• il y a 4 heures
00:00All right so this is the 24 inch M1 iMac and this machine is just different. It's different
00:10from any other computer I've ever used. It's different from not just Windows based devices
00:14and other all-in-ones but it's different from even iMacs of the past and it's different
00:19in some ways that are really cool and in other ways less cool. But let's just get in. So
00:25even the unboxing, I normally don't unbox things on this channel but on this device
00:29it's worth it. So I get this thing in and it comes in a color matched box. So you can
00:33see the color of the device on the packaging. Even the handle is matched to the color of
00:38the device. Like right off the bat, you can tell that color is going to play a very important
00:41role in the whole product experience of this new iMac. So I tried opening it like the
00:46previous iMacs. Box upright, handle on the top and I don't think it opens like that anymore.
00:50I popped it open and I was like this doesn't seem right. So I think the method is to lie
00:54it down flat and open it up like a toy box or a shoe box. So you get inside and on the
00:59top you see that iMac but I wanted to see the accessories like the accoutrements. What
01:04do you get in there that is all color matched as well? So you have the color matched Magic
01:09Keyboard, you have the color matched Lightning Cable and this has got a fabric weave around
01:14the cable. It looks really nice. You also have the color matched Trackpad, color matched
01:17Magic Mouse and the power supply also has a woven fabric cable that's colored. But all
01:23of this pales in comparison to the real star of the show, the color matched Apple Stickers,
01:29right? Those are very important. So the device I have here is the green color and depending
01:34on the lighting that you have it in and kind of the angle that it's sitting in that light,
01:38it's going to look slightly different. The back of the device has the most prominent
01:42coloring. It's a very bold and vibrant color. This is kind of like a dark green in certain
01:47lighting but other times it looks more like a more vibrant teal color. But the logo up
01:52here is very big. This is bigger than it has been in the past with IMAX and it's like
01:57a glass covered Apple logo. It's pretty loud if you ask me but up front is a more kind
02:05of relaxed, chilled vibe. This is the area that you'd be working in and it's got a more
02:09pastel aqua green color to it. Now in terms of the bezel, it's a white bezel and personally
02:14I like it. I think it was the right decision for them in terms of memorability but I also
02:17think it's just a better look for the type of device that this was meant to be. So I'm
02:23probably the wrong person to ask because I'm the guy that has like a white gaming laptop
02:26and I swapped out the bezel on my iPhone SE so it's like a fully white iPhone. I'm a dude
02:30that likes white bezels. I'm clearly biased. But when I moved into my house, there's this
02:35area in my kitchen slash living area that had this nook that was built for a workspace.
02:41It's a very small area that's clearly meant for someone to do work in, right? And I always
02:46wanted to put some kind of PC in there and I tried everything including the older iMac
02:50with the black bezel. Basically every item that I put in there that was tech, it was
02:54like it can't stay. This is too ugly. So I just left it empty. For years it's just been
02:59an empty space. And then, just out of curiosity, I brought this thing back and I'd say it looks
03:04good. Now I think the yellow would have worked better than the green in that particular environment
03:08but the presence of these white bezels makes it easier to fit into home environments than
03:12black bezels. The argument has been brought up that if you have black bezels, if you're
03:18a professional colorist, you can match colors a little bit better and they've done studies
03:21where if you have black bezels you work like 1.3% more efficiently. It ain't that kind
03:26of device. That's really not what the bezel color was meant to do. Not to improve work
03:30efficiency but to make it look good in certain environments. And depending on what you're
03:34looking at this iMac for, that's either a good thing or potentially a bad thing. Okay,
03:39so white bezels up front and it's covered in glass and that glass extends all the way
03:42down to the bottom of the device, even right over the chin. There's no seam or break as
03:46it goes over that colored component and it's got an anti-reflective coating to it. This
03:51chin is very iMac. It's very iconic but having used this for a little while, I don't like
03:56it. I feel like in the future this should disappear. Maybe more professional versions
04:00or variants of the iMac will remove it but it's there for now. The power supply has a
04:05few interesting things going on. On the higher specced ones, it's got an ethernet
04:09port right on the power supply itself to kind of keep the back area as cable-free as possible.
04:14And that color-matched cable comes out of the power supply and terminates to this brightly
04:17colored magnetic connector. And this has some pretty strong magnets. You can have it in
04:22the wrong orientation but when you bring it up close, it'll actually rotate it so it's
04:25in the proper orientation and it'll snap in. It's kind of neat. Now this device is very
04:30light. It's 4.5 kilos or a little bit less than that, so less than 10 pounds. And the
04:34bottom of this stand here is slick plastic. It's not like a grippy material so it's nice
04:40to slide it around a little bit and if you want to tilt the screen to show something
04:43to someone or tilt it away from the sun, it's good for that. But because it's a light machine
04:47and there's no grip on this, if that cable in the back gets yanked, I think there's
04:52a very real possibility that this thing goes right over the edge of your table, even with
04:55that magnetic connection because it's a strong magnet. Like if you yank it, maybe it'll save
05:00you in some cases but it's not like MagSafe at all. It's like a pretty strong connection.
