• yesterday
Lyle & Erik Menendez’s Family Pleas For Their Release


00:00Good afternoon. My name is Mark Garagos. I along with Cliff Gardner
00:08Lyle and Eric Menendez
00:10I also have here today Alex Kazarian, Sitarra Kasim is somewhere and Tina Gladion
00:16They who have been working for the last 18 months in order to get a
00:23release for Lyle and Eric Menendez a
00:27couple of weeks ago
00:29And so that you understand the background of it
00:33back in May we filed a writ of habeas corpus a
00:38Judge in this courthouse Judge William Ryan
00:42issued what's called a informal request for reply that
00:48Informal request for reply was to ask the DA to respond to the allegations of new evidence
00:55Part of the two prongs of new evidence were number one a letter that was found at
01:03Marta Kano's house. That was a letter written by Eric fully eight months
01:09before the killings to his cousin Andy his cousin Andy testified at the trial
01:18In the second trial was demeaned as making this up or was not true
01:24or was not true this letter now shows or corroborates that Andy was telling the truth the
01:31letter describes the abuse the letter I believe
01:35Was released at least temporarily by the DA's office and anybody who wants it we can release that as well
01:42the other pillar of the
01:45writ of habeas corpus was a declaration by Roy Rosello
01:50The declaration by Roy Rosello is
01:54Incredibly important for a number of reasons
01:57Number one Roy Rosello who was a member or a then member of the band Menudo
02:05It took great courage at Nuri's
02:09finding him and talking to him to sign a declaration that said that he too was assaulted by
02:19the father and
02:21Not only assaulted, but it happened at the house. The reason that's important is that it corroborates
02:28What was?
02:30Testified to in trial number one that it corroborates the fact that the safe place
02:36That Jose thought he had was in the house
02:40It corroborates what the family members said was the very
02:45Uncomfortable rule in that house that you could got not go down the hallway
02:50If Jose was with one of the boys that was the the good the ground upon which he prayed
02:59We have those two items now. There is a separate track about three months ago
03:07We sent a petition and mind you the DA's office there's been those who have said well, this is election
03:14Nearing blah blah blah. We filed this the DA has been mr. Gascon's office has been engaged with us
03:23Productively strongly for well over a year
03:27Joan who you will hear from in about five minutes
03:31We actually because of her young age
03:35Turns 93 next month. We had a what's a very rare thing done back in December, which is called a
03:43Conditional examination. It's a deposition in a criminal case to preserve her testimony
03:49She was there with her lawyer Brian Friedman who represents the family
03:53And what we are also on a parallel track doing is asking and have been asking the DA
04:01to look at the work they have done and
04:04Resentence them to support the resentencing now when I say the work they have done
04:10Lyle and Eric have started mind you since
04:142005 up until the time the judge Ryan issued the
04:18Request for an informal reply have had no hope of ever getting out since
04:242005 they had exhausted all legal remedies
04:26They had resigned themselves to being in prison for the rest of their lives
04:31You could take to try to tracks on that. You could either just become a hardcore
04:42Recidivist or you could do what they've done, which is create programs counsel people develop amazing programs
04:50Mentoring people go to college get degrees Lyle in fact
04:55Graduated from the first ever class in June. I watched it a
05:00of a combination of UCI along with the Department of Corrections the first class
05:07Mr. Friedman and I were there of
05:11Prisoners who got their BA degree while in prison
05:15I know a bunch of them life without parole. So there is an idea that there is redemption
05:22there is an idea with their green space project of
05:26Rehabilitation, I will tell you in 40 over 40 years of doing this. I have never seen the
05:33amazing exemplary
05:35Rehabilitation and mitigation evidence that we have now presented to the DA's office
05:42We're going to hear from the family today briefly and I will tell you I'll give you kind of a coming attraction
05:47I will start with Anna Maria
05:49She will tell you exactly the genealogy we have over
05:55relatives both Kitty and Jose sides of the family
05:59This is virtually unprecedented in my practice and I would dare say in anywhere that 20 family members
06:06of both side
06:10Constitutional victims under Marcy's law are here to urge the DA to
06:17When after they're speaking finish speaking to you today
06:21We will then Mr. Friedman will take them across the street to the Hall of Justice and they will go through
06:28What judge what Gascon does?
