• last week


00:00:36Always this early only when I'm concerned any word from your ex
00:00:41I'm sure that following the restraining order is not gonna sit very well with him
00:00:45He is an unpredictable man
00:00:48Judge isn't gonna risk doing anything to lose his bench
00:00:51Jealousy is a devilish emotion
00:01:06Spoiled me it's my divorce is finalized. I'll spoil you forever
00:01:13You expecting someone not that I know of
00:01:22Stop the harassment or I will call the cops you hear me Halstead
00:01:32Scared me come inside. Don't let him ruin our night
00:01:42This Friday 9 p.m. Central
00:01:45I'm church Halstead never actually admitted to the murder yet. You seem to get a conviction based on
00:01:52Circumstantial evidence which
00:01:54Leaves an air of innocence when juicy
00:01:57Yeah, well, I I do want to say that whoever wrote this scene took some creative license. It wasn't
00:02:04Jealousy that caused him to go back to her house
00:02:06It was the restraining order that she was set to file the next day that would have damaged his reputation and career
00:02:13Now do you think this being your first case you push too hard for the conviction instead of looking at the lack of physical evidence?
00:02:19Well, it's not up to me to decide the guilt that's for the jury and they decided that he was guilty
00:02:26So now your father was chief of police at this time. Did he help you with the case in any way? He did not
00:02:32Now it's rumored he and the judge didn't get along
00:02:36Well, he knew what kind of man the judge really was and that's all I'm going to say
00:02:42Well, that's a very broad statement. What kind of man is that a man who murders his wife?
00:02:47All right, if you've somehow proven innocent, how would you feel he wasn't innocent well some think he was
00:02:55Name one person who thought he was well
00:02:57Our producers took a poll after a local screening of the TV movie
00:03:0160% of those that watched the movie thought he was likely innocent. Yes, and that's why it's a movie and not real-life Dale
00:03:06That's a dramatization and I lived it. Well, thank you again
00:03:09We appreciate your time and perhaps we can do a follow-up of the movie the release
00:03:14Absolutely, but I do want to say that I've just recently left the DA's office and started my own private practice here in town
00:03:20Congratulations. Oh, thank you. It must be very exciting. It is it is one last question. So if
00:03:26some definitive
00:03:27Proof came out that that cleared the judge
00:03:31Will you come back on this show and admit you were wrong? I
00:03:36Would yes, I would but he is not
00:03:39Innocent he's not innocent and that's the final word. Thanks for tuning in to another episode of real crime with Dale
00:03:48That's me
00:03:53Good job
00:03:54Okay, I thought this was going to be an interview not an ambush. Hey, it's the producers that push me to have conflict
00:04:01No conflict. No drama. No drama. No ratings. No ratings. No show. Well, maybe that would be a good thing
00:04:07Wow, hey, listen, I'm on your side. Okay, I am team Holly
00:04:12All right to prove it. I'd love to ask you out to dinner
00:04:15Thank you, but I don't mix business with pleasure. Nice to meet you
00:04:22What a disaster
00:04:23You haven't been out on a date in five years. My favorite talk show host asked you out and you said no
00:04:30Thanks, I need a pen
00:04:33Did you watch what just happened? Mm-hmm. What about that made you think? Oh these people should do this again, but with food, honey
00:04:40You knew it was gonna be a tough interview. Yeah, and I don't want to go on a tough date
00:04:43He isn't just anyone. He's smart. He's successful. Thank you. Super. Good-looking. Well, he obviously asked out the wrong woman
00:04:50Maybe I should set the two of you up
00:04:52I think he only has eyes for you and I just like to see you open yourself up to that possibility
00:04:58Before you work yourself to death you're talking about I love my work. I know you're amazing at it
00:05:02But now with the new practice there might be room in your life for something new
00:05:06I just bought a new ficus for the front office. I meant something fun. Is this an intervention?
00:05:10No, this is me telling you to go on that date
00:05:12Do it. No it for me. Oh, don't even stop it. No
00:05:20Thanks, do it for me, please
00:05:28Mr. Jones Dale
00:05:31The answer to the last question is yes
00:05:34That's fantastic
00:05:36I'll call you later. Set something up great
00:05:41Okay, here's the deal if this turns out to be a whore show you were never allowed to meddle in my private life again
00:05:46Got it understood good
00:05:51You know me agreeing to go on this date with him it's officially Stockholm syndrome
00:05:55He's officially cute and I'm officially jealous jealous of you have good-looking guys beating down your door every single day
00:06:01Nope, I finally found one that I really like really he's broke and he's weird
00:06:12Great job
00:06:16Killed it worst interview ever
00:06:18Oh awesome, it's to a sentimental place the town where I was born and raised
00:06:26We're brilliant folks and some girls that'll blow your mind
00:06:33Pass the Francis pharmacy will take a left right down the street
00:06:41Three-way traffic
00:07:49Dale are you stalking me?
00:07:52Hey, sorry, I had to hurry off earlier
00:07:55It's so hectic and show business. Actually, I gotta rush off right now. But how does tomorrow night work? Oh
00:08:03Yeah, tomorrow night's good. Yeah, we'll get it over with I mean
00:08:07Tomorrow night's great
00:08:13Yeah, Mahoney's right by my office I love convenient seven seven's great see you then
00:09:26Look like you need this today. Thank you. Okay
00:09:32Yeah, I
00:09:34Was attacked last night
00:09:35What where are you? All right? Yeah, I'm fine
00:09:39It was at my house, and I don't think they wanted me dead. I think they tasered me
00:09:44From behind I woke up and I found this note
00:09:47He returned to lose someone
00:09:49Holly that's a pretty clear threat. What did the police say? I didn't tell them yet
00:09:54Well, we need to call them now. No, I just I feel like this
00:09:58Whoever did this wants me to report it like they want to freak me out and get attention
00:10:03I think this has to do with the interview last night with the Halstead case
00:10:06Well, will you at least call your father? You can't let this slide, you know, it's important
00:10:10I know but I don't want him to be upset that he isn't on his game as he used to be
00:10:20But it rains it pours with you
00:10:26I know you hated being on the show, but at least
00:10:3127 voicemails on the company line and four of them sounded like legit clients
00:10:35Well, you think these legit clients are gonna want to walk into a construction zone. I've been hounding the painters are coming in on Friday
00:10:42Hi, I'm so sorry to bother but you looked so familiar to me. Do I know you from anywhere?
