
05:12I only put pants on, like, one second ago.
05:16You're in a good mood.
05:17You're in a good mood.
05:19And why are you so surprised?
05:21Well, with Cash doing a 180 about his transfer,
05:23I half thought I'd find you day-drinking.
05:25Yeah, well, recent history has proven that I have zero control
05:29over what Cash decides to do or not do,
05:33and I have decided that I am gonna stop stressing about it.
05:38That's very healthy of you.
05:39I know, I know.
05:41And now for something really unhealthy.
05:43Well, hang on.
05:44Before that, Abby is making a sludge.
05:47Good one.
05:48No, no, I'm serious.
05:50Are you sure that I'm invited?
05:51Believe me, I am as surprised as you are.
05:54But she's clearly trying to reach you out.
05:56That's a first.
05:57So you can come to lunch.
06:01Perry Hayes suffered a lifetime of abuse
06:04at the hands of his father.
06:07His mother testified she was so afraid for her son's safety,
06:12she was forced to make the ultimate sacrifice.
06:17Abandon her only child and flee to New Zealand.
06:22Perry's father manipulated him, threatened him, hurt him,
06:28and even when Perry moved out of the family home,
06:31the violence continued.
06:34Carl Hayes showed up at his son's door,
06:38contravening an AVO to cause him more harm.
06:42He attacked his son, and Perry, in fear for his own life,
06:47defended himself.
06:50Numb with shock, Perry froze, the years of abuse
06:54rendering him totally incapable of going to his father's aid.
06:59His death is a clear-cut case of self-defense.
07:04And as such, you must find Perry Hayes not guilty.
07:20Course is now, Joe.
07:31You okay?
07:38Hey, son.
07:40I've waited so long for this moment.
07:42Get the hell away from me.
07:45He needs you, guy.
07:53Okay, chef, cherry tomatoes are halved.
07:55What's next?
07:57Um, could you put some water on to boil for the penne?
08:01And then I think I can take care of the rest.
08:04Going to a lot of trouble for all this?
08:08Uh, it's important.
08:10Proper sit-down family meals were a big thing for us,
08:12but we haven't had one since Mom and Dad split up.
08:15It's quite a while, then.
08:18I think it's time to restart the family tradition.
08:22I hope we're not too early.
08:24No, you guys can help set the table.
08:26Damn, we are too early.
08:28All right, I think that is my cue to leave.
08:31Hey, stay.
08:32You're part of the family, too.
08:33Oh, thanks, chef, but I really do have to get to work.
08:35Plus, this is your special thing.
08:36I'll walk you out.
08:37Have fun.
08:42I'm glad you came.
08:44Wasn't sure that you would.
08:46I was a bit surprised by the invite,
08:48considering what happened last time we were together.
08:51I am really sorry.
08:53Tim helped me realize that I was being...
08:56a bit harsh.
08:59He's really great.
09:02Do you think that we can put it all behind us?
09:05I'm down if you are.
09:08Come here.
09:20How was court?
09:22There were a few surprises.
09:24My mother was the key witness.
09:26Wait, what? I thought she was...
09:30Yeah, me too.
09:38What's she doing here?
09:40I thought you might have questions.
09:43I don't need anything from her.
09:47I'll talk to her.
09:54Mac, this is Kaya, Perry's mum.
09:57And here's lawyer Jane.
09:59Hi, I'm Mackenzie.
10:01Perry stayed with Mac when he first came to town.
10:05Thanks for taking a minute.
10:07It's my pleasure.
10:09I'm so sorry to ask you,
10:11but how are you even here?
10:13Harper was reaching out to other social workers.
10:16I put the word out to get information about Carl and Perry.
10:19And it paid off.
10:21I got a call from someone who worked at a women's refuge.
10:23She reported a Kaya Hayes that stayed there some years ago.
10:26After a lot of digging,
10:28I managed to track Kaya down in New Zealand.
10:31Yeah, I couldn't believe it when I got her call.
