• 14 hours ago


00:00What's up Wolfpack fam, it's your boy Kid back at it again. Hope you're doing well continuing my journey of dad's army with my boys
00:17What adventures lie on this week's episode? I got to stay tuned to find out ladies and gentlemen snacks is not included damn it
00:23You got to bring your own go get your snacks come kick it with me
00:26And hopefully we'll have another good episode always looking forward to see some more dad's army a blessing watching this show and just thanks for
00:34Kicking it. I really do appreciate it. So let's get this journey started. Let's get it
00:37Snacks not included. Let's freaking go. Let's get it
00:412821 but he comes home each evening and he's ready with his gun
00:47So who do you think you are kidding? Mr. Hitler?
00:59Want you to read these notes in a loud clear voice you understand that Wilson
01:02Yes, I understand sir and a loud clear voice. Don't you finish sorting those slides out yet Coral? Yes. I shall be a tick sir
01:08Oh, I must say I'm very excited about this. We've never had a lecture like this before sir. Yeah, it's it's a perfect disgrace
01:16Stuck in here like this on a perfectly beautiful summer's evening
01:22With a blackouts up. We've got to have a map. Oh, mr. Fraser. We can't see the pictures somebody's
01:29positively unhealthy
01:31You can cut the air in here with a knife
01:33Look at him
01:36The silly old fools in a deep coma
01:40Don't wake him up taffy. He's tired out. He's been up all day
01:52What's happening out there it sounds like Fraser's voice
02:05Come out when we're ready and not before
02:08I'll black out something. Oh, yes, they're up. All right, sir. Yes. Yeah, this isn't ours
02:12This is a lot of Zulu's dancing up and down that belongs to the vicar. It's his lecture light into darkest Africa
02:22Right, sit down everyone
02:24Right, put out the lights
02:26Wilson light candles. I said
02:31Now the subject of my lecture this evening is know your enemy and we're going to show you some pictures of Germans in uniform
02:52It's guy man
02:57Are you ready to show sides? Yes. Yes. Yes. I'll be ready in a minute. So just keep that will you
03:04Are you ready to read the notes?
03:10Ready sir
03:19First night. Yes, sir. Have you got it click us up? I got my one
03:23It's a little like a little frog metal frog and you go click click click and I know when to put the slides through
03:29Sir, no, I haven't got a clicker. Don't you? Oh, well get the Vickers clicker
03:36I'm in the Vickers clicker. Why not? You won't notice that the bigger so would you mind saying click sir?
03:42Certainly not get on with it. Put the first slide. All right, very good. Very good, sir
03:45Right, right click privates infantry rifleman front field gray uniform
03:52National colors on right side of steel helmets. Yeah
03:56Now there are two things to look at yeah
03:58But I want you to take particular notice of the eyes see the eyes mean shifty set too close together
04:09Mean it I'm the one that's supposed to say click
04:15Hit the next slide good job, right click private infantry rifleman rear
04:21German Eagle on left side of helmet
04:25now thinking for hair is this red and nasty bull neck with the
04:31That's also typically Nazi watch out for that
04:39Panzer Grenadier light machine gunner. Ah, yes. I think I want to look at here to the ears
04:47It's a well-known criminal trade
04:55Learned any nice-looking Germans. No
05:04What's hanging down with that thing there
05:11What is that thing
05:13No, sir, it doesn't say
05:16Excuse me, sir. I think it's probably a starting animal to a pansy tank
05:23Next one
05:27Every private first class
05:29That's not
05:32Don't have any of that sort of talk like
05:35Smart about that at all. That's earth-sense rubbish
05:38That uniform probably fall to pieces in a matter of weeks all for show and not for blow
05:45Like the British uniform strong sturdy last forever made by British craftsman
05:55Cabin and serving in reconnaissance unit
06:00Would you mind asking the sergeant to speak up I can't hear what he's saying he's mumbling he's mumbling
06:08Got any of you here
06:14Okay, well, yes, how do you expect me to keep the men's attention while you're talking in that boring way
06:20We're very monotonous voice, you know
06:29serving in reconnaissance units of infantry divisions
06:32Belong to the infantry are the infantry of an armored division are designated. Yes. All right
06:44There was a expression on this man's face
06:48Quite different receive from the British keen alert. God's Ray God
06:59Must have dropped off. It's other stuffy in here. Yes. I'm afraid you'll have to put up with it
07:05On active service now, you know God's name
07:08That's quite on the cards
07:11The first Germans we shall encounter will be parachutists and I'm going to show you one or two pictures of them
07:15Can we have the the first parachutist corporate? Yeah, right. All right. All right. Keep that keep right, right
07:27Knew you put one in upside down
07:30Of course, it's upside down
07:33Excuse me, sir. I think Jones is right. Perhaps his parachute didn't open and landed on his head
07:40Don't be absurd Walker put it the other way around
07:44Parachute is second left end man ring. Yeah, why is he got such titchy legs?