00:10:49I just are you from here in New Orleans actually just moved
00:10:54Yeah, I used to go to the Jazz Fest every year with my dad. Now. That is a fantastic event
00:10:59I've been there loads of times myself, but you did your mom not enjoy jazz or uh
00:11:04She did like jazz, but she she died very young
00:11:08Would you roll those calls out but you you may have seen her last night on TV
00:11:13Real crime or Dale. That's exactly what it is. I was watching that while I was working. That is you
00:11:18So sorry, you had to watch that mystery solved
00:11:23Theodore or a feel it's like doll room
00:11:27Carla Fuentes Holly Powell pleasure
00:11:30Well, the pleasure is mine. Believe me. I have being new here
00:11:34I could desperately use a tour around town if you feel like being a guide ever. I'm oh
00:11:40Yeah, it's just it's not a good time right now for me. This is
00:11:44Starting this new firm and of course, no, no. No, I I shouldn't have bothered
00:11:49It's nice to meet you both, but I tell you what some change your mind
00:11:54I'll just leave that there. No harm. No foul
00:12:01Who really think last night is a bigger deal than you're letting her it's fine. I'm fine
00:12:08I I have I'll handle her. I'm okay. Thank you
00:12:29Hey dad, are you busy? Oh
00:12:32Never too busy to talk to you. Okay. Well, I I don't want you to freak out but I was assaulted last night
00:12:42Dad I didn't call the police. What why not? What happened? I
00:12:48Teasered and whoever did it. They left a note
00:12:54He'll be there in short, please not right now. I have a full day. I just started this firm. It's a bad time right now
00:13:00I'm at least sending your gun over. No, absolutely not. No how I feel about guns. That's why I took self-defense
00:13:08Well, how did that work out last night? Well dad the gun wouldn't have helped either. Okay, listen
00:13:12I'm only calling because I don't want you to worry. I want you to know that. I'm okay. Please don't rush over here
00:13:17Okay, I'm still sending over bars. I may be a retired cop, but I am NOT a retired father
00:13:23I know. Okay, fine. Just have him come over at the end of the day. Okay. All right, dear. Whatever you like. Love you
00:13:38Really wish you'd called me earlier. I mean
00:13:41There's really not much to go on here. I could go to your house tomorrow and have a look around
00:13:44Thank You detective. Yes. I know I should have called. I think I was just in shock
00:13:49Understandable, but by the looks of it, this isn't over. All right, you guys stay aware. Stay safe. Okay. Thank you detective
00:13:58You want to stay with me tonight? Oh, no. No, I'm fine. I really don't feel like going on this date tonight
00:14:03That's for sure. Well, you can cancel. We'll take a rain check. Hmm. No. No, then it's just one more appointment
00:14:08I'm dreading instead of getting it over with. Oh, stop. It's a date not a root canal
00:14:13You deserve to have a life outside of your job
00:14:15Taking a huge risk starting this firm and if you don't take some time to yourself to enjoy it
00:14:20And really what's it all for? I feel happier when I'm too busy to think
00:14:24I think
00:14:27Call me after
00:14:42Hey, oh, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm late. Why you look lovely the
00:14:49Producers want me to interview judge from the jail and we're busy cutting. It's fine. It's fine. Okay. Are you hungry? I'm starving
00:14:55I just really always wanted to know what other people didn't right? I mean, I I actually become obsessed with it
00:15:03I drove my teachers crazy man. It was so hard to pick a major in college
00:15:07But anyway, I got in a radio and I started a show on campus
00:15:13crimes on campus
00:15:15we actually solved a bunch of assaults and some thefts and
00:15:18We actually took down a little drug ring and that's when I knew I was hooked. So, you know, I stayed in radio another
00:15:25dozen years
00:15:28But you know ever since I'm just
00:15:30Trying to get on TV which is so hard to do I mean there are so many shows out there about real crime
00:15:35There are so many out there there are and that's why we came down here right small network local stations zero budget
00:15:42But after a year on air we got picked up by the National Affiliate. Hmm
00:15:48Sounds like it really worked out for you. It really kind of has didn't work out so well for me
00:15:54Look I'm it wasn't me, right? I mean if I ask the questions that producers want me to ask
00:16:00You would be hating me right now. I was attacked after your show last night. Oh
00:16:07Like social media, I mean it's pretty bad I hate that I was physically attacked
00:16:13Are you okay?
00:16:17You don't think it had anything to do with the piece we ran do you I
00:16:20Don't know Halstead isn't the first person I've sent to prison. He's just the most famous
00:16:27Well, I didn't make the movie. I mean I didn't write it. That's the producers. That's the network
00:16:31They just want us to run a piece on it, you know to promote it. It's right and that's you know, they paid
00:16:41Well, everyone's got to make a living
00:16:44You said it
00:16:47You said it
00:16:49Are you gonna finish that because it's this this is amazing. Hey, hey tell you what, let me walk into your car
00:16:55Oh gosh, no, you do not have to do that. Seriously. I'm right there
00:17:00Listen, I get it. I talk a lot when I get nervous and I do listen if you go out with me again
00:17:06I promise you could put the mute button on me just like oh
00:17:08You know, I want to know more about you
00:17:12Who is my producer? Hey, hold on one second
00:17:15I'm trying to find out if this very beautiful woman will go out with me one more time. Hold on
00:17:19I'm about to get an answer. Um
00:17:23I'll call you. Okay. Awesome. Okay. She said yes
00:17:31Well, hey there oh
00:17:33Hey, so you barely got a word in edgewise at dinner you have got the patience of a saint
00:17:40Yes, well, that's why I hate dating ah
00:17:43I'm generally too busy to date myself me too. Oh, we have that in common
00:17:48Yeah, all right there. Well, uh
00:17:52Stay safe. What's that supposed to mean?
00:17:54Nothing in particular and stuff courtesy, I suppose. How about good night? Is that better? I'm sorry. They're they're both fine
00:18:03Good night. Theo. Yeah, I'm small town. I'm sure I'll see you around
00:18:11Well, he put me on the spot and I stupidly agreed to another date well, he said he was nervous
00:18:17You know that happens even a really smart successful and attractive guy
00:18:22Successful and attractive guys. I was really self-obsessed and
00:18:27Oh my god, just tell me how you really feel. Is that too harsh?
00:18:34No, he's harmless. Okay. I just I just think after last night
00:18:38I just don't want to be around a guy for a while. You know, well, how do you know?
00:18:41It was a man who attacked you
00:18:44That's a fair point. Oh, by the way, I'm looking to see you at the bar. Oh, I need details
00:18:50I'm staying on the phone with you until you get inside. All right, that is very sweet, but you don't have to do that
00:18:56You'll not have to sit on the phone. I'm sure you have better things to do than phone sit me
00:19:00Nope, I ordered takeout. I'm gonna watch some old movies and have a self-care night
00:19:05Plenty of time to make sure my boss friend. It's safe
00:19:08You are very hard to argue with I'll give you that and that's high praise coming from a lawyer
00:19:13I'm not a lawyer. I'm a lawyer. I'm a lawyer. I'm a lawyer. I'm a lawyer
00:19:17Well, there's nothing to tell really I just saw him and you know, that was it
00:19:21I don't know Holly maybe having a guy around right now wouldn't be such a bad thing. I'm just saying no
00:19:26See, that's exactly why I took self-defense. So I wouldn't need a man around got it
00:19:31Okay, i'm in all is well. I'll see you tomorrow. All right, girl. See you tomorrow
00:19:53There you go, okay
00:20:03Hey carla
00:20:04Can you pull all my old notes from the halsted case and my da case files that ended in convictions under halsted?
