• 20 hours ago
Enders 17th October 2024


00:00Wait. What? What are you doing getting dressed? No, I couldn't go. It's lunchtime. Kim's
00:19gonna kill me. She's been running the salon all morning. I thought we could have a little
00:26talk. Well, I've got 12 missed calls and eight missed texts. Even my Kim's standards, that
00:36is a lot. Fair enough. How about a bit later? Yeah, that sounds good. I'm gonna be so late.
00:51Well, I can drop you if you want. No, it's just better. Are you scared your little schoolmates
00:56might see me? No, it's just that I told Lily that I'd walk back with her. So... Come here.
01:03What's wrong? I gotta go. How long are you gonna make me wait for? I told you, I'm gonna
01:23be late. Yeah, but we've been seeing each other for weeks. Like, I splashed out on dinner
01:27and everything. I know that. I'm sorry. I thought you were different to the other girls. More
01:35mature. I've gotta go. Hold on. Avani! Then, afterwards, come on you, we'll get some burgers
01:48for dinner. Yeah? Let me do your coat, I've done it. Well, I wouldn't mind going to the zoo and
01:53having a few burgers myself. What's all this? We are having a special day. Penny's giving me a
01:59second chance by not going to the police and I just want to make the most of it. Right. Well,
02:03you make sure you spoil that little man, yeah? And you say, thank you, nanny. Oh, good boy.
02:10Shall we go see the giraffes? Yeah? Yay! Come on then, we'll see you later. Bye bye,
02:15bye. Don't touch them, they smell. Yeah? Yeah. I hope she realises how much pain is put on the
02:23line so that she doesn't get banged up. I can't understand why she would do such a thing. Yeah,
02:27well, that'd be down to Jack. Oh, and you not coming home last night, was that your way of
02:32saying thank you to me? I need more coffee. So what you saying, you're giving him a second
02:38chance? Have you not pressed send on the divorce application yet? What? You, what? Oh, I'm on a
02:43lunch break, you see. Yeah, because I've been juggling all these customers while you've been
02:47getting... You better get on then. You're late already.
02:58Right, so what's all this in aid of then? Could I not just buy my cousin lunch? I thought you were
03:04skint. I just, I just want to talk. Talk? Well, you kind of freaked me out last night. You know
03:12what you said about your dad? You were going to ruin him. Oh, May. What? Don't. You've got to admit,
03:17it don't sound good, does it? I was angry. I'm still angry. It's just going to take me some
03:24time to get over it. Okay? I'm not going to do anything stupid, am I? Yeah, okay.
03:31Five minutes from now, he'll be sparked out from a sugar crash. Says the man who fell asleep next
03:41to him on the sofa last night. Yeah, in my condition, it's a minor miracle if I make it
03:47through the day, so I make no apology for napping with this one. I've only seen you like this. Like
03:54what? No, maternal, I suppose. Maternal? This woman raised four kids by herself. Yeah, I know.
04:04Whilst also running a family business. Suki is the very definition of a tiger mum.
04:10Yeah, Nish, I was just joking. I know Suki loves children. Yeah, sometimes and I include my own in
04:15that. Don't tell me about it. It's just that this little one makes it look so easy, don't you find?
04:32Strange though, seeing you two pair in happy families. Oh, I'm not doing it for him. I'm
04:36doing it for the grandkids, Kathy. You know, the way things are with Habiba,
04:40this might be my only chance to spend some time with Ty.
04:44I reckon Nish thinks he's got his feet back under your table.
04:49Suki, after everything he's done, are you sure you can trust him?
04:53He's nothing to worry about, Kathy. He can barely walk.
04:55Are you sure? There's nothing more dangerous than a wounded animal.
05:02I don't know why he doesn't tell me what's going on with you and Jack. I mean,
05:05we tell each other everything, innit? I don't tell you nothing.
05:08What? To have it all round the square. You do know that people call you Fox News.
05:13Oh, that's harsh. Fair.
05:18Oh, hello, darling. I just, um, I wanted to check you were okay.
05:23Oh, I think she's okay. Yeah, but there's more than okay.
05:26What you did for Chelsea, I did it for Jordan.
05:30Well, she owes you. We all do. And if there's anything at all I can do for you, you know...
05:35Anything, yeah? Hair, nails, coffees, anything you want, half price, okay? Just for you.