07:52That's his uniform it's cut load of crutches cut low
08:04Stuff in sir
08:10Padding for protection, that's right sir in case he lands on our railings
08:16They don't like landing on iron reins they don't lock it up
08:23Yes, you may have a point there
08:26All the irons have been taken away for scrap
08:31Germans don't know that do they?
08:34Where's his gun? Perhaps he left it in the plane when he jumps
08:39One more word out of your life's good to leave this lecture
08:46Won't have a word with the Berger. Oh, I'm sorry. I can't stop now. Mr. G's
08:49I'm standing by to see there's no incorrect use of the Vickers apparatus
08:53What are you doing crouching in here with the blackouts up? You must know I'm giving a lecture
08:58Lecture you're looking at funny photos funny photos. Yeah
09:03Peanuts girls, we know war
09:07Leave this hall at once. I'm not going till I've seen the Berger
09:10Well sit down until I finish the lecture and listen, you might learn something
09:15Right carry on German Navy
09:19Just a minute. I'll give the orders here
09:24Yes, carry on right, thank you very much German Navy Admiral of the line the number of rings worn to note the rank
09:33Guess on the side corporal. Yes. Yes. I sorry shouted. I just get a bit of a muddle here stand back
09:42Right there ready so ready read it out again
09:46German Navy admiral of the line the number of rings worn to note the rank
10:11Didn't say anything to you out there because I didn't want to show up in front of the men
10:14Oh, sorry, sir, but I don't understand what you're talking about. I'm talking about that absurd eyeglass. You're wearing Oh
10:21Ridiculous, you look like an advertisement for sharp stuffy
10:26I wear this monocle because I have a weakness in my right eye
10:30It's been bothering me for some weeks now and a couple of weeks ago. I went to the oculus and he recommended it
10:36Weakness in your right eye my foot. Why can't you wear glasses like anybody else?
10:40Anyway, they're not for sergeants. They were officers only
10:42Well show me in King's regulations where it says that a sergeant is not allowed to wear a monocle
10:48I don't have to show you who ever heard of a sergeant wearing a monocle
10:51Well, if it comes to that whoever heard of an officer wearing arch supports
10:58And I won't go on about your feet don't care
11:05Let's not be childish about this why it's a fight. Yes
11:08Check me considered the hazards of wearing a monocle on active service. Here's a hand
11:12Supposing you're wearing a gas mask for instance. Mm-hmm, and you dropped it
11:16I wouldn't be able to put it in again. Would you be rattling about inside the gas mask, wouldn't it?
11:20Well, no sergeant of mine is gonna have a monocle rattling about inside his gas mask
11:25Sorry, you might you might block up the air intake. I don't want to be yes. Come in
11:34What is it Fraser come on Rick sir, I'll come straight to the point
11:39You're in the period we've been together
11:40Wasted far too many hours of our precious time and tonight's lecture was the last straw now look here
11:46Let me finish
11:49Whoa, I've made some careful notes of it all and if you'll just I don't know we I'll
11:55Give you one or two items that might interest you
11:59on November the 6th 1940
12:02You wasted three hours giving us a lecture on why the Germans don't play cricket
12:08On January the 28th 1941, you gave us a lecture telling us how Hitler when he's in a rage
12:15bites the carpet
12:18Maybe but you then proceeded to waste two hours working out a plan on how to send him a poisoned hearth
12:30According to my notes it comes to a total of
12:3638 hours wasted on useless blabber
12:42Well, that's how I feel and I had to come in and tell you so to your face
12:46No offense intended. You understand
12:54I've never heard anything like that in my life. That's rank and subordination. I must admit it was rather strong strong
12:58I'm just sick. I'm tired of phrases grumbling
13:01He's been a thorn in my side ever since this unit was formed every day
13:04There's something to grass about
13:06Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Grumbling grumbling. I beg your pardon, sir
13:10Just remember something I read in the home guard manual about this
13:20Here we are man management
13:24There is a sure cure for this form of unnecessary grousing but a bad CEO or NCO may be afraid afraid to try it
13:30Mm-hmm. It is simply the temporary exchange of rank
13:34Let the grumbler have a free hand to run the section or platoon and learn for himself
13:40That it is not so easy