00:20:09I want to go through everything page by page
00:20:29Hey, it's carla leave a message
00:20:32Hey, sorry about that. Um ever since that damn interview crazy stuff's been happening. I'll tell you when I see you
00:20:38Hey, where are you?
00:20:40Huh? You always pick up
00:20:44Oh my gosh
00:20:48Oh carla
00:20:57All right, this is james powell leave a message hey dad, uh, my office has been trashed
00:21:06I'm gonna go to carla's place. So just call me when you can
00:21:13Carla it's me holly
00:21:40Hey, it's carla leave a message
00:21:59Okay, dad, listen my my office was ransacked and carla's disappeared I went to her apartment
00:22:05Her front door was wide open and I found her phone on the floor
00:22:08So if I text you her address, can you send barns over to have a look? Sure, but i'm in a meeting right now. Oh
00:22:15Okay, if you're in the middle of something dad, I don't know come by the golf club. All right. Okay. See you. I'll see you there
00:22:50Right now now this is the area the old guys are always squawking about it. This is yeah, right. Yeah, exactly. Hi, you know my dad
00:23:00James is your dad. Yes. He is
00:23:02What that is a small world. I we just met recently actually I I bought the golf court in the resort
00:23:08Well myself and some investors did but we're uh changing out nine holes from some new houses
00:23:13And he's helping me redesign the golf course
00:23:16Doing an amazing job, by the way
00:23:19I'm, so sorry dad. Can I borrow you for a minute outside? Well, yeah
00:23:23Oh, no, no, no, please please both of you stay here and uh, I I will excuse myself
00:23:27I have some other things that I have to
00:23:30Attend to but uh amazing to see you holly such a small world
00:23:38Well, uh
00:23:43Don't like any of this that note said I was gonna lose someone and now carla is missing
00:23:47Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Does she have a boyfriend?
00:23:50um, yes
00:23:52his um
00:23:54Did I even ask his name?
00:23:56Oh my god
00:23:57I'm such a terrible friend if the person who attacks you is a serious threat you need to arm yourself
00:24:03Or come stay with me dad
00:24:05I have a list a mile long of murderers bank robbers
00:24:08Any of them could have a grudge the thing that separates this from the rest of them is the timing this has to be related
00:24:13To the halsted case. Is there anyone else that you can think of?
00:24:18any family
00:24:20I don't know dad
00:24:21We're just work buddies. We all end up sharing more hours of life with our co-workers than our loved ones
00:24:27I tried hard
00:24:29to make you
00:24:30priority number one
00:24:32especially after your
00:24:34Your mother died
00:24:36What are you talking about?
00:24:38You were a incredible chief of police and you were a great dad. You are a great dad
00:24:44Maybe there's something at the office
00:24:47Barnes is there now looking around. Let's go
00:24:53Help me
00:24:58Who are you
00:25:01Yeah, you ever wonder what happens to the families of those that you send to prison
00:25:09Especially the innocent ones
00:25:12You know, my mother was a criminal my father took pity on her he got her an apartment
00:25:17He took care of her and when I was born, he took care of me, too
00:25:21Now, why would he risk everything? Do not watch me grow up. He loved me very much
00:25:27And when he was sent to jail
00:25:30My mother went back to prostitution and she died on the streets and I was left for the system
00:25:36No mother. No father
00:25:40No, just like holy
00:25:42Took everything away from me. I am gonna take everything away from her one little step at a time
00:25:49Do you understand me?
00:25:57Now feel free to scream as much as you wish
00:26:03No one can hear you down here
00:26:18Hey quite the day pad, yeah
00:26:21So I found this outside of carla's apartment
00:26:25She never took it off
00:26:28That could be nothing well, it could be something
00:26:35Oh boy, this is really personal no alarm system. No, we haven't turned it on yet
00:26:41You moved in here a week ago. Yep
00:26:44Look, there's not a lot to go on here
00:26:46And I noticed that uh in your past cases you put a lot of bad guys behind bars
00:26:50You know, a lot of them are out now. Yeah, and now my paralegal's missing carla fuentes. That's who i'm worried about
00:26:56She she had a boyfriend could you maybe not go through the crime scene and wait for forensics to get here thomas
00:27:03Thomas that's his name
00:27:06She said they were going to mexico this summer
00:27:09Right, right
00:27:12Maybe we can uh go by
00:27:15Go by his house
00:27:16If he has anything to do with carla's disappearance, we don't want him making any moves
00:27:21You know what else is missing the halstead files
00:27:23Well now we can safely say it's all connected. Do we even bother with the boyfriend then you can't just say you're
00:27:30Going by his house to check on a friend. Nothing more than that
00:27:33Good idea. I'll drive
00:27:35Come on, dad
00:27:38Help somebody help me
00:28:09I'm pretty sure I arrested someone here a few years ago. I miss working with you james
00:28:29Can I help you
00:28:37This is my house, what are you doing? Are you thomas?
00:28:40You're trespassing. Hey, take it easy. You take it. Are you thomas? Yes
00:28:48You're carla's boss, right? Yeah, I recognize you from the show. When did you see carla last?
00:28:55Night before last. Oh, yeah. No, uh night before that I guess
00:28:59Why because we can't find her. That's why
00:29:03What's in the shed?
00:29:05I just rent the place. What are you saying? You can't find carla
00:29:08What's in his shed thomas?
00:29:12Are y'all crazy y'all think I ever locked in a shed? We just want to take a look
00:29:35It's a start
00:29:36Look, I love carla
00:29:38All right, so you can check the whole house if you want whatever here look take my card
00:29:42Check and see if anybody's seen her. All right, but don't put anything online until we give you the okay. You got it
00:29:49Look, if anyone's life is in danger, we don't want anyone to panic. Okay, you think she's in danger?
00:29:54We don't know that we just can't reach her. Does carla have any enemies or any ex-boyfriends we could visit?
