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(Adnkronos) - “La mia profezia? Temo che vincerà Trump”. A dirlo è Gabriele Muccino sul red carpet del suo film ‘Fino alla fine’, in anteprima alla Festa del Cinema di Roma. Regista apprezzato non solo in Italia ma anche negli Stati Uniti da cui "sono scappato quando Trump fu eletto”, racconta Muccino, che ha lavorato con grandi attori del calibro di Will Smith e Russell Crowe. (di Lucrezia Leombruni"


00:00What do you hope for in the next US presidential elections?
00:03Have you worked with America?
00:06I ran away when Trump was elected.
00:09But I'm afraid that he will win again.
00:12It's a prophecy that is made.
00:13This film is the last kiss, the last shot.
00:16It's really a western.
00:18But let's say that I turned enough
00:21towards the dark side of the force.
00:24And this is the result.
00:26Let's say that I pushed the protagonists towards...
00:29How are you?
00:30Towards every limit.
00:32And it's a film that speaks
00:35about where our extreme limit is.
00:41So these characters push us
00:43towards their extreme limit
00:45without knowing where they are
00:47and when they meet it.
