• last week
00:00Welcome to Coolsville, a town once stuck in the past, but ever improving, striving towards its bright future.
00:10It's a quaint and pleasant town, the type you read about in stories with warm, happy endings.
00:17It's a town built on family, fueled by the pride of its residents, and honored for all of their achievements.
00:29Yet, most are blissfully ignorant to what lies in the dark.
00:35Our story begins, as I see it, with what happened in the beginning of autumn.
00:59You ain't gonna see me
01:06You ain't gonna see me
01:13You ain't gonna see me
01:20You ain't gonna see me
01:27You ain't ever gonna play with mystery
02:17Coming, Mother!
02:20There she is. My sweet, beautiful little girl.
02:24Good morning, Mother.
02:26Does Reginald have breakfast prepared?
02:28Of course. That man is a wizard in the kitchen.
02:31I'm starving. French toast?
02:35French toast? Daphne, sweetheart, that's nothing but fat and carbs.
02:41This is a big week for you. Homecoming Queen is a big responsibility, and a queen must look and act like royalty.
02:50So, we're back on no carbs, okay?
02:53Promise me.
02:54I promise.
02:56Daphne, listen to me. You are a Blake, and in this town...
03:02That means everything. I know, Mother.
03:06Envy is a simple, very powerful tool, and it's right at your disposal. Use it.
03:25All right, all right.
03:30Scoob, I'm getting up. Just give me a minute.
03:40You couldn't have given me, like, five more minutes, huh?
03:47All right.
03:50All right. Breakfast is soon. How about one of our special Scooby snacks, hmm?
04:06Norval, you're gonna make me late again. Get dressed, move your ass, let's go. What is this mess?
04:12I'm doing it, Dad. Zoinks. You don't have to baby me.
04:15Zoinks? What? Zoinks?
04:17You know, when I was a kid, we said stuff like, yes, sir, or, gee, Dad, I'm sorry. We showed some respect.
04:25Well, gee, Dad, I'm sorry.
04:28There you go. Not so bad sounding like a human being now, is it?
04:33Finish up, get dressed. Can't really have the sheriff showing up late to the sheriff's office now, can we?
04:38Dad, I'm fine. Head to work, I can take care of myself, and head to school.
04:44It's not gonna happen, pal. See, I got a phone call yesterday from Principal Summer's office,
04:49and it turns out someone's raking in lots of tardies and skipping classes,
04:56so that means you have only one tardy left before you get suspended,
05:02and that means I have to baby you up and out of the house to make sure that you go.
05:10It's not the end of the world going to school with your old man.
05:14I will even let you sit in the back seat with the other tardy and convicts.
05:23Get dressed and let's go.
05:30I think that's enough.
05:32Let's go.
05:38I think that went pretty well. What do you think?
05:46Oh, yeah?
05:49Well, I didn't want your opinion anyway.
06:02I'm sorry.
06:04I'm sorry.
06:30There's that arm I've heard so much about.
06:33Look, boys, turns out Jones can handle more than just balls.
06:38It's really a shame, though. All that power, and yet still terrible aim.
06:43Didn't Daddy ever teach you how to follow through?
06:46Aw, come on, Jones. Can't take a joke?
06:49Guess there's another thing Daddy didn't teach you, huh?
06:53Too late now. He went and got himself killed.
06:57Jones! Summers!
07:00What the hell's going on in here?
07:03Nothing, Coach.
07:08Saved by the bell, Jones.
07:21Are you in here?
07:25I have a package for you. It's out by the back door.
08:03We miss you, Dad.
08:17As I feel that... No, but I feel that...
08:19I understand that you need to explain it to him.
08:20No, I want to explain it to him.
08:22I'm sorry I'm late, everybody. I got held up in court, and you wouldn't believe the traffic.
08:26Harvey. Harvey. Harvey!
08:30Thank you for joining us, Mr. Birdman. Now that you've arrived, I take it we can proceed?
08:35Yeah. Yeah, let's get started.
08:40So, as I was saying, we are here to discuss where we go from here.
08:46Or more aptly put, where you go from here.
08:51Thank you, Sheriff Rogers.
08:53As I'm sure you're aware, your parents left you everything in their possession.
08:59Including the house.
09:02That might sound like an awful lot for a young man your age to handle, which is why we've come up with two options.
