• 15 hours ago
प्रकृति से प्रभावित है मन


00:00Namaskar, today I will tell you about Dr. Gulab Kothari, the editor-in-chief of Rajasthan Patrika.
00:08The body is the light source in the universe and the mind is influenced by nature.
00:15Like all living beings in the universe, humans are also created by nature.
00:20It can also be said that humans take other bodies to enjoy the fruits of their actions.
00:26What is so special about these actions that humans are forced to live in other bodies?
00:32No other being other than humans is in a position to do independent action.
00:36All the experiences are finite.
00:38Then why does a human use his freedom to live in the lower dimensions?
00:43There is only one reason for this. Ego.
00:45When ego is associated with ignorance, then this whole process begins.
00:50The living beings on earth are called animals.
00:52Therefore, we earthly beings are also associated with animals.
00:55The animals tied to Varun are called animals.
00:58Varun's five parts are ignorance, ignorance, anger, hatred, and ignorance.
01:02And his second identity is ignorance.
01:05The five elements of the universe are the five elements of the eternal man.
01:08Bliss, science, mind, life, and death.
01:10This mind is the divine mind. This is the only mind of the entire universe.
01:14This mind has two directions.
01:16Urdhva-gami and Adho-gami.
01:17Bliss, science, mind, Urdhva-gami is the part that rises towards liberation.
01:22This is basically known as knowledge.
01:25The part that goes downwards is the part of ignorance.
01:29For earthly beings, it is said,
01:32janmana jayate shudraha sanskara dvija uchyate
01:36We are all born because of ignorance.
01:38The paternal father is the form of Agnya, the mother is the form of Soumya.
01:42The soul enters the body of the father in the form of a seed from the food.
01:46From there, it is placed in the body of the mother.
01:49After accepting the form, it comes out.
01:52The role of the mother and father is fulfilled here.
01:55The child is ready to live in the form of a free soul.
01:59He needs nutrition and security.
02:01No matter who the animal is, it remains the same.
02:04Except for humans, all children live in complete freedom.
02:08Which animal teaches its child whether it is an animal or a bird?
02:12Which child is introduced to its name, the name of its mother and father, its caste or lineage?
02:18Except for pet birds, whose children grow up and live with them?
02:22No family, no society, no country.
02:25No cold, hot, rain protection.
02:28No protection from hunters.
02:30Everything is in the hands of nature.
02:32At its will.
02:33Where animals or other animals live in the kingdom of nature,
02:37humans live at their will.
02:39This will becomes the playground of Maya.
02:43Brahmayan Sarva Bhutani Yantra Ruhani Maya.
02:46Gita 18.67
02:47Maya is associated with the living being.
02:49The reason is in the body.
02:51The writing of the deeds of the previous births,
02:53the birth and age of the living being in the soul,
02:55live in this.
02:56The reason for the desire to awaken in the mind arises from here.
02:59Through the medium of the subtle body, the life
03:02sustains this gross body.
03:04With the support of the subtle body nature,
03:06the deeds themselves become natural.
03:10Satvik Rajasikya Tamogoni
03:12The body, mind, intellect, and soul are trigonal from birth.
03:15This trigonal feeling is in the living being.
03:18The question arises that
03:19God is also like a living being,
03:20entered into the world of virtues.
03:22Tat Srishtva Tadevanu Pravishak
03:24The proof of this is in the Gita.
03:26Ishwarah Sarva Bhutanam Hridyeshe Arjun Tishthati
03:29The part of God, the living being,
03:31is dependent on virtues.
03:33Not God,
03:34because the main basis of the creation of the living being is the sun.
03:38He is our soul,
03:39the father of the world.
03:40The sun is the soul of the universe.
03:42This is where our journey begins.
03:44Our soul is the infinite mind of the man.
03:48With the sun, moon, and earth,
03:50with the spiritual journey of the darshan,
03:52in the supreme world,
03:53Satva, Raja, Tam, Ahankrity, Akriti, and Prakriti
03:56are the creator of these six elements.
03:59The living being associated with these six elements
04:01through Panchagni,
04:02possesses this gross body.
04:05The sun is the embodiment of the sun, the earth is the embodiment of the earth, and the moon is the embodiment of the moon.