00:30:01None that I can think of I mean she was always so busy with work
00:30:05On the first serious relationship she's had in years we're gonna find her, okay
00:30:10They're finished with the forensics at the office. I'm gonna take you there. Got it. Let's go
00:30:27Please god help me, please
00:30:44Detective it'd be nice not to publicize this if the media gets a hold of it. It could be really bad for us
00:30:49Police tape a standard procedure
00:30:51Come on, i'll walk you back to your car
00:30:54Look, i'm gonna go check on things. I'll call you if I find anything. All right. Thank you. All right
00:31:03Still think you ought to stay with me until we find carla dad
00:31:06I know it's not going to be easy to understand this but I can't go there
00:31:09I have to I don't want this guy whoever's doing this to frighten me out of my own house
00:31:17I still have a spare gun in my truck. Oh god. No dad. Thank you. I appreciate it
00:31:39Whoa, whoa
00:31:45What the hell you scared me? Oh, I was just making sure that you were safe. Oh, yeah, you can text me next time
00:31:52Okay. All right. Okay. I'm i'm sorry darling. It's just
00:31:57I guess i'm the coward
00:31:59I'm scared. I don't know what to do with with you gone if anything happened to you
00:32:04I'm telling you it wouldn't i'd be lost for a while. I know
00:32:09All right, i'll make sure nobody gets rough with you at all in any kind of way with me dad
00:32:15I'm gonna make sure of that. Okay
00:32:18Yes, yes. Yeah. Oh, I know strong steady. You got it all down just like your mother. Yes, I do. Yes
00:32:24Yes, both of you know what what I love you
00:32:27I love you. I love you dad
00:32:30All right, you go on home, okay, okay drive safe
00:32:33All right. I know you don't sleep dad. God bless you. I know I don't sleep so call anytime you want. I know
00:32:40Love you. I love you, too
00:33:03Oh, yeah
00:33:42It's your time to shine
00:33:45As long as you cooperate, I don't need to go find out whether or not your boyfriend thomas
00:33:51Enjoys his alcohol as much as detective barnes did. Why are you doing this?
00:33:56I didn't have anything to do with the halstead case and my boyfriend had nothing to do with it either. Oh, oh, oh so excited
00:34:03Listen, if you cooperate, he will get out of this alive. You understand me?
00:34:07You I am going to call the dale show and you are going to read this note
00:34:13Do whatever you want. Please don't hurt thomas. Oh, I won't hurt thomas as long as you cooperate
00:34:18Okay, it's gonna be okay
00:34:21All right, let's call the dale show
00:34:25You've reached the lead board for real crime with dale false tips or threats will be dealt with legally leave your tip at the paper
00:34:37My name is carla fuentes I work with holly powell
00:34:42Currently afraid for my life and i'm fighting
00:34:45Holly is not who she pretends to be
00:35:30Oh my god
00:35:32You kids go on please go
00:35:37Just hear me out if we get rid of the pond we can put the ninth hole bar right there. It's perfect
00:35:45I don't know. I love you
00:35:49Yes. Hello dad. I'm, so sorry to tell you this barns is dead. What?
00:35:55What happened?
00:35:57I I don't know. It looks like suicide. He's in my driveway and I don't know what to do. All right, dear
00:36:02All right, we'll be there as soon as possible. All right, okay
00:36:07Uh, ladies and gentlemen, uh, just have some family emergency come up
00:36:11So i'm gonna have to go and take care of it. I'm sure you'll be
00:36:14Fine here james james james. Hold on. Look this way family can't i'm coming with you
00:36:28What is it dale, oh that was curt, well, it's not been a good morning. Can I help you with something?
00:36:33Listen, I wondered if you want to comment on a story. We're running tonight
00:36:38Former paralegal carla fuentes left a message on her hotline. What?
00:36:42Is she okay?
00:36:44Where is she? Did she say who took her?
00:36:46Well, she said that she has proof you've been falsifying evidence dating all the way back to judge halstead
00:36:54That's ridiculous
00:36:55There's no truth to that whatsoever
00:36:57She's obviously speaking under duress and if you go with that story dale, I will sue your ass to hell and back. Do you hear me?
00:37:03Do you hear me
00:37:05My name is carla fuentes. I work with holly powell currently afraid for my life
00:37:11Holly is not who she pretends to be and has falsified evidence for years starting with the infamous
00:37:20She goes on to talk about you blackmailing detective barns
00:37:23Your father's involvement. It's it's it's really ugly holly
00:37:27Okay, listen to me right now. Not one word of that is true dale
00:37:31Obviously someone's trying to frame me here. I'm afraid it's my duty to play it holly
00:37:36She left the message for a reason and I intend to find out why?
00:37:40Okay. All right. You know what? Why don't you play the rest of it?
00:37:43What else was she forced to say play it all dale?
00:37:45Well, you'll have to tune in tonight to find out you'll be very excited to see who we have on live from prison
00:37:51Oh, are you going to interview judge halstead about this?
00:37:54Dale, this is wrong. Don't you understand what you're doing?
00:37:58Carla also says she'd come out of hiding as soon as you and your father are arrested
00:38:02You're gonna regret this
00:38:05Is that a threat that's a fact mark my words
00:38:15Just got back word from upstate halstead agreed. The warden hasn't yet. Apparently they've become like bitter enemies
00:38:21That's because he knows he's innocent jeff
00:38:24And we it's it's our arty
00:38:27Shit arth we are gonna prove it. Yeah, you and me jeff. We're going places
00:38:35Never give up
00:38:49I don't know what the hell's going on dad
00:38:52Carla called that crime show at dale and left some insane message about my falsifying evidence in the halstead case
00:38:57And how you and I are trying to blackmail detective barnes
00:39:00and if he plays that message then it doesn't matter what the truth is because people will think we're responsible for this and
00:39:06And believe everything else we'll get to the bottom of this. I promise
00:39:10I just don't know what the hell's going on. Let me have you take back
00:39:16Take her back to the country club. Will you sure?
00:39:18Let me talk to the police here
00:39:22I'll get back to you right after I know
00:39:24This is not the first time barnes had issues with alcohol
00:39:29And depression he was fine. That's all we know at the time dad. He was fine yesterday. Well, he's not fine now, honey
00:39:38I have to go over there and take a look and find out why not? Okay
00:39:46What do you think this is all about I don't know but this whole thing started after that
00:39:49Dale interview not someone must have seen it and gotten triggered by it. But who I wish I knew
00:39:55Believe me
00:39:57I'm, just so sorry. This is happening to you. It's just it's crazy. I
00:40:01Yeah, it is crazy, you know who showed up after that interview aired you
00:40:09What does that mean what does that mean you tell me
00:40:12Nothing. I just saw the way that james left the conference room in such a state and figured you might need some help
00:40:18Why do you want to help us so much?
00:40:23Honestly, I I don't know I just want to
00:40:27Is that so bad
00:40:32No, it's not so bad
00:40:40All right, let's find out what's going on here
00:40:50Kinko liquor
00:40:57God bless you old friend. God bless you
00:41:10Grab you an iced tea or coffee something now, you know, i'd rather not be around people
00:41:15I think
00:41:16Well, there's a lot more to this country club than just the bar. I can tell you that where else is there to go?
00:41:31I saw a sunset right here. That was so beautiful. I had to buy this place
00:41:39I've never ever been down here
00:41:43Well, my my dad wasn't really into water or boats
00:41:50Yeah, I never really had a father
00:41:53Didn't have a mother to be honest. I had to do everything on my own
00:42:00Which fortunately for me I had a plan
00:42:05Oh, yeah, what was your plan?
