Kane Vs. Big Show (WWF Championship)

  • 2 days ago
WWF Raw Is War (December 20, 1999)
00:00the mistake that was yeah I'll down my leg my brand new shoe say what if they
00:09thought that was a mistake wait till they see this WWF championship match
00:12that's gonna be loaded what do you mean by that
00:44okay he's got to win the WWF title here tonight or Tori must end the holidays
00:49with x-factor the audacity of Triple H's Stephanie McMahon
00:57ladies and gentlemen if I may let me
01:02800 black presents
01:06big shows live at large and in charge
01:17I know that
01:21the bosses are just gonna get a close look
01:27mr. and mrs. Kelsey made this man they signed it all up so they have the right
01:33of course they're in charge they can do what they want here we go the match is
01:36starting WWF title on the line King challenging the big show
01:40King must win or Tori must spend the holidays with x-factor kind of Christmas
01:46do you think Tori and x-factor would have JR I don't even think about that's
01:51repulsive in my view absolutely hideous
01:56by the WWF champion taking down King and the show got some elevation big-time
02:04drop the elbow in the heart there's a cover kick out it to what Triple H said
02:09at the beginning of the program he was in a giving mood and he's giving Xbox a
02:12great Christmas present if Kane doesn't win the night he's generous yeah that's
02:17one way of looking at it you want job security I guess you got to say that
02:26okay knocking the big show over the top rope all the way to the floor
02:37with some hang time right in the face of the WWF champion
02:43really enjoying it JR I'm so happy for them aren't you they bring a little joy
02:49to everybody please
02:52hang out with a WWF champion in trouble title on the line again King can walk
03:00out of here as a WWF champion and with his girlfriend Tori or Kane can walk out
03:06of here as someone who tried but also lost his girlfriend to x-factor the
03:11what you're saying JR is Kane has everything to win and everything to lose
03:16a must-win situation to say the very least for Kane here and the big show the
03:22proud WWF champ the big show's head just bounced off that ring post like a
03:27basketball here in the compact center Kane's got to get it back in the ring to
03:33win the title JR and hammering away at the big show's head with huge right
03:38hands and the big red Michelle shows back up Nick shows up sorry I forgot to
03:54tell you in the back this match is no DQ the match continues go okay sure
04:01continue the match I know what no DQ means Michael and the triple H and
04:06the rules up as they go they're just as soon had the happily married couple see
04:10these two men name each other destroy each other
04:12excuse me I've been thoroughly entertained tonight maybe you haven't
04:23we have a no disqualification WWF title match thanks to Triple H and Stephanie
04:32well the fans are enjoying it JR I'm enjoying the match
04:44there are no count outs in this match no count out both participants were
04:49counted out what the hell while you're at it you might as well make it false
04:54count anywhere continue the match now it's a false count anywhere match no
05:01disqualification no count out in false count anywhere
05:06they're thinking of the fans first Stephanie Triple H
05:11Kane and the Big Show are tearing each other apart
05:15oh to the elevation
05:17that looked like a 747 landing
05:19right on his nose
05:21not a good landing at that
05:23Kane up on top the big red machine
05:25taking a chance here
05:27a little close line
05:29a fist right in the face of the WWF champion
05:31with a title on the line
05:35what kind of Christmas do you think Kane would have
05:37false count anywhere
05:39a near fall there
05:41false count anywhere
05:43take a look at this JR
05:45and that's a strike by Kane
05:47at great leverage
05:49using Big Show's own momentum
05:51and Big Show's head again bounces off steel
05:53this time it's the steps
05:55this is a no disqualification match
05:57this is a no count out match
05:59this is false count anywhere
06:01and it is for the WWF title
06:03what a predicament
06:05she doesn't know whether to buy a Christmas present
06:07for Kane or Xbox
06:09Kane fighting for his career
06:11fighting for his personal life
06:13and the Big Show fighting
06:15for his WWF title
06:17and we are live on Raw
06:19deep in the heart of Texas
06:21the Compact Center is sold out
06:23look at the concern on Stephanie's face
06:25this is a hallmark moment
06:27we should all get a Christmas card
06:29just like that pose
06:31and there's a cover
06:35Kane just kicked out
06:37Torrey Pac has a nice ring to him
06:39Torrey Pac
06:43another right hand by Kane
06:45followed up by a right hand by the Big Show
06:47these two men, these two giants
06:49are hammering each other
06:51and Kane is getting the upper hand
06:54and neither one will ever be the same
06:56after this matchup, JR
06:58false count anywhere, no disqualification
07:00no count out
07:02Big Show at 500 pounds
07:04as we said, 7 feet 2
07:06is being dominated physically
07:08like no one else has ever done
07:10and this time the tables have turned
07:12no one has ever dominated
07:14in my view, offensively
07:16as we have seen Kane in that last exchange
07:18and the Big Show, you've got to admit
07:20JR has been a fantastic
07:22fighting champion
07:24he has been that, there's no doubt about it
07:26another elbow by the Big Show
07:28and it found its mark
07:30right on the back of the cranium
07:32of Kane
07:34and it's no disqualification
07:36it's legal JR
07:38it's legal
07:40Kane with a dropkick
07:42went right back into Big Show's face
07:44they were right in front of us
07:46Kane got right up in Big Show's face with a dropkick
07:48that was an amazing move
07:52uh oh, here's a lot of trouble JR
07:54outlaw trouble
07:56more DX
07:58they'd love to see Kane lose this match
08:00love to see the match, it's a great match
08:02oh god almighty, my god
08:04look at the strength here
08:06Kane has a Big Show on his shoulder
08:08and the outlaw is getting dangerously close to Torey
08:10and Kane dropped the Big Show
08:12even with the quote Torey's aid
08:18uh oh, look out
08:20no, no
08:24for god's sake
08:26there's a cover
08:28this falls anywhere
08:30and the Big Show retains the title
08:32and Torey spends Christmas with X-Pac
08:34and the outlaws have got Torey
08:36there goes Torey Pac
08:42the outlaws are taking Torey to X-Pac
08:44her holiday in hell
08:46begins now
08:48X-Pac's gonna have a very Torey Christmas
08:50the Big Show retains
08:52the WWF title
08:54after Tokeslamming Kane
08:56right through the announce table
08:58to the concrete floor
09:00what a great title matchup JR
09:02you gotta give it to Stephanie and Triple H
09:04my god Kane may be broken in half
09:06I can't believe this
09:08I'd just like to say
09:12that this has been a lot of fun
09:14for us
09:18and I'd like to wish the world watching
09:22including you Torey
09:24and to our bro X-Pac
09:26have a very
09:32I cannot believe this
09:34what has happened to the WWF
09:36what has happened to the WWF
09:38what's gonna happen to Torey
09:40we're gonna find out on Smackdown