• 2 days ago


00:00hey guys after a recent unskilled review of another movie someone else has asked
00:07for a review of black rain so black rain was made in 1989 and was directed by
00:15Ridley Scott and Michael Douglas and Andy Garcia
00:23and I hadn't seen it before so I watched it and it's sort of it's sort of there's
00:32no surprises 1989 some of some old folks remember 1989 I clearly remember 1989 and
00:41this movie sort of reminded me of lethal weapon so that was Mel Gibson movie
00:50about the same time I think lethal weapon and a cross between that and last
00:56samurai so the story is an American guy comes to Japan and saves the day sort of
01:03thing so American American New York cop comes who breaks all the rules right
01:12that's what made me think of lethal weapon he breaks all the rules he's a
01:16rule-breaking dude and he comes to Japan and takes on the yakuza I'll try
01:21not to spoil it for anybody who hasn't seen it so I'll try to avoid giving any
01:24information that's going to spoil the plot but you know this is sort of the
01:29rough outline of what what happens so he comes to Japan and takes on the yakuza
01:34and the Japanese are all set in their ways and and and never break the rules
01:40or anything and he comes along and the fact that he breaks the rules it is a
01:45popular theme in a lot of those Hollywood movies isn't it that that the
01:50guy that breaks the rules and doesn't do things by the book always gets good
01:54results and in the end he's a hero right it's sort of like along those lines no
01:59surprises there so yeah he comes to Japan and they're all following the rules
02:04and not managing to get the bad guys and he comes along and breaks all the rules
02:08and gets one of the Japanese guys to break the rules and then they they get
02:14the bad guys and I mean there's no surprises right you guys know this is
02:18going to be the way it's going to go and at the end they're heroes right so
02:23there's that so no real surprises it's well made I mean Ridley Scott good
02:29director and Michael Douglas and Andy Garcia good actors there's a Japanese
02:33actor that's really good too so it's well done what I enjoyed out of it was
02:40the scene that the shots of Osaka because it was parts of it or how much
02:47of it was actually shot in Osaka and so that was really interesting before I
02:51knew it was actually set in Osaka they showed the plane coming in to land over
02:56Osaka and I've actually flown over Osaka in the small aircraft and I recognized
03:00the river and the scene and and it's like that looks like Osaka and sure
03:04enough you know they're landing at Osaka Airport and then there are lots of
03:08scenes in the movie that places in Osaka that I've actually shown you in
03:13videos previously you know the Glicoman and all that sort of stuff that's still
03:17there from 1989 you know so that's what's that 36 years ago so there was
03:23lots of places there the train station there was a few places like that where
03:27they shot where you recognize the scenes but over and and the castle the castle
03:32was actually in a couple of the shots but it's also interesting to see the
03:36city what it looked like 36 years ago because obviously it's really different
03:39now there are a lot of a lot of new big buildings and that weren't there in 89
03:43so it was sort of interesting a bit of a time capsule you know to see to see
03:48Japan in in 1989 I see Osaka in 1989 and there was the Yakuza thing of course and
03:59they did the Yakuza thing reasonably well I mean had the whole of Hollywood
04:03bent on it but the Yakuza thing was pretty pretty well done and the they had
04:09Bosozoku doing some Bosozoku nonsense which yeah it's pretty well done too
04:15sort of thing I mean it's Hollywood right so you always get the Hollywood
04:19style on all these things but overall yeah yeah it was alright it was alright
04:26I watched all I watched it all the way through and you know interested to see
04:32how they're gonna do it and how it's gonna resolve sort of knew what the very
04:36end be you know movies like that you know you don't start watching a movie
04:39like that and not know that the good guys gonna win in the end and the bad
04:42guys gonna lose right one of our kids pointed that out recently after we
04:48watched a movie she said it's happy at the start and and sad in the middle and
04:52and happy at the end it was a Disney movie actually it was like yeah that's
04:56what they do which is a little interesting it's different a lot of
05:00Japanese movies don't end happily you know one of the classics I saw once was
05:06was sort of a romance action old Japanese movie and it was it was pretty
05:13good and then at the end right at the end the both of them I can't be what it
05:17was called sorry guys but right at the end they're both wearing white and
05:21they're in this beautiful stone garden and right at the end you think it's
05:25gonna end happy ending right because I grew up watching Hollywood movies so I'm
05:28used to the happy ending thing and you think it's gonna be a happy ending and
05:32right at the end she pulls out this knife and he doesn't know and she she
05:35stabs him in the heart with it and then she turns around and stabs herself in
05:40the heart with it and they both fall to the ground and this big pool of blood
05:44because they're both wearing all white and this big pool of blood just covers
05:47their bodies and it surrounds them and that's the end of the movie right and
05:51lots of Japanese movies end like that with sad endings and and so so when you
05:58watch a Hollywood movie you know you know you know in the end the good guys
06:03gonna win the surprise usually is which of his friends or family members die
06:08along the way right or he's or he's co-workers you know which which of the
06:13other people in the movie die along the way but you know that usually the heroes
06:19the hero stumbles away bleeding at the end and you know he saves the day so
06:25this one Black Rain is sort of similar to that but yeah it's alright if you're
06:31into Japan I mean that's obviously why our friend has recommended this because
06:36you know if you're into Japan just that Japanese part of it makes it sort of
06:43interesting you know because you've got the Japanese culture thing and and it's
06:47sort of yeah they touch on that a bit you know that here's the American guy
06:50who's gonna break all the rules and the Japanese guy explains that Japanese have
06:55group thinking and that we have to think about the group and we have to
06:58follow the rules right
07:01truth to that isn't there and so yeah it's it's alright it's alright give it a
07:06look if you've got a couple of hours it's pretty long if you've got a couple
07:10of hours and and you want to check it out check it out so it's alright I'm not
07:17gonna do star ratings or anything these things it's all it depends on the person
07:23doesn't it you know movies are like art aren't they what one person finds really
07:28good another person might not enjoy it all or find mediocre or whatever so some
07:34of you guys are bound to like it and some of you are bound to not like it so
07:37if you've got a couple of a couple of hours check it out for yourself so anyway
07:43Black Rain Black Rain 1989 Michael Douglas won't be hard to find on the
07:47internet I'm sure anyway that's enough of that more videos coming soon