13:43Well, I'm not afraid to try it I said I would get them together and throw out the challenge
13:47All right, sir. We'll soon stop phrases grumbling. Yes
13:50And in conclusion I
13:53Feel but I must say that of late I get the impression that there isn't the ranks a certain dissatisfaction
14:00with my message of command
14:04Mr. Speaks up
14:05Yes, I'd like to make a statement, sir. I see it this way an officer is an officer
14:12Sergeant is a sergeant large corporal is a large corporal and private is a private
14:21Yes, that's all there is
14:26What's that got to do with it and got me to do it so but I just thought I ought to say it sir
14:34Now I don't feel that it's fair that the many should be blamed
14:38For the errors of the few here here
14:41I've led you made that interruption Fraser because it underlines the point I'm wishing to make
14:45You are the chief culprit
14:48Me. Yes you
14:50Whenever there is any grumbling or grousing or discontent you are found to be at the bottom of it
14:54Mm-hmm. I only one thing to say to you Fraser or to anybody else for that matter
14:58If any of you think that you can run this platoon better than I can
15:02You're very welcome to try for a couple of days starting from now
15:06That'll take the wind out of his sails
15:09Has anybody anything to say yes, I have
15:15Yes, Fraser
15:17Give me your peps
15:26Can't a wheedle your way out of this for me
15:29There's a discrepancy
15:31Eight yards of four between missing and unaccounted for well, I think if you look
15:36Pay attention when you're addressing an officer
15:40Well, I may have given a little extra to some of the chaps or something like that
15:47Incompetence and extravagance
15:50Maybe even
15:52Corruption. Well, that's it
15:55You're busted. I beg your pardon. You heard you're busted get up off
16:02Get what off those stripes I
16:05Want those stripes private Wilson and he can tell young spitfellow to come in now look here
16:10You can't possibly talk to me like that
16:13Get his vest right down quick arch left right left right get a move on hey you
16:20Walker and here. Oh boy
16:33Everything all right Wilson, you know, so that fella Fraser really has gone too far
16:38I'm sure you can handle him. He busted me
16:42He's what he's busted me reduced me to the ranks
16:48That's a very good sign really give him enough rope he'll hang himself
16:54What's he busted you for oh, I don't know some trifling discrepancy in the stores account eight yards of four by two
17:00I mean I ask you I have warned you many times about that. You know, you're far too lackadaisical
17:04Yeah, but he spoke to me in the most offensive manner, you know, he told me to take my stripes off
17:08I really do think you ought to do something about it, sir
17:12Very well, I will I thank you so much. I knew I could rely on you
17:16Hand me those scissors, will you?
17:23All these
17:26They cut my wife's with me Jones
17:28So you might as well know where you stand from the start. I
17:32Think you're a woolly minded. I'll do that
17:36Willy mind you don't do the rough. Well, at least you're here in sound
17:41That's what you think. I'm resigning. I wouldn't serve under you if his royal majesty the king were to ask me
17:48I'm reducing myself to the ranks as a fact from now a good reddens up by a drummage
17:54And it's no good coming round to my shop asking for sausages because the answer will be in the infirmative
18:03I'm sorry Wilson. You're just gonna have to go on parade and
18:07Soldier on as a private. Yes, well, I know he'll be rude to me, sir
18:10And I cannot bed when people are rude to me. My heart starts to pound and I just have to sit down
18:17You don't sit down when I'm rude to you. I know but I see I don't take any notice of you
18:46Got through fire and and brimstone and treacle for you
18:52I will not serve under a common man, sir. So after 40 years, I'm resigning my non-commissioned
19:03Don't sit down
19:06Playing right into our hands. How do you make that answer Oh by antagonizing the platoon if nobody will serve under him then he's done
19:13We've got the onions
19:15Excuse me. Um, I'm private Oh Frank
19:21Tell mum that you're gonna be home for supper
19:23Captain Fraser said I can go home now with the good news. What good news?
19:28Captain Fraser says I have hidden qualities of drive tenacity and leadership. So he gave me this
19:40Right, that'd be Fraser says a private Wilson private Jones can have the rest of the day off to recuperate
19:46He expects you tomorrow 630 sharp. Oh, yes, sir. He says he's compliments says can you have your stick and gloves?
