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MSA, formerly known as "My Story Animated," is a dynamic YouTube channel that brings real-life stories to life through engaging and visually captivating animations. Specializing in personal drama, emotional journeys, and life-changing experiences, MSA transforms viewers' submissions into powerful animated narratives that resonate deeply with its audience. Each video tackles a wide range of topics, including relationship struggles, overcoming adversity, and self-discovery, making it a platform where real-life events are depicted with creativity and authenticity.

The channel's content is crafted to be relatable and inspirational, offering viewers a blend of entertainment and life lessons. Through animated storytelling, MSA explores complex social dynamics, personal growth, and the challenges of everyday life, providing viewers with stories that are not only entertaining but also thought-provoking and emotionally engaging.

**Disclaimer:** The stories presented on this channel are based on personal submissions and are animated for entertainment purposes. While the narratives are inspired by real events, the characters and specific details may be fictionalized to protect the privacy of the individuals involved. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The opinions and experiences expressed in the videos are those of the individuals submitting the stories and do not necessarily reflect the views of MSA. Viewer discretion is advised.
00:00I hoped I looked confident, because my insides felt like Jell-O as the most popular girls sat opposite me at recess, their wolf-like stares fixed on me.
00:09Okay, so have you ever been to the super-exclusive restaurant in Rome that only 1% of the world population knows about?
00:16Yes, yes, who hasn't? I mean, other than the 99%.
00:20The poached snail pasta with volcano ash is pretty good. But honestly, I've had better.
00:27So when did you watch the new movie Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse?
00:30October last year. Obviously, I wasn't gonna watch it with the general public, ew.
00:36Daddy got a private viewing arranged for me.
00:38And who's your daddy?
00:40We just got him back after he was kidnapped the fifth time for ransom, so I really can't share this information.
00:47You understand how it is, right?
00:48I totally get that, girl. Welcome to the gang, Sophia.
00:52Phew, my research on stupid rich people had paid off.
00:56Hi, I'm Sally from L.A., but for now, just call me Sophia.
00:59That sounds like a sophisticated rich girl name, right?
01:02Please, don't blow my cover.
01:03So, about that. I may look like a normal high school student, but the truth is, I'm actually a journalist.
01:09About a month ago, our paper received an anonymous tip that something shady was going on at the most elite private school in the country.
01:17Since I'd graduated only a couple of years before — not from this school, I'm not that rich — my editor sent me undercover to investigate.
01:24Now, I was in with the most popular kids in high school, and the first thing I noticed was that none of them seemed to study much and were partying every day.
01:32But they all had straight A's.
01:34The second thing I noticed was a boy named Matthew who didn't seem to fit in here, and he was constantly getting bullied by the popular jerks.
01:41I decided to find out why, so one day after school, I followed him.
01:45He'd walked several blocks down, when suddenly, a flashy red sports car screeched to a halt, and the popular boys jumped out and surrounded him.
01:54Their leader, Aaron, grabbed Matthew by his collar.
01:56You know you have to do what we say, Pinocchio. You're our little puppet. Why are you being so difficult?
02:02I don't have to do anything anymore. I'm gonna expose all of you, even if it means getting expelled myself.
02:07And who's gonna believe you?
02:09They'll believe me when I show them proof.
02:12Yeah, this isn't a bluff, Aaron.
02:14What did you do, you little weasel?
02:16Just then, a policeman came around the corner, and Aaron let Matthew go, but then snatched his backpack and threw it on the road.
02:23The boys all jumped into the car and sped away.
02:25As Matthew was picking up his things, I suddenly saw a bus approaching him at full speed, and he wasn't looking up.
02:31Without another thought, I raced toward him and pushed him out of the way.
02:35The bus driver pulled over to check on us, but Matthew wasn't moving.
02:39We called an ambulance, and I decided to wait at the hospital till his family arrived.
02:43And the doctor soon told me that Matthew had hit his head hard, and he was in a coma.
02:47Gosh, so much for trying to save him.
02:50Matthew, please wake up and tell me what's going on with you and those jerks.
02:54Can you hear me?
02:56I shook him gently, flashed my phone light in his eyes, tried tickling his toes, but nothing.
03:01Then I gave him a passionate kiss on the lips.
03:04Guess that doesn't work in real life.
