• 4 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “A fronte di una ricerca scientifica e cure mediche che permettano una migliore qualità e prolungamento della vita e, in alcuni casi, la guarigione, un tempo non possibili nel campo delle leucemie”, oggi c’è “un aumento, anno dopo anno, della platea di coloro che soffrono di queste malattie e quindi, alla fine, il saldo, nonostante i progressi, è sempre negativo. Ci siamo posti allora il problema di come vivere più a lungo, ma vivere bene, non vivere più a lungo attraverso dei percorsi che nessuno si augura, ma che ormai toccano quasi tutte le nostre famiglie”. Così il sociologo dell’ambiente e direttore rivista scientifica Cultura della Sostenibilità, Aurelio Angelini, è intervenuto in occasione della quarta edizione del Convegno nazionale organizzato da Ail, Associazione italiana contro leucemie, linfomi e mieloma, tenutosi a Roma, che è stata un’occasione di approfondimento multidisciplinare su ricerche e tematiche all’avanguardia dedicate alla relazione tra impatto ambientale e rischio sanitario.


00:00The principle of this initiative comes from the fact that we have faced the problem that
00:09in the face of scientific research and medical care that allow a better quality of life,
00:17an extension and in some cases healing, which at one time were not possible even in the field
00:23of leukemia, today, however, is accompanied by an increase year after year of the plethora
00:29of those who suffer from these diseases and therefore, in the end, the balance, despite
00:34the progress, is always negative.
00:36We then faced the problem of how to live longer, but to live well, not to live longer
00:44through paths that no one wishes for, but which now affect almost all our
00:52There is no family that does not find itself having to deal with these diseases.
00:57It is said that it is the disease of the century.
00:59It is probably the disease of the century.
01:01The problem is that this is not a blessing.
01:04It is related to what is called the era of Anthropocene.
01:10What is the era of Anthropocene?
01:12They are the human activities that take place through the production of energy from fossil
01:18resources, through industrialized agriculture, through the pollution of the air, water and
01:25soil, which determine significant impacts not only on people, but also on the environment
01:31in which we live.
01:33So, from the soil polluted by the fall of pollutants, or polluted water, or industrial
01:39agriculture, we have productions.
01:41From the point of view of food quality, which we then find at our table, rich in pesticides.
01:47The rest is our country.
01:49It is the number one country in Europe for the use of phytopharmaceuticals.
01:53But we must also remember that Italy is the most polluted country in Europe in terms
01:59of air pollution.
02:01The European Environment Agency, with the 2022 survey, says that 570,000 Europeans have
02:09a precocious death due to air pollution.
02:15Therefore, the theme today is to be able to make appropriate policies regarding these
02:21polluting sources, to determine an effective reduction that is able to limit the consequent
02:29health risk.
02:31On the other hand, which is also the theme of today's conference, is how we, as citizens,
02:37through appropriate lifestyles, can try to escape or reduce the health risk due to
02:43environmental impact.