20:01Sit you down take the weight off your feet
20:05That's a tiny pleasure
20:08Nobody a friend and the pastor
20:10I've said some harsh things to you all for your own good mind, but no doubt the heart
20:15Oh, well, I I always felt you you never made them unkindly precisely
20:21Simple man speak my mind and what's in this hard old Scottish heart, but now that I'm in charge
20:28You need have no fears. I
20:31Sympathize we it's very kind of you. So if ever you're feeling off color or if it's your day for the clinic
20:39Don't worry about it
20:42Just don't bother to come in at all
20:45That's very understanding, but if we do come in you'll do as the others do I'll take the consequences
20:51so now
20:53We'd know where we stand
20:55Come in. Oh
21:03Are you the commander of this unit I've ended sir, my name is me is I've taken over earlier command
21:09I'm glad they had the good sense to put a Scotsman in charge
21:12Where are you from?
21:15I love Mara sir a wild and lonely place. It is you understand
21:20Life is hard and so are the men. That's the sort we need these days
21:33Thank you for for being so considerate I think
21:41How are things with the unit
21:44It's been a terrible day. My sergeant's been on the fiddle
21:47My corporal is incompetent, but I busted them both. Oh, I see. Well, can you replace them?
21:54That's what I did answer. Ah, well, obviously there's nothing to worry about here
22:01Captain I don't suppose you'll play the pipes
22:04Did I do sir?
22:05Ah, well now I'm planning a wee highland get-together at HQ officers mess and I'd be delighted if you join us
22:12It'll be a rare honor. Ah
22:14Good. Well, I'll send you an invitation
22:17Meanwhile carry on the good work. Thank you sir. Thank you
22:21Good day to you captain Manoring
22:36I'm glad Manoring impressed you sir. He's a good man. I
22:39Must say I never knew he played the bagpipes
22:42Well, he certainly does. He told me with his own lips or to tell the truth. I didn't even know he was a Scot
22:48Manoring isn't a Scot's name, is it? Well, perhaps it used to be muck Manoring and he dropped the muck
22:55It wasn't raining
23:00Haven't you got a comic to read boy?
23:05Anyway, I've asked him and the unit to come over so that he can pay pin the haggis
23:09My my I haven't seen that for years
23:12Precisely, so lay it on. Will you?
23:15Yes, sir. Captain Manoring will pipe in the haggis
23:19Now you're going to get a big surprise
23:22You're nothing but a basket
23:28The men are outside sir and waiting for you in rows
23:33Presume you mean in ranks
23:36How are they
23:38How are they? Oh, they're very well and dear sir. All very pleased to be back to normal
23:42Very glad that you're once more in command of us all. Naturally
23:46And I think Fraser's learned his lesson, wouldn't you? Oh, I think it would sir. Yes. Yes. I hope we all have
24:12Now that we're all back to normal, I'm sure you'd like me to thank
24:16Private Fraser for his spirited attempt to run the platoon
24:19I'm sure that he now realizes some of the problems and is only too relieved to be a squatty again
24:24I don't know in the ranks. So I'd like to say that I think captain Fraser made a very good job of it
24:31considering I
24:33Would like to second that
24:35No, I would like to unsecond it
24:38Mind you I think captain Manorings better than captain Fraser. Oh, yeah in some ways. Yeah
24:44Captain Marionette, it's more of a gentleman captain Fraser. You know, but you knew where you stood with
24:51Settle down
24:53Anyway, it's all over now and I'm sure that we've all benefited from the experience
24:59Now quite out of the blue
25:02I've had an invitation from Major General Menzies. Thank you. Maggie's
25:07What did you say phrase? We pronounce it many sir
25:12Do you
25:14From Major General Menzies
25:17Take part in the ceremony of the piping end of the Haggis
25:21And I'm sure you'll agree with me that it's a great honor indeed to be asked to partake in so ancient a ritual
25:26Haha, but sir that happened because the general was so impressed with a talk in the ranks, please Fraser
25:35I'm a very good turnout. All eyes will be upon us. Hi, but sir, you ought they know one for the last time Fraser. Stop talking
25:44Very well, sir
25:46Upon your own head be it
25:51He'd like that come in
25:57Let's got party outside sir good show them in sir
26:00Good evening Manoring. Good evening, sir. I'm very sorry. We're late, but our transport developed a fault
26:05However, we're here now and I hope the general will forgive us
26:07Unfortunately, he's been called to the war office for a briefing, but he wants the piping to go on
26:10I'll join the other officers now that you have arrived. The sergeant here will fill you in on the ceremony
26:14By the way caps on of course. Thank you
26:17Thank you, sir. Thank you very much, sir
26:19Thank you, sir. Thank you very much, sir
26:21Thank you, sir. Thank you very much, sir
26:23Thank you very much, sir
26:25Thank you very much, sir
26:27Thank you very much, sir
26:29Of course, thank you sir. Caps on, caps on everyone
26:33Now then
26:37We need a bearer for this
26:39Permission to speak sir. Yes. I should like to bear that
26:41I'd enjoy bearing that load sir
26:43I'd also consider it an honour as well as also
26:45It should be a sergeant sir by rights
26:47Yes, of course it should
26:49You'll take it Winston?