00:42:08Oh to build a life that I
00:42:12I never thought that I could have you know to do everything that I ever dreamed of which
00:42:17I have accomplished
00:42:21I on the other hand i've never left the gulf once
00:42:26Oh too much to do
00:42:28Never traveled last minute vacations. No ex-husbands. No pets unless you count feeding a squirrel in my backyard
00:42:37I think that makes you lucky
00:42:40How is that
00:42:43For me i've
00:42:44Pretty much done everything that I set out to do. So what adventures really are there left for me to have?
00:42:49you on the other hand
00:42:51Every single day from this moment forward can be a new and exciting adventure
00:43:01Yeah, that's one way of looking at it i'm gonna show you something else
00:43:08Um, okay, okay
00:43:16Here we are
00:43:19Oh, yeah, really in there this is my pet project you ready
00:43:30There she is
00:43:34Yeah, it's the first thing I bought when I made any money
00:43:37I had uh started a
00:43:39a lawn mowing business when I was a teenager and it just it just took off and
00:43:43Made a bunch of cash decided. You know what? I'm gonna buy myself an rv and cruise the country
00:43:48So went to this rv dealership and this baby was sitting in the back of the lot and she just spoke to me
00:43:54You know, I had to have her
00:43:56and now
00:43:57Well now I plan on restoring her to her former glory and maybe you know sailing down to jamaica like arrow flynn
00:44:08Excuse me, it's my dad
00:44:11Hi dad any news I just left the scene
00:44:15I don't think it was suicide. I don't either
00:44:18Where are you? I'm following up some leads. I'll meet you at the club at six. Okay, six. Okay. I'll be there dad
00:44:24Please be careful
00:44:28That was james, huh, everything okay
00:44:30Uh, yeah, he's um, he's gonna meet me here in a few hours
00:44:35your boat is
00:44:37It's really lovely
00:44:40It's not as lovely as some things i've seen but she'll do for now
00:44:47What's up chief
00:44:48How you doing?
00:44:50I need to know you sell this man a bottle of whiskey in the last few days
00:44:54Bro, he looks like every customer buys whiskey here
00:44:58You store your security in hard drive or a tape seriously tape whoever uses tape anymore
00:45:05You'd be surprised. I only need to see what you have from yesterday
00:45:11That's him, that's the man that's not bronze, but whoever bought it that's the man
00:45:17So, what do you do? Do you kill someone?
00:45:19Where's the other footage? I need to see his face. I can't see it. There is no other footage
00:45:24You got cameras all over the place and angles from everywhere
00:45:29Man, boss man is cheap. He didn't want to link up the cameras
00:45:32Yes, sir. I understand the security situation
00:45:34That's why i'm only sending one sound guy one camera guy and I will satellite it from there and
00:45:40Run live from here in the studio
00:45:43Hey, hey, where are you going?
00:45:45We need another hard drive. Uh, you got a key because I need to get that storage. No, no, I already checked
00:45:50There's not one back there. Just go buy another one
00:45:52It's not my money
00:45:55I'm, sorry, but the warden listen, I think you and I can both agree that judge halstead deserves to be heard
00:46:00That's that's all i'm looking for
00:46:06No, sir, you will not be disappointed I promise you that
00:46:10Well, thank you, sir. I appreciate it
00:46:13We got halstead
00:46:15Oh, let's see. My friend is missing my law firm's in ruins and some psycho is stalking me wherever I go. Did I get it all?
00:46:22Well, maybe you need something stronger. How about a bottle of wine? No, no, no, no
00:46:25If I start now, i'll never stop i'm gonna clear my head figure out what the hell i'm missing
00:46:31Well judge halstead he's been in prison for decades, right? I mean who's left from his family even come after you. Hey guys
00:46:38How are y'all doing dad
00:46:42Those idiots at the liquor store, gee they had one maybe two cameras welcome back to real crime
00:46:49A follow-up episode on the double homicide allegedly perpetrated by a man known to uphold the law judge halstead
00:46:58I will play you a never before heard recording from carla fuentes
00:47:04to xda holly powell
00:47:07Now carla is currently in hiding fearful for her life from holly's father ex chief of police james powell whose protégé
00:47:16Was found dead outside of holly's home a day. How on earth does he know any of this? There was an immediate release
00:47:22Let's play the recording of carla's frantic
00:47:25heartfelt message
00:47:27Holly is not who she pretends to be and has falsified evidence for years starting with the infamous halstead tribe
00:47:34I also have evidence. She's been blackmailing detective barnes along with her father james powell
00:47:41If anything happens to detective barnes the blame lies solely at the feet
00:47:46Of holly and james. This is unreal now going live to north state penitentiary
00:47:52A man very well known to this show and to this community
00:47:56Welcome to the show judge halstead. The floor is yours
00:48:00Happy to be here
00:48:03Not exactly here, but happy to be here with you to set the record straight now
00:48:08What record would that be judge holly powell?
00:48:12Fabricated evidence against me to not only get me off the bench
00:48:18But to send me to prison for life for a crime. She knows I didn't commit
00:48:22You have proof that she did this. Well, I will soon enough
00:48:27but know this
00:48:28My ex-wife never filed a police report nor sought a restraining order against me
00:48:34Those documents were conveniently planted by chief james powell her friend and paralegal carla fuentes seems to agree with you
00:48:42Well, that doesn't surprise me holly powell and her father had faked evidence in numerous cases
00:48:48They most likely staged the break-in of her office to destroy evidence of their crimes
00:48:52Now the detective on that case was found dead in front of holly's home
00:48:56He probably found something they forgot to dispose of
00:48:59So they disposed of him instead. This is all paid. You laid out some explosive accusations judge
00:49:07Why would holly want to set you up in the first place? You'll have to ask her
00:49:11She knows i'm a good man
00:49:13I always took care of my wife and child
00:49:16She's the one who took me away from them. Not the other way around
00:49:20What would she have to gain from that?
00:49:23Ask her father
00:49:25He never liked me either
00:49:27I dismissed a case against someone he wanted locked up for good
00:49:31Who would that be? Well, you'll have to ask him
00:49:35Looks like it's uh time for me to go back to my small confining cell
00:49:41enjoy the free world and
00:49:44Give my best to holly
00:49:46That's as good. Well, we've certainly opened up pandora's box with this case
00:49:51But in all my years covering real crime
00:49:54Nothing surprises me anymore
00:49:57We'll see you tomorrow on real crime with dale
00:50:02You all don't really believe this nonsense. Do you?
00:50:05You've known me and my dad my entire life. Do you think if there was any truth to this it'd go unnoticed this long?
