• 5 days ago
00:00:00There are 9 ministries in the world.
00:00:02Under the Ministry of Law, there is a department called Tinghao, which gives justice.
00:00:07This department was established after seeing the Math.
00:00:10Which has been giving justice for thousands of years.
00:00:12Tinghao used to give justice to the officials of the department.
00:00:14But no one thought that these two institutions would come in front of Ambedkar one day.
00:00:22Sir, please have tea first.
00:00:24Idiot, you are worried about tea and my son is dead here.
00:00:29No matter who killed him, I order Tinghao, Math and the department.
00:00:37I want justice.
00:00:38In just 7 days.
00:00:39It will not happen in 7 days.
00:00:41What is happening there?
00:00:44There is such a mourning atmosphere here and you are drinking here.
00:00:56Listen, all the priests of the Math, this is Sujan.
00:01:00He is a spy in our Tinghao department.
00:01:02Before this, he used to live in Union.
00:01:04What will happen to him?
00:01:05He is a drunkard of the brothel.
00:01:07This murder was not committed by any ghost or devil.
00:01:11This is definitely the doing of a human being.
00:01:13In that room, apart from the criminal and the dancing girls,
00:01:17there were also the footprints of someone else.
00:01:19The steps of those dancing girls were small.
00:01:21Whereas the murderer had taken big steps.
00:01:23That means he was a big man.
00:01:25But he had taken small steps to commit the murder.
00:01:27But he ran away from there while taking big steps.
00:01:30That means the murderer was not sitting in the brothel.
00:01:32And after committing the murder, he ran away quickly.
00:01:35He had also lit the spark with fire.
00:01:37Can one person tell about the murderer?
00:01:41The one who died can tell.
00:01:43We are expert in this.
00:01:44So, we will solve this case.
00:01:46Go to the corner of Tinghao department.
00:01:48You will get the answer there.
00:01:49The criminal is also there.
00:01:51Shut up!
00:01:53I hand over this case to Tinghao department.
00:01:56Arrest the murderer in 7 days.
00:02:03Sujan, in this cremation ground, everything from the statue to everything is very mysterious.
00:02:08After going inside, be careful of the red thread, Sujan.
00:03:03Sheenu, you naughty girl.
00:03:05Who was she?
00:03:06Sujan, it's been a long time since we met.
00:03:10Hey, stop!
00:03:12It's better if we don't meet.
00:03:13If I meet you, my day will get spoiled.
00:03:15If you touch me, my years will get spoiled.
00:03:17Sujan, why do you always insult me?
00:03:20I am so innocent.
00:03:23You are innocent?
00:03:24For the first time, I have seen a lonely girl in someone's grave.
00:03:27Don't fight.
00:03:28Whenever you meet, you fight.
00:03:32Sheenu, tell me how was the post-mortem?
00:03:36Most of the dead bodies were burnt.
00:03:43It was so burnt that no part of it was visible.
00:03:46Such a body cannot be examined.
00:03:48But I have found a sedative in her blood.
00:03:53That is prohibited in the court.
00:04:13Why are the people of Punjab so insolent?
00:04:19Do you people from Matha Dheesh behave like this?
00:04:22Sujan, talk with respect.
00:04:24It seems that you are not satisfied with your Tantra Mantra.
00:04:27So, you have come here to find small clues.
00:04:30What do you want?
00:04:31Won't you tell me?
00:04:32Are you challenging me?
00:04:33You are not worthy of it.
00:04:36Matha Dheesh, it has been divided into four parts.
00:04:39Earth, Heaven, Earth and Heaven.
00:04:41You have found the antidote for the Heaven antidote at such a young age.
00:04:44You will definitely become a royal priest in the future.
00:04:47This is your greatness.
00:04:49The people of Heaven antidote are experts in Kung Fu and meditation.
00:04:52Why did they send you for the research?
00:04:54If you know, then how did you leave this evidence at the scene of the incident?
00:05:06Chingari Mantra?
00:05:07This Chingari Mantra was derived from a Mantra in the Wusan Kingdom.
00:05:11This Chingari Mantra was believed to be the ancestral Chingari Mantra.
00:05:14This Chingari Mantra was created by a Siddha Purush.
00:05:16According to the Wusan literature, the successor of this Chingari Mantra,
00:05:20was a spiritual guru named Jom Yuwan.
00:05:22He was killed for stealing an oil.
00:05:24After that, he became a ghost.
00:05:26And he started killing people who didn't like him.
00:05:29You can tell such a good story about just one Mantra.
00:05:32Maybe that's why you got this gold medal.
00:05:35Excellent. Very good.
00:05:36Worthy of praise.
00:05:50What do you think?
00:05:51Can you solve this case?
00:05:56If that evil Chingari is exposed,
00:05:58then he can wreak havoc.
00:06:14The stories that are told about the Wusan Kingdom,
00:06:17and what happened at the scene of the incident,
00:06:19are exactly the same.
00:06:22You kill innocent people.
00:06:25Today, I have come to take revenge from you.
00:06:33How did your eyes start bleeding all of a sudden?
00:06:35Are you really using the blind eye?
00:06:39What is the blind eye?
00:06:41The blind eye is a divine vision of the dead.
00:06:43According to the sayings, the blind eye,
00:06:45along with the post-mortem of the victim,
00:06:47also finds a clue at the scene of the incident.
00:06:49Which tells us how the victim died.
00:06:51This vision is only with the souls who have reached there.
00:06:53But if you use it extensively,
00:06:56the eyes can also come out.
00:07:04The ghosts of the people whom the victim killed,
00:07:06have taken revenge on them.
00:07:07This matter is out of the control of the Tenjav department.
00:07:11Please hand over this case to me.
00:07:16You said that the ghosts killed them.
00:07:18What kind of joke is this?
00:07:19Very soon, I will expose him.
00:07:33Tenjav Department
00:07:57You will always support me, right?
00:07:59Of course, I will always support you.