06:31Within resentencing and they will meet with the resentencing unit. They will under the California Constitution
06:38Marcy's law they will voice their opinion on why they believe it's time that these
06:44Gentlemen come home that they've spent over 35 years and I've said it once I've said it twice if they were the Menendez
06:51Sisters, they would not be in custody. We have evolved. It's time and
06:57Without further ado. I'm going to introduce Anna Maria who's going to come up and speak
07:07Afternoon everyone. We're not daddy
07:10My name is Anna Maria Baral. I am the niece of Jose Menendez. I
07:15Stand before you today, not just as a member of the Menendez family, but as someone who believes in truth
07:22justice and healing
07:24Before I get started. I just want to say that I know this is an election season
07:30But for us, this is not a political issue
07:33This is about truth justice and healing on
07:37Behalf of our whole family. It is my honor to formally introduce our new coalition justice for Eric and Lyle
07:44Like so many others. I struggled to process the events of that fateful August day and the loss that I felt
07:51Over time it became clear that there were two other victims there on that day
07:55my cousins Lyle and Eric
07:58Lyle and Eric would continue to be victimized
08:00They would be victims of a system that wouldn't hear them and they would be victims of a culture that was not ready to listen
08:08They would be mocked
08:10They would be called cold-blooded killers left to rot in jail and denied any hope of redemption
08:16If Lyle and Eric's case were heard today
08:20With the understanding we now have about abuse and PTSD
08:24There is no doubt in my mind that their sentencing would have been very different and
08:30Despite their circumstances. They have chosen a life of light without hope of release. They persevered they have sought to better themselves and
08:40Serve as a support and inspirations for survivors all over the world. Their continued incarceration serves no rehabilitative purpose
08:48It's time to recognize the injustice. They've suffered and allowed them the second chance they deserve
08:55Now here we are
08:57both sides of the family united sharing a new bond of hope
09:01Hope that with the reexamination of their case a new outcome will be reached
09:06Hope that this 34 year nightmare will end and that we will be reunited as a family
09:11I am here to ask the district attorney's office to take into account the full picture
09:17The truth that was hidden for so long
09:20Lyle and Eric deserve a chance to heal and our family deserves a chance to heal with them
09:27Please join us
09:29Visit www.justiceforericandlyle.org and sign our petition and if you'll indulge me, I have two more statements to read
09:37The first is from my mother
09:3985 years old Terry Baralt the sister of Jose Menendez
09:44She can't be with us today due to health challenges, but she sent me this
09:50I'm sorry that I can't be there in person to support my nephews
09:55Lyle and Eric I begin chemo soon and my doctor says no flights. I need to be strong. I
10:02Wish to make it clear
10:04That I stand firmly with this family. I am Lyle's godmother and I love them both very very much
10:12My nephews have spent three decades in prison helping others. I
10:16Have seen great growth in them
10:18Even the law enforcement supervisors and corrections have written letters to the court asking for their resentencing and release
10:25millions across this country agree I
10:28Implore the district attorney's office to end our prolonged suffering and release Lyle and Eric back to our family
10:3535 years is such a long time. My prayer is that I live long enough to see my nephews again and to hug them once
10:41more I
10:44Have another statement and this is written
10:47by a family member of Marta Kano and
10:50Andy Kano that Andy who went to whom the letter was written
10:55This is written by one of Marta's children
10:58Thank you for giving our family the opportunity to express our thoughts during this pivotal time in Lyle and Eric's case our family's tragedy has
11:05Always been very public and has been extensively covered by many media platforms
11:13Marta and Andy Kano would have wanted to speak today
11:17But unfortunately, they are both unable to do so Marta is in memory memory care
11:23But she spent decades supporting Lyle and Eric
11:27Sadly, we lost Andy shortly before his 30th birthday and we miss him every day
11:34Both Marta and Andy deeply loved Lyle and Eric they both believed in justice, but they also believed in a second chances and forgiveness
11:42It has been 35 years since this happened and we feel enough hasn't penance has been paid
11:48It is time for them to be released and for all of us to move on and continue healing as a family
11:54again, if you want to help
11:57Please join us at justice for Lyle and Eric org and sign our petition
12:02With that I'm going to be followed by several members of the Anderson family. First will be Alan
12:09Anderson he's the nephew of Kitty Menendez of Kitty Menendez. Sorry, okay
12:13Yeah, I'm Kitty Menendez and the second will be Karen the niece of Kitty Menendez