00:50:14Unbelievable come on dad, let's go
00:50:17I'm gonna prove our innocence. You'll see
00:50:20Honey, what did he mean? He's a kid certainly not with his wife
00:50:24Look nothing. They said it's true. Why was he talking about letting someone go that you want to put away?
00:50:30That dozens of people often like sentences, you know that dad think was there someone specific?
00:50:36It's been a long time so many years I I don't know maybe maybe maybe that woman what woman
00:50:43It was decades dad, please
00:50:47She was a prostitute who killed the john open and shut case. I remember she had a son. I'm not
00:50:53I'm, not sure how old uh for some reason halsted fought with every legal tool at his disposal to rule in her favor
00:51:00Finally in an obvious act of desperation. He threw the case when he said he had a kid. He meant her kid
00:51:05What if he was the father?
00:51:07You know, I know he was married, but maybe he had a son out of wedlock. Oh bingo
00:51:13We'll get her name. I when the first thing I do I go to the station tomorrow
00:51:17Have a sergeant there. He'll get it. Who the hell did his son turn out to be?
00:51:21We'll find out in the meantime. It's time for you to go home. Call you
00:51:30I know
00:51:43Who the hell are these for you?
00:51:58Dale jones, are you here?
00:52:01Mr. Pell
00:52:03I don't believe we had an appointment. I was just leaving
00:52:06Oh, well, I'll tell you
00:52:09Oh, well, I'll tell you that's it let me guess you're here to tell me that my show is nothing but
00:52:16Journalistic cesspool the information I spout across this city is nothing but trash good
00:52:21I like it. You're also probably wondering what my end goal is here, right? Is it just ratings?
00:52:25Perhaps it's something deeper. Perhaps i'm involved with halsted
00:52:31Very good. You're very bright young man
00:52:34Well, let me tell you one
00:52:36I was at a liquor store this morning
00:52:39And uh, I watched a videotape
00:52:42Of a man buying a bottle of whiskey. Oh, I didn't know buying liquor was illegal
00:52:48Well, it is if it's connected with a murder
00:52:53Who are you really mr. Jones tell you what let's clear the air. Let me show you my evidence
00:52:59Evidence halsted's guilty and you know it. Well, if you believe that you're dumber than you look
00:53:07Follow me really
00:53:10There's nothing you can show me to change my mind halsted was always a snake well some people like snakes you one of them
00:53:19Come on
00:53:20Listen, I want to show you some evidence
00:53:23And then show me what you have for evidence. Where's it at? It's right inside here
00:53:26We're gonna boot it up what you got. All right, you got the lights in here. Give him a click
00:53:44You just signed your boyfriend's death warrant
00:54:51You got this you can take care of yourself
00:55:03You snake
00:55:05Do you have any idea what your lies have done to us holly?
00:55:09It's my producers that are pulling the strings here. It's not me. Oh, you have no spying dale
00:55:14You just bark when they say bark roll over when they say roll over and play dead
00:55:18I don't blame you for hating me, but I think there's something you need to know
00:55:21No, the only thing I need from you dale is an on-air apology and a correction do you hear me come back on the show tomorrow
00:55:28And and make your case to the world
00:55:32Come back on your show tomorrow
00:55:35All right, but i'm not going to be set up again. Do you hear me if I come on your show?
00:55:39It's going to be under my terms
00:55:41Okay, well, we'd be happy to work with you. But listen holly. I've been
00:55:46Investigating this case for a long time now, and I think I don't lose behind this
00:55:51What are you talking about there's a person, you know who is not who they say they are, okay
00:55:55They are classy. They are charming. They are rich. They are on top of their game
00:56:00But they are also lying to you
00:56:02You are the only one who's lying. I'm the one trying to help you
00:56:06Why would you do that?
00:56:08Because i'm not a monster holly
00:56:11No matter what you and your father may have done. I I can't stand by and just watch harm come to you
00:56:18What the hell are you talking about dale
00:56:22I have reasons to believe your father's life is in danger. In fact, I know it is. Oh
00:56:28Do you know
00:56:31I was actually just with my father. We were watching that travesty you call a tv show dale
00:56:38Is anybody else with him or is it just the two of you?
00:56:45Oh, oh are are you telling me that you think that theo is judge halstead's son
00:56:52I'm, just saying that he's not who he says he is
00:56:57And if you confront him about it, he will deny it and you need to watch your back
00:57:01No, you need to watch your back dale
00:57:03Because i'm going to tell you what i'm going to use every single legal means in my power to prove that you are an absolute
00:57:12Well, go ahead
00:57:14But for now, if you have any way to track your father down, I suggest you use it
00:57:33Hi, this is james powell leave a message. Hey dad, can you call me when you get this? Thanks
00:57:56You lying bastard
00:58:03Thomas oh god
00:58:12What not again
00:58:23I saw you going there. I don't know where carl is understand
00:58:29Now leave my property and I won't press charges
00:58:33I'm filming you, you know
00:58:37I watched you walk in here. So come out now or face the consequences
00:58:44I'm not here for carl thomas
00:59:21Oh, you're kidding me, right? Turn it off right now
00:59:24No, okay. Calm down. It's not a problem here
00:59:28It's off
00:59:30Look put the knife down. Okay, where is my father and don't you lie to me theo
00:59:38Whatever your name is james left the same time you did. Oh, yeah
00:59:50Then what the hell is this phone doing here, huh?
00:59:54It's over theo
00:59:56What am I even calling you that for what's your name?
00:59:58Let's start there and then you take me to my father. Theo is the only name I have
01:00:02I don't know how your dad's phone got in my boat. He's never even been in here. Do you think I am stupid?
01:00:09Who are you
01:00:12Are you halsted son, I may not know who my father is, but I definitely know who he is. Where's carla
01:00:18What have you done with my friend?
01:00:20Where's carla? I didn't do anything with her. Calm down. All right
01:00:26Put it down so you can kill me too. Like you did detective barns. How you are talking crazy
01:00:33I look just
01:00:35Give me the knife. You'd love that. Wouldn't you defenseless woman easy to attack?
01:00:41Whoever told you that I am the bad guy is wrong. That's what all the bad guys say
01:00:47move it
01:00:48This way. Okay, just just
01:00:50Easy go easy
01:00:53Okay, all right
01:00:53Just just just just you tell me where my father is where carla is and they better be alive
01:00:57Look, someone is trying to turn you against me. Shut up. Keep walking
01:01:03Put the knife down we can call the police open the door
01:01:05I will do anything I can to help you out
01:01:07I swear only way you're getting out of this is if you take me to my father now holly
01:01:11I don't know where james is. Okay, just give me the knife. No, no, just stop it
01:01:17Give me that
01:01:22Why did you do that?
