• 6 hours ago
Les gens du passé avaient des idées farfelues sur ce que serait la vie en 2024 ! Ils pensaient que nous aurions des voitures volantes filant à travers le ciel et des robots pour faire toutes nos corvées. Certains prédisaient que nous vivrions sur la Lune ou même sur Mars à présent. Dans les années 1960, les gens imaginaient que nous aurions de la nourriture sous forme de pilules ! Ils pensaient aussi que tout le monde aurait des ordinateurs super-intelligents chez eux—et cette partie est devenue réalité. Mais bien que certaines prédictions aient été justes, comme les appels vidéo et les maisons intelligentes, d'autres restent encore des rêves à réaliser. Animation créée par Sympa. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Musique par Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com Pour ne rien perdre de Sympa, abonnez-vous!: https://goo.gl/6E4Xna​ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nos réseaux sociaux : Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sympasympacom/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sympa.officiel/ Stock de fichiers (photos, vidéos et autres): https://www.depositphotos.com https://www.shutterstock.com https://www.eastnews.ru ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Si tu en veux encore plus, fais un tour ici: http://sympa-sympa.com


00:00Rumor had it that by 2024, people would no longer have teeth.
00:05Fortunately, this 100-year-old prophecy did not come true.
00:09However, some predictions about our current world have come true.
00:14A professor feared that horses would be on the brink of extinction by 2024.
00:19According to him, with the rise of cars and tractors, horses would become obsolete.
00:24As a result, future generations would consider them as relics of the past,
00:29without any relation to everyday life.
00:32However, the dark painting he was painting could not be further from reality.
00:39A Swedish architect, on the other hand, imagined that the United States would totally reinvent their city
00:45under the effect of the rise of cars.
00:47He planned the destruction of old buildings to leave room for highways at three levels crossing urban centers.
00:53The skyscrapers would be equipped with entrances for vehicles on the 15th floor,
00:57while rolling sidewalks and underground systems would facilitate the transport of goods,
01:02thus freeing the streets of the heavyweights.
01:04Although cars are omnipresent today, this type of futuristic city, like Blade Runner,
01:09does not yet represent our daily life.
01:12Instead, we seek to make our cities more pedestrian, breathable and pleasant to live in.
01:19Forget about cars!
01:20Once upon a time, a real estate expert from New York was convinced that in 2024,
01:24we would all take to the sky for our daily journeys.
01:28He even claimed on the radio that he would be constellated of individual planes
01:32and that flying from home to the office would become the norm to start his day.
01:36Of course, some privileged people take advantage of the luxury of their private jet,
01:40but the sky is not exactly saturated with airplanes, as he predicted.
01:45For us, ordinary people, the closest we are to flying for work,
01:50it is by taking the plane for a business trip.
01:53We do not take off on board a personal aircraft,
01:55parked in our backyard, to join our offices in the city center.
01:59Besides, not everyone saw the planes dominating the new century.
02:03A newspaper from 1900 predicted that the fastest journey between New York and Liverpool
02:08would be in two days, on board electric ships.
02:13The following prediction seemed to be based on science fiction at the time.
02:18A British scientist envisaged a future where technology would allow us to perform tasks at a distance,
02:24such as signing checks or sending digital fingerprints for criminal investigations.
02:29He imagined that people could manage their affairs without ever leaving their homes.
02:34These ideas probably aroused astonishment.
02:37But today, they perfectly describe our modern day.
02:41He wondered why someone would prefer the hustle and bustle of city life,
02:45when he could work from home.
02:48Nowadays, the Internet and digital technologies have made this vision not only feasible,
02:53but often preferable.
02:55Ten points to Archibald Law for his incredible clairvoyance.
02:59His precision is so amazing that one might think he had a crystal ball to foresee the future.
03:06A chronicler specializing in parental advice was worried about the effects of our eating habits on our health in 100 years.
03:13He wondered if we would all end up toothless,
03:16or if we would use paint to give color to our faces.
03:20Of course, we still have problems with malnutrition,
03:23and not everyone eats as much vegetables as they should.
03:26However, the situation is not as alarming as he imagined.
03:30More and more people adopt a healthy diet,
03:34with a growing interest in plant-based meals and physical exercise.
