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WWF Raw Is War (December 27, 1999)
00:00Well, I guess we've seen the last of the Rock and Sock Connection.
00:03Thank God!
00:03Without saying.
00:04Thank God!
00:05And after tonight, we've seen the last of either the Rock or Mankind.
00:09They were forced into this situation for the two participants of this matchup.
00:14You like old Mick Foley, don't you?
00:16That'll be more money for me and you to spread around.
00:18Well, I don't know about that.
00:19The pink slip is attached to the top of the pole.
00:22Remember, the man that climbs the pole and retrieves the pink slip will keep this job.
00:27The loser's getting fired here tonight in this history-making match.
00:32A public firing, JR.
00:35And The Rock, in one week's time, will schedule to be in his hometown of Miami
00:40at the new American Airlines Arena one week from tonight on Raw.
00:44That remains to be seen if he'll even be able to be there.
00:46He may be sitting home in Miami.
00:48And Mankind quickly going to go to the top of that pole.
00:51Remember, there's no pinfalls.
00:53There's no count-outs to disqualifications.
00:55The match ends only when one of these two men climb the pole and get the pink slip.
01:00And the other man will be fired.
01:03Public firing, humiliation, degradation.
01:08Man, I've never been fired in my life, JR.
01:10You have. It's bad, isn't it?
01:12Yeah, it's not very pleasant, obviously.
01:15Right here at the holiday season.
01:17And Mankind, waist-locking The Rock and pulling him off the turnbuckles there.
01:22The Rock and Mankind, forced into this situation by the McMahon-Helmsley heir.
01:27Neither man wanted to be involved in this.
01:29You got kids at home, you probably have to go home, take their Christmas presents back.
01:34And certainly, a holiday's a special time.
01:36Hey, look, look.
01:37Well, DX looking on.
01:39Everybody's watching this.
01:41I'm sure they are enjoying this.
01:42Look at The Rock!
01:43Come on, Mankind!
01:44Oh, The Rock's face just bounced off the top turnbuckle.
01:47Oh, that's bad.
01:48That gives Mankind the opportunity to try to climb up that pole.
01:52And grab that pink slip.
01:53And he does! The Rock's gonna be fired!
01:55Watch it, Rock!
01:56The Rock's gonna be fired here!
01:59Save your job!
02:00Going upstairs!
02:01Oh, my God!
02:02Mankind right off the top!
02:04Mankind jerked off the top by The Rock!
02:07All the way from the top rope onto the 18!
02:09Now in the front of his head!
02:13Hey, wait a minute, there's Al Snow!
02:15What's he doing?
02:16Al Snow!
02:17With him!
02:18He just nailed The Rock!
02:20No disqualification?
02:22Exactly right, no disqualification.
02:24Get him out of there, ref!
02:26Al Snow trying to revive him.
02:30Trying to curry favor to his former best friend, Mankind.
02:36Rock's gonna get fired because of Al Snow!
02:38Al Snow trying to mend some bridges here.
02:41And The Rock!
02:42This is gonna be over!
02:44The Rock is gonna be fired!
02:45The Rock's gonna be fired here if Mankind grabs that pink slip!
02:49I can't believe!
02:50The Rock's fired!
02:51This is momentous!
02:53Look at this!
02:54Mankind didn't want it that way!
02:56Nick Foley didn't want it that way!
02:58What's he doing?
02:59Mankind taking matters into his own hands!
03:02Not to mention Al Snow as well!
03:04Look at this!
03:05The Rock bottom!
03:06The Rock bottom!
03:09And the careers of both these men hangs in the balance here.
03:15That man is sick.
03:16Al Snow is sick.
03:18Last time he'll ever help Mankind!
03:20Somebody is gonna lose their job right here!
03:24Pink slip on a pole!
03:25They're both almost at their feet!
03:27Rock is!
03:28This is a damn shame!
03:29This is not right!
03:31Somebody's gonna get fired!
03:32But Mankind now!
03:35Low blow!
03:37Boy's back!
03:38Next time do whatever you can do!
03:39Same as The Rock!
03:40To keep their job here!
03:41Gotta do what you gotta do!
03:43And Mankind even said beforehand!
03:46He apologized beforehand!
03:48For some of the things he was gonna do out here!
03:50The McMahon helms the air has reduced these two men to this!
03:53Fighting each other!
03:55With their jobs on the line!
03:58You talk about finality!
04:00And now Mankind's gotta try to!
04:02He's gotta try to beat The Rock down!
04:04So Nick can have another opportunity to climb that pole!
04:07It's not gonna be easy for him!
04:09I know it's a shame that somebody's gonna get fired!
04:11But all I can say is!
04:12Thank God we don't ever have to sit through The Rock!
04:14It's not connected anymore!
04:15Well speak for yourself!
04:19Inviting The Rock up!
04:20This is!