01:01:25I don't know where james is
01:01:29Listen to me. Look look at me
01:01:31You tell me where they are. I will take you to the hospital right now
01:01:34You can watch me die for all I care. I am not the person you're looking for
01:01:39I swear to god i'm just telling you what dale jones found out about you while investigating the halsted case
01:01:44You're believing him
01:01:46Over me. I mean just think about that dale jones
01:01:52Oh, no, oh no, no, no. Oh god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Okay. Listen. Oh, i'm gonna take you to the hospital
01:01:58I'm, so sorry. I'm, so sorry. Okay, I will make this up to you. Okay
01:02:02Easy, you know, you appeared out of nowhere. You were likable but mysterious
01:02:07Holly look i'm not trying to ruin your life. I'm not gonna report it to the cops. I know it was an accident
01:02:11I really like you you do. Well, you know what then you better not die because
01:02:16Because I like you too
01:02:23Oh james james, please wake up james
01:02:47He's sleeping, thank you
01:03:08I'm glad you turned out to be a good guy. Theo. That's who you really are
01:03:39Do you mind as a matter of fact I do mind what are you doing here? I
01:03:46Aren't you dale jones?
01:03:50I'm, also a friend of holly's I came by to check on her after everything that's been happening, you know, yeah, it's been crazy
01:03:56Could say you stirred the pot
01:03:58well, I mean
01:04:01Unfortunately, it's it's kind of my job right? My wife does love your show
01:04:07You think I can get an autograph for her?
01:04:09Of course you got a pen. Yeah
01:04:19Good morning
01:04:22Good morning
01:04:24You know, you look like an absolute angel
01:04:26Shut up. Are you okay? Are you gonna live? I am going to be fine as a matter of fact
01:04:31I get to get out of here tomorrow. Oh, thank god. Thank god. Thank god. How are you doing? I'm uh,
01:04:38I'm really very worried about my dad and carla
01:04:43And I think that it seems like either dale is the one behind this or or he's the puppet of the person who is
01:04:50I mean, I think we should just call the police. We can't what would we tell them? We have no proof. It's our word against his
01:04:57How do we change that? I don't know
01:05:00but I think we're running out of time, I think
01:05:03He wouldn't have risked sending me on this wild goose chase after you if he wasn't
01:05:08I suggest that you go home get shower at rest have something to eat because I guarantee you with that brilliant
01:05:15Legal mind of yours. You are going to figure this out in no time
01:05:18Thank you
01:05:19I don't deserve your help after last night, but my dad and carla do
01:05:24All right, you said you'd make it up to me and i'm gonna hold you too. I will
01:05:29Give me a call for anything changes feel better. Okay
01:06:44Officer there's a dead man in my life
01:06:58All right, people put on your welding masks holly powell's coming back on the show and sparks are gonna fly
01:07:04Give me a maple bar half-caff decaf chai latte
01:07:08I'm running the show
01:07:13Oh god
01:07:16Oh, i'm gonna I did you sorry carla, it's okay. It's okay. We gotta get out of here
01:07:27I'm not officially released yet
01:07:35What's wrong
01:07:38Carla's boyfriend thomas was in my bathroom dead. What and I um,
01:07:46There was another officer that was in my driveway dead. You're kidding me
01:07:51How do I know if they're all dead that my dad and carla are still alive I I don't know I mean I
01:08:00Just the first thing is is is you can't let anyone know that you found these bodies
01:08:05I mean for whatever sick reason dale wants you to find them
01:08:12My god i'm being set up
01:08:17Dale wants hosted out of prison and he wants me in there
01:08:22Oh, i'm correct that I can't go to the police, right
01:08:25No, no, not yet. Not yet
01:08:28You have to prove that dale is the one behind this first. I mean really behind this
01:08:33well, I
01:08:35Maybe you need to go back to the beginning and talk to the person who started this whole thing in the first place
01:08:44I have to question halstead
01:08:47James what do we do?
01:08:49I think he hurt thomas
01:08:51Why is he doing this? He's judge halstead son that little bastard
01:08:58Oh god, I am so sorry, excuse me the hell
01:09:02Uh post needs a tablet I was running back there to grab one. Uh, listen I can grab it. Okay, just uh
01:09:08I gotta get something from my laptop. Anyway, just um
01:09:12Take five go get a coffee relax. I gotta okay. Okay. Sorry about that
01:09:23Try to find your end of the loop I can't feel anything my hands are numb
01:09:31Twist your end to the left my left are yours
01:09:39Oh boy, hey, hey creep over
01:09:48That's a coffee buddy
01:09:50You know grab a coffee means you grab a coffee not for me
01:09:53God, are you here's a tablet? You said no. Thank you. All right now that you brought it. Let's get back to set
01:09:59What do you got going on back here? Oh, I just found the hard drive. Let's get back to set. I know they need that
01:10:05Yes warden i'm pulling in now. I appreciate this favor. Yeah, it shouldn't take long. Okay. Thank you
01:10:18Well, well miss priss
01:10:20I can't believe you had the gall to come see me after all you cut the woe is me crap. It doesn't suit you
01:10:27You did it I know it and the jury knows it, okay
01:10:32I'm here about your son
01:10:37I don't have any children. Really? That's not what you said in the interview. You said wife and kid
01:10:45Is that who you sent after me
01:10:48The son you had with that prostitute
01:10:50You call her that one more time. I dare you. Hey halston. You think you're in a world of hurt now?
01:10:56I'm sorry
01:10:58My apologies
01:11:01You know, whatever did happen to her
01:11:03I tried to track her down before the trial, but she just disappeared
01:11:07Did you kill her too? Mr. Halstead?
01:11:10That's judge halstead
01:11:13And no
01:11:15You killed her. I spent every last dime I had
01:11:21Defending that case against me
01:11:23It's a case you never should have even indicted
01:11:27You blew so much smoke through that jury. They never could cut through the fog and confusion. I did my job
01:11:34Who is this woman?
01:11:37What's her name
01:11:40You broke me and without money how could I how could I take care of them them her and her son
01:11:46Marilyn rose
01:11:49I met her the night of my bachelor party
01:11:52I got her pregnant the night before I got married. So that's why you threw out the murder case then
01:11:58To keep the baby's mother out of prison. No
01:12:02I dismissed that case against her
01:12:05Because she wasn't a murderer
01:12:07She was drugged and raped and when she came to
01:12:11You would know
01:12:13And when she came to
01:12:15You would not believe the things that man had done to her
01:12:19So she killed him. Well, at least your heart was in the right place. Don't you dare judge? I'm on your side here
01:12:24I I agree with you
01:12:26Every child needs its mother. I know from experience. It's a hole that cannot be filled. I
01:12:34I was lost when my mother died
01:12:37Well, his mother died because I was sent to prison and couldn't take care of her
01:12:42or him
01:12:44you selfish bitch
01:12:48How did she die
01:12:51Sadness I suppose not drugs
01:12:57You know for such a smart lawyer
01:12:59You sure knew nothing about the ways of love
01:13:02I don't give a damn about the ways of love to be honest what I care about what i'm interested in is your son
01:13:09It's clear to me that the fig falls very close to the tree
01:13:12The good news is you might be able to spend a bunch of quality time here in prison with your son
01:13:17You leave that boy out of this what boy? What's his name?