03:38As for teeth, thanks to the progress of dental care,
03:41the majority of us keep our smile for much longer.
03:46However, not everyone shared these concerns.
03:49A British politician, for example, announced that in 2024,
03:53the average life expectancy would reach at least 100 years.
03:56Reaching the age of 75 would be like being in the flower of age.
04:02He thought that science would allow us to achieve this,
04:05thus ensuring that our grandchildren live decades more than we do.
04:09If life expectancy has not yet exceeded 100 years for everyone,
04:13it is undeniable that we live longer and in better shape,
04:16thanks to medical advances and a better understanding of diet and our way of life.
04:2175 years are certainly not the new 25,
04:24but some at this age are still competing in marathons,
04:27exploring the world, and fully enjoying life.
04:30Ben Kingsley would be delighted to learn about this.
04:33In addition, an article from 1900 predicted that the average American would be 1 or 2 inches taller.
04:38And it turned out to be true.
04:40Today, 21-year-old men measure 3 cm more than they did in 1912,
04:46and women have gained about 1 cm.
04:51Some were concerned about our teeth, others about what we would eat with them.
04:55A copper magnate feared that in a century,
04:58we would find ourselves looking for something to nibble on,
05:01with a shortage of food for everyone.
05:03This is why he founded an entire institute dedicated to the acceleration of food production.
05:09Its goal was to ensure that we could feed a growing population without difficulty.
05:14He had an almost prophetic vision,
05:17since today we live like a farm on a plate and vertical gardens.
05:22We are not yet 10 billion,
05:25but thanks to technology and smart agriculture,
05:28we are no longer fighting for the last carrot.
05:31Thompson would be proud to see how his initiative for a more efficient agriculture
05:35has helped to keep our plates full.
05:41He was not the only one to worry about food resources and overpopulation.
05:45A doctor feared that in 2024, we would all be compressed like sardines,
05:50and too many to be properly fed.
05:53He thought that it would be necessary to impose restrictions on the number of children
05:57that each family could have.
05:59Here we are in 2024,
06:01and although there are indeed a lot of people,
06:04the situation is not as catastrophic as he had planned.
06:07Thanks to innovations in food production,
06:10we are able to meet growing needs.
06:13Thus, no rationing ticket has yet been distributed to limit births.
06:19Speaking of children, in a letter addressed to a New York newspaper,
06:24a reader imagined a future where, in 2024,
06:28women would occupy all positions of power.
06:31It would be a world where women would rule everything,
06:35while men would take care of the home, children or pets.
06:39Today, it is true that women continue to break many glass ceilings
06:44and reach heights in politics and in the business world.
06:48However, it is more of a collaboration,
06:51where everyone, men or women, is supposed to bring their skills and talents.
06:57Staying on the theme of children,
06:59a 1924 journalist imagined what the typical day of a student could look like in 100 years.
07:05According to his fiction article,
07:07beds would automatically expel children in the morning to wake them up.
07:11Here is an idea that would almost make you appreciate your deafening awakening, isn't it?
07:16And to add an even more dystopian touch,
07:19these beds would be remotely controlled by schools
07:22in order to ensure that each student arrives in class on time.
07:26School uniforms would be replaced by full suits,
07:30which would not even need to be washed.
07:32Breakfast would involve the mandatory reading of the newspaper,
07:35and class seats would be heated electrically.
07:38But the worst part of all this,
07:40is that if a teacher noticed that a student was sleeping,
07:43he could electrocute him with a simple switch.
07:47Fortunately, this prediction never came true.
07:52Diving further into the universe of steampunk predictions,
07:55at the end of the 20th century,
07:56a group of visionary artists created postcards
07:59illustrating what the world could look like 100 years later.
08:02Some of these predictions turned out to be surprisingly accurate.
08:05For example, the idea of a videophone and precision printers,
08:08and the models of drawn phones,
08:10are much more elegant than our current smartphones.
08:13However, other postcards are completely off the mark.
08:17One of them imagines a machine capable of controlling the climate,
08:20while another one envisions roofs covering cities to protect us from the weather.
08:26The claustrophobes can blow.
08:28There is even one that shows rolling sidewalks,
08:31and another with flying taxis.
08:33A postcard even suggests that we could walk on water,
08:36thanks to balloons.
08:38That would have been fascinating.