03:06Just then, I turned around to see a couple who looked like Matthew's parents.
03:10They were distressed at Matthew's condition, but then, to my surprise, his mom turned around and hugged me.
03:16We received the full report of the accident, and you were really brave to jump in and save his life.
03:22The doctor's hopeful that Matthew will wake up once the swelling in his brain goes down.
03:26Matthew never mentioned you, but we're so glad to find out he has such a caring girlfriend.
03:32Well, of course they thought that with my passionate kissing.
03:35I was about to correct them, when suddenly, I had an idea.
03:38Oh, um, yeah. Matthew's a great boyfriend.
03:41Lovely man. I mean, boy. Man, boy.
03:44Such a weird age. Is he a man? Is he a boy? Who knows?
03:48He's a great guy.
03:50And before I knew it, I'd received an invitation to dinner at their place the next day.
03:54I walked away feeling conflicted.
03:56Yes, I was lying to these very nice people about being their comatose son's girlfriend, which was wrong.
04:02But Matthew knew something about the popular kids, and I had to find out what it was.
04:07The next day at school, I caught Erin and the other jerks laughing about the accident.
04:11Good thing the Matthew situation got taken care of itself.
04:15What are you guys talking about? Why do we care about this Matthew loser?
04:19Oh, Sophia. You're cute, but you're too new for us to let you in on our secrets.
04:24You have to earn our trust, you know.
04:26Okay, and how do I do that?
04:29I'm pretty sure Matthew was bluffing, but he claims he has some dirt on us.
04:33Maybe a video? You think you can find out if he has any such thing and get it for me?
04:37That should be easy. I can totally go to Matthew's place pretending to be his sad girlfriend, and I'll look through his things.
04:44If there's anything to find, I'll find it.
04:46I like your confidence, Sophia.
04:48Maybe you can come by my place one of these days and, uh, see a slideshow of my abs?
04:53Chicks dig that stuff.
04:54I gave him a forced smile as I tried not to barf.
04:57Later that evening, I arrived early at Matthew's place for dinner, and it was obvious that they weren't rich at all.
05:03His parents welcomed me in, and while they were still preparing dinner, I slipped upstairs.
05:08I walked through the first door to see tons of sports trophies displayed on the shelves and a guitar on the wall.
05:14Clearly, I wasn't in Matthew's room.
05:16Just then, I spotted a photo frame with a picture of him next to a hunk who looked a few years older.
05:22Mamma mia, who are you?
05:24That would be me, Matthew's brother Cody.
05:27I turned around in shock to see the hunk standing behind me.
05:31He'd just stepped out of the bathroom, wearing nothing but a towel.
05:34Are you… staring at my abs?
05:37I'm guessing you're my brother's girlfriend who my parents invited for dinner?
05:41What? I wasn't staring.
05:42How dare you accuse me of something so disgusting?
05:45I… I'm just so traumatized by what's happened to Matthew.
05:49And he used to talk about you so much.
05:51And now seeing you in person without Matthew here…
05:55This is all just very hard for me.
05:57Uh, look, I'm sorry.
06:00I just threw the photo frame aside and ran out of there.
06:03Gosh, this was gonna be one awkward evening.
06:05Cody joined us soon and was being extra nice to me all through dinner.
06:09And his parents started asking me how Matthew and I'd met.
06:13Uh, it's actually a crazy story.
06:16So, you know that big park next to our school?
06:18I was feeding the ducks there one afternoon and when I ran out of bread,
06:22they suddenly became these vicious creatures that started jumping out of the lake to attack me.
06:27So I was running as fast as I could when suddenly I tripped.
06:31I saw my life flash before my eyes.
06:33And then out of nowhere, this boy jumps in and starts howling at the ducks like a wolf.
06:38The ducks ran away like scared chickens and my hero turned out to be Matthew.
06:43It's actually a true story, guys.
06:45I didn't just pull it out of my butt.
06:47That's how I met my first boyfriend.
06:48He's in a mental asylum now.
06:50Um, wow, that's amazing.
06:53It doesn't sound anything like our Matthew, though.
06:55He's terrified of birds.
06:57Also dogs, cats, squirrels, butterflies.
07:01Water, heights, sunflowers, grapes.
07:04Right, of course I found out later he's a scaredy cat.
07:08Which made the duck thing even more special.