01:13:20Why won't you say his name? Are you ashamed of who?
01:13:23No, then what's his name? He's become a great man then say his name. What is his name?
01:13:29his name is
01:13:31None of your goddamn business
01:13:39What is his name his name is none of your goddamn business
01:14:00Hello, hey, does the offer still stand to come on your show my offers never expire holly
01:14:08I have new information on the identity of judge housted son
01:14:12I mean, then what is his real name? Well, you'll have to find out live tonight. Okay. Well, I uh
01:14:21You know, I I just I I like to know that way I can prepare for the show and be ready you'll find out tonight
01:14:32Damn stop it
01:14:35Come here
01:14:37I need you watching the news every 10 minutes. I just got a tip
01:14:40There's been a body a body found at holly powell's residence
01:14:44Body, should we just call the police? Do you get paid to think or do I?
01:14:49Producers do really?
01:14:51In fact, they need you in their office now
01:14:53What is your name?
01:14:57People call me arty arty good now. I know who to get fired
01:15:02Did you want this maple no, I do not want that maple bar
01:15:11What's his name
01:15:13Why won't you say his name? Are you ashamed of who's become? No, then what's his name? He's become a great man then say his name
01:15:20What is his name?
01:15:22His name is
01:15:25How do I play this
01:15:28What do I do
01:15:30Damn we need you in wardrobe new ties are gonna make up once the last look
01:15:34Do you have anything better to do than just ride my ass? Give me a break. Come on
01:15:43There must be something around here we can use to cut the rest off not anymore he took everything was sharp
01:16:01Can we get you a makeup miss towel, no i'm ready right now actually
01:16:05You know, it'd probably be better though. If they just got some last do I look like I care about makeup right now?
01:16:12God I love that woman
01:16:16You did it james, oh, thank you. Oh my god
01:16:21He could come back at any moment. Where are we anyway?
01:16:26The studio welcome back to another episode of real crime ex district attorney holly powell
01:16:32You are on the hot seat dale. It's so nice to be back and have the opportunity to clear things up
01:16:38You presented a theory about a case. I prosecuted 20 years ago to your audience. That was entirely false
01:16:44Well theory isn't quite fact yet. It needs time to be proven. This is true. Let's stick with the facts
01:16:49Then I have some evidence that runs counter to your story
01:16:52Evidence, well, we'd love to have it, but i'm sure it needs to be cleared by the producers
01:16:57So we'd love to schedule you to come back. I would imagine that everyone here wants to know the truth
01:17:02Truth yes, let's jump right in the man. You believe has been stalking you
01:17:07Theo darwimple. Theo has nothing to do with this
01:17:11I just learned that judge halstead had an affair with a call girl the night of his bachelor party just before getting married
01:17:18Wow, I believe somebody sold you a false bill of goods
01:17:21I've had plenty of hours of conversation with judge halstead and he's never brought any of that
01:17:26Then you would know that this woman gave birth to his son judge halstead's son
01:17:30A son that he hid from his wife and public life a son that he cared for and paid every expense
01:17:35A son who lost his father when halstead went to prison for murder. Does that sound familiar? Well, it sounds like a total fabrication
01:17:42Which is just so beneath even you holly all you have to do is get what?
01:17:48One undone
01:17:49I can do the rest
01:17:51You try doing this with acrylic nails
01:17:54Listen, if you continue with this babble, I will shut you down. You are not going to shut me down dale jones
01:17:59I have a recording of the very person. Okay, I have recordings too of holly powell threatening my life
01:18:04Just like she did her paralegal carla fuentes. My father's also missing. Have you shared that with your viewers?
01:18:09No, of course not. Why would I share that? Aren't you the one who called me and told me about it?
01:18:13Well, I was sharing something that we got a tip on our hotline yes that her father had been kidnapped
01:18:19And I am so glad that you did that dale because I think we both know how much we love our fathers
01:18:24Speaking of fathers, let's hear what mr. Halstead has. No, no, no, okay
01:18:27You broke me
01:18:29And without money, how could I how could I take care of them them her and her son?
01:18:37Marilyn rose
01:18:40I met her the night of my bachelor party. I got her pregnant the night before I was married
01:18:47So that's why you threw out the murder case. Oh, I got one. I think I got it. Oh
01:18:54Good good job. Now. We'll be carefully back the other way. Okay, you know for such a smart lawyer
01:19:01You sure knew nothing about the ways of love
01:19:04All right, can we enough is anybody believing any of this dribble?
01:19:11You'll be able to spend a bunch of quality time here in prison with your son you leave that boy out of this
01:19:17All right. I've had enough of this. Just stop the recording name. Are you ashamed of who's no?
01:19:22No, then what's his name?
01:19:24Then say his name
01:19:26What is his name?
01:19:28His name is
01:20:04You want to hear how your father ended that statement too he doesn't matter what he said
01:20:09It won't stop me from loving you then you should have trusted him
01:20:15His name is none of your goddamn business
01:20:20I just want to
01:20:23Get him out of jail. Well now you get to join him
01:20:35Turn that thing off. No, you're my friend. What's my name?
01:20:41Wonder what dale jones is gonna think when he's the star of someone else's crime show
01:20:47Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. I'm not dead yet. Holy pal. Oh
01:20:52Oh god, how easy
01:20:55You're dead good kid
01:20:58I've had enough of you. Turn it off. Get out of here. Get out of here
01:21:06Excuse me, miss holly. Can we get an interview?
01:21:08Get out of here. Okay. Sorry to bother
01:21:23Well, who would have thought that investing in a country club would be detrimental to my health
01:21:30Oh, hello darling, it's gonna be all right
01:21:33It's over now. Yeah, it's over
01:21:37Well, if there's one good thing that came out all of this the producer has offered holly to host the show
01:21:42Oh, whoa. Whoa. I haven't said yes yet
01:21:45I would watch it. I would watch it
01:21:49I am so sorry that I got you into this mess and for stabbing you
01:21:54No, no, no, you did not stab me. I stabbed myself. I never should have reached for the knife in the first place
01:21:59So have you thought of any way that I could make this up to you yet?
01:22:03Uh, I I have thought of one. Oh, yeah, what is that?
01:22:11This is not what I had in mind when we finish her up, what should we name?
01:22:20Lady justice, is that cheesy? I love it back to work
01:22:33I still love wearing my
01:22:56Thank god, you're still
01:23:24I still like wearing my high school t-shirt. I still got a lot of good friends out here
01:23:30I still roll around in that silver. I know that i've drove since senior year
01:24:00Thank god, you're still
01:24:20Adam david 105. I'll do an mha
01:24:30Dale jones check in
01:24:35Where's your son it ain't over yet