04:10The effect of the moon on all living beings, including humans, is very strong.
04:14The moon is Som, and it is full of loving qualities.
04:17Therefore, the moon plays the role of the mother.
04:20Through food, our mind prepares.
04:22In the mind, the desires of the Trigun are born.
04:26The effect of the Trigun is seen in the actions of every living being.
04:30Therefore, it is said that nature runs the life.
04:33The effect of nature on the senses changes the decisions about all matters.
04:38The role of nature makes life complex.
04:41In the body made up of five elements, on the basis of the earth, the moon, the sun, the sun god, and the self,
04:47the primordial nature, the non-native nature, the other nature, the father nature, the mother nature, and the life-form nature work.
04:54These are the basic characteristics of the animal species, age, and hunger.
04:58In the creation of 8.4 million species, this is the basic role of nature.
05:02It is nature that inspires action with desire.
05:05It is the main source of the creation of rebirth and enjoyment.
05:10This is the context of Brahma.
05:12Krishna is saying that the man in nature is the one who eats the Trigunatmak products produced by nature.
05:18The union of these qualities is the reason for the birth of the Jeevatma in various species.
05:23पुरुष्यः प्रक्रतिस्थो ही भूंते प्रक्रतिजान गुणान कारणं गुण संगो अस्य तदःत योनी जन्मसू
05:31Gita 13.21
05:33ना केवल हमारा स्वभाव त्रिगुणी होता है पलकि हमारे संपूर्ण कारेकलाब भी त्रिगुणी हो जाते हैं
05:39यग्य, दान, तप, त्यागु, कर्ण, ग्यान, अन्म, बुद्धी, मन, धृति आधी सभी कुछ त्रिगुण से आपडित रहते हैं
05:48त्रिगुण्य विश्या वेदा निस्त्रिगुण्य भवार्जुन
05:52क्योंकि इन तीनों गुणों के कारण ही मन चंचल रहता है
05:55स्थिर नहीं हो पाता
05:57असंशयं महा बाहू मनो दुन निर्भिहं चलं
06:00Gita 6.35
06:02मन को वश्मे करने के लिए इंद्रियों पर सैयम आवश्च है
06:05इंद्रियां और मन अपने प्राक्रतिक स्वरूप में स्वच्ची ही होते हैं
06:09किन्तु राग ज्वेश के कारण चंचलता का भाव मन में पैदा हो जाता है
06:13उसकी कारग हमारी विद्धियां होती है
06:16अतथा अर्दिन कह रहे है कि हे कृष्ण यहां मन बड़ा ही चंचल है
06:20चंचलम ही मनः कृष्ण हा
06:22मन का निग्रह अथ्यन्त आवश्च है
06:24क्योंकि यही हमारे बंधन और मुक्ति का हितू बनता है
06:27मन का स्वरूप ही व्यक्तित्व कहलाता है
06:30मन का स्वरूप अनन्त है अनन्तम वई मनः
06:33अत्था मन को समझना और उसमें सकारात्मक भाव बनाय रखना ही उठान का मार्ग है
06:38मन का विशय तो शांति है
06:40बुद्धी और इंद्रियों के साथ जुड़ा हुआ मन अशांत रहता है
06:44इंद्रिया सुख व्यक्ति को बहारी विशयों में इतना लिप्त रखता है कि मन की आवाज सुन पाना उसके लिए लगभग असंभव होता है
06:51इंद्रियों के अनुभव ही मन पर अंकित रहते हैं और उन ही की कल्पना में मन लगा रहता है
06:57मन में एक साथ अनेक विशयों का चलते रहना ही अशांती का कारण है
07:01मन भावनाओं और सम्वेदनाओं का केंद्र है
07:04इच्छा अथवा कामना का उत्पत्ति स्थान है इंद्रियों के माध्यम से मन जगत वहवार करता है
07:10दूसरी और यह आत्मिक धरातल से जुड़ा है
07:13जब इंद्रियों से जुड़ता है तब इसकी गति बाहर की और होती है
07:16मन में आशक्ती पैदा होती है
07:18भीतर का क्षेत्र विज्ञान भावया प्रग्या से जुड़ा रहता है
07:22भावया प्रग्या से जुड़ा रहता है