09:08Now, according to the state of Ohio, Fred, you were legally allowed to emancipate yourself and continue to take up residence in your parents' house.
09:19You can take up residence in your parents'… in your home.
09:24Or your aunt and uncle have agreed to take you in for the time being.
09:28If you choose to live with your uncle…
09:33If you choose to live with your uncle, the house will of course stay in your name, but controlling interests will revert to him.
09:39Until such a time as you desire to take up residence.
09:45Is all this making sense?
09:52Fred, there's no right or wrong answer on this, son. Take all the time you need.
09:58We just want what's best for you.
10:00But ultimately, it is your decision.
10:04Choose wisely.
10:20Well done, ladies. I couldn't have hung them better myself.
10:23You're all dismissed.
10:28This year's Spirit Week is going to be so fierce.
10:31Because this year, we are the ones being celebrated.
10:33That's right.
10:35I'm so excited.
10:36Me too. What are you going to wear?
10:52Oh my goodness.
10:54You ready for today?
10:56Of course I'm ready. I'm a Blake. I'm always ready.
10:59That is so true.
11:02Girl, you're the queen of this school.
11:04Seriously, I hate you both.
11:06You're beautiful. Elegant.
11:09You're like the picture of royalty.
11:12That's our boy. King of the Red Devils.
11:14Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set. Set
11:45And what a handsome king you will be as soon as you change your shirt.
11:51How many times do I have to tell you if you wear a yellow shirt with your letterman jacket, you look like Ronald McDonald.
11:55It's embarrassing.
11:58Of course babe.
11:59That's my sweet boy.
12:05... One slice of cheese and extra pickles.
12:09I don't like that shit.
12:10That's good.
12:13Let's get it.
12:44You're Fred Jones, right?
12:47That's me. Come to gawk at the newly-minted orphan?
12:52Uh, no. I would never.
12:57Look, I'm sorry. It's just been a really rough day.
13:03I get it. My dad died a few years ago. I'm sorry for your loss.
13:11You're Velma, right?
13:13Yeah, actually. Velma Dinkley. How'd you know?
13:18We had geometry together last year.
13:20You're the one who sat in the back of the class so that no one could cheat off your papers?
13:25That was me.
13:28So, demonology, huh? Fascinating subjects.
13:32Controlling and summoning demons from hell. Heavy stuff.
13:36What are you talking about?
13:37Oh, uh, yeah. This is just a research paper that I...
13:40It's okay. My mom's superstitious, too.
13:43It's a perfectly normal coping mechanism for someone in your position.
13:49Wow. Uh, yeah. Of course. Thanks for the pep talk, Dinkley. It was a lot of fun. I'll see you around.
13:55Wait! I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I just... I'm not good at human interaction.
14:00At least I'm not good at...
14:02I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm... Sorry. I just... I'm not good at human interaction.
14:06At least that's what my mom tells me, and honestly I agree .
14:09It's way too stressful thinking about subtext and intention and all the other aspects of conversation that can go terribly wrong.
14:15That's why I prefer the safety and security of my Mr. Science.
14:19She only presents evidence in black and white that leads to only one conclusion.
14:23No grey area. Just facts.
14:25I'm making a fool out of myself. Like I'm doing right now.
14:28right now. Look, I'm sorry about your dad, okay? I really am, but your experience
14:35with grief doesn't make you an expert on mine. You saw something that night, didn't
14:40you? That's why you're in here researching demons. Let it go, Dinkley. It
14:44had red eyes, didn't it? Seemingly like hellfire searing your very soul. How did
14:52you know that?
14:59Okay, hold on. That thing killed your father? Allegedly. What the hell does that
15:04mean? There was never any proof. Okay. Jinkies, Fred, I told you I'm not good at
15:10human connection. You were leaving. It was awkward, okay? I got nervous. My palms
15:15were sweating like all the signs of some sort of nervous breakdown. I panicked. I
15:19said the first thing that came to my head. It doesn't mean anything. Okay, fine.
15:22Make up your mind. Was there a demon there the night your dad died or not?
15:25Allegedly. And that's all you're gonna tell me? There's nothing else to tell.