00:08:30Tenjav Department
00:08:44It is very hot.
00:08:47Be careful of the fire.
00:08:50It is very hot.
00:08:53Be careful of the fire.
00:09:00There can be a storm.
00:09:03Put out the fire in the houses.
00:09:12It is very hot.
00:09:14Be careful of the fire.
00:09:38It is a ghost.
00:09:39It is a ghost.
00:09:40Are you mad?
00:09:41Ghosts are like that only.
00:09:46Ghosts are like that only.
00:10:03You are responsible for this.
00:11:02Be careful.
00:11:05You have come again.
00:11:07I heard the scream and came running.
00:11:09When I went there and saw, the pain was burning.
00:11:13But then I saw a shadow running.
00:11:15I was following it.
00:11:17What kind of coincidence is this?
00:11:19How can I believe it?
00:11:22When I saw the flame, I was in the inn.
00:11:25Go and ask the master.
00:11:31Come on.
00:11:32Go home.
00:11:33The priest has come to catch the ghost.
00:12:38This is the mark of the one who cut the tongue.
00:12:41Who wanted to shut Shemanju's mouth?
00:12:44According to legend, there was a murderous killer in the Wusan Empire.
00:12:50He used to cut the tongue of those who killed him.
00:12:53One day he was caught and killed.
00:12:55Since then he has been a ghost and has been cutting the tongues of dishonest people.
00:12:58My father has been killed.
00:13:00How can you question him?
00:13:04According to me, you should cut the tongue.
00:13:06I have only told the story.
00:13:08I don't like to defame.
00:13:15Stay away from my father.
00:13:17Don't take him anywhere.
00:13:19Stay away from him.
00:13:23When I saw the spark, I was in the shrine.
00:13:27You can go and ask the master or the waiter.
00:13:30Keep quiet. Don't speak loudly.
00:13:32We should stay away from this trouble.
00:13:34Let's go home.
00:13:36Let's go.
00:13:45I was going for a walk at night.
00:13:47Suddenly I smelled something.
00:13:49I didn't smell anything.
00:13:51Then I saw a shadow.
00:13:53Then a ghost came out of the blue spark.
00:13:56I got scared.
00:13:58That shadow was not of anyone else.
00:14:00It was of the killer.
00:14:01The killer was around this place.
00:14:03When I ran to catch the killer, I met the priest of the math again.
00:14:06How can this be a coincidence?
00:14:08Sujan, right now the priest is busy catching the devil.
00:14:12And you are doubting him.
00:14:14Many times I have been in doubt.
00:14:16That's why I am doubting.
00:14:18You should be doubting.
00:14:20Everyone knows that you are a great priest.
00:14:23Who knows, Mr. Jubi, you might have become a victim of your priesthood.
00:14:50Detective Sujan, how dare you?
00:14:53The guard saw a ghost.
00:14:55You are arguing for no reason.
00:14:57The case is being handed over to the math.
00:14:59Your Highness, I don't know how my priest died.
00:15:03Why is this matter being snatched from me?
00:15:05I have to go deep into it.
00:15:06Listen, Sujan.
00:15:07Do you think your father is still the head of the Dhinjau department?
00:15:11I have said it.
00:15:13This case should be handed over to the math as soon as possible.
00:15:15Today's hearing is over.
00:15:22I feel like cutting the tongue of such officials.
00:15:25Keep quiet.
00:15:27Don't make your boss angry.
00:15:30Let's first pray for your guru.
00:15:42Let me take care of Sheenu.
00:16:02Sheenu, don't worry.
00:16:06I will find the murderer.
00:16:09I will find my father's murderer myself.
00:16:28Look at this.
00:16:29What did my father give me?
00:16:32This is the order to go to the Dhinjau department library.
00:16:39Dhinjau Department Library
00:16:49Jwan Ken.
00:16:50The head of Dhinjau has given the order.
00:16:52You will handle the murder case in Dattanagar.
00:16:55But I want you to stay away from this case.
00:16:58Why is that, Mahatma?
00:16:59Why are you saying this?
00:17:0220 years ago, Chingari's case was handed over to the Math for investigation.
00:17:07But we didn't get any clue.
00:17:09In that case, many talented people of heaven-level Math had died while investigating.
00:17:15You are the real genius of our Math.
00:17:18You stay away from this case.
00:17:20This is what I want.
00:17:22If we sit quietly fearing Chingari,
00:17:26then what is the use?
00:17:29Then what is the use of being in this Math?
00:17:39Chief, this case is related to the Chingari case 20 years ago.
00:17:43We should proceed with this investigation.
00:17:46Very good.
00:17:47I am glad to hear this.
00:17:4920 years ago, there was not much investigation of the Chingari case.
00:17:52But now, the deputy chief of Dhinjau department has died.
00:17:57I don't want anyone to proceed with this investigation.
00:17:59Why don't you say it straight?
00:18:01You are afraid of losing your seat.
00:18:08Very good.
00:18:14Detective Sujan,
00:18:16do you really think this is a murder case?
00:18:18Of course.
00:18:19I don't believe in ghost stories.
00:18:22Very good, Sujan.
00:18:23You proceed with the investigation.
00:18:25If you don't solve this case in three days,
00:18:27then you will have to resign.
00:18:30After that, there will be a shortage of slaves in the western region.
00:18:34Sir, please don't get angry.
00:18:36Is it fair to send him to the western region?
00:18:39Do you really want that?
00:18:41Very good.
00:18:42I will agree to become a slave.
00:18:44If I don't do this in the next three days,
00:18:46then I will go to the western region.
00:18:48Detective Sujan,
00:18:49if you don't solve this case in three days,
00:18:51then don't blame me.
00:18:53I didn't respect your father's friendship.
00:18:56And I respect your teacher's friendship.
00:18:58Thank you, sir.
00:18:59Listen, sir.
00:19:01Tell me, did you find any clue?
00:19:04Not yet.