05:42Yeah, obviously not the coffee, because I can just make the coffee for free, you know?
05:44I mean, I've just made you a coffee. I've got a coffee. You want a coffee?
05:51So, you and Ed, you're back together more?
05:58Um, well, everything's kind of up in the air. A lot's gone on.
06:07None of my business. As long as you're happy.
06:10Personally, I won't be able to do it, but...
06:13What do you mean?
06:15Him and Stacey. All the lying and running about behind your back.
06:21What that did to you, to our whole family, I just don't want us to go through all that trauma again.
06:26You didn't deserve it. And Ricky and Amy certainly don't.
06:30He's got this image, hasn't he? Jack Brunning. Man of steel.
06:34But everything he touches ends up broken.
06:38We all go running back for more, don't we?
06:40If it was me, I'd have submitted those divorce papers a long time ago.
06:48Penny, darling, I know what you're trying to do. I really do.
06:55You're trying to hurt your dad, but it's not going to work.
06:58Because me and Jack, whatever our future is, that's up to us.
07:04Not you. Or anyone else. All right?
07:09Speaking of which, I'm meant to be meeting him down at Vig later.
07:13You'll be all right here by yourself?
07:16Oh, well, actually, I've got... I've got...
07:21I've got no choice.
07:23Coffee? Tea? Tea? Coffee?
07:24I left you on read, has he? Young Sheldon stood you up. That's tragic.
07:35Shut up, Amy. Boring.
07:38Look, I'm sorry about yesterday. I wasn't trying to, like, take a nick or anything.
07:43I just didn't mean to wind you up.
07:45Are you all right?
07:47Of course.
07:49Lily, can I ask you something?
07:52Like, can you promise me you don't go no further?
07:54Of course.
07:57So you... You know when you and Ricky, like, did it?
08:02What was it like?
08:02Oh, Ronnie.
08:03Did it hurt?
08:05Where is this coming from? This bloke you're seeing, he's not like...
08:09You're not going to...
08:10No, I was just asking.
08:12You're going in five minutes.
08:14Lily, I'm literally in there.
08:16Look, me and Ricky did it once, and look what happened.
08:22Yeah, right, I was just chatting anyway, so ain't it stupid?
08:25I mean it.
08:27Yeah, of course.
08:37Like you lost a penny and found a pound.
08:39Yeah, well, things are looking up.
08:42Oh, and, uh, me and the miss.
08:46Well, I'm happy for you.
08:47I meant what I said about us being mates.
08:49I meant what I said about us being mates.
08:51Yeah, I'd like that.
08:52Yeah, we've got to stick together anyway, haven't we?
08:55Safety of numbers and all that.
08:57Looks like our granddaughter is getting the terrible twos early.
08:59Do you really think you stand a chance against her?
09:01Well, at least we'll go down fighting.
09:05Mates, yeah?
09:06Yeah, mates.
09:15All right?
09:16How are you feeling after yesterday?
09:17You got a minute?
09:18Are you always?
09:19Let me munch this and I'll buy you a pint.
09:21Uh, no, can we, uh, go somewhere?
09:24Even better.
09:25I've got a proposition for you.
09:28I'm sorry that I missed your calls earlier.
09:30My phone's been on silent.
09:32Can you just text me when you get this, please?
09:34I feel like we should talk.
09:36I know...
09:37No, just text me, all right?
09:42Are you all right after yesterday?
09:44You know I was only having a laugh.
09:46I used to.
09:47Barney boy, what are you two up to, eh?
09:51Nothing, just chatting.
09:54Have you ever played, uh, Elfhammer with Barney?
09:56Have a what?
09:57Or Hammer of Wizards.
09:59Am I getting the name right?
10:01That's the one.
10:02It's Barney's new video game.
10:03It's all problem solving and strategy.
10:06Barney is brilliant.
10:07I can't even get past level one.
10:10To what?
10:11Why don't you come out, have a go?
10:14Why don't you come out, have a go?
10:16Have you got the time?
10:17No, Barney wouldn't be interested in that.
10:19Well, how do you know?
10:20Have you asked Barney?
10:22Just play.
10:24No, I'll come.
10:27Why not?
10:30Well, I'll get the chips and dips in,
10:31and Barney can show you his Thundermallet.
10:33Tommy, how's your mum?
10:45She's still feeling ill.
10:47Yeah, she's still bad.