04:22Can you imagine what's going through these men's minds!
04:24Their families at home watching this broadcast!
04:27We gotta go now!
04:28And now The Rock firing back with those hard hands!
04:31He's laying a smack down!
04:32Has got Mankind reeling!
04:34Oh Rock living with a clothesline!
04:35Uh oh!
04:36And Mankind!
04:37Double RVDT!
04:39They planted the people's champion!
04:42I can't believe it!
04:44Mankind backed up to a knee!
04:47Oh wow look at this!
04:48Oh Mankind!
04:49Please no not that stinkin' smelly sock!
04:53Reaching down those uh,
04:54Fruit of the Looms!
04:55For the uh,
04:56The sock!
04:57The Rock!
04:59Mankind's with the,
05:00The sock!
05:01Mandible claw!
05:02On The Rock!
05:03Oh Rock's gonna get fired because of a stinkin' smelly sock!
05:07The Rock is fading!
05:08Thanks to the mandible claw!
05:10I can't believe it!
05:11Rock's revived!
05:13Peach Slip on the pole!
05:14You see it there!
05:16Look at that!
05:18It's way down his gullet!
05:19It's gonna be over!
05:20The Rock is down!
05:22Can Mankind go up?
05:25And snatch that Peach Slip!
05:28Can you believe we've seen the end of,
05:29The Rock here tonight!
05:32Mankind climbing the ladder!
05:34Oh look!
05:35It's gonna be over!
05:36In a matter of seconds!
05:37It's almost over!
05:38He's got it!
05:39He's trying to,
05:41Mankind and The Rock!
05:44Oh God!
05:45He's on that top turnbuckle!
05:46Anything can happen here!
05:47Uh oh!
05:48Watch yourself!
05:50That Peach Slip hanging,
05:51Their job,
05:52Hanging above their head,
05:53In that pink envelope!
05:54These guys are about 15 feet above the ground there!
05:58The Rock holding on for dear life here!
06:00Neither one of them can let go of that pole to reach for the,
06:04His head just,
06:05Smacked off the steel pole!
06:08Oh yeah!
06:10My God!
06:14He's holding on!
06:15Look at The Rock!
06:16The Rock!
06:17He's got it!
06:19It's over!
06:20It's over!
06:21And Mankind is fired!
06:23He is fired!
06:24You're out of here!
06:25You're history!
06:27The Pink Slip!
06:29The Rock,
06:30DX is happy about it,
06:31But The Rock is not!
06:33How can anybody be happy about this?
06:36You gotta do what you gotta do JR!
06:37Mankind's lovely family sitting at home watching this,
06:40Daddy's been fired!
06:41How do you explain that to two youngsters,
06:43Right after Christmas here?
06:44I think you're doing a pretty good job of it right now,
06:47Daddy's been fired!
06:49That's a damn shame.
06:51Nothing but a damn shame.
06:53As everything that this man,
06:57Calm down!
06:58Everything that Mick Foley has given this business,
07:01To reluctantly grab the Pink Slip off the top of the pole,
07:05And thanks to the McMahon Helms of the Air,
07:10Is fired!
07:12Physically sick over this.
07:13You're not fired!
07:15It's him!
07:20Last time that Mankind will ever be in a WWF ring.
07:26There's never any shame,
07:28In losing to The Rock,
07:32But there sure as hell is shame,
07:35In the way it came about,
07:36Not a very good secret,
07:39Mick Foley was planning on,
07:41Calling it quits sometime in the year 2000,
07:46But by my calculation,
07:48It's still 1999,
07:56And I think that just,
07:58What just happened,
07:59Kinda sucks.
08:01Me too Mick.
08:04Without bragging,
08:06I think I've given America and the world,
08:09A hell of a lot to remember me by.
08:19Sometime when you're a little bored,
08:23Take out a Mick Foley tape,
08:26Whether it be Mankind or Cactus Jack,
08:29And you put that bad boy in your vehicle,
08:32And you put that bad boy in your VCR,
08:35And remember that I loved every minute of the last 15 years.
08:45Do me a favor,
08:47Don't play this match,
08:49Because what happened tonight at the hands of DX,
08:52Is a farce.
09:01Have a nice day.
09:04This is a,
09:05This is a shame,
09:06And this man deserves what he's getting right now,
09:09And that's a standing ovation.
09:10A standing ovation.
09:14Mick Foley is getting a standing ovation,
09:17And by God he deserves it.
09:23See ya Mick.
09:25McMahon, Helmsley,
09:2715 era.
09:30You guys remember something,
09:31You're the future of this company, alright?
09:33Don't be too crazy.
09:36Don't worry about it.
09:39Something's gonna happen man,
09:40Something's gotta happen.
09:41You guys are gonna have a future.
09:43Take it easy, alright?
09:45Give him a little bit of Mick Foley every once in a while.