05:06Just putting it out there. Okay, so it's a very thin device. 11.5 millimeters, it's
05:10actually kind of strange to see a device this thin that has this kind of computational power
05:14but 11.5 millimeters is... it's weirdly thin. The screen, 23.5 across, it's 4.5K, it's bright,
05:24it's color accurate, it's what you would expect from an iMac screen. These are always good
05:28and it does not disappoint. If I had to complain about something, it would be the
05:32viewing angle. Like it's an IPS panel, not an OLED panel, so viewing angles are limited
05:36when it comes to IPS stuff but you can see that when you shift it to a steep enough angle,
05:41you start to lose color and brightness but that's just IPS technology for you. But otherwise,
05:47the screen is just... it's on point. The keyboards look really nice this year. The ColorMatch
05:52chassis obviously go really nicely with the iMacs. The rounded corners, I don't love it.
05:57I feel like it's something I just have to get used to over time but it is a little bit
06:00strange to me. The Touch ID works perfectly but I would rather have seen Face ID to get
06:05into the iMac instead of a fingerprint-based sensor. I'm just lazier like that. The button
06:10is actually smartly designed to have a different kind of actuation force required to press
06:15it because if you press it by accident, if you're like typing, if you press by accident,
06:18it'll log you out which would be annoying but they've made it so that it needs a bit
06:23more force than a regular key to press it. The bottom of the keyboard is a plastic material
06:27but it makes the whole thing very light yet very sturdy to type on and I think most people
06:32will enjoy that keyboard. The trackpad performs exactly how you'd expect an Apple trackpad
06:37to perform. It's big, it's reliable and it's got great haptics. The mouse, however, I can't
06:42say the same thing. I've never liked the Magic Mouse. It comes in colors this time around
06:46if you're into that but I've just never liked the tracking or clicking experience on Magic
06:52Mouse but there you have it. Those are the three input devices and they all charge via
06:56lightning cable. In terms of ports, you have your headphone jack on the left and you have
07:00four USB-C's on the back, at least on the premium model and two of those are Thunderbolt
07:044. If you get the kind of base model, you only get two USB-C on the back and those
07:08are both Thunderbolt 4 but the port selection is decent. I guess on an iMac like this that's
07:14super thin and focused on aesthetics, it's to be expected but a couple more would have
07:17been nice. The webcam is decent but it does not do the facial tracking thing that the
07:22new iPads can do and I feel like on a device like this, it's a bit of a miss. Obviously,
07:28the camera hardware is completely different. This is using an older generation of camera
07:32hardware but that feature would have been wonderful on a device that's sitting in a
07:36home in environments like living rooms where there's multiple people interacting and sometimes
07:40you're far away from your iMac, right? Because if this is in your kitchen and you aren't
07:43always close to your screen, the ability to kind of track your face as you moved around
07:46would have been nice. The speakers sound awesome. There's six of them and they're
07:50just loud and clear. They're very iMac. They're very good. The mics are solid as well. There's
07:55three of them. There's two up front, one in the back and they do a decent job at cancelling
07:58out like ambient noise that's not supposed to be there. But yeah, the audio system on
08:03the iMacs can't complain. Now when it comes to performance, this is running Apple's M1
08:08chip and it's an amazing chip when it comes to laptops and even the Mac mini because energy
08:13efficiency is a big part of that product type. But when it comes to the iMac, energy
08:17efficiency isn't as big of a deal, right? If this thing ran 150 watts or even 300 watts
08:22on the power supply, the experience for the user, it's not vastly different because there's
08:27no battery supplying this thing, right? So there's a part of me that likes the fact that
08:33it's an M1 and it's great in terms of that but I was hoping for there to be more but
08:38there isn't. This is the exact same kind of performance as you would get from an M1 MacBook
08:42Pro or the M1 Mac mini. So just good performance, great CPU performance but kind of okay GPU
08:51performance. And I use the word okay because last year's model, the 2020 iMac with Intel
08:56chips could have been equipped with a Radeon Pro 5700 XT, very capable GPU. And in comparison
09:02to what M1 can do in just terms of raw graphics capabilities, that was more powerful than
09:08what M1 is. That being said, this is just a different type of computer than what the
09:13iMac was last year, right? The iMacs in the past have always been a step up above their
09:18laptops, more powerful and different chips, more graphics capabilities. They were just
09:23a noticeable and substantial step up from what their laptop line was, right? But now
09:29with this new M1 iMac, it's good, it's really good but it's not that extra step that we've
09:36seen in iMacs of the past. So when it comes to a person's decision, if you're looking
09:42at this and you're watching this video, chances are you are enthusiastic about tech, right?
09:47You're not just drawn to the pretty colors, like you care about the performance and you
09:50care about stuff. I think for the average person, you'll be plenty pleased with this.
09:55Just the performance is fantastic but this is built for that kind of common workflow,
09:59right? I sound like a snooty like, this is for the plebs. No, it's good but it's not
10:05going to be able to kick that extra step. If your workflow is very dependent on graphics
10:12or very dependent on computational strength, this is not going to be the best that Apple
10:18puts out this year. I don't think. I think that they put out something just more powerful
10:22for the professional workflow in the future. Okay, hope you guys enjoyed this video. Thumbs
10:27if you liked it, subs if you loved it. See you guys next time.