10:49I'm steering clear.
10:50Will you get her to give me a ring?
10:52Yeah, anything she needs, you just let us know, yeah?
10:55Maybe I should make her my broccoli and cauliflower cake.
10:59Are you trying to finish her off?
11:01No, don't.
11:03Whatever she ate, it's gone through her.
11:09I'm steering clear, yeah, and you should too.
11:11Well, if you need anything, just give us a ring.
11:18Oi, shift.
11:19Those chairs are customers only.
11:22You're not exactly mobbed, are you?
11:27Do you want me to call Ravi?
11:29What sort of mum lets her kid's lawyer around the street anyway?
11:32Mate, you've got a home to go to.
11:33You can talk.
11:34What are you talking about?
11:35Of Arnie.
11:36Chatting nonsense about how she's going to pet up for an older guy.
11:42See where she gets it from.
11:44What did you say?
11:48Aren't you dad?
11:49What are you on about?
11:50I want him to feel every inch of pain he's caused me.
11:53Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up, hold up.
11:54I want him to lose everything.
11:56Where do I fit into this?
11:59I did him a favour, yeah?
12:02Something he wouldn't want the world and its wife knowing about.
12:06Do I have to draw you a map?
12:08Right, you let him know that you know what I did.
12:14Use it as leverage.
12:17Yeah, he's already got your cards marked.
12:19This will be a way to get him to back off.
12:23What do you get out of it?
12:25Of what?
12:26Of whatever moody dealings you've got going on here.
12:29I don't see how it ruins his life.
12:33Right, once he gets caught up in it all,
12:36it's not going to be hard to make him do more and more.
12:40Make him go deeper and deeper.
12:43Then we'll drop him in it, yeah?
12:44Make him lose it all.
12:46His job.
12:47Swaggering around like everyone loves him.
12:48On eggshells, everyone afraid of him.
12:50Jack Branning, Mr Supercop, all of it.
12:54He could go to jail.
12:56Yeah, I know.
12:58Oh, what, you're telling me that you couldn't benefit
13:00from a copper in your back pocket?
13:04You would never fall for it.
13:05I don't see it happening.
13:06Am I speaking well?
13:07She's literally there for the taking.
13:08Look, look, there is nothing, nothing more than I'd like there
13:11to put some proper hurt on the old Bill, yeah?
13:14Filth, all of it.
13:16But this ain't how you do it.
13:18I thought you had more repair on you than that.
13:22I've got to go.
13:24I'm fixing my mate's motor and a squirt, if that's everything.
13:26Yeah, go on, little boy.
13:27Go play with your car then.
13:30Thanks for coming round.
13:32I know it's probably not nothing.
13:33No, I had fun.
13:34Where did I get to again?
13:35A second level slug maiden to the mud witch.
13:39Hey, yes, mate.
13:40I mean, you are a slug maiden.
13:43But your boss is a mud witch.
13:45Right, well, that just means I have to come around
13:47to get a promotion then, innit?
13:48Barney, tell me I'm hearing things.
13:51You're planning on sleeping with some older boy.
13:53Are you mad?
13:54Who is it?
13:55Name and address.
13:56Can you just...
13:57Give me your phone.
13:59Hand it over.
14:00You ain't having my phone.
14:01All right then, we'll call your dad.
14:02No way.
14:03Give me your phone then.
14:04I ain't seeing no older guy.
14:05So what's Tommy talking about?
14:09I only said that because I didn't want anyone to know that it's Barney.
14:17I'm seeing Barney.
14:21Look, tell her.
14:23Oh, finally, an end to all the lies.
14:29Yeah, all right.
14:30Um, I'll see you later.
14:37I'm gonna go inside now.
14:44What have you done to Vic?
14:46I mean, what made you change your mind?
14:48Uh, I just wanted a little bit of privacy.
14:50You know, just the two of us.
14:51I've got no complaints.
14:56And I want to talk about Stacey.
15:03Because we never have, have we?
15:05Not properly.
15:08If we're gonna move forward, you know, make a go of this, then...
15:13I'm gonna need to know.
15:15I need to know what really happened between the two of you.
15:36Barney missing you already?
15:42Look, I'm not here for a fight, all right?
15:44He's literally screaming my business all over the square.
15:48What do you expect?
15:48Tommy told me that you...
15:49Yeah, well, what are you doing listening to him for?