26:51Yes, I will I'd love to
26:53Thank you so much
26:55How kind of you
26:57We need two men on the doors
27:01Walk up
27:03The escort goes two abreast behind
27:07Now once inside
27:09It's twice round the table then present the president
27:11With the haggis. Is that clear?
27:13I think so. Very good sir
27:15I shall go inside and when they're ready I will give three loud taps
27:17With my pace stick on that portal there
27:19That will be the signal for the escort
27:21Party to advance with the haggis
27:23Is that clear? Quite clear sergeant
27:25Thank you. Very good sir. Is that clear everybody?
27:27Yes sir. Right
27:29Is this the way to do it? No no
27:31Arms. Very good
27:33Here sir
27:35Here sir
27:37Ah good
27:39I take it the colonel will be playing them
27:41No you are
27:43I am? Of course, that's what you're here for isn't it?
27:45Ha ha ha
27:47Ha ha ha
27:49Now will you let me speak
27:51It was me the general
27:53It was me the general invited
27:55Me, because of the way I handled the platoon
27:59Indeed. So now you're sunk
28:01Captain Manning
28:03And there's only one thing you can do
28:05Let me go in there at the head of my platoon
28:07Playing the pipes
28:09And let me take the credit I deserve
28:13There go the knocks
28:15They're sounding your doom
28:17Nemesis has struck
28:19Get back in your place
28:21Private Fraser
28:23Man oh man
28:25You're a bigger fool than I thought
28:41Are you absolutely sure
28:43You're doing the right thing
28:49I spent my honeymoon at a place called Invergeekie
28:53It's a wild and lonely place
28:55You understand
28:57The nights were long
28:59There was nothing else to do
29:11I never
29:13I never doubted he could do it
29:15Never for a moment
29:17Never for a moment
29:19God forgive me
29:27That's called Man O'Ring
29:47Captain Man O'Ring
30:03Captain Man O'Ring
30:05Amazing as always
30:07Hold on a second
30:09We gotta talk about it man
30:11My man's got skills
30:13What can we say
30:15doubt my boy mannering when you're you know you're bored ain't much to do be
30:20like mannering in his moments learning the bagpipe so quite the impressive
30:25moment for my boy there and quite the episode here I was loving this lecture
30:32class was in session for myself and many of us watching along on this episode
30:37today and man I felt like we learned a lot that those moments describing the
30:43troops were absolutely hilarious by mr. mannering you know it it was quite the
30:49spectacle ladies and gentlemen and we enjoyed the bickering that goes on
30:56between the verger and and you know freakin Jonesy in those moments with the
31:02slideshow man listen the verger great character but he was invading my man's
31:07space man back up back the hell up let let the man breathe man well I was
31:13getting flashbacks to a moment in time where I was helping out you know a
31:20couple of tenants for example you know with their computer issues their tech
31:25stuff and and and just you know helping out some people so I was like setting up
31:31a printer for a lady and like she was probably even closer than the verger was
31:37to Jonesy and I just like I couldn't like I couldn't like move I couldn't set
31:44the thing up because like man she's like right behind me like I'm like she's
31:47probably thinking I'm like listen lady and the nicest way possible you know me
31:53and I don't know sometimes people are just so weird and shit they act like
31:58they know what they're doing and they're trying to tell you what to do but I'm
32:01like listen lady you know how to set this up no give me a backup a little bit
32:06and I said sit down relax you know we're gonna set this up but I can't do
32:12it if I if you're like hovering over me like I'm trying to steal your printer
32:16I'm like sorry I don't need a printer okay so you know it was just a funny
32:20moment there I'm sorry for the rambling there but yeah it was a flat I was
32:24getting flashbacks of this lady again man she haunts me sometimes man but you
32:29know all in good spirits great lady but yeah I was like yo lady back back up
32:35give me some damn space but I can't do my job right now you want to help if you
32:39can't do it to back off lady so uh you know great moment there we were loving
32:43that kind of back and forth we also like the exchange that when Manoring was
32:49getting on Wilson with his monocle and that he doesn't believe essentially that
32:55sergeant should have it you know you had Wilson be like well show me where it