07:10He overcame his fears to save me.
07:13His parents smiled at me warmly.
07:16I'm sure you already know this, but Matthew's a genius.
07:19It was his dream to get into that school on scholarship.
07:22But ever since he's gone there, he's been so different.
07:26Closed off, moody, even angry.
07:28We're really happy to know at least he had you to talk to.
07:32I felt quite bad for being a big fat liar as I left that evening.
07:36And I was no closer to finding the truth.
07:38Well, at least now I knew which bedroom was Matthew's.
07:41So the next night, I decided to sneak into his room when everyone was asleep.
07:45I managed to climb up the wall and was halfway through the window when my butt got stuck.
07:50Oh God, when did my butt get so big?
07:52Probably eating all those French pastries at lunch.
07:55Why do they serve such stupid stuff in school?
07:57Oh, you know what they say. Ouch!
07:59Moment in the mouth, forever on the butt, or something like that.
08:03I finally managed to get through and fell on the ground with a thud.
08:07And I quickly crawled under the bed.
08:08Seconds later, Cody walked in.
08:10Gosh, even his feet were pretty.
08:12And he was swinging a baseball bat.
08:14Anyone there? I'm warning you, I'm armed.
08:17I lay there silently and watched him leave.
08:19I sighed in relief and turned around and suddenly felt someone pulling me out by my shirt.
08:24Sophia, what on earth are you doing here?
08:27I stared up at him, my mind racing.
08:29Just then, I spotted a pair of Matthew's shoes under the bed and grabbed them.
08:33Oh, I just came here because I miss Matthew so much.
08:38I was just sniffing his shoes.
08:41The smell of his feet makes me feel like he's still with me.
08:45He hasn't died, Sophia.
08:46You know what? I think you're lying about something.
08:49What are you actually doing here?
08:51I just had to tell him the truth.
08:52Well, the partial truth.
08:54Okay, so I didn't tell you before, but Matthew started shutting me out too lately.
08:59I've seen the popular kids in school talking to him a few times, but he'd never tell me what it was about.
09:04And right before his accident, I heard Matthew telling them that he was gonna expose them all.
09:09He's involved with these kids in something serious, and I have to find out what.
09:13But what were you expecting to find here?
09:16The biggest bully, Aaron, seems to think Matthew has something on him, like a video maybe?
09:21I need to check his phone and laptop, please!
09:24I'll help you.
09:25We went through Matthew's phone and laptop, but didn't find anything.
09:28We searched all through his drawers and cupboards for any hard drives or any other clue, but turned up empty-handed, except…
09:35Cody, since when does Matthew get D's and F's?
09:38He looked at the quizzes I was holding up in shock.
09:41Never. Matthew's always shown us his report cards with straight A's.
09:45These quizzes are a few months old. If he was struggling with his grades, he never mentioned it.
09:50Well, he stopped talking to me pretty much since he joined this school. I miss him.
09:54You wanna sniff his shoes?
09:56No thank you. Come with me to see him at the hospital tomorrow?
10:00Of course.
10:01We started making hospital visits together, and I could see how much Cody cared for his little brother.
10:06And we often found ourselves hanging out afterwards too.
10:09At first, we were just talking about Matthew, but soon we were having conversations about everything.
10:15He seemed to find me funny, and I loved making him laugh with my silly antics.
10:19His parents loved having me over too.
10:21And it wasn't long before I had a major crush on Cody.
10:25I mean, literally, it took me a week.
10:27Well, actually, a second, when I saw him in that towel.
10:31But of course, I couldn't say anything because I'm a professional, an undercover journalist, and most importantly, his brother's fake girlfriend.
10:39Meanwhile at school, I reassured Aaron that I'd look through everything Matthew owned, and he didn't have anything on Aaron and his friends.
10:46So, you wanna tell me now what this is all about?
10:49I want you to trust me, Aaron.
10:51I think I can. I noticed you got C's and D's on your quizzes lately.
10:55Yeah, I've been kind of busy snooping around Matthew's house lately, so haven't been studying much.
11:00And this school's tough.
11:02Well, you know that, uh, giant chemistry quiz coming up on Monday?
11:06You're gonna ace it.
11:07And then, he pulled out some papers from his locker and handed them to me.
11:11The quiz with the answer key.