15:29There is from where I'm standing. Fred, when my father died, my mom became obsessed
15:36with visions of this thing. She poured herself into paranormal research trying
15:42to explain what she saw, but there was never any scientific proof or evidence
15:47that she saw anything. There still isn't. The only conclusion supported by actual
15:52scientific fact is that her grief fueled a hallucination that caused her
15:55to see a demon foreclosure. There are documented cases of this happening all
15:59over the world. People will believe anything if it leads to an explanation.
16:03But not me. Facts don't lie, Fred. Ghosts and monsters aren't real. You know
16:09Starlight Cafe? Town Square? Yes, it's right by my mother's bookstore. Cool. Meet
16:15me there at 6, okay? If you can prove to me that I'm wrong, I'll drop it. If I'm
16:21right, I'm gonna put that big brain of yours to use to help me solve this thing.
16:25Cool? But I... Six o'clock, Dinkley. Don't be late. Why six? Baseball practice.
16:34Good morning, Coolsville High! That's right, you guessed it. It's your favorite principal here, Mr. Summers, speaking to you live from the main office.
16:44Now, I'd like to take this time to congratulate our very own Red Devils football team for another sweet victory last Friday night.
16:53Now, 2-1 is a solid start to the season. No cap. And I can feel, I said I can feel, a playoff birth in my bones this season!
17:02Especially with my son Seth, the heart and soul of the Red Devil football team. That's right, Seth Summers leading the charge. Yes!
17:12Cool. So we win state last year and nothing. These guys win one game, they bring out the parade.
17:17But seriously though, I am, I'm so proud of our boys.
17:21And speaking of football, I think we all know what this Friday night is, now don't we?
17:27That's right, it's our homecoming game, which means it's time to announce what you've all been waiting for, our homecoming court.
17:35Now, when I call your name, let's make a line down the gymnasium, which has always been cold.
17:40Our lovely and amazing yearbook staff will be there to take a group photo.
17:44Now, ladies, are you ready?
17:51The nominees for this year's homecoming queen are Daphne Blake, Sophie Hansen, Melody Grace, Camilla Hemingway, Blake Bellens?
18:04Thank God.
18:05Okay. And finally, Ophelia Cartwright. Let's hear it for our nominees.
18:13Now, I will see all of you in the gymnasium for our yearbook photo. Everyone else, have an excellent day.
18:19And go Red Devils! Principal, out!
18:29Make way, make way for the king and queen!
18:34Hey, don't forget to vote. Look at you, nerd, vote!
18:43A little ahead of ourselves, aren't we?
18:53Daphne, such a shame I'll have to humiliate you in front of the entire school when I win.
18:59What will Mommy and Daddy think? I think I'll quite enjoy it.
19:04As if, Ophelia.
19:07It's okay, Sophie. We can handle this.
19:10Oh, Ophelia. You've spent so long claiming second best. Why stop now?
19:18Not anymore, princess. I can't wait to knock you off that pedestal you're so fond of.
19:22Starting tonight.
19:26Everyone, it's time to celebrate!
19:31I'm declaring this party the place to be tonight.
19:35You're welcome.
19:37See you there, princess.
19:40You're a sick flyer.
19:47All right, boys, play to first!
19:49All right, Jonesy!
19:53Hey, that's what I'm talking about!
19:55Yeah, Jones!
19:57That a boy!
19:59Come on, son!
20:01Defense like that wins championships!
20:03Here we go!
20:08Come on, son!
20:10What's up?
20:14All right, Jones, finish it up!
20:19That a boy!
20:21Yeah! Bring it in!
20:23Bring it in!
20:29Let's go! Hustle, hustle! Let's go, let's go!
20:31That a boy, guys. That a boy. That a boy.
20:33Good stuff, boys!
20:35Hey, nice job out there, guys. Nice job.
20:37Defense like that wins championships, all right? We got the sticks going.
20:39Greendale, don't stand a chance on Wednesday.
20:41All right? That's it. Hit showers.
20:43Right up here! Right up here!
20:45All right, good stuff today, boys. Red Devils on three.
20:47One, two, three! Red Devils!
20:49Hey, Jones, can I talk to you?
20:51I got you, coach. See you in there.
20:55What's up, coach?
20:57Man, you look great out there.
20:59Got a hell of an arm, kid.
21:01You think that's what you want to talk to me about, though?
21:05Listen, what happened between you and Seth Summers earlier,
21:07I don't want to know.
21:09I don't need to know.
21:11You got a lot on your mind.
21:13A lot of anger.
21:15That needs an outlet.