00:19:05So, do you want to become a slave?
00:19:07I have to find out the truth.
00:19:11There is a fire in the garden of the city.
00:19:14Let's go.
00:19:15There is a fire in the garden of the city.
00:19:18Let's go.
00:19:19What happened?
00:19:25What happened here?
00:19:26Mr. Pramukh's wife was making medicine inside.
00:19:28Suddenly, there was a fire inside.
00:19:29The door was closed from inside.
00:19:30So, we couldn't go inside.
00:19:31He is inside.
00:19:38Move aside.
00:19:40Coincidence again.
00:19:46Let's go.
00:19:59Leave the door open.
00:20:00Let the smoke come out.
00:20:15Let's go.
00:20:28There is no sign of a fight here.
00:20:30Is there anyone here?
00:20:34There is a strange smell.
00:20:35I have smelled this smell before.
00:20:37This is not a normal smell of medicine.
00:20:45Suzan, look at this.
00:20:51This is the bag.
00:20:52This is for investigation.
00:20:53No one came or went to this secret room.
00:20:55This is not a murder.
00:20:59This is the doing of a demon.
00:21:02Will you tell us a new story now?
00:21:04Vartan Mantra.
00:21:06According to the literature,
00:21:07Ghusan's commander wanted to marry a girl named Aju
00:21:09and make her his concubine.
00:21:11But his real wife was jealous of him.
00:21:13So, Rani accused Aju of breaking a precious vessel.
00:21:16Aju couldn't bear it and committed suicide.
00:21:18After that, people started seeing Aju's ghost.
00:21:21The ghost that cries and kills people.
00:21:36And what happened here,
00:21:37happens in the same story.
00:21:39That's why...
00:22:07This is also the doing of a ghost.
00:22:09Let me tell you.
00:22:10Don't tell me ghost stories again and again.
00:22:17Why did you come here this time?
00:22:19To destroy the evidence, right?
00:22:22My wife.
00:22:23My life.
00:22:30I shouldn't have let you make the medicine alone.
00:22:36Get up.
00:22:37Get up.
00:22:44You can ask me whatever you want.
00:22:47I will tell you whatever I know.
00:22:51What time did your wife come to make the medicine?
00:22:53She used to make the medicine from 5 am to 9 pm.
00:22:58What time did you leave the house today?
00:23:00I left from 9 pm to 11 pm.
00:23:03And when I came back, I saw my wife like this.
00:23:06It's all my fault.
00:23:09Why are the windows of this room so tightly closed?
00:23:12This is Raj's matter.
00:23:13He is coming from his family.
00:23:16No one should know that secret.
00:23:18Did anyone have permission to enter the room?
00:23:20Only she used to come.
00:23:22Even I didn't have permission to enter the room.
00:23:28Tell me.
00:23:29Whose house did you go to today?
00:23:43What happened?
00:23:45Don't worry.
00:23:46I was watching something.
00:23:55Is Jhau there?
00:24:21My mother-in-law slept early today.
00:24:23If you want to ask something, you can ask me.
00:24:30Mr. Shemati.
00:24:32Did Shrifang come to your house today?
00:24:34To get your mother-in-law's treatment done?
00:24:37If he hadn't come, my mother-in-law would have been very sick.
00:24:41He has cured her.
00:24:42Then tell me what time he came here.
00:24:45Between 11 and 9 in the morning.
00:24:47Sometimes he comes early.
00:24:49What time did he go?
00:24:50Around 3 o'clock.
00:24:51Don't you remember the time?
00:24:53The man who gives medicine, he must remember the time.
00:25:02What happened?
00:25:05Did he do something wrong?
00:25:11I don't know.
00:25:12I don't know.
00:25:37In your intentions, Rahu has made a horoscope.
00:25:40No matter how powerful you become, you can't get rid of Rahu.
00:25:44Who are you?
00:25:45You are a disciple of Jhengnaan's magical power guru, Yuki.
00:25:48You know my guru very well.
00:25:52Priest, do you know the consequences of using the blind eye again and again?
00:25:56How do you know?
00:25:58These eyes that burst.
00:26:00Despite knowing this, you are using the blind eye again and again in this case.
00:26:05Who are you?
00:26:07And what do you want from me?
00:26:09As long as you stay in the math, your talent will not be respected.
00:26:13I want you to join hands with us.
00:26:15Your name will be heard all over the world.
00:26:18The devil who creates terror.
00:26:33I have come to give you what you are looking for.
00:26:36Which you will not get from the math.
00:26:38You know what I want.
00:26:40If you stay in the math, then you know how your future is going to be.
00:27:08I have filled the weakness that you had by using the blind eye.
00:27:36I don't want any favor from a devil like you.
00:27:39Priest, that time is coming when you will need us.
00:28:06Why did you hit me?
00:28:08Be careful.
00:28:09I had told you.
00:28:11It was fun.
00:28:13Today we will go for an outing.
00:28:16Let's eat something.
00:28:18Hit him.
00:28:19Otherwise, you will get hurt.
00:28:25Get up Suzan.
00:28:26Are you okay?
00:28:27You stay away from me.
00:28:29Otherwise, even you will be called a devil.
00:28:31I will always support you.
00:28:37You said that you will always support me.
00:28:39You were not the burden of the house.
00:28:41I don't accept this marriage.
00:28:42Suzan, I belong to someone else.
00:28:46Now I don't have any relation with you.
00:28:49I don't have any relation with you.
00:28:59Take one. Take one.
00:29:01I am listening to you. Take one.
00:29:03I don't want it. Why are you after me? I don't want it.
00:29:05I don't want it. Leave my hand.
00:29:08I don't want any flower.
00:29:09Take one. Take one.
00:29:11What is happening?
00:29:12Look there. He is running away.
00:29:14Wait. Wait.
00:29:15She ran away with my wallet.
00:29:18Hey, catch her.
00:29:23Is drinking going to solve all your problems?
00:29:30What is this?