11:13Thank me later by going out with me, babe.
11:16He winked and walked off as I stood there in shock, then quickly stuffed the quiz in my bag.
11:21Aaron and his group were stealing exams from the teacher's room, and Matthew was involved in this too?
11:26And when I told Cody later that day in the hospital, he was stunned.
11:30Matthew cheating? Stealing exams? It can't be. He wouldn't. He's always been such a good kid.
11:36But he was getting bad grades and hiding them, and then something changed, right?
11:41And we know he's involved with these kids. He said he'd expose them, even if it meant getting expelled himself.
11:48I can hardly believe it. What have you been up to, Matthew? Just wake up and tell me.
11:53I put my hand on Cody's to comfort him, and the way he looked up at me made my heart race.
11:58Then he quickly pulled his hand away.
12:00Sophia, you're my brother's girl.
12:02Just then, the door burst open, and a short, curly-haired girl ran in, pushed me aside, and threw herself on Matthew.
12:10Oh my god, I came as soon as I heard. Come on, Maddie, I'm here now. Wake up.
12:15And then she planted a big kiss on his lips.
12:18Why is true love's kiss not working? Maybe I should slap him hard.
12:22Hold up, who are you?
12:24I'm his girlfriend, Penny. Matt and I have been together for two years, since his old school.
12:30But I'd been away with my family for a month on this camping trip where we had no signals, and I hadn't talked to Matt in weeks.
12:37When I returned, a friend told me he was in a coma. You're Cody, right?
12:41Oh, my brother-in-law, I'm here for you.
12:44What are you talking about? That's his girlfriend. Sophia, why aren't you saying anything?
12:49I... I am just speechless.
12:51What? I'm his girlfriend, his one and only. Where did this witch come from?
12:57Matthew saved me from the ducks.
12:59Oh god, he's playing us both. He's a two-timer.
13:04I'm such a terrible person. Ain't no way I'm giving up my man to some Gucci-wearing, hoity-toity tree trunk.
13:10You and me, outside, now!
13:12I had no idea what to do. I couldn't expose all my lies, so I had to go fight this girl for my boyfriend.
13:19A crowd gathered outside the hospital to watch our catfight. Ugh, I was really in it now.
13:24You want a piece of me, shorty? What you got in that nest on your head?
13:27Wow, your trash talk is pathetic. My mama can do better than that, Godzilla.
13:33Then she attacked me, and she was crazy. She knew frickin' kung fu.
13:38She kicked me in the stomach, punched me in the eye, pulled my hair, and bit my leg.
13:42She might have killed me if Cody hadn't intervened. And then she stormed off back to Matthew.
13:47Sophia, are you okay? Let's have a doctor take a look.
13:50No, I'm fine. I'll maybe get an ice pack for my throbbing eye.
13:55We sat on the bench outside as Cody held the ice pack to my face.
13:59I feel like I don't even know who my brother is anymore. Stealing exams? Having two girlfriends?
14:05Tell me about it.
14:06I'm really sorry, Sophia. Matthew doesn't deserve two beautiful girls fighting over him.
14:11You think I'm beautiful?
14:13Well, yeah, if it helps. More than Penny.
14:16It helps. Cody was just sitting so close to me, and he looked irresistible.
14:22And I found myself leaning forward and kissing him. He kissed me back, then suddenly jumped away.
14:28No, no. This is terrible.
14:30Wait, what's terrible? The kiss or the situation?
14:34No, the kiss was great. The situation is terrible.
14:37Sophia, how could you just kiss me? You're my brother's girlfriend.
14:41Well, he already has another girlfriend. I don't even know who I am in this situation.
14:46All I know is that I can't do this while my brother's in a coma. Maybe we should just stay away from each other.
14:52And with that, he walked off.
14:54Ugh, this was getting so complicated.
14:56I knew by now that Aaron and his group were stealing papers and getting perfect grades to get into the best universities.
15:02And maybe this was enough for my article.
15:05But my editor said we needed more solid proof, because it was just my word against theirs.
15:10Feeling defeated, I went to visit Matthew at the hospital one day. He was alone.
15:14And then the nurse told me that Matthew had been wearing a USB on a string around his neck, which had snapped today.
15:20I thanked her as she gave it to me, and then quickly took out my laptop and inserted the USB.