12:19but first
12:21Joan Vandermillen sister of Kitty Menendez, please join us
12:26Please know that I'm nervous and full of emotions. I
12:30Never thought this day would come. I
12:34am Kitty's sister I
12:37Stand here today with a heavy heart and also with hope and justice and understanding
12:44We have received such an outpouring support in recent weeks, which led us to launch this formal initiative
12:56For many years I struggled with terms to terms with what happened in my sister's family
13:02It was a nightmare. None of us could have imagined
13:07But as details of Lyle and Eric's abuse
13:11Came to light it became clear
13:15That their actions while tragic were the desperate response of two boys
13:21Trying to survive the unspeakable cruel of their father
13:27As their aunt I
13:32Had no idea of the extent of the abuse they suffered at the hands of my brother-in-law
13:38None of us did
13:41But book it looking back I can see the fear intention that their father had instilled on them. They were just children
13:50Children who could have been protected and were instead brutalized in the most horrific ways
14:02Truth is Lyle and Eric were failed by the very people who should have protected them
14:07by their parents by the system by
14:10society at large
14:13When they stood trial the whole world
14:16Was ready to believe that the boys could be raped was not ready. Excuse me. Not ready
14:22There was the whole world was not ready to believe boys could be raped
14:26Or that young men could be victims of sexual violence today we know better
14:34We know that abuse has long-lasting effects and victims of trauma sometimes act in ways
14:40That are very difficult to understand
14:48In the years since their conviction
14:51Society's understanding of sexual abuse and its psychological impact has grown
14:59We understand that a person doesn't need to fit a special specific mold
15:05whether it's gender or
15:09status in order to experience abuse
15:17Their case if it were tried today the evidence of their father's abuse would not only be admitted in court
15:24It would provide
15:27Context for why they acted as they did
15:30No jury today would issue it such a harsh pretense
15:34Sentence without taking their trauma into account
15:42Lyle and Eric have already paid a heavy price discarded by a system that failed to recognize their pain
15:52They have grown they have changed and they have become better men despite everything that they've been through
16:00It's time to give them the opportunity to live the rest of their lives
16:04free from the shadow of their past
16:06While I recognize it is election season this isn't about us or about the politics
16:14It's about finding the truth
16:16delivering justice
16:18creating space for healing I
16:21Want to thank everyone who has reached out by our family to our family in recent days and weeks
16:28Asking how they can help today. We have an answer
16:32Please sign our petition
16:34Please sign our petition
16:42and urged
16:44urge the district attorney's office no matter who holds the DA position to consider all the evidence both
16:52old and new and
16:54to bring together
16:58for the family and
17:00Thank you very much for listening to me, I'm sorry, I'm so nervous I can't help it
17:06Hello, and thank you everybody for being here. Hello. My name is Brian a Anderson jr. I am the kitty of Menendez
17:14I'm gonna Menendez nephew
17:16I am proud to be a member of this family and to help spearhead this formal effort to organize and galvanize all the support
17:24We have received together I believe we can finally bring justice for my cousins Lyle and Eric
17:31I've known Lyle and Eric my whole life
17:34I can tell you without a doubt that they are not the villains. They've been portrayed as
17:40They were boys young scared and abused by their father in ways. No child should ever experience
17:49View the media focused so much on their actions
17:54But they never were told they're never were able to tell the full story of their abuse that drove them to such desperate measures
18:02When I think about the pain and suffering they endured it breaks my heart
18:07To know that the system failed them so profoundly
18:11they tried to protect themselves the only way they knew how but
18:17Instead of being seen as victims they were vilified
18:22Their father's abuse was dismissed their trauma ignored and their truth mocked by millions
18:29Today we know the trauma
18:32We know that trauma can lead to actions that while difficult to understand are rooted in survival
18:40Lyle and Eric acted out of fear, but the jury never heard the full story
18:45If their trial were held today their father's abuse
18:49Would be front and center in their defense, and I believe the outcome would be very different
18:56Lyle and Eric are not the same people they were 35 years ago
19:00They've shown that they are more than their past
19:04They are survivors and deserve a chance to rebuild their lives. There are no longer a threat to society
19:12Please do not misconstrue
19:15This to be political
19:18Justice should prevail and transcend politics. I