10:34So when did you find out that Kaya was alive?
10:37Today, in court. I knew none of this.
10:40I still don't know why you didn't tell us sooner.
10:43Well, I didn't know if Kaya would make it in time.
10:46Or at all.
10:47Even still,
10:49you didn't think that Perry had a right to know that his mother was still alive?
10:54I take back what I said about your culinary skills.
10:56This is delicious.
10:57Yeah, I'm impressed.
10:59Thanks, guys.
11:00Well, that's the benefit of being a stuff-up.
11:02Set the bar low, and then everyone is thrilled when you exceed expectations.
11:05Did Mum teach you to cook like this?
11:07Yeah, when you moved in with Dad,
11:08I tried to help Mum keep the family lunch tradition alive,
11:10but it just wasn't the same without you.
11:12Sit-down meals weren't exactly a thing at Dad's.
11:14Helen wasn't the greatest homemaker.
11:16Yep, more like a homewrecker.
11:17Okay, let's not ruin the vibe.
11:22Wasn't me.
11:23Wasn't me.
11:25Remember when she used to do that to Dad?
11:27How could I forget the phantom pea flicker?
11:29Poor Levi.
11:30Yeah, how was that ever fair?
11:32You guys ganked up on me, and then I got blamed for it.
11:35Oh, the good old days.
11:38Come on, it's not so bad now, is it?
11:41No, no it's not.
11:48All right, you asked for it.
11:49No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
12:03I wonder if she ever tried to find me.
12:06Maybe she was just happy to be free.
12:08Well, you heard what she said in court.
12:11She believed she was keeping you safe.
12:14I don't know what to believe.
12:17Look, I know you've got a million questions,
12:20but I'm as much in the dark as you are.
12:23And you could always talk to your mum.
12:27She's the only one who really knows what went on and why.
12:30Well, after what she did,
12:32she can get stuff.
12:34What about what she did today?
12:36If things weren't going too well in court,
12:38her testimony might be the only thing that keeps you out of prison.
12:44Look, as tough as it's going to be,
12:47it might be worth at least having a conversation.
12:51And all this time you really had no idea Perry thought you were dead?
12:57I didn't have any idea until this morning.
13:01I didn't have any idea until Jane had told me.
13:03I just assumed Carl told him I abandoned him.
13:08I was ready for Perry's anger, but to see the pain I've caused.
13:12I love my boy.
13:13You did what you needed to protect him.
13:15I don't know.
13:16Now I'm terrified that he's going to go to prison.
13:18And Carl would have won.
13:20Let's just wait and see what happens.
13:24You must have got to know him.
13:26Yeah, Perry.
13:27He's so great.
13:28You know, funny, but pretty hard to crack.
13:39I'm here to get some answers.
13:41Yeah, of course. I'll tell you everything you need to know.
13:44This is going to have to wait.
13:46The jury's just reached a verdict.
13:49Hey, listen.
13:50Whatever happens, I'm here for you, okay?
13:59A quick verdict can be a good thing.
14:02A really bad one.
14:21Would the accused please stand up for the verdict?
14:24Has the jury agreed on a unanimous verdict?
14:28We have, Your Honor.
14:29On account of murder, have you found the accused, Perry Hayes, guilty or not guilty?
14:36We find Perry Hayes...
14:40not guilty by reason of self-defense.
14:45Perry Hayes, you're free to go.
14:58So, Alf, did you get much fishing in when you went back home to Martha's?
15:02Not much. They weren't biting.
15:06I might make another tea, Alf.
15:09Want one?
15:10No, thanks.
15:11You sure?
15:13Haven't you two got jobs to go to?
15:15We're on a break.
15:16Longest break I've ever seen.
15:18Well, it's a quiet day.
15:19Not here, it's not.
15:21So they can manage without us.
15:25If you two won't leave, I will.
15:27Oh, great, good. Let's go for a walk.
15:30Go for your lives. I'm going upstairs for a kip.