21:17See those foul poles?
21:19My jurisdiction ends there.
21:23I could only look out for you so far.
21:25That boy's father
21:27is the principal of the school.
21:29My boss.
21:31And if anything is to happen
21:33between you and Seth Summers,
21:35you are going to get suspended.
21:37I can't have that.
21:39The team can't have that.
21:41They need you out there
21:43to lead them to victory.
21:45Can you do me a favor and stay out of trouble?
21:47I got you, coach.
21:49Ah, boy, Jones.
21:51I knew I could count on you.
21:53I'm proud of you.
21:55My parents would be proud of you.
21:57Thanks, coach.
21:59All right.
22:01That's yours.
22:13What's up, Norville?
22:15You planning on hitting that party tonight?
22:17Thought about it, yeah.
22:21What's up, guys?
22:23What can I do for you?
22:25We just wanted to make sure you, uh,
22:27bring some refreshments with you.
22:29You know,
22:31keep the party interesting.
22:35I'm sorry, guys.
22:37It's not my game anymore.
22:39Turns out running Django
22:41has its occupational hazards.
22:43You have fun, you guy.
22:45Wrong answer, you little prick.
22:47We know you.
22:49That's good enough for us.
22:51So let's try this again.
22:53Don't show up
22:57Got it?
22:59Got it, guys.
23:01That's more like it.
23:03And, uh,
23:05bring something strong.
23:07I'm feeling crazy.
23:09You feeling crazy, Skylar?
23:11Oh, I'm always feeling crazy, Dad.
23:13And, Norville,
23:15make sure Daddy doesn't
23:17show up and ruin the good time for you.
23:20What a loser.
23:27I know what you got.
23:29I know what I don't.
23:31I know what I don't.
23:33I know what I don't.
23:49Do you ever take a break?
23:51Excuse me?
23:53I don't know.
23:55It must be exhausting
23:57to have to know the answer to everything.
23:59Do you ever just relax?
24:01It's relaxing.
24:05Well, what do we got?
24:07Well, it turns out that
24:09hallucinations are far more common
24:11than I thought in situations like this.
24:13Studies show that people who experience
24:15or even witness traumatic events
24:17show a 75%
24:19higher chance of seeing
24:21hallucinations or supernatural
24:25Take, for example,
24:27Jonathan Jacobo,
24:29a perfectly healthy 35-year-old male
24:31from Springfield, Missouri.
24:33One day he's at his local bank
24:35when there's a robbery at gunpoint.
24:37He witnesses the brutal murder
24:39of two of the bank tellers
24:41and in subsequent weeks claims to be
24:43contacted by a prehistoric
24:45pterodactyl demon.
24:49He says this demon convinces him
24:51to go on his own crime spree
24:53in order to cleanse the Earth.
24:58Pterodactyl, huh?
25:02And Jacobo's not the only documented case.
25:04In fact, there are many people
25:06who claim that they have seen angels
25:08or demons after experiencing
25:10something similar.
25:12Okay, but I wasn't visited or contacted
25:14by a demon.
25:16I watched it murder my parents.
25:18That's a completely different thing.
25:20But it's in the same vein.
25:22It's perfectly logical for you
25:24to give face to your grief.
25:26It gives you someone to blame.
25:28Yours just happens to have a semblance to my mother's.
25:30Okay, and explain that.
25:32Simple. Are you familiar with
25:34Benjamin Ravencroft's film Hellspawn?
25:36Yeah, what about it?
25:38Well, in that movie, the evil antagonist
25:40is the demon Asmodeus,
25:42loosely based on the ancient demon
25:44of the same name. Look familiar?
25:50Where did you get this book?
25:52In my mom's bookshop.
25:54It's just one of many supernatural lore books
25:56that mention him.
25:58There are more of these?
26:00There's an entire demon section.
26:02Let's go.
26:04Fred, why?
26:06You asked me for proof.
26:08This is proof.
26:10Yeah, I asked you to prove it to me,
26:12and I'm not convinced.
26:14A good argument examines
26:16both sides of the issue, right?
26:20Then we're agreed.
26:22Take me to the demon section.
26:38This is the place.
26:42What am I doing, Scoob?
26:48I know what I'm doing, genius.
26:50You're a lot of help.
26:54I just really thought I was done with this.
27:02Yeah, well,
27:04it's not that easy, pal.