32:59says that stuff and then he was back and forth they were going back and forth but
33:04then he was talking about the arches I'm not the tallest guy so I relate to
33:11Manoring in a lot of ways and you know that's one thing that we love about a
33:16man he might be small but man he he's fierce he's fierce when the right time
33:21he's very stern and he gets the job done he's the he's the leader that they need
33:27you know to me although you got always in any sort of leadership kind of role
33:32you're always gonna have one two three or mainly one character like Frasier who
33:38is always grassin talking shit about you behind your back you know uh second
33:46guessing you questioning you you know so you always got somebody that second
33:50guess so we do enjoy the moment where you know what he checks his manual and
33:56he's like you know what we're gonna get him to uh you know change his tune
34:01essentially let's let's give him a chance let's do this thing that was said
34:04in the booklet and you know Frasier yeah he takes the bait essentially and you
34:10know he's been obviously one of the guys that like even Wilson who thinks that
34:14they could do a better job and the grass isn't always greener on the other side a
34:19lot of times it's it's better where you water it and I I enjoyed seeing Frasier
34:24you know he's that type of guy that's gonna be very power-hungry it's just in
34:28his DNA he wants to run the shots but he is although you know a character and so
34:35he is not anyone I would want to be leading me man cuz like let's see you
34:40gonna get written up for like all the stupidest shit man I can't eat I would
34:46not allow that shit I would be like my boy Jonesy I'm sorry peace out I'm out
34:51this bitch I am out of here and that's what we loved about Jonesy the honor his
34:57loyalty I did like like when he was rambling on early on when they were
35:01having the little lesson he said permission to speak sir and then he just
35:04started saying like the ranks and shit and the point I just felt like that
35:10needed to be said so this is why Jonesy is so great great moments there again
35:16you saw like you know Walker was bigging him up so obviously he was promoting he
35:20was demoting people and stuff now man I don't I felt bad for Godfrey man oh my
35:25God for Godfrey yeah sit down man then he's shitting on you for a little bit
35:29but yeah I sympathize with you man still shitting on you man that's oh my god
35:34Frazier's a freaking character we definitely enjoyed he you saw how nice
35:39he was when he added he found a comrade essentially he added the Scottish
35:43brother right there and you know when he thought he was
35:46mannering he was like oh shit man oh shit but he was he had that devilish
35:52kind of grin to it because he's like you know mannering is not gonna know how
35:57to play the bagpipe so he's feeling like he's gonna get the last laugh on this
36:01episode and shit man he fuck excuse me he took away
36:07Wilson's rank man I felt like he was gonna cry you know Jonesy was on the
36:12verge they're crying as well that was insane moments there and he only knew
36:19he was gonna do for a couple days and stuff but he probably was like I'll take
36:23this job I'll make this my own and yeah Frazier did a great job as much as he's
36:28a pain in my butt sometimes he is such a great character we enjoy his performances
36:33on this you know Walker is amazing Pikey of course you know my mom my mom you
36:39know every time he got something with his damn mom man but you know bless him
36:42such a great character as well a show full of wonderful characters wonderful
36:47wacky adventures you got the warning talking about the pinup dolls you know
36:52pinup ladies and yeah there was something there was something there you
36:56know towards the end a great class in session moment a great ending where you
37:03know again mr. Mannering just surprised the hell out of me quite the impressive
37:07moment there you know he slayed that shit so hopefully you guys enjoyed it
37:11leave your thoughts in the comments down below I'm loving this show as always
37:16just really looking forward to watching the next episode with my boys so thanks
37:20for hanging out don't forget to Like comment subscribe you know the drill
37:23thank you all shout out to the patreons as well don't forget to turn on that
37:27notification bell if you subscribe so you don't miss out when the you know
37:30reactions go on and if you're new hit that subscribe see you soon peace out
37:34take care be well