00:29:34The papers of our Master's wife have proven these pieces.
00:29:36That the cuerpo's identity has been so.
00:29:39But after testing the yellow silk,
00:29:43we found a flower growing in western areas.
00:29:45The plant of Africa.
00:29:48Plant of Africa.
00:29:51If we investigate all three murders, we'll definitely find some evidence.
00:29:57And we'll solve the case. Let's go.
00:30:06Guruji was a Kung Fu master. There was no one around him.
00:30:10Then how did he get killed here?
00:30:14Maybe someone caught Guruji and brought him here.
00:30:17And killed him and turned him into a ghost.
00:30:19But I have a question.
00:30:22A common man couldn't win against him in a fight.
00:30:25The one with magical powers.
00:30:28Look at that.
00:30:37Who is he?
00:30:39Forget him. Let's go to the place where the first murder took place.
00:30:49The day you were making the medicine, did a stranger come here?
00:30:53There was no stranger in my room.
00:30:56When I was making the medicine, I used to close the door.
00:30:59So that the outsider couldn't come in.
00:31:01Then how could the murderer come in?
00:31:03Don't you know? This is not a haunted room.
00:31:06It could also be that...
00:31:11The murderer ran away from this fire.
00:31:13How can someone run away from this fire?
00:31:15If he ran away from the fire, he would burn to ashes.
00:31:16I checked Bhatti's inner wall.
00:31:18When Bhatti burns, ashes are formed from his fire.
00:31:21If the murderer ran away from Bhatti,
00:31:23the marks of his hands and feet would turn into ashes.
00:31:25But there was no such mark.
00:31:27It means there is only one possibility.
00:31:29A ghost had come.
00:31:31Crazy girl.
00:31:33The murderer must have run away from here before Bhatti burned.
00:31:36If Fang Ping killed him, then how did he run away?
00:31:40I was wrong. Fang Ping has evidence of his innocence.
00:31:43Evidence makes him innocent.
00:31:44But there was one strange thing.
00:31:46Maybe you didn't pay attention to it.
00:31:50It seemed like Fang Ping was answering a silly question.
00:31:52You can ask me whatever you want to ask me.
00:31:54I will tell you whatever I know.
00:31:56If the murderer Fang Ping doesn't practice Kung Fu,
00:31:59then I suspect someone else.
00:32:08What did you get the day all this happened?
00:32:44I understood the purpose of the murderer.
00:33:14Catch him.
00:33:44Get out of here.
00:34:36It's fun to watch.
00:34:38Do you want to go to the court yourself?
00:34:44Let's go.
00:34:45Let's go.
00:34:46Let's go.
00:35:12Spy Sujan.
00:35:13Why have you brought the priest here?
00:35:19Spy Sujan.
00:35:21Three days are going to be over.
00:35:23How far has your investigation reached?
00:35:25Soon we will know the truth.
00:35:27Who is the murderer?
00:35:29These three are the murderers.
00:35:33I was in your arms at that time.
00:35:35I am not the murderer of Fang Ping.
00:35:38Spy Sujan.
00:35:40Are you challenging us?
00:35:41If you don't tell us the truth,
00:35:43then we will not spare you.
00:35:45Calm down.
00:35:47There must be some misunderstanding.
00:35:49Sujan, apologize to him.
00:35:51Otherwise you will be in big trouble.
00:35:54It is confirmed that no ghost did this.
00:35:56It is confirmed that Joankin,
00:35:58Teng Ji and Fang Ping killed him.
00:36:00The three of them had a deal of death.
00:36:03Teng Ji could easily reach Wong Tin Chi.
00:36:06Before Teng Ji killed him,
00:36:08Wong Tin Chi lost his consciousness.
00:36:09He went to his room and started dancing.
00:36:11So that no one would suspect him.
00:36:13Teng Ji went to his room
00:36:15and killed him.
00:36:17But he could not kill him.
00:36:19I found this evidence.
00:36:21Calm down.
00:36:23I have a list.
00:36:25This is Fang Ping's list of medicines.
00:36:27Fang Ping used to give this medicine
00:36:29to a pregnant woman.
00:36:31There were many people in the gathering.
00:36:33But there was one who could reach him easily.
00:36:35And that was her.
00:36:37He used to meet her alone.
00:36:39The medicine he asked her to give
00:36:41was a sedative.
00:36:43But why didn't he give her
00:36:45some other kind of medicine?
00:36:47He gave her a sedative
00:36:49along with a sedative.
00:36:51One more thing.
00:36:53He used to take drugs.
00:36:55But this time he didn't know
00:36:57that he was given a lot of drugs
00:36:59which would make him unconscious.
00:37:01Then he could have been burned.
00:37:03According to his plan,
00:37:05Fang Ping went to his room
00:37:06and killed him.
00:37:10This is all a lie.
00:37:12There is no evidence.
00:37:14A doctor saves a life.
00:37:16I went to meet a pregnant woman.
00:37:18Do you doubt me?
00:37:20Let me tell you the story of the third spark.
00:37:22In which Teng Ji was killed
00:37:24while making the medicine.
00:37:26That too in a safe room.
00:37:28No matter how safe the room is,
00:37:30someone can kill anyone for a purpose.
00:37:32Do you agree?
00:37:33Fang Ping left home on time
00:37:35like every other day.
00:37:37But before leaving,
00:37:39he made arrangements to send the killer
00:37:41to a safe room.
00:37:43And the killer was waiting
00:37:45to make Teng Ji's sedative.
00:37:47And killed him as soon as he came.
00:37:49That room was also seen
00:37:51as if a ghost had come there.
00:37:53And then the killer ran away.
00:37:55You said a murder was committed
00:37:57in a secret room.
00:37:59If I have committed the murder,
00:38:01then where is the evidence?
00:38:03I don't know.
00:38:13When the priest ran away,
00:38:15the new ash
00:38:17killed his marks.
00:38:19And that fire turned him into a ghost.