27:06Stay here. I'll be right back.
27:16That's close enough.
27:18You got the money?
27:22Right here.
27:24A little tense, huh?
27:26Is this your first deal?
27:28Nah, man.
27:30I'm just not a fan of this creepy alley.
27:32Most people aren't.
27:34You know, that's why I do all my business here.
27:38So, what can I do for you?
27:42Shaggy? What can I do for you, Shaggy?
27:44Fizzle rocks? Jingle jangle?
27:46Or maybe you're in the mood
27:48for something different.
27:50Something that'll really knock your socks off.
27:52Uh, yeah, man.
27:54What's the strongest stuff you got?
27:58I like your sense of adventure.
28:00Man after my own heart.
28:02This ought to do it right here.
28:07Joy juice?
28:11Fresh off the line and of my own creation.
28:13That right there will take you on the ride of your life.
28:16It's a lucky charm in a bottle.
28:18And I'm feeling pretty generous today, too.
28:20Two for the price of one.
28:22What do you say?
28:36I was in Cabo.
28:38I went with, like, maybe four of my best friends.
28:40You guys wouldn't know them.
28:42They go to a different school.
28:48Where is Daphne?
28:52And Sophie.
29:00And Sophie.
29:06Oh. Yeah.
29:08Are you in college?
29:10Yeah, are you?
29:14Oh. Yeah. Sounded unsure.
29:18It's 8.15.
29:20They're late.
29:22I know.
29:24I'm neglecting the party scoop.
29:26Right now, I'm trying to make sure
29:28I run the party.
29:30Oh, yeah.
29:32Real mature.
29:34Hey, Norville!
29:38Were you just talking to your dog?
29:42Calms me down.
29:46You guys are late.
29:48What's the matter, Norville?
29:50You got somewhere else to be?
29:54Something like that.
29:56Got the stuff?
30:08Joy juice?
30:10What the hell is that?
30:12You said you wanted something strong.
30:14That's the strongest my guys got.
30:16Brand new on the market.
30:18Lucky charm in a bottle.
30:22Nice job, Rogers.
30:24You want to be in touch?
30:26No, man.
30:28That was, for real, the last time.
30:30I'm done with this shit.
30:32It's time to go straight.
30:34Time to go straight.
30:42This is the guy with bloodshot eyes
30:44staring back at me.
30:46What's the deal, Rogers?
30:48You score some for yourself, too?
30:50I'm sure Daddy would love to hear about that.
30:52You don't play ball.
30:54Maybe a little birdie
30:56goes and tells Daddy all about
30:58your extracurricular activities.
31:00Yeah, a little birdie, Norville.
31:02You want to risk it?
31:04So you think real
31:06long and hard about whose side you're on.
31:08Okay, pumpkin.
31:14Scooby, get him!
31:22Damn it, Scoob.
31:26Think it over, Norville.
31:30I see it.
31:42The jeepers were late.
31:44I don't need another thing for Ophelia to hold over my head.
31:46I wouldn't worry about that, my love.
31:48That problem's already being taken care of.
31:50Taken care of?
31:52What do you mean?
31:54Don't worry about it.
31:56The less you know, the better.
31:58Seth, what are you not telling me?
32:02Devin and Skylar are buying Jangle or something
32:04off that Rogers kid.
32:06They're going to plan it on Ophelia at the party.
32:08After that, one quick snap
32:10and a social media upload later
32:12and Little Miss Perfect's drug problem
32:14is going to be all over the internet.
32:16My dad will have no choice but to remove her from the running,
32:18leaving you with no competition
32:20and a clear path to the crown.
32:22My gift to you.
32:24What the hell are you talking about?
32:26She's going to immediately point the finger at me.
32:28You have to call this off.
32:30It's too late. The plan's already in motion.
32:32What kind of bookstore is this?
32:50Ever since my dad died
32:52and my mom began her quest into the supernatural,
32:54she's insisted we carry occult items.
32:56But business isn't booming
32:58and it's just another expense.
33:02Do you have the sections this way?
33:08Hey, Val.
33:10Fred, don't go back there.
33:12What's this?
33:20What language is this?
33:22Do you think this is Latin?
33:24Should my mom read Latin?
33:26Do you think this is Latin?
33:28Should my mom read Latin?
33:30Yeah, she's studied it for years.