15:25And I was shocked to see security footage on it, clearly showing Aaron, his friends, and Matthew stealing exams from the teacher's room.
15:33This was all the proof I needed.
15:35Just then, Penny walked in with Cody.
15:38Good, you're here, Sophia. Or should I say Sally?
15:41I was just telling Cody what I found out about you, you lying, tall news reporter.
15:46With that, Penny shoved her phone in my face, showing my profile on the newspaper's website.
15:52So, let me get this straight. You've been here undercover as a high school student to write some article?
15:57And for that, you lied to me and my family about being my brother's girlfriend while he was in a coma?
16:03And you made us believe he's a two-timer?
16:05Listen, I know it looks bad, but...
16:07My parents are on their way here, and I think you should leave.
16:10Cody, please.
16:11Just go.
16:12Suddenly, Penny let out a scream as Matthew's eyelids fluttered open.
16:17I quickly left the room, and moments later, I saw his parents walk in, and I could hear everyone's excited voices.
16:23I was so happy for them that Matthew was awake.
16:25The next day at school, Aaron approached me.
16:28Hey babe, you want more of those tests?
16:30The first one was free, but it's $200 per test now.
16:34Wow, that's steep.
16:36Look around you, doll. Everyone here can pay.
16:39Well, except for that loser Matthew.
16:41He was struggling under the pressure and came to us for help, but he couldn't pay up.
16:45So we decided to make him our slave in return.
16:48We kept telling him that if we got caught, our rich parents would get us out of this mess, but he'd lose his scholarship and get expelled in a second.
16:57Right, it all makes sense now.
16:59Thanks, but I won't be needing any more of the tests.
17:02How come?
17:03I'm dropping out of school.
17:05I'd recorded my last conversation with Aaron on my phone, and I got to working on my article on the weekend.
17:10By Monday, it was out.
17:12By Tuesday, it was all over the news.
17:14By Friday, every student involved had been expelled, except for Matthew.
17:18I'd made it clear in my article that Matthew had wanted to do the right thing, and the principal decided to be lenient and only suspend him.
17:26It was a relief to be Sally again, but I felt bad about how things had ended with Cody.
17:30I wanted to apologize to him and his parents, but he wouldn't take my calls.
17:34A few weeks went by, and I was surprised to find a card on my desk from Matthew inviting me to Cody's baseball game.
17:41That night, I found Matthew in the stands.
17:43Look who it is.
17:44My girlfriend.
17:45Ha ha, where's your other girlfriend?
17:48She's on her way here.
17:49You better watch out.
17:50I liked your article, by the way.
17:53How did you get a hold of that security footage?
17:55I think the principal was beginning to suspect that someone was stealing papers, because the last time Aaron and his friends made me go with them, I noticed a new camera in the teacher's room.
18:04I hacked into the school's security system, retrieved the footage, and put in some fake one.
18:08I told Aaron I'd destroyed it, but I hadn't.
18:12Also, you're the one who sent the anonymous tip to the newspaper, didn't you?
18:17I was tired of living a lie.
18:18By the way, I'm dropping out of that school and going back to my old one with Penny.
18:24I was miserable there, Sally.
18:25I can't take that pressure.
18:27I wish I'd just been able to own up to that earlier and tell my family.
18:30I was so afraid of disappointing them that I ended up cheating instead.
18:34But thank you for exposing those jerks and making my life better, really.
18:38Now, you should go talk to my brother before his game starts.
18:41I promise.
18:42He's ready to listen.
18:43I skipped off to find Cody and burst into the boys' locker room, and I stood transfixed.
18:48So many shirtless athletes.
18:51Just then, Cody appeared and dragged me out.
18:53That was subtle, Sally.
18:55Come on, it's just some eye candy.
18:57Okay, okay, listen.
18:59Cody, I owe you an apology.
19:01I'm sorry for lying to you and your parents, but I was just trying to do my job and even helping Matthew.
19:07It's not a great excuse for all my lies, but it's not a bad one either.
19:13I guess not.
19:14Especially since you helped make things better for Matthew.
19:16And you make everyone in my family happy.
19:19I think my mom wishes you were still Matthew's girlfriend.
19:22And you?
19:23Oh, I'm super happy Penny exists because now I can do this without feeling guilty.
19:29And then he pulled me in for a kiss.