00:38:23If I had committed the murder,
00:38:25then why would I help you in the investigation?
00:38:27And why would I risk my eyes?
00:38:29That's what you did cleverly.
00:38:31But I doubt you
00:38:33would have come to a place
00:38:35where murders took place.
00:38:37Detective Sujan,
00:38:39why are you talking for so long?
00:38:41Where is the evidence?
00:38:43Listen, chief.
00:38:45Wherever there are murders,
00:38:47someone or the other
00:38:49must have seen a ghost or a spark.
00:38:51But it was not like that.
00:38:53On the murder site,
00:38:55the smell of the sedative used to spread.
00:38:57Which seemed to be a ghost's illusion.
00:38:59But the wonder was of that sedative.
00:39:01As soon as the smell spread,
00:39:03it was used to show magic.
00:39:05I remember I used to see all this when I was a kid.
00:39:07Because my father used to do magic when he was a kid.
00:39:09And in that art,
00:39:11he used this sedative
00:39:13to create different kinds of fire.
00:39:15Let me show you.
00:39:25The murderer used this art
00:39:27to fool the public
00:39:29and people would think
00:39:31that this is a ghost or a spark.
00:39:33The priest used to tell stories
00:39:35after the murder.
00:39:37So that the matter could be misled.
00:39:39He wanted people to think
00:39:41that this is a ghost's illusion.
00:39:43But in the meantime,
00:39:45we investigated there and found out the truth.
00:39:47But before this matter was revealed to the public,
00:39:49the truth was exposed.
00:39:51Would you like to say something about this, priest?
00:39:53When Shriju was murdered,
00:39:55I was in the nearby inn.
00:39:57If you want, you can go to the inn
00:39:59and find out the truth.
00:40:01Then how did I do all that?
00:40:03The place where Shriju was murdered
00:40:05was not a road at all.
00:40:07He was killed in the library.
00:40:09In the third ward.
00:40:11If my guess is right,
00:40:13you found out that Shriju had a doubt on you.
00:40:16Because of which you got worried.
00:40:18And following Shriju,
00:40:20you reached there.
00:40:22And according to my information,
00:40:24my Shriju,
00:40:26who was another person
00:40:28apart from me and Shriju,
00:40:30was you, priest.
00:40:31You went to the inn
00:40:33to give proof of innocence.
00:40:35But unknowingly,
00:40:37there was a mistake in the third case.
00:40:39Actually, you did not go there just like that.
00:40:41You thought that I would catch you.
00:40:43So you deliberately came in my way.
00:40:45Still, I did not suspect you.
00:40:47But when my Shriju was murdered
00:40:49and that too near the inn,
00:40:51then I had a doubt.
00:40:53And I understood the whole matter very well.
00:40:55But why would I do all this?
00:40:57This is what I wanted to know.
00:40:59And to find out the reason,
00:41:01why did you do all this?
00:41:03If I am not mistaken,
00:41:05then in all the documents,
00:41:07the stories of Shaitaan and the inn were included.
00:41:09There were many magical powers in it.
00:41:11And you did all this
00:41:13so that you could get all these powers.
00:41:15What nonsense is this?
00:41:17Where is the proof?
00:41:19The proof that my Shriju had collected,
00:41:21after seeing that,
00:41:23I checked your horoscope.
00:41:25Twenty years ago,
00:41:27when the spark spread,
00:41:29the priest of the inn
00:41:31was about to become the king.
00:41:33And that priest,
00:41:35that priest is you.
00:41:37You found out that this inn is your enemy.
00:41:39What nonsense is this?
00:41:41Do not get angry.
00:41:43The documents never lie.
00:41:45The spark incident of twenty years ago
00:41:47has not been solved yet.
00:41:49Chief, I would like this case to be reopened.
00:41:51Listen to me, you keep quiet.
00:41:53Dattanagar needs justice.
00:41:55The investigation department
00:41:57investigates the case
00:41:59and so this case should be reopened.
00:42:01For this, we should look at the old records.
00:42:08In the twelfth year of Emperor Tian Sheng,
00:42:10a messenger was sent to the Yin Empire in the Wushan Empire.
00:42:13At that time, a terrible fire broke out here.
00:42:15And the capital was burnt to ashes
00:42:17and that messenger also died.
00:42:19At that time, an unknown orphan
00:42:21was crying in the fire.
00:42:23As soon as he was born,
00:42:25his mother died in the fire.
00:42:27Then the priest of the inn picked up the child in his lap.
00:42:29But then a terrible fire broke out in the inn.
00:42:31And the attack of the ghosts increased.
00:42:33About a hundred families died in that fire.
00:42:35And in his investigation,
00:42:37many scholars of the inn had to wash their hands.
00:42:41Then that case was closed.
00:42:43And that boy is you, Sujan.
00:43:02Your Highness,
00:43:04the night Srivang died,
00:43:06I was making medicine with my wife that night.
00:43:08But now my wife...
00:43:10Listen, Your Highness.
00:43:12The night Sriju died,
00:43:14I was invited to the party that night.
00:43:17You know this better than anyone else.
00:43:21When Vaichen died,
00:43:23I was talking to the elders.
00:43:25You can ask them if you want.
00:43:28Detective Sujan,
00:43:29I gave you a chance.
00:43:32Now don't blame me.
00:43:34I told you not to get involved in this case.
00:43:36But you didn't listen.
00:43:38Now you have to go to the western region and be a slave.
00:43:40Your Highness, don't do that.
00:43:42Keep quiet. It's clear that the ghosts killed him.
00:43:44I want the inn to solve this case now.
00:44:29What we have seen is not the truth.
00:44:32You have to find out the truth.
00:44:34But the ghost killed him.
00:44:36So the inn should have seen this case.
00:44:39Don't say that.
00:44:41Why are you thinking like that?
00:44:43Don't follow me.
00:44:45I am a big criminal.
00:44:47If you follow me, you will also be killed.