15:53You didn't even think to ask me before you started going off on one.
15:57Well, maybe that's what we can do now.
16:01So, you and Barney?
16:05What? He's nice.
16:07Yeah, I know.
16:08Of course.
16:08I mean, he's lovely.
16:11Bit weird, but, um, that could be attractive, I guess.
16:14That could be your future son-in-law he's talking about.
16:17You haven't...
16:18What, with Barney?
16:20With anyone?
16:20Not with anyone.
16:23Don't want to be having this weird conversation with you anyway.
16:33It's natural.
16:35It's normal, and it's healthy.
16:37And God knows when I was your age, I used to fall asleep dreaming about Richie Neville.
16:42He was in five.
16:44He was in five for what?
16:48Don't worry about it.
16:49Look, the point is, I get it.
16:52It's frustrating, and you think everyone else is doing it but you.
16:57How old were you then?
16:59Uh, you're not talking about me.
17:01See, I knew it.
17:02It's just one of these conversations where you just talk, talk, talk,
17:04and I have to sit and listen.
17:05No thanks.
17:06I wish I'd been older.
17:09And I wish I'd waited.
17:10I am looking at you in the eye, and I am telling you I wish I had.
17:16So what?
17:16The love of your life?
17:20Just someone nice.
17:22Someone who I properly liked.
17:25I was hanging about with this bloke.
17:26Part of our group of mates.
17:28Handsome, but whoring ass.
17:32It was obvious what he wanted from me.
17:36He didn't.
17:38Nothing like that.
17:40I was just...
17:42I was scared if I didn't, he'd dump me.
17:48He dumped me anyway.
17:51Got what he wanted, and then moved on.
17:54He's fat, bald, and divorced now.
17:59Look, the first time, it doesn't have to be the love of your life, but
18:04it should be with someone who you have fun with.
18:08Someone who you know likes you back.
18:10Someone who makes you laugh.
18:12And look, I'm telling you, baby, you're just too young for all of this.
18:17All you've got to do is wait a few more years, and then it is in your life forever.
18:21And I promise you, you're gonna wish you had this time back.
18:26And look, Barney's as nice as you say he is.
18:29I'm sure he'll wait, yeah?
18:33Thanks, Mum.
18:36I love you.
18:38I love you too.
18:39I love you.
18:40I love you too.
18:46Oh, my.
18:48You know Sulcan ain't talking.
18:50Do we really have to do this now?
18:52Okay, when then?
18:54Haven't I demonstrated to you lately how much you mean to me?
18:58You know, jeopardising a relationship with my daughter to keep your one out of jail.
19:02Do you know, if we're gonna be together, living on the same square as your mistress,
19:05having her in my face every day, then there's gonna need to be no more secrets.
19:09Otherwise, you know, it's gonna keep churning round in my head.
19:12There are no secrets.
19:13You're driving me mad.
19:14You ain't listening, are you?
19:20And I can't go there.
19:22I won't.
19:26What do you want to know?
19:30Right, so when did you first kiss, if you even remember?
19:34Sorry, what was the sex like?
19:36Was it good?
19:37Better than us?
19:38Worth it?
19:39Just stop.
19:39Well, did you even think about me once when you was covering it up?
19:42Do you know what?
19:42How did you keep it hidden for so long?
19:44Come on, because I want to know all your little tricks.
19:47And that's the thing, isn't it?
19:50They're always driving us apart, aren't they?
19:54Every time.
19:55Stacey, the crush at Peckins.
19:57I can't have it.
19:58I don't want no more secrets, Jack.
20:01All right?
20:09Business is booming.
20:10Mm, I've got Teddy to pay cash.
20:13Two-week trial.
20:14Mind you, once he's seen what we can do, there'll be no looking back.
20:16We should celebrate.
20:19I don't really feel like it tonight.
20:21Come on.
20:21Not even a couple in the Vic.
20:23I'm proud of you.
20:25Or something a bit more fancy.
20:26We could go to the all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet on the high street that we like.
20:31It's only another cleaning job, Harvey.
20:34And we can't afford it anyway, can we?
20:37Okay, well, I'll get out of your way.
20:52I'll prove to you over and over again how much I love you.
20:58Chelsea and Penny.
21:07Anyway, you ain't exactly blameless in all of this, are you?
21:15Crack started forming way before me and Stacey.
21:19It was you and Ravi, wasn't it?