15:36I think it's time to bring out the big guns.
15:39Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Why am I being left with the dishes?
15:42Because I called and I'm the guest.
15:46Hi. I was expecting you to come home to a food fight.
15:49Do peas count?
15:50Oh, it wasn't me, it wasn't me.
15:51It's my joke, it's my joke.
15:53So, I'm assuming lunch went well?
15:54Even better than I hoped.
15:55Good, I'm glad.
15:57Have you heard from Tanya yet?
15:58Yeah, he just texted and Perry's been found not guilty.
16:01That's great.
16:02Tanya must be stoked.
16:03Yeah, everyone's really relieved.
16:05You'll have to tell me more about it after I drop Eden home.
16:08Hey, thank you so much for lunch and for inviting me.
16:13Well, it wouldn't be a family meal without the whole family.
16:24Oh, wait, hang on a sec.
16:25I, um, I wrote you a letter.
16:27Tim's idea.
16:30Should I, uh, should I read it now?
16:32No, no, just wait till you get home.
16:38Darling, I wouldn't have called unless we were seriously worried.
16:42Okay, thank you.
16:44See you soon, bye.
16:48That's it.
16:49Ru's coming home.
16:51She's going to wait till the ship gets in the next port
16:53and then she's going to catch a plane.
16:55Right, let's hope that doesn't take too long.
16:57Yeah, I do feel a bit bad asking her to leave the cruise.
17:00No, you did the right thing.
17:02Now Ru would want to know what's going on.
17:04And if anyone can sort Alf out, it's Ru.
17:08You know, I thought about coming back for you every day.
17:13So why didn't you?
17:15I was terrified of what your dad would do.
17:17I knew he would take it out on you if he ever saw me again.
17:20He did anyway.
17:24Look, I know I have no right to ask this of you,
17:28but I hope one day you can understand and forgive me.
17:39You're wearing a mania.
17:43It's a present for my 18th.
17:46From Tani?
17:50I actually have people here who care about me now.
17:53I care about you too. I always have.
17:55No, you don't. You abandoned me.
17:58I don't want anything to do with you.
18:00Perry, please.
18:01Okay, hey, go back to New Zealand and forget that I exist.
18:08I'm sorry, I'm sorry. You can try again.
18:11I can't let him go.
18:15Can you talk to him for me, please?
18:18I'll try.
18:30Are you going to keep playing with that or open it?
18:33You really think I'm going to read this after what happened with the journal?
18:36Abby was really sweet today at lunch. It could be better than you expect.
18:39Yeah, or she was softening me up before she goes in for the kill.
18:43Isn't not knowing worse than knowing for sure?
18:57Hi, Eden.
18:59I've had a lot to say lately and none of it's been very nice.
19:04But there are still some things that you need to hear.
19:08The truth is I've looked up to you my whole life.
19:11You are determined, creative and passionate.
19:16I'm sorry for saying that you always make everything about you.
19:22I know that you'd never do anything to deliberately hurt me.
19:27I've always been proud to be your sister and I hope I've grown into someone you can be proud of too.
19:34I don't always show it, but I love you, big sis.
19:38I love you too.
19:43I can't tell is it good or bad.
19:46I can't believe she said all that stuff about me.
20:00I don't see what the problem is. This is beautiful.
20:05I need to tell you something.
20:09Sure. What is it?
20:13I slept with Tim.
20:35Talk to me, mate.
20:41She left me. With him.
20:47She knew exactly what dad was like.
20:51And she still left me with him.
21:04I'm sorry.
21:15You don't want to see me again.
21:17No, I do. I really like you.
21:20Tim is not my counselor. He's my sister.
21:22That doesn't make it right.
21:24I hate to tell you this, mate, but she likes him.
21:26She's not just going to walk away from me.
21:31I definitely do need to talk to you, but not over the phone.
21:34I understand your concern.
21:38Concern? It doesn't even come close.
21:40We're talking about my sisters here.