33:32She's the one who taught me.
33:34Of course.
33:36What? What is it?
33:38It's ancient Latin
33:40for summoning a demon.
33:42It's more of the same nonsense
33:44chasing after a hallucination.
33:46Fred, this is what I'm trying to save you from.
33:48Do you want to end up like my mom,
33:50drunken alone every night
33:52looking for answers you'll never find?
33:54That's the path you're on.
33:56How's that any different than hiding behind your books
33:58from the rest of the world?
34:00What if I'm right?
34:02This book
34:04could be the key to proving that.
34:06It would change everything.
34:10That's what you're afraid of, isn't it?
34:14Because if everything changes and science fails you,
34:16you don't have anything left.
34:18Just read the page.
34:22If I'm wrong
34:24and nothing happens,
34:26then I'll drop it, okay?
34:28I'll just chalk up everything I saw
34:30to some trauma-driven hallucination.
34:32But if this book leads us somewhere,
34:34Velma could be the key
34:36to finding out
34:38what happened to my mom and dad.
34:40Maybe even your dad.
34:42Maybe even your dad.
34:48Okay, I'll read it.
34:50I hope you find what you're looking for.
35:00Something's happening.
35:02Keep reading.
35:14What just happened?
35:18Do you believe me now?
35:20I'm beginning to come around to the idea.
35:22What was that?
35:43Where'd he go?
35:47I don't know.
36:11There you guys are.
36:13You got the stuff?
36:15We got the stuff.
36:19Supposed to be the new big thing.
36:25Don't let anybody see you with that.
36:27Get it to Ophelia.
36:29In her drink, directly down her throat.
36:31I don't care.
36:33Just make sure I can see her using it.
36:37Got it.
36:41Thanks for the backup, buddy.
36:43You really nailed it.
36:47I caught you off guard, huh?
36:49What happened to all that hardwired police training?
36:53I know you're retired.
36:59Yeah, you're right.
37:01I'm sorry. I don't want to fight either.
37:05Okay, be honest.
37:07How bad is it?
37:11Oh, wow. Thanks, buddy.
37:17I'm going in.
37:19Wish me luck.
37:23You gotta stay here and guard the van.
37:27Don't do that to me, man.
37:29You have the entire garage to roam
37:31and free range of the van.
37:35It's gonna be like that, huh?
37:37Alright, fine.
37:41But you only get one.
37:45Yeah, you're welcome.
37:49Stay here.
37:51I'll be back in a minute.
37:57Um, excuse me.
37:59Who are you?
38:01Oh, hey, sorry. We didn't realize anybody was out here.
38:03We're the band that Shaggy hired for the night.
38:05Hey, uh, man,
38:07I'm not trying to be rude, but are you just gonna stand there
38:09and gawk at us, or are you gonna help us move this gear?
38:15Thanks, doll.
38:23What was that thing?
38:25I mean, at first glance,
38:27it looked like a miner.
38:29There hasn't been an active mine
38:31in this town since 1849.
38:33Well, it must have come from the book.
38:35That's the only possible explanation.
38:37But what does a Latin text have to do
38:39with an American miner?
38:41I have no idea.
38:45But your mom might.
38:49What? It was her book. She's gotta have some idea of what it does.
38:51No, no, it's out of the question.
38:53We let it out, we can put it back in.
38:57So we do it ourselves.
38:59Where do we start?
39:01The book. It's bound to have an explanation.
39:07According to the text,
39:11We've opened
39:13some sort of portal.
39:15A portal, okay. I guess that explains
39:17Miner 49er.
39:19You're naming it now?
39:23What kind of portal are we talking about?
39:25Okay, um...
39:29Beware all mortals
39:31who recite this
39:35You have started the reconstruction
39:37of the 13
39:41The 13 pillars?
39:43What is that?
39:47It says here that
39:49a scout will be sent ahead
39:51that knows only darkness
39:53and hard work.
39:55It says he's going to
39:57come to find the light and
39:59pave the way for the others.
40:03The others?
40:05What did we open?
40:09Well, it...
40:11If the text is to be believed,
40:15if the miner is the scout,
40:17then we've
40:19opened a portal to hell.
40:21The only way to
40:23fix it is to send him back.
40:25Okay, so
40:27we have to send him back.
40:29How? How do we do that? I mean,
40:31we don't even know where he is.