00:44:49Detective Sujan,
00:44:51you don't believe in ghosts and gods.
00:44:53Then how can you believe in these criminal things?
00:44:55What can you do?
00:44:57I don't want to believe that I am a criminal.
00:45:01But what about the incidents that happened to me one after the other?
00:45:06Can you tell me?
00:45:08I don't know about that.
00:45:10If you were really a criminal,
00:45:12how would Radha be alive?
00:45:14How would I be alive?
00:45:16If you want me to stay away from you,
00:45:18it's not possible.
00:45:20If you go to the western region and be a slave,
00:45:22I will also go with you.
00:45:23But I won't go away from you.
00:45:27What do you think of yourself?
00:45:31You can't take her place.
00:45:53What are you doing?
00:45:55Be careful.
00:45:57Is he really a black devil?
00:45:59Be careful.
00:46:02Be careful.
00:46:04He is a big criminal.
00:46:06Let's go.
00:46:08Let's go.
00:46:10What are you looking at?
00:46:12He is looking at us.
00:46:14Let's go.
00:46:16Let's go.
00:46:18Let's go.
00:46:20Let's go.
00:46:21Let's go.
00:46:51Let's go.
00:47:03You have also come to laugh at me.
00:47:06Because of the few words written in the record,
00:47:08will you forget how much Sri Sri loves you?
00:47:21I love you.
00:47:23I love you.
00:47:25I love you.
00:47:27I love you.
00:47:29I love you.
00:47:31I love you.
00:47:33I love you.
00:47:35I love you.
00:47:37I love you.
00:47:39I love you.
00:47:41I love you.
00:47:43I love you.
00:47:45I love you.
00:47:47I love you.
00:47:49I love you.
00:47:51I love you.
00:47:53I love you.
00:47:57I will always be there for you.
00:48:01I will always be there for you.
00:48:05I will always be there for you.
00:48:12I will always be there for you.
00:48:19Will you be with me till the last breath?
00:48:21I'll wait for you by the bridge tomorrow evening.
00:48:51I'll wait for you by the bridge tomorrow evening.
00:49:00Jwankin, what are you doing here?
00:49:05Is this the mantra of the ghost's caravan, which was kept in this temple by Mathadheesh 20 years ago?
00:49:12Jwankin, this is our traditional mantra.
00:49:15You may be our chief, but you can't break the rules here.
00:49:18Chief, I have to take this mantra.
00:49:23Please forgive me.
00:49:48What is this?
00:49:50I have found a clue.
00:49:52The spark incident that took place 20 years ago is connected to this.
00:49:54I don't want to know.
00:49:56There is only one witness of that year.
00:49:58That is Buri Jhao.
00:50:02I told you that I won't investigate this.
00:50:07The witness is your first wife's mother-in-law.
00:50:09Won't you go to meet her?
00:50:11To investigate?
00:50:13She will get to know about the incident that took place 20 years ago.
00:50:16And she will get a chance to meet her.
00:50:18Won't you go to meet her?
00:50:20She is your first wife.
00:50:22I have come to take my luggage.
00:50:24I will leave the city in the evening.
00:50:26Maybe I will take my last breath in the west.
00:50:31This clue is yours.
00:50:33Do whatever you want to do.
00:50:35Even if you don't support me, I will investigate.
00:50:37I will get my father's murderer punished.
00:50:42Please forgive me.
00:50:46I really didn't understand you.
00:50:48Please forgive me.
00:51:06I made you stand in the gutter.
00:51:08You have come to take revenge, haven't you?
00:51:10What do you want to talk to me?
00:51:12I was scared.
00:51:14I thought my bones will break.
00:51:16You are right.
00:51:20You are right.
00:51:22But it's too late now.
00:51:24I am not a spy.
00:51:26I have nothing to do with this investigation.
00:51:31Do you want to leave it in the middle?
00:51:33Priest, I didn't understand.
00:51:35I mean, why do you want to get involved in this?
00:51:38Do you have anything to do with this investigation?
00:51:40If you get involved in this, you will lose your sight.
00:51:42If I am losing my sight, let it go.
00:51:45I am not a traveler in this kingdom.
00:51:49My parents were burnt in the fire 20 years ago.
00:51:58You are destined to have Panoti.
00:52:01And I am destined to have Rahul.
00:52:04I can understand how your childhood must have been.
00:52:09Believe me.
00:52:13I won't be able to feel it.
00:52:14Believe it or not.
00:52:16We are destined to have each other since our birth.
00:52:20And now the time has come when the truth of the fire accident 20 years ago comes in front of everyone.
00:52:24Such a chance does not come again and again.
00:52:26I need your support.
00:52:28The stories of ghosts are so famous in the Wusan Kingdom.
00:52:31Five stories are told.
00:52:33Out of these, three are kept.
00:52:35The ghost with utensils and tongue has come.
00:52:38The other two ghosts can also come.
00:52:40Let's go.
00:52:43You understand what I want, don't you?
00:52:51Forgive me.
00:52:53I am leaving this city.
00:52:57I thought you were different from others in the Dhinjhao department.
00:53:02But I was wrong.
00:53:04Let's meet.
00:53:10Let's go.
00:53:43It's been a long time since we met.
00:53:45It would be better if we didn't meet.
00:53:47If I meet you, my day will be ruined.
00:53:49If you touch me, three to four years will be ruined.
00:53:51If you were really an orphan, how would Radha be alive?
00:53:54How am I still alive?
00:53:56If you want me to get away from you, it is not possible.
00:53:59If you go to slavery in the west, I will also come with you.
00:54:02Even if I die.
00:54:04But I will not go away from you.
00:54:11Ghost stories are famous in Busan Samrudai.
00:54:14Five stories are told.
00:54:16Three of them have come with utensils, utensils and tongues.
00:54:19This means that two more people are going to die because of these ghosts.
00:54:24There is only one witness of that year.
00:54:26That is the old man.
