• 3 hours ago
00:00Hey, how's it going? Dave2D here. So this is clearly not one of my regular laptop videos.
00:08This is an electric skateboard, but it should be a pretty good video anyways. This is the
00:13Boosted Board. This was actually given to me by my wife in October of 2014. So this
00:18is one of the original, old school, version 1 Boosted Boards. And I got this thing before
00:22these things were popular on YouTube. So not that I'm like OG or anything, but I've always
00:27liked electric skateboards because I grew up on board sports. I love snowboarding, I
00:31love skateboarding, I love wakeboarding. This allows you to do it without the time and effort
00:35it takes to get onto a lake or a mountain. Now, this is the Dual Plus V1. I've put in
00:40a lot of miles on this thing. I ride it a lot. But as much as I love it, the one thing
00:45that holds this thing back from being like a product that I openly recommend to everyone
00:49is the price tag. Every time I have a friend or like an acquaintance that I lend this thing
00:54to, they all invariably love it. But the price at $1,500, I mean now they're $1,400 for their
00:59top-end model. It's just way too expensive for the average person to purchase because
01:04even though it's a transportation device, it's essentially a glorified toy. Now, ever
01:08since I started making YouTube videos, a lot of companies have sent me electric skateboards.
01:13And I gotta be honest, the majority of them are crap. There's a handful of them that kinda
01:16stick out as being really good devices like the Inboard, the M1, and well, the Boosted
01:21But there's a lot of knock-off companies that make electric skateboards that suck. Now recently,
01:28a company called Exway hit me up and they're like, hey, we have the, I don't know what
01:32they called it, like the most intelligent or the most advanced electric skateboard or
01:35something. And I thought, okay, let's be real here. We have another Chinese company making
01:40yet another orange and black electric skateboard. Like how good could this be, right? But this
01:45thing blew me away. So this thing costs $900 and I would say that in many ways, it's comparable
01:50to the top-end Boosted Board version 2. They say it's lightweight and I mean, it's still
01:55really heavy compared to a regular longboard, but I guess it's lighter than some electric
01:59skateboards. Some things that I do like about it, it's a dual motor system, 2000 watt peak,
02:03a water-resistant motor area. I think it's rated for IP55 or something. And it's noticeably
02:08quieter than the Boosted Boards. It's not a big deal because normally when you're traveling
02:12at a good speed, the wind is just blowing by your ears anyways, but you'll notice the
02:15difference right away when you ride on them.
02:24The trucks and wheels feel pretty solid. I can't complain about them. The orange bushing
02:28though feels a little soft. I'm 155 pounds, so these feel pretty good for me. But if you're
02:32taller or heavier, these might be a little soft. You might want to tighten them up quite
02:36a bit. The performance though, in general is really good. Fast acceleration, it feels
02:40very similar to the Dual Plus and any hill that I went up on either one of these feel
02:44very similar. The throttle is responsive and the acceleration curve feels smooth. I never
02:49had any issues with the connection or the remote. There's an OLED screen on this thing
02:53and it supposedly gives you like a speedometer. I don't know how accurate it is, but it's
02:57kind of neat. The braking also feels good on this thing. The reverse functionality on
03:01the Exway is a little bit weird. You got a triple tap on the remote and then you can
03:04go reverse. On the Boosted Board, it's just roll forward or backwards and it's very intuitive.
03:10This is a little bit weird. I don't use reverse that much with electric skateboards, maybe
03:13for positioning at a stoplight or something, but that's basically it. Battery life on the
03:18Exway Board is slightly longer. It's a 120 watt hour battery. This on the Boosted Board,
03:22like the new standard V2 batteries are 99 watt hours. It's not like a 20% increase like
03:28the number would seem. It is noticeably longer though, maybe eight, eight and a half miles
03:32off of a single charge. And it takes about an hour and a half to fully charge this thing.
03:36Okay, a few things that I don't like about the Exway Board. I don't like that they copied
03:40the Boosted Board coloring. I mean, it's something almost every frigging electric skateboard
03:44company is doing. Orange and black. I wish they'd gone with a different color scheme,
03:48but that's what they've done. The deck is also a little stiff. It's supposed to have
03:52Canadian maple and like a composite of several materials, but this feels very stiff. This
03:57is a more pliable deck. There's definitely more flex to it. The Exway has a ride that's
04:01more like a skateboard, but the Boosted Board just feels more plush. The one thing I really
04:05like about Boosted Board though, and I don't know if this comes up very often in videos
04:08and stuff, the customer service with Boosted Board is phenomenal. So I've had a couple
04:12problems with the V1. I mean, it's an older board at this point, and it's always been
04:16a very pleasant experience. They send you a label, you ship it back, it's all good.
04:20With the Exway, because it's an Asian company and their website is like super Chinese, I
04:25don't know how this thing will do in terms of their customer service. On paper, they're
04:28saying six months and it seems like it should be good, or at least should be acceptable,
04:34but I can't really tell. One other thing, there's another electric skateboard out there
04:38called the Staryboard. It looks very similar to the Exway. The top deck looks pretty much
04:41identical, but that thing is a completely different machine. I've ridden on it, it's
04:46loud, it's got a weak motor, and the trucks feel super cheap. This, I mean, aside from
04:51the top deck looking very, very similar, they are completely different skateboards. This,
04:56I would consider quite good. The Staryboard is, in my opinion, garbage. So, in general,
05:01I think this skateboard company, as long as this product is actually representative of
05:06what their final product will be like, I mean, as long as this isn't some kind of one-off
05:10special edition that they made for me, I think that this is one of the best values you can
05:14get in electric skateboards. So, if you've been looking for one and $1,400, $1,500 for
05:19one of the boosted boards is a little too much, take a look at this one. I don't know
05:22when they're going to ship. I think these are still in the prototype, pre-development
05:25stuff, but I think the skateboard is actually pretty good. Okay, hope you guys enjoyed this
05:29video. Thumbs if you liked it, subs if you loved it. See you guys next time.