• el año pasado
¡Descubre las mejores apariciones del Dr. Simi en la cultura popular! Desde momentos icónicos hasta su impacto en la diversión y el entretenimiento, este personaje ha dejado huella en el corazón de muchos.


00:00Hey! Welcome to Watch Mojo Español!
00:02I'm Jackie, and today we'll talk about a popular character
00:06that lately seems to be everywhere, not only in Mexico.
00:18Number 10
00:19Challenges & Trends
00:21I'll dance, dance, dance with my hands, hands, hands up on my head, head, head, like Jesus did
00:28Even if he's a botarga, the character of Dr. Simi has his own accounts on various platforms
00:35Among them, TikTok and Instagram, as well as YouTube
00:39Dr. Simi! From Mexico to the world, the Simipacito!
00:46Do you remember the Harlem Shake challenge? Well, Dr. Simi did it!
00:51Do you remember the Ice Bucket Challenge? Well, Dr. Simi did it as well!
01:01Do you remember the challenge of dressing up as a popular saint and being taken on a pilgrimage?
01:07No, wait, was that a challenge? Well, whatever, Dr. Simi did it as well!
01:13Number 9
01:14Simi Espacial
01:16In one of his trips around the city, he met the famous botargas of Dr. Simi
01:21And guess what? He fell in love with him!
01:24He has accompanied him all over the world, touring countries like Dubai, Zimbabwe, Japan, and many others
01:30There he is, Dr. Simi all over the world!
01:32Dr. Simi has been to many places around the world, and we'll see that later
01:38But apparently, he wasn't going to limit himself to the Earth
01:41In collaboration with the company VX Space, which is popular for sending various things to space, such as tacos
01:49The popular Dr. Simi of similar pharmacies also exceeded his limits
01:54They sent out of the Earth a doll with his original suit and another one disguised, of course, as an astronaut
02:03The reach of this iconic figure goes beyond the terrestrial
02:08For Dr. Simi, the sky is no longer the limit
02:10Number 8
02:11Similar Shoes
02:13There are many sports stars who have had collaborations with various shoe brands
02:19Particularly tennis
02:21And anyone who has them is definitely placed in the status of a super star
02:27This is more or less what happened to Dr. Simi
02:30Since a Mexican brand called Panam made a fun collaboration with the roundest doctor of all
02:38And together they launched the Simi Tennis, which in addition to being very cheap, were sold quickly
02:45This design of tennis is so beautiful that it will come out in two special models
02:49It will come out in this low version, as you can see here with all these details so characteristic of Dr. Simi
02:57These have the face of the botarga on the front, and his tie falls on the shoelaces
03:04There will be a thousand copies that will be coming to the national level in stores Panam
03:09Number 7
03:11And if I made my own music festival, what would happen?
03:14In Mexico there are several festivals that have summoned the best of music in one place for several days
03:21So that fans can enjoy several concerts in a single event
03:26Although it had already been suggested on several occasions that Dr. Simi will release his own version
03:32This did not come true until 2024
03:35We officially announce the SimiFest
03:40In the festival that will take place in November of this year
03:43Anderson .Paak and the Free Nationals Jungle are confirmed
03:47Eli Guerra, Motel, Technicolor Fabrics, Roosie and more to confirm
03:52In addition, the earnings are destined to the SimiPlaneta Foundation
03:58For each ticket sold, we are going to throw a lifebomb
04:02And that they have three future trees that they can make
04:05Number 6
04:08The Mexican public is simply delighted with Dr. Simi
04:12To the point that there are people who have even tattooed it
04:16Jenny tattooed a Dr. Simi
04:20And my first question is why?
04:23I really think it's an image that gives me a lot of happiness
04:26Obviously they needed a place where they could get close to him
04:30Or just get more of a figure that is so dear
04:34Then it was when Similandia was created
04:37A place where not only some medicines are sold
04:40But you can also find bags, stuffed animals in real size
04:45And some interactive and educational games
04:48About the climatic concerns of the character
04:52At two there is one to count and at three, come on!
04:57Similandia will be open every day from eight in the morning to ten at night
05:01Number 5
05:02The Olympics
05:04Olympic athletes in Mexico have always had problems to be supported
05:09And some have even had to sell their properties to be able to represent the country
05:14In the most important national games in the world
05:18To raise money, the team had to sell some of their uniforms
05:22And received the support of the private initiative to cost the trip to the World Cup
05:27Some figures like Guillermo del Toro have supported the sport in the country
05:32And obviously Dr. Simi was not going to stay behind the filmmaker
05:37To every Mexican athlete who returns with the bronze medal
05:41We are going to give 200,000 pesos
05:43Silver, 500,000 pesos
05:45And the one who returns with the gold medal, 1 million pesos
05:49Come on, if you can!