00:54:29Grandma ghost.
00:54:31Is it possible?
00:54:35Hey Sinu.
00:54:37Sinu, stop.
00:54:38You are a young girl.
00:54:41What is the need to investigate so late at night?
00:54:45What will you do if something happens to you?
00:54:48Then give me security.
00:54:50You know my position.
00:54:52It is not in my hands to give security.
00:54:55But I can risk my life for you.
00:54:59Good. You are not afraid, right?
00:55:01Who said that?
00:55:03Even though I am on the official post.
00:55:05But I am a human being.
00:55:06Still, if there is any problem.
00:55:09Then I will definitely save you.
00:55:11That's the spirit.
00:55:37Is Radha gone somewhere?
00:55:46Sir, there is a danger here. Be careful.
00:56:46I knew both of you.
00:56:48Tell me, why did you kill her?
00:56:50You will answer only if you are alive.
00:57:07Suzan, why did you come here?
00:57:09You could have waited for me there.
00:57:11Then why did you come here?
00:57:14I thought you really wanted to come with me from Dattanagar.
00:57:18You made me a pawn to prove your innocence.
00:57:22I should have understood the meaning of grandma's ghost earlier.
00:57:25You shouldn't have done this.
00:57:27You want to get rid of your mother-in-law lying on the bed.
00:57:29Isn't it?
00:57:33You don't know anything.
00:57:34She was the real ghost.
00:57:36Not us.
00:57:43Ten years ago.
00:57:45Soldiers were sent to destroy Uttari Bhusan like the Yin Empire.
00:57:50Wang Dianchi was their commander.
00:57:53In the battlefield, their army didn't have the courage to fight the enemy.
00:57:58And they started killing innocent villagers.
00:58:03My family was among those villagers.
00:58:06He killed Sach.
00:58:08The girls were brought to Dattanagar.
00:58:11And they were sent to the brothel.
00:58:14I always thought of taking revenge on him.
00:58:17Before his death.
00:58:19I was born in a poor family.
00:58:21I became a doctor in the future.
00:58:23I wanted to be a successful and famous doctor.
00:58:25My teacher's daughter was arrogant and angry.
00:58:27No one wanted to marry her.
00:58:28I was ready to marry her to teach my teacher's medicines.
00:58:33That girl made my life hell.
00:58:35She started hitting me.
00:58:37Still, I didn't want to get her family formula to make medicines.
00:58:41The utensils in her eyes were more valuable than me.
00:58:44That's why I wanted to get rid of her.
00:58:46When I went to my in-laws' house after getting married in Jhau family.
00:58:50My mother-in-law's heart was already poisoned.
00:58:53She used to taunt me often.
00:58:54I later found out why I got married in that family.
00:58:57It was so that my husband's health could improve.
00:59:01And that's what happened.
00:59:03And he started getting better.
00:59:05But still, there was no difference in my mother-in-law's behavior.
00:59:08She forced me to take medicine.
00:59:10And then one day, my husband took that medicine.
00:59:12And after a few days.
00:59:14Suddenly, his health started getting worse.
00:59:16And he died.
00:59:18I later found out that it was all because of that medicine.
00:59:21Actually, my mother-in-law wanted to sell me.
00:59:22But my husband refused.
00:59:26That's why she wanted to kill me.
00:59:29I couldn't do anything.
00:59:31That's why I killed him.
00:59:33Whatever it is.
00:59:35Killing people is not the solution to the problem.
00:59:40I didn't have any other way.
00:59:43But now you have a way.
00:59:46Either you take me away from here.
00:59:49And forget all the past.
00:59:52Get ready to die.
01:00:11I will take you far away.
01:00:14Where there will be no restrictions.
01:00:17We will be happy.
01:00:18But why did you kill him?
01:00:30I didn't have.
01:00:33I didn't have any other way.
01:00:37You wanted to come with me from Dattanagar.
01:00:40But the truth is that you were cheating.
01:00:43You were playing with me.
01:00:45What was the need for you to do all this?
01:00:48Am I a toy?
01:01:06What happened to you?
01:01:09What happened?
01:01:11If I knew their heart.
01:01:13If I knew their heart.
01:01:15Is so delicate.
01:01:17I would have killed you earlier.
01:01:29After death.
01:01:31If there is any world.
01:01:33Then I am yours.
01:02:30Srimati Zao came here for you.
01:02:33Five ghosts are left from the story.
01:02:35Who is going to die now?
01:03:31You have become a devil.
01:03:33Don't blame me.
01:03:35Zoo Singh told me to do this.
01:03:39For the sedative.
01:03:40You will cross this limit too.
01:03:43Are you scared?
01:03:45Why should I be scared?
01:03:47When the sale starts.
01:03:49After that I will give you half of the income in bribe.
01:03:52You know.
01:03:54What kind of a man I am.
01:03:56Don't try to buy me.
01:03:58Whatever you said.
01:04:00I consider it as a joke.
01:04:04I was joking and you got serious.
01:04:10I was joking and you got serious.
01:04:57I thought that after Jitendra's fourth murder.
01:05:00The work will be done.
01:05:02And there was no question of fifth murder.
01:05:06But I have to do it.
01:05:07Because we have always heard five stories.
01:05:11But you both will die.
01:05:13If you had listened to me.
01:05:15And got away from this case.
01:05:17Then I wouldn't have to do all this today.
01:05:21Everyone knows that you and Sinu have left for the investigation.
01:05:24If we die.
01:05:26Then the blame will be on you.
01:05:28Then what should I do.
01:05:30So that their blame comes on you.
01:05:32When Jankin and Sinu were looking for you here.
01:05:34Then by mistake they were killed by you.
01:05:35So I saw you also in that condition.
01:05:37I wanted to save you.
01:05:39You have made a very good plan.
01:05:43You are so smart.
01:05:45You must know.
01:05:47What will be the fifth spark.
01:05:49Alcohol bottle spark.
01:05:51That ghost used to steal alcohol.
