• 3 hours ago
00:00Get over here!
00:02Hey, how's it going? Dave2D here.
00:04So Xiaomi recently announced their Mi Gaming Laptop
00:07and it's a product that I think a lot of people would be interested in because
00:10well, Xiaomi makes some really good stuff for a pretty good price. This is their Mi Notebook Pro.
00:14I've done a review of it, really heavy hitter for its price point.
00:17We've seen the Mi Notebook Air, also a really good product for the price point.
00:20So on paper, it would seem like the Mi Gaming Laptop would be like, hey, you know, that sounds pretty cool.
00:26So looking at the paper specs and the photos in the press release are pretty impressive.
00:30One of the things that they do really well is build quality.
00:33I think that's like, probably their biggest strength when it comes to what you'd expect at that price.
00:37Like, very few laptops at that price point are gonna look like this.
00:41This is one of the best built gaming laptops you're gonna see at that price point and looking at the Mi Notebook Pro,
00:46it's just a really well machined laptop. Really clean edges, the occasional sharp edge here and there, like on the bottom,
00:51they didn't do like the best job with the machining, but it's a really well built laptop.
00:55So I expect the Mi Gaming Laptop to be similar. Their design is quite unique.
00:59The hinge looks a lot like that piston hinge we've seen on the HP Spectre and I used to have concerns about that hinge design,
01:05but it's actually really good and the design of this whole Mi Gaming Laptop looks quite simple.
01:09It's like this muted look, gray slab, no red accents, no logos.
01:13The only Xiaomi branding is at the bottom of the screen, kind of like the Notebook Pro and it's a good look.
01:17It's actually one of the least gamer looking laptops I've seen, which I like.
01:20The bottom of that laptop seems to have some kind of like RGB lighting for some underglow,
01:24but aside from that, it's nothing crazy on the exterior.
01:27The screen on the Mi Gaming Laptop is supposed to have a 72% NTSC rating,
01:31which is actually the exact same rating as the one on the Mi Notebook Pro and it might be the same screen, it might not.
01:37I kind of hope it isn't because this screen wasn't, I mean, it's not terrible, but it's not a great gaming laptop screen,
01:42so hopefully they change it up a little bit.
01:44But the Mi Gaming Laptop is supposed to take a lot of build and design cues from the Mi Notebook Pro,
01:49which is actually a good thing. This thing had great Dolby Atmos speakers and I think the gaming laptop will as well.
01:54It's going to have that good keyboard layout, but this time with RGB and macro keys,
01:58and it's going to be running a Windows Precision trackpad, which is always good to see in any kind of laptop.
02:01The ports look pretty good. Xiaomi does ports well.
02:04They kind of stick a whole bunch of ports onto most of the laptops and for the most part, people are happy.
02:08They don't care too much about the whole like minimalism and stuff like that.
02:11Performance, they're running an i5 that's comboed with a GTX 1050 Ti or the i7 with the GTX 1060.
02:19Now that's obviously going to affect the price, but the thing that's kind of extra cool is the cooling.
02:23So Xiaomi is saying that it's going to be the coolest high-performance laptop on the market.
02:27And honestly, I believe them because look at this thing.
02:30This was the Notebook Pro and despite this thing only having an MX150,
02:34they've designed it well so you can crank the wattage really easily.
02:37Now that thermal performance comes at a cost and that is its weight.
02:41So if you look at the paper specs and you kind of don't look at the hype,
02:44it's actually heavier than I thought it'd be and I think a lot of that weight comes from that thermal solution
02:48because they're running five heat pipes and those things are not light.
02:50Okay, the last thing I want to talk about is pricing and this is kind of the most important part of this video.
02:55Xiaomi products tend to kind of capture the interest of people in North America and Europe
03:00because they tend to be cheaper than their counterparts.
03:03And I was surprised at how expensive the Mi gaming laptop is.
03:06If you look at the pricing of I guess similarly designed products,
03:10so relatively thinner and lighter gaming laptops that are well-built,
03:15the Xiaomi Mi gaming laptop doesn't stick out as being an amazing value
03:19because the gaming laptop market, especially in that GTX 1050 Ti or GTX 1060 segment,
03:24that's a very, very competitive segment.
03:26Like you're seeing like 20, 30 laptops in that kind of performance range.
03:31So pricing ranging from like 800 bucks to, I don't know, 2,000 bucks at the top end.
03:35So this Xiaomi product, it's not super cheap.
03:38It's not that it's like expensive or anything,
03:41but you always take a risk when you're buying a product like this, at least right now, right?
03:44The brand isn't represented well in North America or Europe.
03:47You kind of have to be in Asia to obtain this thing.
03:50So there's a bit of risk when it comes to buying something like this.
03:53And it's just, I don't feel like for most people that live outside of the Asian market,
03:58I don't think it's worth it to really purchase this Xiaomi gaming laptop.
04:02It kind of took me for a surprise. I expected it to be cheaper.
04:06I'm sure it's a great product and you're getting really, really good build quality
04:09with cool underglow and some really great thermal performance.
04:12But when you kind of look at the grand picture and you see the other options that are available,
04:17it's not that it's a bad product.
04:19It's just not nearly as compelling of a purchase as other Xiaomi products have been,
04:23where the price is just like, wow, that's so much cheaper.
04:26This gaming laptop from Xiaomi...
04:30I'm lukewarm about it.
04:31So I'll probably do a review when that thing comes in,
04:33but I don't think anyone should be pre-ordering that thing and be like,
04:36oh, this is like the best value because quite frankly, I don't think it is.
04:40Okay, hope you guys enjoyed this video.
04:41Thumbs if you liked it, subs if you loved it.
04:43See you guys next time.