• 2 days ago
00:00Hey, how's it going? Dave2D here, and in front of me are three wireless earbuds that don't
00:07suck. Everyone knows this one, the Apple AirPods. These are great, I would consider these to
00:12be one of Apple's best products from this year, but there's three issues with them.
00:15First, they're expensive. $160 is a lot of money for any kind of wireless earphones.
00:20And secondly, they fall out pretty easily when I'm running with them, or if I'm doing
00:24anything active. If I have them in my ear, if I'm like moving my head a little too much,
00:27they will fall off, and I think a lot of people have that issue. Now, I know there
00:30are third-party products you can kind of hook up to it to make it stay in your ear, but
00:34if you don't have them, they fall out pretty readily. But the thing that I think is kind
00:38of universally known is that they are pretty ugly in your ear. So, they've been around
00:43for like, what, six, seven months now, maybe more, and still, when people have them in
00:48their ears, they just look... they just don't look good. It's very iconic, it's like the
00:53super ugly Apple Q-tips, and I just don't like the way they look. So, I have found two,
00:58I guess, new products that have come out, that I've been testing, that I like a lot,
01:03and let's go through them. So, the first one is the Zolo Liberty Plus. I should take these
01:07out of my ear. Zolo Liberty Plus. So, these are, I guess, the second generation of their
01:13wireless earbuds. This is like the parent company to this is Anker. They normally make
01:16like battery packs and charging devices, but they make some good wireless earbuds. Now,
01:22the original wireless Liberty were not great. I had connectivity issues. These new ones
01:26don't, and I think that's a really important thing when it comes to any kind of wireless
01:30device. If it ever drops connection, like, to me, that just makes me not like the product.
01:34But these ones do not have connectivity issues. They're very reliable, and that's one of the
01:38great things about the Apple AirPods. So, the Liberty Plus comes in this pretty premium
01:43looking box. It's all metal, and it's heavy. It definitely has some weight to it, and I
01:47think a lot of that weight comes from the battery. It does have a relatively large battery
01:50in there, and I think the aesthetic of the earbuds themselves look nice. It's a larger
01:55design than the Apple AirPods, but there's no appendage, so you don't have that Q-tip
01:58look going, and I would say that the unit is kind of bulky. Like, it's just bulkier
02:03than the AirPods, but they don't feel heavy. When you put them in your ear, you don't notice
02:07their weight or anything like that. The connection is good. It's very easy to pair and set up
02:11with your phone, and I find that the audio is good. Not amazing, though. I don't find
02:16that any of these have amazing audio. I think that these are slightly, ever so slightly
02:20better than the AirPods, but again, similar sound quality between the three. Now, when
02:25it comes to fit, the Liberty Plus has these rubber tips that you can attach to it, and
02:29I find that they fit my ears really well. Obviously, everyone's going to have a different
02:32ear shape or ear size, so everyone's going to have a different experience with this,
02:36but they work well for me. Alright, some other thoughts. I don't like how this thing uses
02:39micro USB to charge. It's 2017, and this thing's made by Anker, right? Anker has a ton of USB-C
02:45products. I just find it really weird that they would use micro USB on this device. So,
02:49if you're unfamiliar with how these things work, or just how any of these things work,
02:53it's like you have this case that holds a battery, and then the wireless earbuds themselves
02:57have batteries inside them, so you use them for a few hours, and then when you're done,
03:01when those things are depleted, or just when you're done using them, you put them back
03:04in the case, and the case has a battery inside, and that, in turn, charges the batteries inside
03:09the little earbuds. So, you've got to charge them pretty frequently. It's just really weird
03:14that they use micro USB in late 2017. That's a bit of a bummer, but the thing I do like
03:18about this thing, a lot, is how easy it is to put the actual earbuds into the case,
03:24and I know it sounds, like, really simple, because we've seen the AirPods, they do it really well.
03:28You just drop it in, and it works perfectly. Same thing with these guys. You just put it in,
03:32there's no fiddling around. As long as you have the left and right ones sorted out,
03:35you just drop it in, and you're good to go. Now, when it comes to battery life,
03:38they claim three and a half hours per charge for the earbuds. I'm actually getting closer
03:42to four hours, and then you can get up to 48 hours of use just by charging it up through the case,
03:46which is a relatively long-lasting setup. Okay, let's talk about this thing. This is
03:51the Crazy Baby Air Nano. That is a mouthful of a name. This is a much less premium feeling case.
03:57It definitely has more plastic to it, and it just feels a little more flimsy,
04:01but the product is good. So, this thing uses USB-C to charge, which I love,
04:05but there's definitely a less premium vibe to this casing. It's not super cheap or anything,
04:10but it's not as good as this thing. This is all metal, this is all plastic,
04:13and even compared to the AirPods, like, this is a polycarbonate case. It's a very plastic
04:17case, obviously, but it does feel more, I don't know, just feels more refined.
04:21This is definitely more flimsy. Okay, the actual devices themselves,
04:26they come out readily, and they're small. So, these are white. These come in a bunch of colors,
04:31but I got the ones in white, but strangely enough, these don't stick out like a sore
04:34thumb when you wear them in your ear, and I think part of it, or a big part of it,
04:38is that they don't have the appendage like the AirPods. These just sit in your ear,
04:41and they look normal to me, but if you want, you can get them in a bunch of different colors.
04:45In terms of fit, again, it comes with a bunch of rubber tips and rubber hooks that you can
04:49use to make this thing more custom to your ear, but I don't find these as comfortable for my ear,
04:54but everyone's gonna be a little bit different. Audio quality, again, is good, not amazing,
04:58but it's earbuds, right? Unless you're paying huge amounts of money, you're never gonna get
05:01great audio quality from earbuds, especially not wireless ones, but these ones, I would actually
05:06say, are the worst of the three, just by a bare amount. I mean, they're all very similar,
05:10but if I had to just label them in terms of rank, I would say Zolo sounds the best by a little bit,
05:16AirPods in the middle, and then the Air Nano last. Now, battery life on these are short,
05:21relatively short. These are three hours, and I'm getting maybe a little bit more,
05:24but close to three hours, but charging these things are not my favorite thing,
05:29so when you open up the case, unlike the other two, you have to line these up quite well to
05:34get them to charge properly. Now, it's not so much an issue of getting used to it,
05:37because I've been using them for a while. It's more about just how the charging mechanism works.
05:42You have to place it and kind of rotate it perfectly, and it's just hard to line it up
05:46each time, but it's not bad. It's still relatively easy to charge all of these.
05:50I do like the size of the Nano Air. It's a very small and clean-looking device,
05:54and when you have it in your ear, it's just unobtrusive, and then same thing when it's in
05:58the case. It's just a relatively small and lightweight case. It's just smaller and lighter
06:02than the case on the Liberty+. So, all three of these are relatively good options. I don't
06:06think you can go wrong with either of them. Here's a comparison chart, so you can make your own
06:10decision, but to wrap it up, if you're an Apple user and you have $160 to spare, the Apple AirPods
06:15are an obvious choice, but if you're not and you want to spend a little bit less money on your
06:19earbuds, these two are great options. Okay, hope you guys enjoyed this video. Thumbs if you liked
06:23it. Subs if you loved it. See you guys next time.