05:51Similar pharmacies offered the Olympic champions
05:54To return with gold, silver or bronze
05:57The amount of 1 million, 500,000 and 200,000 Mexican pesos respectively
06:04Of course, this incentive was extended to Paralympic athletes
06:08Among which he distributed approximately 7 million pesos
06:14First of all, to the taekwondo player Luis Mario Najera
06:18You are going to receive your 500,000 pesos
06:24The character of Dr. Simi was created by the businessman Victor Manuel González Torres
06:30The founder of similar pharmacies
06:33Although he has been present for a long time
06:36He actually began to acquire fame little by little
06:39And a lot was thanks not only to how economical his medicines are
06:43And to the dental services, clinical studies and medical services they offer
06:48But also to his participation in charitable works
06:52We are here before reforesting the Sierra de Guadalupe
06:55One of the most important lungs of our city, Mexico City
06:59We will seek to be the first to protect and help the people
07:02Who are going to be affected by this terrible hurricane
07:06The life and work of this businessman are now reflected in the Simi House
07:10Which is a museum in which a chapel was even created
07:13So that his remains can rest there once he has died
07:22Hello friends, since last year I have been touring for many concerts
07:26Both in my country and around the world
07:29To throw them personalized Dr. Simi dolls or not to an artist
07:33It is a symbol of respect and admiration by Mexicans
07:38Some of the famous who have been thrown these dolls during a concert
07:43Have been Aurora, Adele, Katy Perry, The Killers, Interpol, Coldplay, My Chemical Romance, Rosalía and many more
08:00During the concert of Rammstein, the vocalist Till Lindemann and the guitarist Paul Landers
08:06Played with the plush on stage and then the first one took pictures with him
08:12But not all his encounters have been so good
08:15Travis Barker, the drummer of Blink-182, had the misfortune of putting on sale for 500 dollars
08:23A personalized doll that his fans had thrown him
08:27And Rubén Albarrán of Café Tacuba destroyed his
08:31It was a Simi massacre
08:33Thank you very much, the detail is very beautiful, but the truth is that I hate Dr. Simi
08:38What would the Pope have thought?
08:41Number 2. Guinness World Record Similar
08:52You already know that there are Guinness World Records of practically everything
08:56The largest pozole, the greatest body modifications
08:59The largest number of people disguised as pitufos
09:03The largest number of cockroaches eaten
09:06Anyway, it's a whole world out there
09:09The company Jalisciense de la Rosa managed to break the Guinness World Record with the largest mazapan in the world
09:14Dr. Simi also has his own record
09:17He managed to bring together an incredible number of 120 botargas of the character
09:22At the Mier and Pesado Institute, all dancing in unison
09:26If this is not the dream of any Mexican for his birthday, what else could it be?
09:32Oh yes, that, forget it
09:35He is 3 years old and at his theme party he was disguised with a white robe, blue tie and a botarga to pretend to have kilos of more
09:44In allusion to the famous character
09:47Before you know our number 1, here are some honorable mentions
09:53Anti-assault botarga
09:55The robbery happened while his famous botarga was dancing out of place and, after realizing the robbery, he ran away
10:04Reason why the video went viral
10:06They did not have these discounts
10:09Just remembering that they do not take care of their panchita gives me something
10:14Oh, and now who can help me?
10:18Me! Calm down, calm down, don't panic
10:22A very similar child
10:27Generic royalty
10:29Flowers and letters in memory of Queen Isabel II
10:32And he was surprised that Dr. Simi's stuffed animals appeared, among these
10:36We have not reached the end yet, but almost, do not forget to subscribe to our channel and activate the bell to receive notifications of our most recent videos
10:45Surely you will like them
10:47Now yes, let's go to the end
10:50Number 1. Adele loves Dr. Simi
10:54There is a good reason why we did not mention the incredibly talented singer Adele in our previous number
11:11And it is that the relationship between her and Dr. Simi is not similar to any other
11:18The British singer has more than 100 personalized dolls that her Mexican fans have thrown at her
11:26And although she began to collect them in her dressing room, there came a point when she had to make them a space in her home
11:33For anyone who does not know what these are, they are called Simi dolls and I have received so many during this show, they are my absolute favorite
11:39Thank you my little love
11:41Dr. Simi found out about this and invited her to the factory where these stuffed animals are made, which is located in Cholula, Puebla
11:49Adele, thank you very much for all the samples of affection you have had towards me, that's why I invite you to meet Simia, the factory where people with disabilities create me
12:00When she found out, Adele mentioned in one of her concerts that she did not know that Simis were made by people with disabilities
12:08I didn't know that they were all made by disabled people, aren't they the Simi dolls? It's such a beautiful story, I had no idea
12:14And everyone has been giving them to be dressed up as me, so they're wearing my hairstyles or my outfits, they're so beautiful
12:20What other moment of Dr. Simi would you have liked to see in this list?
12:25Tell us in the comments and don't miss these other original videos of Spanish Watchmojo