19:22Am asking the district attorney's office regardless of who the DA is or becomes
19:27To reconsider their case with the knowledge we now have about their abuse
19:35And Eric deserve a second chance a chance to heal a chance to be free and
19:42To live the rest of their lives without this without the shadow of their past hanging over them. I
19:48Firmly believe that if they were to come to my house knock on my door. I would answer that door
19:54I would welcome them in with huge hugs. My wife would make them a dinner and I'd give them a pillow and a place to
20:02Thank you for being here today supporting
20:04justice for Lyle and Eric
20:06Please go to our website learn the truth about their story and sign our petition. Thank you
20:13Good afternoon
20:14There's a lot of you and I'm very nervous
20:18My name is Karen Vander Molen Copley. I am Kitty Menendez's niece and
20:24I'm here today speaking out because I have believed for many years
20:29That the truth needs to be known about what really happened to my cousins Lyle and Eric
20:36From the beginning. I believe Lyle and Eric were victims of their father's abuse. I
20:44Grew up knowing and feeling something wasn't right
20:48the feeling in their house and
20:51the father-son
20:53Interactions were just off
20:56But it was not until the first trial that the full horror of what they had to live through
21:02came to light
21:05My sister Diane had evidence of their abuse
21:10That was not even allowed to be presented at the trial. I
21:17Cannot help but think of how things would be different if the world had known the truth back then or if
21:25They had been the Menendez sisters
21:29Adults of abuse have difficulty getting out of their situations and yet these were two young boys
21:37Who were never allowed to make decisions on their own?
21:43They lived in constant fear and were unable to make any other decisions than the sexual violence
21:51That they were taught at the very hands of people who were supposed to love and protect them
21:58Their sometimes
22:02Behaviors were cries for help that many of us wished
22:07We had realized and responded to far sooner
22:13What happened is tragic
22:15But I forgive my cousins I have forgiven them for ever because I know they were acting out of fear and
22:25These were children
22:29Children just six and eight years old who didn't understand their own bodies
22:33No child should ever have to endure that kind of pain
22:39This abuse trapped them. It was painful and it terrified them
22:45their father's abuse shattered their lives and
22:48The family's lives and the courts failed them failed to recognize their trauma
22:55compounding this tragedy
22:59We live in a time now
23:02Where we understand how abuse can shape a person's actions male or female
23:10We live in a time now where we understand what trauma does to the brain development of a child if
23:18Lyle and Eric's trial happened today the outcome would be
23:22drastically different the evidence of their father's abuse would have been a central part of their defense and
23:29It's very likely they would not have received such harsh sentences
23:36Lyle and Eric have spent most of their lives in prison paying for their actions
23:43During that time they have become supporters and advocates for children who have suffered sexual violence. I
23:51Believe they have suffered enough. I
23:55asked the district attorneys to take into account the whole truth and
24:02nothing, but the truth I
24:04Believe they have paid for their crimes and we as a family have all suffered enough
24:11We are here for them and ready to support Eric and Lyle after released
24:16this is a time for truth and justice and the time for the path to healing it is time
24:24Time for Eric and Lyle to come home
24:27We are here for them
24:32Visit our website and sign our petition
24:35We would love nothing more than for our mom to be able to wrap her arms around Eric and Lyle
24:41Outside prison walls before she is unable to do so
24:48Thank you, thank you all
24:51Hello everyone, my name is Brian Friedman and I represent the extended family members
24:59of the Menendez
25:03First of all, the family is gathered here in support and
25:08really, thanks everyone for coming out and for being here and
25:12and and for supporting one message, which is
25:16you know, this shouldn't happen again and
25:20this needs to stop now and
25:23That what needs to happen is the consideration of second chances the consideration
25:30of the abuse and
25:34What we know in our society to be wrong and we know in our society to give people second chances the families here united
25:44Eric and Lyle have been through so much in 35 years, but these family members have been through so much 35 years
25:53They're going to go across the street now. They're going to meet with the DA's office
25:57They're going to exercise their constitutional rights under Marcy's laws to be heard and
26:03They would respect and ask if they could make that journey peacefully so that they can share their
26:12desires and
26:15with the DA's office
26:18And again, you know, thank you for the support and for being here and Mark Geragos. Thank you