21:23Well, are we just going to forget all of that, are we?
21:26What, so you can just paint me as the bad guy?
21:28Is that what we're doing?
21:35I get that you're angry.
21:36You know, what happened with Charlie, the line about Maya, all of it.
21:40But I don't want to be a constant reminder of that.
21:42You're not.
21:42So, if you don't want us to be, well, us anymore, then I respect that.
21:48I do want us to be us.
21:52It's all I want.
21:54Want us to be us.
21:57It's all I want.
22:04Well, then why—
22:04So, I understand that you were lying to save my feelings,
22:07but I can't tolerate lying, however good the intention.
22:11It just drives people apart, Harvey.
22:15So, all I want from you is honesty, for all our sakes.
22:19And that's what you'll get.
22:21I promise.
22:24I'm here for you, for all of you.
22:29You lot are my world.
22:32To varying degrees.
22:44You know, Stacey and the kids, and Kat and Tommy.
22:49You're very good with him, aren't you?
22:52He's a good kid.
22:54Hides it well, I think, sometimes.
22:57What did you think to what he said earlier?
23:00What do you mean?
23:01Well, he made out that Kat had got some stomach upset or something.
23:05She told us she had Covid.
23:08Maybe she didn't want him to worry.
23:14When was the last time you saw Kat?
23:16She's sick.
23:17The last thing I want to do when I'm laid up is see people.
23:21She'll be out and about again, you know, as soon as she's up to it.
23:30Yeah, of course they're missing you.
23:33So, how's the course going?
23:35Are you paying attention?
23:36Or are you tearing it up round Birmingham every night, eh?
23:40Just don't come back with the accent, please.
23:44Oh, I'm just tired, Alfie.
23:45You know how it is.
23:47It's all good.
23:50Yeah, yeah, everything's fine.
24:01Oh, so that's it, then?
24:03Well, what else is there to say?
24:04It sounds like you think there's a lot.
24:07What is that supposed to mean?
24:08I don't know, it just sounds like you think that I'm the one that's supposed to be apologising.
24:12Yeah, well, maybe you should have.
24:13Because I'm the one who put my career on the line.
24:16Risked my own relationship with my daughter, and what?
24:18You drag up ancient history.
24:21Do you know what I think?
24:22I reckon you're just using me, ain't you?
24:25To get what you want, Chelsea off the hook.
24:27And now it's done.
24:28See you later, Jack.
24:29Go on, go and collect your mug of the year trophy on the way out.
24:34You know, I'm glad we did this now, before we made the mistake of getting back together.
24:39Actually, it's fine.
24:40I don't need to know the dirty little secrets about you and Stacey.
24:46I see you.
24:48Yeah, I see you for who you are.
24:51So, divorce application.
24:56I'm submitting mine.
24:58I suggest you do the same.
25:00Put us both out of misery.
25:15Watch where you're going!
25:16Are you deaf or not?
25:20Watch your mouth.
25:22Mate, you're an embarrassment.
25:24Big man Brannan, you are nothing, yeah?
25:27You couldn't even protect your own daughter.
25:29Stay away from Penny.
25:30What are you going to do?
25:31Are you going to put me in a wheelchair or not?
25:51Right, popcorn, sweets, chocolate, wine.
25:55You sure you don't want anything?
25:56Thanks, Mum.
25:57It's just a bit popcorn.
25:58You know what I mean.
26:00Yeah, well, thanks for being honest with me.
26:06Mum, can you promise that you won't tell Dad about Arnie?
26:10Just, I know what he's like and I want to be able to tell him in my own time.
26:16Just remember, trust goes both ways, yeah?
26:20What's this all in aid of?
26:22Girls' movie night.
26:23How many movies are you watching?
26:24Just ring it up, Vinnie.
26:27Family discount as well.
26:33I get it, we're done.
26:34Delete my number if you're going to be so frigid.
26:39Polo boy, come in.
26:47Have fun.
26:51I've got your text.
26:53Look, can you make it quick?
26:54I've not got time to be messed about.
26:57What happened?
26:59I changed my mind.
27:00I'm in.
27:0250 quid just got me footage of your old man smacking me about.
27:06I'm all right, by the way.
27:07Thanks for asking.
27:08For real?
27:14What are you going to do?
27:15Are you going to put me in a wheelchair or not?
27:20I think you could call that leverage.