01:05:53And the one who knew the truth.
01:05:55He used to kill him.
01:05:57And in your bottle.
01:05:59There will be a lot of alcohol.
01:06:07There will be alcohol.
01:06:09Everyone made a deal of death at your behest.
01:06:12As soon as they did their work.
01:06:14You wanted to kill all three.
01:06:16He wanted to kill Jankin.
01:06:18He was a big buyer of alcohol.
01:06:20If he was alive.
01:06:22Then Guruji would have known about this.
01:06:24You wanted to kill Jankin.
01:06:26Because he had stopped this.
01:06:28And you didn't get any profit.
01:06:30But why did you kill Zao.
01:06:32Tell me.
01:06:33Your father used to be a minister.
01:06:35Just like your father.
01:06:37He was an eye witness of the spark incident 20 years ago.
01:06:39You wanted to hide this secret behind this murder.
01:06:42This secret.
01:06:44Zao family knew.
01:06:46Or you must know.
01:06:48I wanted.
01:06:50That I should be Afim's only business.
01:06:52And I should spare you.
01:06:57If you give me the secret.
01:06:59That your father gave you.
01:07:01Then I won't do anything to you.
01:07:03If I give you this.
01:07:05Then also you will kill me.
01:07:07Thank God.
01:07:31I forgot about you.
01:07:33I think.
01:07:35The drugs didn't affect him.
01:07:38But don't worry.
01:07:40You will die today or tomorrow.
01:07:55You are so strong.
01:07:59Don't interfere.
01:08:05I will save you.
01:08:07I won't let anything happen to you.
01:08:50Crazy girl.
01:08:52Go away from here.
01:09:02I won't leave you.
01:09:04I won't leave you.
01:09:06Crazy girl.
01:09:08You are very crazy.
01:09:10You are the biggest problem in my life.
01:09:12That day.
01:09:14When you told me to leave.
01:09:17And I really left.
01:09:28Leave me.
01:09:30Leave me.
01:09:32Leave me.
01:09:35I told you to go away from here.
01:09:40Hit her.
01:09:42Or else I will get you.
01:09:44I always regret that I left that day.
01:09:47If I hadn't gone that day.
01:09:49Then you would have been alive today.
01:09:51And today in your heart.
01:09:53Radha wouldn't have been there.
01:09:56I waited for you to return for ten years.
01:09:58And when you came back to Dattanagar.
01:10:01Then in your heart.
01:10:04Radha was there.
01:10:07Don't go.
01:10:09I knew you loved someone else.
01:10:14I kept loving you.
01:10:16Your happiness was my life.
01:10:30You are so crazy.
01:10:32Why are you like this Seenu?
01:10:34While I am here.
01:10:38Should do something to you.
01:10:42I won't let that happen.
01:10:51Kid Sujan.
01:10:53Tell me where is the stuff your father gave you?
01:10:55I will learn your archery skill.
01:10:58Listen Seenu.
01:11:00Stand up.
01:11:02I want to use this.
01:11:06Whether you like it or not.
01:11:08Your fate will decide.
01:11:37You are really crazy.
01:11:39Because of you another girl died.
01:11:47Juman King.
01:11:49How did you wake up?
01:11:51The one who stopped my heartbeat.
01:11:53Because of whom I became unconscious.
01:12:00You are conscious now.
01:12:02But you won't be able to escape.
01:12:10Guruji's power is inside you?
01:12:12You don't know much.
01:12:14Show me your power.
01:12:19You want to show me your power?
01:13:30Seenu, wake up.
01:13:32You evil girl.
01:13:34Open your eyes.
01:13:36Don't worry.
01:13:38Aishu didn't shoot Seenu with the poisonous arrow.
01:13:44She didn't want to kill him.
01:13:50I can tolerate everything.
01:13:54Don't ever call me evil.
01:13:57You told me once.
01:13:59You will be unlucky for three years.
01:14:03Now you are holding me in your arms.
01:14:06I hope you won't be unlucky for ten years.
01:14:09Even if I am unlucky for the rest of my life.
01:14:11I won't regret it.
01:14:13The killers Fang Ping and Teng Ji.
01:14:15Have already been killed.
01:14:17Mrs. Jhao and the main culprit Baishu.
01:14:20Have already died.
01:14:22The culprits of four people's murders.
01:14:25Have been exposed.
01:14:27I salute their bravery and passion.
01:14:29I request them.
01:14:31To take the post of assistant chief.
01:14:35Under the Ministry of Law.
01:14:43Sister, it was Radha's wish.
01:14:45That she should be buried near her husband's grave.
01:14:47Now this matter of the spark has been solved.
01:14:50No, it hasn't been solved yet.
01:14:52The one who is used to make spark.
01:14:55I have investigated him.
01:14:57He can be used by anyone.
01:14:59Baishu was not a real player.
01:15:01But he was a good officer.
01:15:03But still he became a devil.
01:15:05There must have been a big devil behind him.
01:15:08Baishu seems to be the main culprit.
01:15:10But there are still many questions in this.
01:15:12Why did he want that stuff?
01:15:14Which my father had given me twenty years ago.
01:15:16What was all this?
01:15:18Not only this.
01:15:20The entire royal family of this empire.
01:15:22And the spark that came twenty years ago.
01:15:24And the murders that have happened now.
01:15:25One day I will surely get the answers to all these questions.
01:15:30Now I have decided to stay here.
01:15:33Now you won't leave me, right?
01:15:35Even I wanted to ask you the same.
01:15:40What has happened to you?
01:15:56We became enemies unknowingly.
01:15:59Please don't get angry.
01:16:01I don't want to see you sad.
01:16:03Please talk to me.
01:16:05I will talk to you again.
01:16:19I have heard that Panauti and Rahu are not enemies anymore.
01:16:23They are friends now.
01:16:25It seems that they have become friends now.
01:16:31It seems that it is going to be a night of destruction for this kingdom.