40:33He just disappeared, remember?
40:35In thin air.
40:37He could be anywhere.
40:41I know where he is.
40:43He's... He's
40:45gotta find light, right? So where's
40:47the most light in Coolsville tonight?
40:51There's no light in Coolsville tonight.
40:53It's a Monday night. There's no games.
40:55Not a game.
40:57There's this.
40:59I'm sure this party has plenty of lights
41:01for him to clear the way.
41:05Hey, everybody!
41:27Hey, everybody!
41:29We're the Hex Girls.
41:35I'm gonna
41:37cast a spell
41:39on you
41:41You're gonna do
41:43what I want you to
41:45Mix it up here
41:47in my little hole
41:49Say a few words
41:51and you'll lose control
41:53I'm a Hex Girl
41:55And I'm gonna put a spell
41:57on you
41:59I'm gonna put a spell on you
42:01I'm a Hex Girl
42:03And I'm gonna put a spell
42:05on you
42:07Put a spell on you
42:09You'll feel the fog
42:11as I cloud your mind
42:13You'll get dizzy
42:15when I make a crime
42:17You'll wake up in the
42:19dead of night
42:21Missing me when I'm
42:23out of sight
42:25I'm a Hex Girl
42:27Hey, you look really pretty tonight.
42:31This is kind of...
42:33I literally always wear yellow.
42:43What the hell?
42:45Smooth move, princess.
42:47I was doing you a favor.
42:49Oh, yeah? How do you figure?
42:51That drink was...
42:53That drink was what, Daphne?
42:55It was full of calories,
42:57and we all know you don't need any more of those.
43:05I love the new look.
43:07I'm gonna put a spell
43:09on you
43:21Okay, keep your eyes peeled.
43:27Sal, what are you doing?
43:31I said, keep your eyes peeled.
43:33Velma, he's over six feet tall
43:35and dressed like a miner.
43:37I think he's gonna stick out.
43:39Remember the plan?
43:41Yeah. I head towards the spotlight
43:43while killing all the other lights.
43:45I move it towards the central location,
43:47drawing Miner 49 into it.
43:49That's where you'll distract him
43:51while I figure out how to send him back to hell.
43:53You used the name.
43:55Are you sure this is going to work?
44:01But that's what makes it fun, right?
44:03Look, this place is way too crowded.
44:05We're gonna have to split up and cover more ground.
44:07Are you sure that's the safest course of action?
45:07Scooby, stay in the van!
45:23Hey, asshole!
46:55Heard it was a really messed-out homeless guy
46:59Sophie I'm telling you it was those assholes from through trying to scare us before the game. I don't know Daphne. What do you think?
47:17Look who found some dry clothes
47:22That night changed everything I
47:25Wasn't crazy something was happening in our town
47:29But even those of us who experienced it firsthand
47:33Couldn't truly explain it
47:36With a lack of evidence the police formed their own theories
47:40Eager to keep the peace and determined to make headway in their war on drugs. They found themselves a clear scapegoat
47:48Come in
47:50Bucky hey sheriff not a bunch of these all over the high school figured I'd bring one by could be a leap
48:01Shaggy presents who's Shaggy
48:08Might match that location we were looking at
48:11Go back to the station text for address and if there's any more bring him back
48:17We'll do nicely done. Thanks, Bucky
48:30So they ignored the minor entirely
48:33Instead placing blame on this mysterious Shaggy
48:38Hoping it would lead them closer to the truth
48:41And Coolsville did what it always does moved on like nothing ever happened
48:49But what was clear to us was that our town would never be the same again
48:54the 13 pillars
48:56Whatever they were
48:57Had been released from hell and the fight against them
49:02Was only beginning
49:43Gone doesn't matter now the pillars have awakened it has begun
50:06Remind me again, why don't we take care of this last night instead?
50:10We left this to amateurs and now we're left to clean up after them a patience ladies
50:15Hi priestess van ghoul send us here because the portal to hell is open
50:19The Scout was just the first to come through to this plane if we are to collect the pillars successfully
50:26We must maintain the element of surprise
50:29It's always more fun in the shadows anyways sisters
50:35Tara Ventus ionis at air
51:10One down 12 to go
51:24Hey, man, you're not supposed to be out here
51:58Fear is just
52:06And if we're going down
52:11If you turn
52:22When you
